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ANGLAIS LV1 : srie S, ES, L

B) He wants to become Prime Minister. So he is determined to get to Oxford University as it is according to him the best courses he could follow to fulfill his dream. " Future Prime Ministers aren't educated at Durham" l. 10 ""How about Cambridge?" ....." No political tradition" l. 11 line 17 to the end C) Simon is in Oxford. He intends to visit all the colleges to see if they have a place for him. He intends to visit six everyday until he is accepted in/ taken. D) You had to choose only ONE adjective here, it was tempting to choose "determined" but I think "impatient" was what the text tells you about Simon's state of mind during his conversation with the Don. Quotes : "Simon's heartbeat reached 120" l.36 "Simon's words were unusually faltering", l. 32 E) Yes he does. Quote : "Mrs Kerslake was not surprised when her son went on to be President of the Oxford Union" l. 41. DOCUMENT B F) characters present : Morrie and the narrator whose nickname used to be Coach (when the two characters were younger). The two characters used to be close friends when they were at university/during their college years. G) the two periods of time : past one and present day. Past period : this period refers to the university years, when the narrator was a student with Morrie, still dreaming about what he would become later. Present day : the day of the meeting with Morrie he has not seen for a long time. He is 37 years old, working as a journalist specialised in sport events maybe. H) Right/Wrong 1 - Right : "traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck" l.3 OR "rich people like me" l.17 2 - Right "Morrie talking....of our college years as if I'd simply been on a long vacation" l.5

3 - Right : "I once promised myself I would never work for money(...) I would join the Peace Cops, that I would live in beautiful, inspirational places" l.2 4 - Wrong : "I never realized I was doing it" l.3/4 "What happened to me?"l.12 "I remained.... unsatisfied" l. 20 I) He realizes that he abandonned all his dreams, that he has become what he disliked most when he was a young adult. He has given up his dreams for a comfortable, materialistic life which leaves him unsatisfied and frustrated. J) the narrator's state of mind when meeting his friend Before meeting his friend, it had never dawned on him to consider the choices he made and the meaning of his life. As he is talking to Morrie and trying to find answers to his simple but embarrassing questions, he realizes what he has become. This conversation is a revelation, comes as a shock for him. As he is talking, he is thinking and grows confused and disturbed. DOCUMENT A&B K 1 - b failure K2 Doc A : if the narrator can't get to Oxford to become a Prime Minister, it will be a failure. Doc B : the narrator realizes his life has been a failure so far , if he considers what his former dreams were. OR K 1 - c success in life K2 Doc A : the narrator's idea of being successful is to become Prime Minister, and so be accepted in Oxford University which he manages to do at the end of the extract. Doc B : the narrator leads a successful life as far as money , job and social position are concerned , but not quite if personal fulfillment is taken into account. EXPRESSION Sujets 1 = sujets d'invention, il fallait garder l'esprit le ton, les lments se rapportant aux personnages, les traits de leur personnalit..... a) lettre la mre : Simon est fier de lui, rapporte la conversation sa mre. On peut imaginer qu'il est un peu arrogant, qu'il exagre certaines ractions de Allan Brown. Vous pouvez utiliser du discours rapport (ex : he said he would be pleased if.....). Votre registre peut-tre un peu relch car le personnage parle une personne de sa famille. b) discours une foule : le narrateur se prsente, parle de son parcours, de ses ambitions, de ses qualits de leader, ses capacits de travail..... On peut s'amuser laisser paratre l'arrogance et la trs haute estime que ce personnage semble avoir de lui-mme.

Votre discours doit tre rdig dans une langue formelle et trs correcte. Sujet 2 = sujets de discussion. Evitez les rponses normandes : oui, non, oui et non.... Prenez parti, donnez des exemples et essayez de structurer votre rponse (Intro, deux ou trois paragraphes, une conclusion). a) rconcilier les rves et la vie professionnelle. Ide de passion qui anime son travail, de motivation personnelle,.... b) sujet assez proche mais ici on pouvait dvelopper l'ide d'abngation, de sacrifice, de choix faire.

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