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Pautas y temas para la preparaci del examen de refuerzo


INDICACIONES: los estudiantes de grado 11 que presentan desempeo bajo en la asignatura de ingles deben estudiar los temas que se encuentran a continuacin y que fueron vistos y evaluados durante este segundo periodo, de igual manera tomar este taller como repaso, el cual le servir para la prctica para el afianzamiento de algunas dudas, pero no tendr ninguna valoracin. Se sugiere al estudiante, si presenta alguna duda acercarse donde el docente correspondiente y aclarar esta. Para la practica online se deben tener en cuenta los siguientes www.mansionengles.com wwwmacmillandictionary.com/diccionario wwwrichmondelt.com/thebigpicture link,:

igualmente practicar en casa off line con las paginas del libro manejado en clase american big picture las unidades para practicar son: unidad 8 y 9 paginas 82 a la 90

se anexa taller para practica

TEACHER: Ludy Copete Rentera

NAME_______________________________________________COURSE: 11____



A. B. A. B.

Good morning. Could I __________ to melisa Smith in accounting? __________s calling. Please _________s Kevin Johnson. Oh hello mr. Johnson ___________ is Nina. __________the line, please. Mr Johnson? Im sorry, but Melina isnt in the office at the momento. Would you like to ___________ a message?


Yes _________ you ask her to call me, please? Its very urgent. I have a meeting at 11: 30, but Ill be free after that. Ok, Mr Johnson, Ill give Melina the message



Thank you, Nina. Good bye



Susan B. Anthony was an American civil rights leader who was instrumental in the quest to grant woman the right to vote (suffrage). Susan Brownell Anthony was born the daughter of Quaker parents. The family soon moved to New York State where Susan received her education at a school her father ran. She soon developed political inclinations and took a strong stance againstslavery. In 1854, Anthony devoted herself to the rights of women and advocated complete equality between men and women. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton published the weekly paper "The Revolution," which contained equality literature and other political messages. She became vice-presidentat-large of the National Woman's Suffrage Association (NWSA) from 1869 until 1892, when she became president. On November 5, 1872, Anthony asserted her 14th amendment right (to vote) and voted for Ulysses S. Grant in the presidential election. At the time, it was illegal for women to vote and Anthony was arrested. In 1878, woman suffrage was introduced to Congress, but the idea floundered for many years. In the meantime, Anthony and several other women published, The History of Woman Suffrage in 1884. It wasn't until 1920 that the 19th amendment (allowing women to vote) was ratified in congress - 14 years after her death. Susan B. Anthony was honored on the U.S. dollar coin minted in 1979.

1.) Susan B. Anthony was mainly interested in.... A. the rights of slaves B. the rights of women to work C. the rights of women to vote D. the rights of women to practice religion

2.) Susan B. Anthony was ____________ slavery. A. for B. against C. allowed D. indifferent toward 3.) Which of the following is NOT true about Susan B. Anthony? A. She was educated by her father B. She lived in New York State C. She helped Elizabeth Cady Stanton publish a weekly newspaper D. She became President of the NWSA in 1869 4.) Why was Susan B. Anthony arrested? A. Laws at the time made it illegal for women to run for president B. She voted illegally C. She refused to leave the scene of a crime D. No one knows 5.) Susan B. Anthony was NOT a(n).... A.) author B.) abolitionist (person against slavery) C.) President of an organization D.) Member of Congress 6.) Which of the following is the best definition for "suffrage"? A. Right to vote B. Right to protest C. Right to run for office D. Right to not suffer 7.) When Suffrage was introduced to Congress in 1878.... A. Congress immediately approved it B. Congress approved it two years later C. Congress did not approve it D. Congress would never approve it

8.) During Susan B. Anthony's lifetime.... A. Women would be granted the right to vote B. Women would not be granted the right to vote C. The 19th Amendment was passed D. Susan B. Anthony was honored on her own coin 9.) Which event happened last? A. The Passage of the 19th Amendment B. Susan B. Anthony attempted to vote C. 1921 D. Susan B. Anthony died 10.) Which of the following books would most likely feature literature on Susan B. Anthony? A. The History of Quaker Celebrations in America. B. The biography of Ulysses S. Grant C. The Struggle for the 19th Amendment D. Women in Congress

3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

FILL THE GAPS WITH THE PREPOSITION IN ON AT she is talking to her mother __________ her bedroom look at tha beautiful picture ________the wall my grand father live _________ pars my mother is _________home, but my father is ________ the bank getting a credit card his girlfriend lives __________our house.

What exactly can you see these signs?

No disturbing the wildlife

a. In a court house b. In a park in the middle of a town c. on the Banks of a river

No Simming trespassing
a. On the Banks of a river b. At a look aout c. On the gates of a construction site

No feeding the pigeons

a. In a square b. On the Banks of a river c. At a lookout

Wheelchair acces
a. At the botton of a scaetor b. In a court house c. At the entrance to a bar

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