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CONSTITUTIONALLY, nat-mur lyco thuja nux- vom sulphur calc-carb

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Common medicines cantharis apis beriberis sarsaparilla


Extreme superficial sensitiveness over the hypogastrium especially when the bladder is distended with urine and almost unbearable tenesmus Exacerbations come vesicae. on every few minutes The urine does not pass as calls to urinate freely or copiously, but become too urgent to dribbles away in hot, seems resist. The urine itself like molten lead scalding, shows changes in its sometimes bloody, drops, composition. with, cutting, BURNING and urging continue after urination, so that the poor sufferer is really in constant torture.



Blood is more or less thoroughly mixed with it, according to the part of the urinary tract from which the haemorrhage proceeds. The urine, however, is of a deep red color, independently of its containing blood, and deposits a sediment of mucus. Fibrinous casts, epithelial cells, small rolled-up membranous pieces of the lining of the parts through which it passes-the tubules of the kidney, the ureters and the bladder are observed under the microscope.

Camphor suits when strangury, retention of urine, etc have resulted from the abuse of Cantharis.


Aconite frequently suits the incipiency of renal and cystic affections, which, unmodified, progress into a Cantharis condition. The urging to urinate, the dysuria and haematuria are accompanied by an anxious, restlessness and high fever altogether different from the expression of Cantharis.
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Argentum nitricum follows Cannabis in gonorrhoea when the discharge becomes purulent and the urethra feels sore and swollen.

Cannabis sat.

Cannabis sat. is very similar to Cantharis in its urethral phenomena. It has the same yellow, purulent, discharge from the urethra but is more important when the discharge is thin, and there is smarting an burning on urination. There seems to be more burning and smarting under Cannabis, while there is more tenesmus and cutting under Cantharis.


Equisetum hymnale is a plant growing in water. It contains a large quantity of silica acid. It acts very similarly to Cantharis on the kidneys and bladder.

Equisetum hymnale

There are, however, less escape of blood and less tenesmus vesicae than may be found under Cantharis. The urine is less scalding and does not contain so many fibrinous flakes. < after urinating


Eupatorium purpureum
Eupatorium purpureum is similar to Equisetum in vesical irritability of women, for which condition it was used by Dr Richard Hughes. It causes frequent and painful urging with either excessive or scantly flow of highcolored urine containing mucus.



Dr Hughes considered it a favourite remedy in c/ c cystitis Chimaphila has much ropy mucus in urine & is especially useful in prostatic troubles Wonderful remedy in the cystic irritation of old men, c/sed by a constant teasing desire urinate with little or no relief following micturition, the pt being frequently compelled to rise at night. The state is one of irritation rather than inflammation.





From c/c diseases, sycosis

The miasm of the other common gonorrhas seems not to penetrate the whole organism, but only to locally stimulate the urinary organs. They yield either to a dose of one drop of fresh parsley-juice, when this is indicated by a frequent urgency to urinate, or a small dose of cannabis, of cantharides, or of the copaiva balm, according to their different constitution and the other ailments attending it.
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Petroselinum, one variety of the parsley, is indicated by frequent sudden and irresistible urging to urinate. Farrington says Petrosel. is a great "baby medicine" in urinary difficulties. It has cured numbers of cases of intermittent fever; and traumatic or other urethral fevers. In the case of a child, he will be suddenly seized with the desire to urinate; if he cannot be gratified immediately, he will jump up and down with pain. Cannabis, Cantharis and Mercurius all have the sudden urging to urinate, but it is strongest under Petroselinum.
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Cystitis in lying-in patients Ineffectual urging to urinate in newly married women. Pressure upon bladder; feels as if it did not empty. Sensation as if a drop of urine were rolling continuously along the channel. Burning in urethra during micturition. Prostatic troubles, frequent urination, burning in urethra when not urinating. [Thuja; Sabal; Ferr. pic.] Pain after lithotomy.
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Clematis erecta



Clematis erecta

Clematis erecta is to be selected when there is mucus in the urine, but not pus The urine flows by fits and starts, or the patient has to wait a long time for the urine to come, and then passes only a few drops, with intense biting and burning along the urethra, followed by a full, painless stream. Clematis is to be thought of in "first class" of gonorrhoea when the inflammation develops stricture.
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Conium mac

Conium is useful in urethral and bladder disease when there is pus in the urine; otherwise it is like Clematis. It has "passage of the urine by fits and starts," cutting in the urethra after micturition, urine flows, more readily while standing (Sarsaparilla).
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Dragging & pressure in the bladder which micturition doesnt relieve Continued urging, in drops, dark, hot, burning, with sharp cutting or throbbing pain at neck of bladder, as if a straw was being thrust back and forth

Digitalis pur

worse at night , >lying on back as that position relieves much of the pressure upon the neck of the bladder.



Copaiva causes a urethritis with burning at the neck of the bladder and in the urethra. The discharge is of a milky color and of corrosive character. The meatus urinarius is tumid and inflamed and sore as if wounded.

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Cubeba causes cutting and constriction after micturition. The discharge is of a mucous nature. Both Copaiva and Cubeba are useful the irritation attending thickening of the lining membrane of the bladder. Neither remedy has so violent an action as has Cantharis.



The patient has continued desire to Thuja urinate. The urging is Thuja gives us violent, yet the passes only a few drops of symptoms of bloody urinate. The continued or repeated urging is violent, yet gonorrhea. he passes only a few drops of bloody urine at a time; or, if these do not pass, there is intense itching. The urethral discharge is thin and green.


Mercurius sol and cor follow when the discharge becomes worse at night and is green and purulent. The corrosive mercury causes the more violent tenesmus Burning is less but tenesmus is greater than Cantharis. Pt has frequent calls but passes little urine & is bloody and albuminous Brights disease- [ phos, plumbum]
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Terebinthina, like Cantharis, has marked action on the kidneys, but it differs from the latter remedy in that urine is always dark, cloudy and smoky & this indicates the presence of disintegrated cells.This is due to congestion of the kidneys.


Urine contain albumen & has the odour of violets [canth, copaiva, osmium,selenium]



Uva ursi


This remedy finds no equal when cystic and urethral symptoms are referable to stone in the bladder. symptomatic of the drug, burning, scalding urination; the flow of urine stops suddenly as if a stone had rolled in front of the internal orifice of the urethra.


When the urine passes it is ropy from the admixture of mucus and blood. The drug seems to diminish inflammatory thickening of the cystic walls, and relieves suffering until the stone can be removed by operation.



Erigeron, with or without bloody urine. Pulsatilla is indicated when micturition is followed by cutting pains and there are pressure and soreness over the pubes. Under Ferrum phos, The symptoms are worse the longer the patient stands, and better after urination Capsicum has spasmodic contracting and cutting the neck of the bladder Mercurius ascetics, cutting just at the close of urination , like Natrum mur


Pareira Brava

Similar to this is Pareira Brava, which is an excellent drug in gravel and in cystic calculus Violent pains with strangury; must go on "all fours" and press head against floor to pass water at all." "Urethritis with severe pain when passing water, and discharge of mucus from urethra." "Pains down thighs and even to feet when attempting to pass water. 3 legged stool of the drug -pain in the thighs - getting down on all fours to urinate - ammoniacal odour of urine
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Is Indicated In Urethritis In Children Under Ten Years Of Age When The Trouble Has Been Provoked By Local Irritation.



Severe tenesmus; painful scalding. Urine contains mucus and pus. Prostate enlarged. Pain behind pubis, at end of urination.



Ipomea nil

Ipomea nil, which is one variety of the morningglory, was a remedy used by the late Dr. Jacob Jeans for the passage of stone from the kidney to the bladder when he had the following symptoms present; severe cutting pain in either renal region, extending down the ureter on the corresponding side. The distinctive feature which separates it from other remedies is that these pains excite nausea. Hydrangea has also been used for the intense pain attending gravel and calculus.
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Marked specific effects on genito-urinary system; muco-purulent discharges. Irritable bladder, with vesical catarrh; prostatic disorders Gravel.

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LIZARD'S TAIL Irritation of kidneys, bladder, prostate and urinary passages. Painful and difficult micturition, cystitis with strangury



Cucurbita citrellus watermelon

Infusion of the seed acts promptly in painful urination with constriction and backache, relieves pain and stimulates flow.
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