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Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar GREETINGS, GREETINGS EVERYONE!! WELCOME ABOARD!

Parabns por ter sado na frente! Comear a estudar com antecedncia uma estratgia fundamental para garantir o sucesso!! A bit about me... Para aqueles que ainda no me conhecem....its NICE meeting you!! Meu nome Vladia Mattar Hudson e estaremos juntos na preparao para o concurso da Recita Federal. Nasci na praia, mas vim parar em Braslia em 1998 e aqui estou at hoje. Yes!! I miss living near the beach!. Sou graduada em Letras-Ingls pela Universidade Federal do Esprito Santo (UFES). Alm da graduao, tenho 3 diplomas de proficincia no idioma Ingls (FCE e CAE "Cambridge University" e CPE "Michigan University"). Tenho mais de 14 anos de experincia como professora em instituies de renome em Braslia. Tenho vivncia em pases de lngua inglesa onde fiz cursos voltados para o ensino da lngua inglesa (EFL Teaching) e cultura americana e britnica. Tambm, j ministrei palestras e organizei workshops na rea. Bom, acho que posso dizer que: Teaching English is already part of me! Digo-lhes, sinceramente, que mais do que saber o idioma, necessrio um treinamento especfico para resolver a prova de ingls de concursos e isso exige dedicao e estratgias de estudo. Ento, vamos s nossas estratgias! About the course... O domnio pleno de um idioma estrangeiro pressupe desenvolver quatro habilidades fundamentais: speaking, listening, writing and reading. O foco do nosso curso ser reading comprehension ( Interpretao de Textos ), pois a habilidade cobrada em concursos. Veja o ltimo edital: INGLS: Interpretao de Textos. ( foram 10 questes ) ATENO!! A abordagem do curso ser instrumental, visa a compreenso escrita da lngua. O curso no para o aprendizado do idioma! Como iremos desenvolver reading comprehension? Praticando com questes de provas passadas da ESAF; Praticando com questes pertinentes de outras bancas; Praticando com questes inditas baseadas em textos da rea de interesse do concurso; Enriquecendo o vocabulrio (Word formation, false cognates, common words, connectors, phrasal verbs and others); Estudando as dicas gramaticais (Sentence formation, verb tense, parts of speech and others);

Prof. Vladia Mattar

Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar Desenvolvendo estratgias de leitura (skimmimg and scanning); e Usando o frum para dirimir suas dvidas.

As provas de ingls da ESAF so geralmente composta de 3 textos extrados de revistas e jornais estrangeiros sobre assuntos pertinente ao rgo que promove o concurso. Tem sido assim, mas isso pode mudar. Ento para enriquecer nossas aulas utilizarei, alm das questes da ESAF, as de outras bancas com perfil similar ou que julgar interessante, e as INDITAS (questes elaboradas por mim). Teremos, ento, uma variedade maior de textos para explorarmos itens gramaticais, vocabulrio, expresses idiomticas... Em cada aula teremos: 9 9 9 9 Textos e exerccios de provas gabaritados e comentados; Exerccios Inditos gabaritados e comentados; Dicas; Lista das questes da aula, sem comentrios e com gabarito, para treino.

Feitas as apresentaes, as the Ramones say... hey ho... lets go !? AULA 0 Parte 1 Studying and Reading strategies (Estratgias de Estudo e Leitura) Questes: Esaf/CGU/2008; Esaf/RFB/2009 gabaritadas e comentadas Questes INDITAS Teoria, Dicas e Vocabulary Builder Lista de questes desta aula e gabarito seco

Parte 2

Parte 3 Parte 4 Parte 5

Parte 1

Studying and Reading Strategies, ou Estratgias de Estudo e Leitura

Prof. Vladia Mattar


Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar Buscar palavra por palavra no dicionrio uma prtica desaconselhvel, pois alm de ser exaustivo, desvia a ateno do leitor porque quebra seu ritmo produtivo devido a interrupes. Oh Teacher! O que devo fazer ento? Well... Sugiro as estratgias a seguir: 9 Oriente-se por meio das palavras cognatas que so aquelas palavras parecidas com as de nossa lngua. 9 Esteja atento s palavras repetidas. Se forem repetidas, porque muito provavelmente so de maior relevncia no texto. Caso no compreenda uma palavra repetida, ou palavra-chave, tente inferir seu significado atravs do contexto. 9 Observe todas as indicaes tipogrficas do texto: palavras escritas com letras maisculas, em itlico, com negrito, sublinhadas, smbolos, datas, desenhos, grficos, figuras, fotos, hipertextos etc. Todos estes recursos so utilizados com o propsito de enfatizar alguma parte do texto. 9 Freqentemente, o primeiro e o ltimo pargrafos de um texto so os mais significativos. 9 Utilize a tcnica de leitura Skimming* para ler rapidamente um texto, visando captar seu sentido geral. 9 Utilize a tcnica de leitura scanning* para buscar algo especfico no texto. *Veremos essas tcnicas a seguir! H duas estratgias bsicas para leitura rpida: skimmimg e scanning. Skimmimg uma leitura rpida para captar os conceitos e as idias principais do texto. uma explorao global, geral, feita com a leitura do ttulo, autor, figura, fonte do texto e a primeira frase de cada pargrafo. Esta tcnica boa para uma primeira leitura, ou seja, uma leitura superficial. Scanning tambm envolve uma leitura rpida, porm procura-se por algo especfico no texto, seja em resposta a uma pergunta, ou para confirmar uma informao. Ao se encontrar a informao buscada, faz-se a leitura de todo o trecho, ou pargrafo, conforme a necessidade. Qual voc deve usar? Depende do que a questo exige, do tempo do candidato e da complexidade da questo. Podemos usar uma ou outra, ou ambas, ou nenhuma delas. Por exemplo: quando a questo exige interpretao pura, devemos evitar estratgias rpida de leitura.
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br

Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar Quando a questo exigir vocabulrio, usaremos scanning. Isto significa que voc deve localizar a palavra no texto e ler o trecho no qual ela se insere para entender ou deduzir, pelo contexto, seu significado. J o skimming pode ser usado quando a questo exige tipologia textual, por exemplo. Questes que exigem gramtica pura, muitas vezes podem ser respondidas sem releitura do texto ou at mesmo sem leitura do texto ( arriscado, mas verdade! ) Sempre sugiro pelo menos uma leitura superficial= skimming Como estratgia de estudo para as nossas aulas, sugiro: 9 Ter em mos, ou na tela, um dicionrio Ingls-Portugus ou InglsIngls, conforme seu grau de conhecimento do idioma. Ressalto que o dicionrio Ingls-Ingls ajuda enriquecer o vocabulrio. 9 Ao final de cada aula, relacione as novas palavras por assunto. Dessa forma voc criar um mapa mental semntico... your own vocabulary builder (exemplo ao final da aula). 9 Aproveite todas as oportunidades para ler em ingls e aprender novas palavras. Vale tudo: cinema, internet, letras de msicas, jogos e outros. Parte 2 Questes gabaritadas e comentadas

ESAF/RFB/2009 Text 1 REASON WITH HIM Question (Q) 1: Margolis: When you took office, Brazil was regarded as an underachiever, and the last among the BRIC nations. Now Brazil is considered a star among emerging countries. Whats happened? Lula: No one respects anyone who doesnt respect themselves. And Brazil always behaved like a second-class country. We always told ourselves we were the country of the future. But we never transformed these qualities into anything concrete. In a globalized world you cannot sit still. You have to hit the road and sell your country. So we decided to make strengthening Mercosul (the South American trading bloc) a priority, and deepened our relations with Latin America in general. We prioritized trade with Africa and went into the Middle East aggressively. Our trade balance today is diversified. This helped us cushion the blow Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 4

Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar of the economic crisis. Q2: Margolis: Has Brazils success in navigating the economic crisis changed investorsviews? Lula: There was no miracle. We had a strong domestic market. We had consumers who wanted to buy cars. We reduced part of the sales tax and asked the companies to offer consumers credit on affordable items. Its the same case with refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, and with computers and the housing construction. Q3: Margolis: What are the lessons for other countries? Lula: The great lesson is that the state has an important role to play, and has great responsibility. We dont want the state to manage business. But it can be an inducer of growth and can work in harmony with society.
Source: www.newsweek.com 22nd Sep, 2009 (Adapted)

1. ESAF/AFRB/2009 In his answer to question 1, Brazils president refers to strengthening Mercosul as a priority. In other words, a measure he considered a) risky. b) unattainable. c) pivotal. d) unnecessary. e) advisable. COMENTRIO O caput da questo traz:In other words = em outras palavras. Isso significa que a banca quer o significado da expresso strengthening Mercosul as a priority . Strengthening = fortalecer/fortalecimento Priority = prioridade a) ERRADA.risky. = arriscada b) ERRADA.unattainable. = inatingvel c) CERTA. pivotal. Essencial/piv d) ERRADA.unnecessary. desnecessrio e) ERRADA.advisable. aconselhvel GABARITO: C 2- ESAF/AFRFB/2009 In his answer to question 2, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva says that a) the Brazilian domestic market was frail. b) a miracle did come about in Brazil. c) credit on affordable items was halved. d) part of the sales tax was lowered. e) consumers were not willing to spend.
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br

Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar

COMENTRIO Vamos ver a resposta do Presidente pergunta 2: ...There was no miracle. We had a strong domestic market. We had consumers who wanted to buy cars. We reduced part of the sales tax and asked the companies to offer consumers credit on affordable items. Its the same case with refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, and with computers and the housing construction... Strong domestic market: mercado domstico forte frail: frgil miracle: milagres affordable items: itens acessveis stoves = foges housing = moradia

a) ERRADA. the Brazilian domestic market was frail. Veja o texto: We had a strong domestic market. A alternativa diz que o mercado domstico brasileiro era frgil (frail), o presidente, na sua resposta, afirma que ns tnhamos um mercado domstico forte (strong). b) ERRADA. a miracle did [NOT] come about in Brazil. No texto: There was no miracle. A alternativa est na afirmativa e o texto traz uma negativa, ou seja, nega o milagre (no miracle). c) ERRADA. credit on affordable items was halved. No texto: () asked the companies to offer consumers credit on affordable items. O presidente afirmou em sua resposta que pediu (asked) s empresas para oferecer aos consumidores crdito para os itens acessveis (affordable items). J a alternativa diz que o crdito para itens acessveis (affordable items) foi reduzido pela metade ( halved vem de half= metade). d) CERTA. part of the sales tax was lowered. No texto o presidente diz ()We reduced part of the sales tax() , logo, imposto foi reduzido (reduced). Lowered (assertiva) = reduced (texto) = baixar/ reduzir Sales tax = imposto sobre venda

Prof. Vladia Mattar

Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar

e) ERRADA. consumers were not willing to spend. Veja : We had consumers who wanted to buy cars.

Not willing to= no dispostos a Consumers = consumidores Wanted = queriam To buy cars = comprar carros Spend = gastar

GABARITO:D 3. ESAF/AFRFB/2009 Brazils president refers to the countrys diversified trade balance as having a) contributed to worsen the global economic crisis. b) resulted from trade with one sole strategic partner. c) been prevented by internal regulations. d) been considered as an unattainable goal. e) minimized the adverse effects of the world crisis. COMENTRIO No texto, as palavras diversified trade balance aparecem no trecho: Our trade balance today is diversified. This helped us cushion the blow of the economic crisis. diversified trade balance = balana comercial diversificada helped = ajudou economic crises = crise econmica

Vejamos as alternativas: a) ERRADA. contributed to worsen the global economic crisis. a balana comercial diversificada ajudou (helped) o pas na crise econmica. Worsen = piorar b) ERRADA. resulted from trade with one sole strategic partner. O texto fala de diversified trade balance e a alternativa fala, erradamente, em trade with one solo strategic partner (comrcio com um nico parceiro estratgico). c) ERRADA. been prevented by internal regulations. Prevented = evitada/ impedida
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br

Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar internal regulations = regulamentaes internas O presidente trata da balana comercial diversificada como fator que teria ajudado o pas na crise e no como tendo sido evitada ou impedida (prevented) por regulamentaes internas. d) ERRADA. been considered as an unattainable goal. unattainable goal = objetivo inatingvel e) CERTA. minimized the adverse effects of the world crisis. Helped (texto) = minimized (assertiva) =ajudou, minimizou adverses effects =efeitos adversos GABARITO:E 4. ESAF/AFRFB/2009 In his answer to question 3, Brazils president a) emphasizes the role played by the private sector. b) criticizes initiatives derived from private ownership. c) sees the private sector as an inducer of growth. d) affirms the significance of the state. e) disregards duties attributed to the state. COMENTRIO Vamos as Key-words ( palavras-chave) ! The great lesson is that the state has an important role to play, and has great responsibility. We dont want the state to manage business. But it can be an inducer of growth and can work in harmony with society State = estado important role = papel importante great responsibility = grande responsabilidade manage = administrar, gerenciar inducer = indutor growth = crescimento Analisemos as assertivas: a)ERRADA. emphasizes the role played by the private sector. O texto fala da responsabilidade do Estado (state) e no do setor privado. b) ERRADA. criticizes initiatives derived from private ownership.
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br

Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar O presidente no critica iniciativas privadas (initiatives derived from private ownership), ele enfatiza a responsabilidade e importncia do Estado. c) ERRADA. sees the private sector as an inducer of growth. O texto no fala de setor privado (private sector) como indutor do crescimento (inducer of growth). d) CERTA. affirms the significance of the state. e) ERRADA. disregards duties attributed to the state. Disregards = desconsidera duties = as responsabilidades (do Estado) GABARITO: D ESAF/CGU/2008 Text 2
Source: www.economist.com/specialreports April 12th 2007 (Adapted)

Land of Promise

1. In 2003 Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, selected Brazil, along with Russia, India and China, as one of the BRICs- the developing countries that would share dominance of the world economy by 2050. 2. In some ways Brazil is the steadiest of the BRICs. Unlike China and Russia it is a full-blooded democracy; unlike India it has no serious disputes with its neighbours. It is the only BRIC without a nuclear bomb. The Heritage Foundations Economic Freedom Index, which measures such factors as protection of property rights and free trade, ranks Brazil (moderate free) above the other BRICs (mostly unfree). One of the main reasons why Brazils growth has been slower than Chinas and Indias is that Brazil is richer and more urbanized. 3. The survey will argue that disgruntlement persists because Brazil is a battleground between progress and inertia. Since independence was proclaimed by the son of the Portuguese king, Brazil has been adding layer upon layer of change rather than sweeping away the old and starting afresh. 5. (ESAF/CGU/2008) In paragraph 1, four countries are referred to as a) unlikely to play a key role in the world economic scenario. b) the slowest-growing economies of the present. c) likely to dominate the world economy in the future. d) the fastest-growing economies over the past 50 years.
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br

Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar e) being todays richest and most prosperous economies. COMENTRIO A questo quer saber o qu o texto traz no pargrafo 1. Vamos direto l! A resposta est no trecho: the developing countries that would share dominance of the world economy by 2050. Para responder a questo precisamos saber share dominance= compartilhar o domnio ,e tambm entender o advrbio likely ( provvel ) e seu oposto unlikely ( Improvvel ) a)Errada. No improvvel que os 4 pases tenham papel chave (key role) no cenrio da economia mundial. O pargrafo afirma exatamente o contrrio. Prefixo UN expressa contrrio, negativo. Veja Teorias e Dicas sobre formao das palavras. b) Errada. Slowest-growing economies = economias de crescimento lento Slowest = mais lento, devagar. c) CERTA d) Errada . Gente o texto fala do future e a alterntiva do passado!! The fastest-growing economies over the past 50 years. e) Errada. O erro est em richest = a(s) mais rica(s). Vale revisar comparativos ! Veja Teorias e Dicas!! Gabarito: Letra C 6. (ESAF/CGU/2008) In paragraph 2, the author compares Brazils growth to Chinas and Indias and, therefore, defines it as a) not being as fast. b) dependent on the latter. c) unexpectedly higher. d) not as stable. e) the least steady. COMENTRIO: Guys, a idia central tratada neste pargrafo comparao do crescimento do Brasil ao da China e ndia. O autor descreve o Brasil usando o seguinte vocabulrio: The steadiest = o mais estvel ( The ...est usado para superlativo ) full-blooded = forte moderate-free = moderadamente livre slower = mais lento (sufixo er usado para comparativo) richer = mais rico (sufixo er usado para comparativo) more urbanized = mais urbanizado ( more para comparativo ) A resposta est no trecho:
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br


Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar One of the main reasons why Brazils growth has been slower than Chinas and Indias is that Brazil is richer and more urbanized. a) not being as fast = no to rpido b) dependent on the latter = depende do ltimo ( mencionado ) c) unexpectedly higher= inesperadamente maior d) not as stable= no to estvel e) the least steady= o menos estvel Gabarito: Letra A 7.(ESAF/CGU/2008)In paragraph 3, progress and inertia are cited as the two a) complementary forces in Brazils promising future. b) opposing forces in the Brazilian battleground. c) forces of Brazils past growth as a world economy. d) forces that triggered Brazils economic growth. e) realities which are likely to coexist in Brazils economic scenario. COMENTRIO: Para responder essa questo precisamos saber o significado de algumas palavras-chave do pargrafo em questo: Temos sorte de encontrar duas palavras cognatas: inertia=inrcia, Progress=progresso. Outras palavras pertinentes: disgruntlement: descontentamento battleground: campo de batalha persists: persiste layer= camada change= mudana sweeping away= varrendo Agora,releia o trecho: The survey will argue that disgruntlement persists because Brazil is a battleground between progress and inertia. Since independence was proclaimed by the son of the Portuguese king, Brazil has been adding layer upon layer of change rather than sweeping away the old and starting afresh. a) Errada. No podemos chamar progress e inertia de complementary forces = (=foras complementares). b) Certa. Elas so opposing forces c) Errada. No so do passado. d) Errada. No so foras que desencadearam ( triggered) o crescimento econmico do Brasil. e) Errada. O erro est em likely ( provvel ). Elas no so provveis de coexistir no cenrio econmico. Elas coexistem!!
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br


Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar

Gabarito: Letra B QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 Text 3 Natalie du Toit wins Laureus award
Brad Morgan 11 March 2010

South African swimmer Natalie du Toit was named the Laureus World Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability at a gala ceremony in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday evening. She is one of only five athletes to have competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. South African Sport Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) president Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: "Natalie has done us proud over the years," he said. "All South Africans can be proud of her spirit and her neversay-die attitude." 'A true inspiration' "She is a true inspiration to each and every athlete in this country, indeed the world, and we are hoping that she can build on this prestigious award as we look ahead to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London. "It's people like Natalie that provide the incentive for the youngsters to aspire to greatness, he continued. "She fully deserves this acknowledgement." 8-QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 According to the extract above, it is right to say that. A) Natalie is the only one who has competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. B) The website president saidNatalie has made us proud over the years. C) Gideon Sam said that people like Natalie. D) Gideon Sam said that Natalie deserves the prize. E) Natalie du Toit was named after Laureus. COMENTRIO A questo comea com according to the extract above, isso significa que no faremos inferncia. A informao est no texto, no nas entrelinhas. um texto curto e podemos aqui usar a estratgia scanning, ler as alternativas identificando palavras chaves que devero ser buscadas no texto. Exemplo: alternativa a traz as palavras Olympics and Paralympics, ento v direto linha 5 e leia a frase completa para a resposta.

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar A) ERRADA Natalie no foi a nica (the only one) participante como afirma a assertiva. Ela uma das cinco atletas que participaram (one of only five). A pegadinha est no uso de the only one que significa a nica. E, one of only significa uma entre as poucas. B) ERRADA O presidente disse ao website (...president Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: Natalie ...) e no o presidente do website disse, como afirma o item (the president of the website said...). C) ERRADA O item indica que o verbo like foi usado no sentido de gostar, apreciar. Na verdade trata-se de like como uma preposio que significa, neste caso, like = similar, igual a, como. D) CERTA Gideon Sam diz: She fully deserves this acknowledgement. E) ERRADA named after significa receber o nome de. O texto traz que Natalie was named, ( voz passiva ) que significa ser nomeada (para um prmio, Laureous...)

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar 9)QUADRIX/DATAPREV/2010

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar

COMENTRIO Ateno!!!! O enunciado diz cannot be said (cannot expressa impossibilidade). Estamos procurando a resposta errada! A questo aborda o conhecimento dos termos: encourage, persuade, convince e make. Encourage (motivar), persuade (persuadir) e Convince (convencer) expressam os objetivos da campanha de doao de sangue. S com a tcnica skimmimg possvel resolver a questo. A mensagem principal do anncio (ad) no persuadir o leitor a visitar o site e sim a doar sangue. GABARITO: D.

Parte 3


Text 4 The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) operates as an umbrella organisation for the external government audit community. For more than 50 years it has provided an institutionalised framework for supreme audit institutions to promote development and transfer of knowledge, improve government auditing worldwide and enhance professional capacities, standing and influence of member SAIs in their respective countries. In keeping with INTOSAI's motto, 'Experientia mutua omnibus prodest', the exchange of experience among INTOSAI members and the findings and insights which result, are a guarantee that government auditing continuously progresses with new developments. INTOSAI is an autonomous, independent and non-political organisation. It is a non-governmental organisation with special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. INTOSAI was founded in 1953 at the initiative of Emilio Fernandez Camus, then President of the SAI of Cuba. At that time, 34 SAIs met for the 1st INTOSAI Congress in Cuba. At present INTOSAI has 189 Full Members and 4 Associated Members. Fonte: www.Intosai.org Based on the text, judge the items below 10- VLADIA/INDITA/2012 _____The word umbrella organisation ( line 2 ) resfers to INTOSAI .

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar COMENTRIO: Vocabulrio interessante de business English . Umbrella organization pode ser traduzido com organizao de cpula , central, de apoiol . E a, esto familiarizado com o termo INTOSAI ? Em portugus : Organizao Internacional de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores. Operate as= atuar como GABARITO: CERTA 11- VLADIA/INDITA/2012 ____Emilio Fernandes Camus is the founder INTOSAI and the president of SAI Cuba. COMENTRIO Essa requer ateno!! O Emilio realmente o fundador da INTOSAI, mas uma palavrinha no texto expressa que ele era o presidente do SAI de Cuba na poca em que ele fundou INTOSAI. Ento ele no (= is) HOJE como afirma a assertiva. J sabe qual a palavrinha?? Vamos ao trecho: INTOSAI was founded in 1953 at the initiative of Emilio Fernandez Camus, then President of the SAI of Cuba. Acertou quem pensou em then (=depois) GABARITO: ERRADA Text 5 Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following characteristics:

explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often through a trust fund); it is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants (although additional sources of funding may be provided as well). government-sponsored program(line 1) is a

12-Vladia/INDITA/2012 program that:

A) sponsors the government B) gives support to the government C) whose funds come from government D) gives funds to the government E) the government is responsible for its foundation

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar COMENTRIO: Importante sabermos que o adjetivo, em ingls, quase sempre est antes do substantivo ou depois do verbo de ligao. No caso da questo, governmentsponsored o adjetivo do substantivo program e significa que o programa financiado (sponsored) pelo governo. Ateno para o vocabulrio que pode aparecer em sua prova: sponsor, support and fund (financiar, apoiar financeiramente e custear) A) ERRADA. Exatamente o contrrio do que afirma B) ERRADA. Exatamente o contrrio do que afirma C) CORRETA. Whose que expressa possesso coisas tambm, no apenas para pessoas, como o texto. o texto. e pode ser usado para muitos pensam.

Ex.: a) Mary whose father is from Canada won the Nobel Prize; b) The school whose rooms are made of brick and wood is very hot. D) ERRADA. o contrrio. O governo d fundos para o programa. E) ERRADA. Olha a confuso entre fund e foundation. Foundation fundao. GABARITO: C Text 5 BRAZIL The largest Latin-American country, Brazil has an area of 8,5 millions of square kilometers housing more than 175 million people. In 2003, Brazils GNP was US$ 493 billions, with a per capita revenue of US$ 2,789.00. Within the Brazilian economy, it is worth mentioning high-developed sectors such as agriculture and cattle breeding and a very complex industrial base. Besides, the country is the leader of Mercosul, an economic block joining Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Established in 1991, this block emerged as a free trade zone, but its major objective is to become a common market.
13- VLADIA/INDITA/2012 Based on the meanings in the text, (A) ...housing... cannot be replaced by accomodating. (B) ...within... is the synonym inside. (C) ...revenue...and income are antonyms. (D) ...Besides... and next to are synonyms. (E) ...developed... and emerged express similar ideas.

COMENTRIO A primeira vista, parece um vocabulrio de fcil entendimento. Porm, exige uma contextualizao e ateno.
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br


Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar A) ERRADA. Housing neste contexto significa acomodar, no moradia. Ateno negativa cannot. Housing can be replaced by accommodating neste texto. B) CERTA. C) ERRADA. Revenue e income so sinnimos D) ERRADA. Cuidado com besides que diferente de beside. Beside = next to, ao lado de. Besides = in addition to, alm de. E) ERRADA. Parecem similares, mas no so. Emerge carrega o sentido de surgir (do zero). Develop=desenvolver. GABARITO: B Text 6 This Company of Technology and Information from Social Security originated from the centers of data processing of existing security institutes in the 70's. The Purpose of the company is to provide solutions on IT and communication for the implementation and improvement of social policies of the State, serving mainly to the National Social Security Institute.
Fonte:(http://www.securities.com/Public/company-Profile/BR/Dataprev_en_2605577.html). Adapted.

14) VLADIA/INDITA/2012 The word data in text 1 refers to: A) Time B) Any documents C) Chronological information D) Figures and maps E) Information stored in hardware COMENTRIO Cuidado com os false cognates! So aquelas palavrinhas que nos enganam... Parecem com palavras da nossa lngua, mas tm significado totalmente diferente. Na questo acima, temos 2 falsos cognatos. Data, que no significa data e figure que no significa figura! Data significa informao, especificamente no texto, informao armazenada no computador. Figure significa smbolo, nmero, grfico, mapa. GABARITO: E

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar



WORD FORMATION A utilidade de se saber sobre a formao de palavras, do ponto de vista daquele que est desenvolvendo familiaridade com ingls, est no fato de que este conhecimento permite a identificao da provvel categoria gramatical (se um verbo? adjetivo?) mesmo quando no se conhece a palavra no seu significado. Essa indentificao de grande utilidade na interpretao de textos, especialmente para inferir significados de palavras desconhecidas. Prefixos: Os prefixos i, im , dis , un expressam negativa, ou seja, NO Exemplo: partial / impartial Legal / ilegal Respectful / disrespectful Able / unable Sufixos: a) ous, able, ful e less caracterizam adjetivos. Exemplo: Helpful, jealous, viable, careless b) hood, ship, ment, ness caracterizam substantivos Exemplo: neighborhood, scholarship, judgement, happiness
Vocabulary Builder

Aps a leitura de cada texto proposto em aula, faa um Vocabulary Builder das palavras a ele relacionadas. Esse esquema ajuda memorizar novas palavras. Abaixo, segue o Vocabulary Builder feito do texto 3. Faa os seus de todos os textos que estudamos nesta aula!! Isso serve principalmente para aqueles em que voc encontrou mais palavras novas. Exemplo: Texto 3 / Prova Dataprev 2010 Prize ( prmio) award (prmio/premiar) Olympics prestigious
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br

Athete ( atleta) acknowledgemt 19

Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar (pretgio) paralympics Incentive (incentivo financeiro) Sportsperson (desportista) (Reconhecimento)

Vocabulrio: Never-say-die attitude: postura de quem no se deixa sucumbir, no se d por derrotado. Acknowledgement: palavra grande... mas, no to difcil. Olha s: palavras grandes, assim, provavelmente tm sufixos e prefixos. Se voc sabe o significado da palavra know (saber, conhecer), pelo texto poder entender o significado desta palavra: reconhecimento. Ento, minha dica : se voc se deparar com uma palavra desconhecida, tente identificar sufixos e prefixos. Livrando-se deles, talvez voc reconhea a palavra. COMPARATIVE Formamos os comparativos, geralmente, acrescentando o sufixo er nos adjetivos curtos, ou seja, adjetivos com uma slaba. Exemplos: large- larger, small-smaller, taller, shorter, etc. Your schoolbag is smaller than Sue's. (Sua mochila menor que a da Sue) Mary is taller than Rick. Ronny is shorter than Mark. Quando o adjetivo terminar em y usaremos i no seu lugar. Exemplos: easy- easier; happy-happier Para adjetivos mais longos, mais de 1 slaba, colocamos a palavra more antes do adjetivo. Exemplos: Mark is more intelligent than Sue. (Mark mais inteligente que a Sue) This TV is more expensive than the one I have at home. Roses are more beautiful than daisies. Your car is more powerful than mine.

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar Ateno: a palavra than ( que ) vem sempre depois dos adjetivos comparativos. SUPERLATIVE Usamos o superlativo quando queremos intensificar uma determinada

caracterstica. Exemplo: Yesteday was the hottest day of the month. (Onten foi o dia mais quente do ms) Formamos o superlativo acrescentando o sufixo est para os adjetivos monosslabos. Exemplos: hot - hottest; cheap - cheapest; hard - hardest; Para adjetivos mais longos, que tenham duas slabas ou mais, colocamos a palavra "most" antes do adjetivo. The most famous; The most difficult; The most expensive Ateno: usa-se the antes do adjetivos superlativos !!!! Exemplos: - I am the tallest in my family. (Sou a mais alta da famlia). - Shes the most intelligent girl I know. (Ela a garota mais inteligente que conheo). H aqueles adjetivos que apresentam forma irregular. ADJETIVO GOOD BAD COMPARATIVO BETTER WORSE SUPERLATIVO THE BEST THE WORST

Thats all Folks !!!! for now... Espero que tenham gostado da aula Demonstrativa. Aguardo vocs na Aula 1 ! Continuaremos nas prximas aulas com muito mais!!! Qualquer dvida feel free para perguntar. Estou aqui for you. Pode contar comigo!!! Em seguida, vejam a lista de questes desta aula com o gabarito seco. SEE YOU SOON!!

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar

PARTE 5 ESAF/AFRB/2009 Text 1 Reason with him


Question (Q) 1: Margolis: When you took office, Brazil was regarded as an underachiever, and the last among the BRIC nations. Now Brazil is considered a star among emerging countries. Whats happened? Lula: No one respects anyone who doesnt respect themselves. And Brazil always behaved like a second-class country. We always told ourselves we were the country of the future. But we never transformed these qualities into anything concrete. In a globalized world you cannot sit still. You have to hit the road and sell your country. So we decided to make strengthening Mercosul (the South American trading bloc) a priority, and deepened our relations with Latin America in general. We prioritized trade with Africa and went into the Middle East aggressively. Our trade balance today is diversified. This helped us cushion the blow of the economic crisis. Q2: Margolis: Has Brazils success in navigating the economic crisis changed investorsviews? Lula: There was no miracle. We had a strong domestic market. We had consumers who wanted to buy cars. We reduced part of the sales tax and asked the companies to offer consumers credit on affordable items. Its the same case with refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, and with computers and the housing construction. Q3: Margolis: What are the lessons for other countries? Lula: The great lesson is that the state has an important role to play, and has great responsibility. We dont want the state to manage business. But it can be an inducer of growth and can work in harmony with society.
Source: www.newsweek.com 22nd Sep, 2009 (Adapted)

1. ESAF/AFRFB/2009 In his answer to question 1, Brazils president refers to strengthening Mercosul as a priority. In other words, a measure he considered a) risky. b) unattainable. c) pivotal. d) unnecessary. e) advisable.
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br


Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar 2. ESAF/AFRFB/2009 In his answer to question 2, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva says that a) the Brazilian domestic market was frail. b) a miracle did come about in Brazil. c) credit on affordable items was halved. d) part of the sales tax was lowered. e) consumers were not willing to spend. 3. ESAF/AFRFB/2009 Brazils president refers to the countrys diversified trade balance as having a) contributed to worsen the global economic crisis. b) resulted from trade with one sole strategic partner. c) been prevented by internal regulations. d) been considered as an unattainable goal. e) minimized the adverse effects of the world crisis. 4. ESAF/AFRFB/2009 In his answer to question 3, Brazils president a) emphasizes the role played by the private sector. b) criticizes initiatives derived from private ownership. c) sees the private sector as an inducer of growth. d) affirms the significance of the state. e) disregards duties attributed to the state. ESAF/CGU/2008 Text 2
Source: www.economist.com/specialreports April 12th 2007 (Adapted)

Land of Promise

1. In 2003 Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, selected Brazil, along with Russia, India and China, as one of the BRICs- the developing countries that would share dominance of the world economy by 2050. 2. In some ways Brazil is the steadiest of the BRICs. Unlike China and Russia it is a full-blooded democracy; unlike India it has no serious disputes with its neighbours. It is the only BRIC without a nuclear bomb. The Heritage Foundations Economic Freedom Index, which measures such factors as protection of property rights and free trade, ranks Brazil (moderate free) above the other BRICs (mostly unfree). One of the main reasons why Brazils growth has been slower than Chinas and Indias is that Brazil is richer and more urbanized. 3. The survey will argue that disgruntlement persists because Brazil is a battleground between progress and inertia. Since independence was proclaimed by the son of the Portuguese king, Brazil has been adding layer upon layer of change rather than sweeping away the old and starting afresh.
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br


Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar 5. (ESAF/CGU/2008) In paragraph 1, four countries are referred to as a) unlikely to play a key role in the world economic scenario. b) the slowest-growing economies of the present. c) likely to dominate the world economy in the future. d) the fastest-growing economies over the past 50 years. e) being todays richest and most prosperous economies. 6. (ESAF/CGU/2008) In paragraph 2, the author compares Brazils growth to Chinas and Indias and, therefore, defines it as a) not being as fast. b) dependent on the latter. c) unexpectedly higher. d) not as stable. e) the least steady. 7.ESAF/CGU/2008In paragraph 3, progress and inertia are cited as the two a) complementary forces in Brazils promising future. b) opposing forces in the Brazilian battleground. c) forces of Brazils past growth as a world economy. d) forces that triggered Brazils economic growth. e) realities which are likely to coexist in Brazils economic scenario. QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 Text 3 Natalie du Toit wins Laureus award
Brad Morgan 11 March 2010

South African swimmer Natalie du Toit was named the Laureus World Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability at a gala ceremony in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday evening. She is one of only five athletes to have competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. South African Sport Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) president Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: "Natalie has done us proud over the years," he said. "All South Africans can be proud of her spirit and her neversay-die attitude." 'A true inspiration' "She is a true inspiration to each and every athlete in this country, indeed the world, and we are hoping that she can build on this prestigious award as we look ahead to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London. "It's people like Natalie that provide the incentive for the youngsters to aspire to greatness, he continued. "She fully deserves this acknowledgement."
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br


Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar 8)QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 According to the extract above, it is right to say that. A)Natalie is the only one who has competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. B)The website president saidNatalie has made us proud over the years. C)Gideon Sam said that people like Natalie. D)Gideon Sam said that Natalie deserves the prize. E)Natalie du Toit was named after Laureus.

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar 9)QUADRIX/DATAPREV/2010

Prof. Vladia Mattar



Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar Text 4 The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) operates as an umbrella organisation for the external government audit community. For more than 50 years it has provided an institutionalised framework for supreme audit institutions to promote development and transfer of knowledge, improve government auditing worldwide and enhance professional capacities, standing and influence of member SAIs in their respective countries. In keeping with INTOSAI's motto, 'Experientia mutua omnibus prodest', the exchange of experience among INTOSAI members and the findings and insights which result, are a guarantee that government auditing continuously progresses with new developments. INTOSAI is an autonomous, independent and non-political organisation. It is a non-governmental organisation with special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. INTOSAI was founded in 1953 at the initiative of Emilio Fernandez Camus, then President of the SAI of Cuba. At that time, 34 SAIs met for the 1st INTOSAI Congress in Cuba. At present INTOSAI has 189 Full Members and 4 Associated Members. Fonte: www.Intosai.org Based on the text, jugde the items below 10- VLADIA/INDITA/2012 _____The word umbrella organisation ( line 2 ) resfers to INTOSAI . 11- VLADIA/INDITA/2012 ____Emilio Fernandes Camus is the founder INTOSAI and the president of SAI Cuba . Text 5 Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following characteristics:

explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often through a trust fund); it is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants (although additional sources of funding may be provided as well).

12-Vladia/INDITA/2012 government-sponsored program ( line 1) is a program that: A) sponsors the government B) gives support to the government C) whose funds come from government D) gives funds to the government E) the government is responsible for its foundation
Prof. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br


Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar Text 6 BRAZIL The largest Latin-American country, Brazil has an area of 8,5 millions of square kilometers housing more than 175 million people. In 2003, Brazils GNP was US$ 493 billions, with a per capita revenue of US$ 2,789.00. Within the Brazilian economy, it is worth mentioning high-developed sectors such as agriculture and cattle breeding and a very complex industrial base. Besides, the country is the leader of Mercosul, an economic block joining Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Established in 1991, this block emerged as a free trade zone, but its major objective is to become a common market.
13- VLADIA/INDITA/2012 Based on the meanings in the text, (A) ...housing... cannot be replaced by accomodating. (B) ...within... is the synonym inside. (C) ...revenue...and income are antonyms. (D) ...Besides... and next to are synonyms. (E) ...developed... and emerged express similar ideas.

Text 5 This Company of Technology and Information from Social Security originated from the centers of data processing of existing security institutes in the 70's. The Purpose of the company is to provide solutions on IT and communication for the implementation and improvement of social policies of the State, serving mainly to the National Social Security Institute.
Fonte:(http://www.securities.com/Public/company-Profile/BR/Dataprev_en_2605577.html). Adapted.

14-VLADIA/INDITA/2012 The word data in text 1 refers to: A) Time B) Any documents C) Chronological information D) Figures and maps E) Information stored in hardware ESAF/RFB /2009 1234Letra Letra Letra Letra C D E D GABARITO SECO ESAF/CGU Quadrix/ /2008 Dataprev/ 2010 5- Letra C 8- Letra D 6- Letra A 9- Letra D 7- Letra B VLADIA/ INDITAS 2012 10) CERTA 11) ERRADA 12)Letra C 13)Letra B 14)Letra E 28

Prof. Vladia Mattar


Ingls para Receita Federal Teoria e exerccios PROF: Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar



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