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Articles I, II, III HIST 723 Summer I

Preamble of Constitution
Establish Justice Insure Domestic Tranquility Provide Common Defense Promote General Welfare Blessings of Liberty

Article I
Legislative Branch- Responsible for Making Laws Bi-cameral Legislature- 2 Chambers House of Representatives is based on population Senate is based on Equality (2 from every state)



Article I
House Size: 435 members Age: 25 Term Length 2 years 7 year Residency Requirement Must live in the State they represent Senate Size:100 members Age: 30 Term Length: 6 years 9 year Residency Requirement Must live in the State they represent

House of Representatives
All money bills must start in the House of Rep. Responsible for Impeaching the Presidents Break Ties in Presidential Elections

Must approve Presidential Appointments Conducts Trial of Presidents after impeachment has taken place Must Ratify Presidential Treaties



Congressional Power
Article 1 Sec 8 List the powers granted to Congress Examples: To Make War To Coin Money To Create Post Offices Article 1 Sec 9 List the powers denied to Congress Examples: Titles and Nobility Suspend Writs of Habeas Corpus No preference given to states for interstate commerce

Article II
Executive Branch- Responsible for Enforcing the Laws Consists of the President, Vice President, White House Staff, 14 Executive Departments

The Presidency
There have been 44 Presidents Age 35 Term Length4 years 14 Year Residency Requirement Must be Natural born citizen



Presidential Responsibilities
Chief Executive Chief Diplomat Chief Legislator Commander in Chief Chief of Party Protector of the Economy

Article III
Judicial Branch- Responsible for Interpreting the Law Supreme Court- All Jurisdiction involving federal law Court of Appeals- Appellate Jurisdiction (hear case of appeal only) District Courts- Original Jurisdiction (hear case for the first time)

Supreme Court
9 Justices on the Supreme Court Rule of Four- takes four Justices to agree to hear a case Typically only interested in Setting Policy- most appeals are denied Usually hear 100 cases a year



A Few Landmark Cases

Marbury v. Madison McCulloch v. Maryland Gibbons v. Ogden Plessy v. Ferguson Brown v. Board of Ed. Tinker v. Des Moines Gideon v. Wainwright Miranda v. Arizona Roe v. Wade Bush v. Gore

Constitutional Contradiction
Delegated Power Elastic Clause/ Necessary and Proper Clause Congress To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. Reserved Power

10th Amendment powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States or the people.

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