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Gallbladder meridian


GB44 LR14 DU28 RN24

GB44 LR1

GB40 LR3

GB34 LR8

GB37 LR5 DU1 RN15

GB3 6 LR6 DU2 RN1 5 24 28 14 44

Liver meridian

Du meridian Ren meridian

* 309 () 52 361 Com

st40 and rn12 phlegmn origin in spleen treated by stomach (speen stomach pair) depending on the particular symptoms
Choosing points methods 1 surronding regions 2 far regions similar meridian different meridian 3 depending on the particular symptoms

Combination of points 2 points or more 5methods

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

One in front and one on the back shu and mu points Upper and lower body nabel bis kopf is upper. Oder ellbogen bis knie Yin yang points Left and right stroke on the right side, locate points on the left Far close distrance near problem and far away from problem

Combination Hegu li4 quchi li11 dazhui du14 for fever

Yuan xue and luo xue, source connecting point combination Cirrhosis of the liver, hardend liver, Inflamed Swollen and hardend liver taichong lr3 und lr5 li gou Liver cancer Fat on liver All liver related problems look for lr3 and lr5 also lr8 source, connecting and sea point combination Gallbladder and liever together yuan xue and yuan xue taichong and qiuxu very rare He point is connected to yin and yang organs sometimes can use in combination with yuan and luo point

Skin connected to lung Qi to kidney improved quality of hair Dont identify the symptom of the deseas but by meridian system and the qi

for hair loos or yuan he and luo or yuan and he of kidney when doing healing use less combinations of points

combination of points from different organs problem of abdomen near pancreas locate taichong of liver meridian and sp4 starting point and endingpoint and sea point, he xue for toe problems spleen sp21 sp9 sp1 and liver lr14 lr8 lr1 back ache bl67 wiezhong bl40 lower back ache baihui knee pain earproblem for example gallbladder gb44 gb34 gb1 or the yuan and luo point sj4 sj5 kidney starting ending and yuan xue ki1 ki3 taishi luoxue ki4 dazhong gb25 bl23 chest conjestion pc6 pc3

anti clock wise than collect to dantian level2 number6 hiphop rotation good for dantian excessive sweating hegu, fuliu ki7, dazhui

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