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Nous allons faire un piquenique

J a ck y e t J e a n-Lou A ide z-N ous !

Ma rti n e : Ma d el e in e : Ja cky e t Je a n -Lo u :

Oh , re ga rd e z. C e ' st fo rmi d ab l e ! On va p iq u e -ni q u e r i ci ? Ou i , d ' a cco rd .

Ma rti n e : Ja cky: Je a n -Lo u :

Tu p ren d s le sa c, Je a n -Lo u ? Atte n ti on ! Zu t! L' e a u min ra le .

Ma rti n e : Ma d el e in e :

Mo i , j e va i s p r p a re r le s sa n d wi ch s. Et mo i , je va i s p rp a re r l e ca f .

Ma d el e in e : Ma rti n e :

Ma i s.... re g a rd e , Ma rtin e ! Ah , o ui . a al o rs!


The student knocks on the door. It is opened by the father.

1. The student says hello and introduces himself/herself as the friend of their son JeanFrancois.

2. The father greets him/her, invites him/her inside and introduces his wife and his daughter Elisabeth.

3. The student says s/he is delighted to meet them.

4.The mother invites the student to sit down and offers him/her a drink.

5. S/he thanks and accepts.

Bon j ou r Mad a me - Bo n jo u r Mon si eu r En ch a n t d e co nn a tre Bi e n ven u e ! Co mme n t a va ? - Bi e n , me rci e t to i ? Ho w a re yo u? -Fi n e th a n ks a nd you ? Pa s tro p mal ! - N o t too ba d On fa i t al le r - Ge tti n g b y Je vie n s - I' m co min g En tre z! - Co me i n Ap r s toi ! - Afte r yo u Asse ye z-vo u s d on c! - D o si t do w n Me rci be a u co u p p ou r ta b oi re Ou i , b ie n s r - Ye s o f co u rse Je pe u x vo u s o ffri r bo i re? Vou s ave z so i f? Ave c pl a i si r San t ! - C h ee rs! Amu se -to i b i en ! - H a ve fu n !



Pascale ( a young student) and the baker's wife (about 50 years old) know each other quire well.

1. Pascale greets the baker's wife.

2. The baker's wife greets Pascale and asks her what she wants.

3. Pascale says that she wants two well-baked baguettes and four small fruit tarts. She has three friends who are coming to dinner.

Bo nj o u r Ma d a me - Bon j o u r Mo n si e u r Bi en ve n ue ! C o mme n t a va? - Bi en , me rci e t to i ? Pa s tro p ma l ! - No t to o b ad Ou i , bi e n s r - Ye s o f cou rse Je p e u x vou s o ffri r ta rte s au x p o mme s/ab ri co ts? El le s so n t d l i ci e u se s Ave c p l ai si r Mo i , j e p r fe r le s ta rte s a u x .... Al o rs, d o nn e z-mo i de u x ta rte s a u x a b ri co ts e t .. Et a ve c a? C e se ra to u t D on n e l e b on j ou r de ma pa rt ta m re . D ' a cco rd

4.The baker's wife gives her the two baguettes and asks her what sort of tart she wants.

5. Pascale asks her for her advice.

6. The baker's wife recommends the apple tarts. They are delicious.

7. Pascale says that she prefers apricot tarts and asks for two apple tarts and two apricot tarts.

8. The baker's wife gives her the four tarts and asks her if there is anything else she wants.

9. Pascale says that's all and asks how much she owes.

10. The baker's wife says 6 Euros, thanks her and asks her to give her greeting to her mother.

11. Pascale says she will and says goodbye.


Two young women/men (one Australian and one French) are sitting next to each other in an aeroplane.

1. The French person attracts the attention of the Australian and asks if she speaks French.

2. The Australian replies that he/she speaks a little.

3.The French person asks if she knows what time the plane arrives at Melbourne.

4. The Australian says that he/she is not very sure but thinks that they'll arrive at about 5.30 pm.

5. The Australian is asked if he/she lives in Melbourne.

6. The Australian says that he/she lives in Ballarat and introduces him/herself.

Bon j ou r Mad a me Bon j ou r Mon si eu r En ch a n t - P l ea se d to me e t yo u Pa rl e z-vou s fra n ca i s? Pa s be a u cou p (mal h eu re u se me n t) Est-ce q ue vou s sa ve z qu e ll e he u re l 'a vi o n a rri ve ? Vou s te s tr s ge n ti ll e Je ne su i s p a tr s s re Mai s je cro i s q u' o n a rri ve Est-ce q ue vou s ha b i te z Mel b ou rn e ? No n , j' h ab i te Je me p r se n te , En ch a n t (e ) Je m' ap p el l e

7. The French person says that he/she's pleased to meet her and introduces him/herself.


A student, Catherine, has seen an advertisement for a

Allo! Je suis tudiante trangre J'ai vu l'annonce pour la chambre louer Est-ce que la chambre est toujours libre? mais quelqu'un vient la voir Est-ce qu'il y a d'autres tudiants qui habitent Je loue deux chambres Je n'ai pas d'enfants

room to let and phones the owner. Madame Giraud.

mon neveu qui fait des tudes dans une cole de

1.Madame Giraud answers the phone.


2. Catherine greets Madame Giraud, says that she's a foreign student and that she's seen the advertisement for the room to let. She asks if the room is still available.

Une bureau ou une table? une petit bureau et une chaise Est-ce que je peux prparer mes repas dans la cuisine?

3. Madame Giraud says yes but someone is coming at 10 a.m.

utiliser la cuisine seulement pour faire du caf ou du th regarder la tlvision?

4.Catherine asks if there are other students that live in the apartment.

Je ne permets pas de tlviseur cause du bruit.

5. Madame Giraud says that she lets two rooms. She doesn't have any children and she lets a room to her nephew who is studying at business school.

6. Catherine asks if there is a desk or a table in the room.

7. Madame Giraud says that there is a small desk and a chair.

8. Catherine asks if she can cook her meals in the kitchen.

9.Madame Giraud says that she can only use the kitchen to make tea or coffee.

10. Catherine asks if she can watch television.

11. Madame Giraud says she doesn't allow a television in Catherine's room because of the noise but she can watch TV in the sitting room.

dans un train

Meeting in a train Sophie et Claudia sont dans le TGV de Sophie and Bretagne Paris. Une jeune fille blonde Claudia are in entre dans le compartiment. the TGV (high-speed train) from Brittany to Paris. A young blonde girl enters the compartment .


Excusez-moi. Est-ce que ce train va Paris ?

Excuse me. Does this

train go to Paris? Sophie Mary Oui. C'est le TGV 345. Merci beaucoup. Je suis anglaise et je ne parle pas trs bien franais ; je ne veux pas prendre le mauvais train ! Yes. It's TGV #345. Thank you very much. I'm English and I don't speak French very well; I don't want to take the wrong train! Of course, I understand... What's your name? My name is Mary. And you? I'm Sophie. And this is my friend Claudia; she's Italian. Nice to meet you! Same here! Do you often come to France? No, not very often. And you? Do you often go to France? Oh, please! You can use "tu" with me, and with Sophie too! Yes, in fact, I live with Sophie in Paris. Where do you live?


Bien sr, je comprends Comment t'appelles-tu ?


Je m'appelle Mary. Et vous ?


Moi, c'est Sophie. Et voici mon amie Claudia ; elle est italienne.

Mary Claudia

Enchante ! Moi aussi ! Est-ce que tu viens souvent en France ?


Non, pas trs souvent. Et vous ? Est-ce que vous allez souvent en France ?


Ah ! S'il te plat ! Tu peux me tutoyer, et Sophie aussi ! Oui, en fait, j'habite avec Sophie Paris.


O est-ce que vous habitez ?


Nous habitons rue du bois de Boulogne, ct de l'Universit.

We live on rue du bois de Boulogne, next to the university. Oh, great! Me too, I'm going to study in Paris. It's a special program: I'll spend six months in France, and six months in England. And what are you studying? I'm learning French! I want to be a teacher. And where are you going to study? At Dauphine University.


Ah, formidable ! Moi aussi je vais tudier Paris. C'est un programme spcial : je passe six mois en France, et six mois en Angleterre

Claudia Mary

Et qu'est-ce que tu tudies ? J'apprends le franais ! Je veux tre professeur.


Et o est-ce que tu vas tudier ?

Mary Sophie

A l'Universit Dauphine.

C'est incroyable ! Nous aussi ! Tu es en That's premire anne ? incredible! Us too! You're a first year student? Oui, vous aussi ? Oui ! Nous allons tre dans la mme Universit ! Quelle concidence ! Yes, you too? Yes! We're going to be at the same university! What a coincidence!

Mary Sophie

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