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6 rue Ecole de Mdecine 1205 Genve Mercredi Samedi 14h 18h ou sur rendez-vous : office@mjgallery.


du 6 au 27 juin 2013

Si les perspectives de cration, de mise en rseau et de communication sont sans limites sur Internet, laspect tangible reprsente pour certains artistes une tape indispensable. Cet attachement la forme matrielle traduit la ncessit de prenniser leur cration ou simplement dexplorer la complmentarit des deux modes dexpression. Cette proposition entend aborder la dualit non exclusive des pratiques en ligne et hors-ligne sous langle du dessin et de la photographie en intgrant une troisime partie prenante : lespace dexposition. La confrontation entre ces deux mdiums se justifie par la longue tradition qui leur est commune ; leur support papier. La rflexion artistique bascule ainsi dans une dimension o une nouvelle esthtique est formule travers les notions de volumes, reliefs et formats. Paulin e B ea u de mo nt nutilise que trs rarement, si ce nest jamais, la photographie numrique. Cependant, les images prsentes dans son blog navaient jusquen 2012, anne o a t publi son livre Strip, jamais connu de support autre que le web. Au-del dune simple matrialisation de ce dernier, lartiste adopte une approche curatoriale o lobjet devient galement un espace daccrochage. Parmi les 3'000 images du site, 1'000 ont t slectionnes et regroupes par thme et concordances visuelles. Lutilisation du papier journal et de formats varis parfois trs petits, participent brouiller la dfinition de limage et souligne une distance face une trame narrative trop imposante qui ne lintresse pas. Le rythme se cre ainsi davantage par la forme et la plasticit lies un ensemble. Dans sa conception de la photographie, le medium constitue une tape intermdiaire, un carnet de croquis, engageant ncessairement une action supplmentaire. Pour Go-

Go Paper , lartiste dcide de prendre possession du volume des lieux en accrochant une frise de prs de 20 mtres donnant voir des images prises aprs la publication de Strip, disposes en grille et par famille de couleur. Le droulement de la frise nest pas sans rappeler linfini droulement dun

blog, sans pour autant oblitrer la dimension matrielle que le papier possde. Le spectateur est ainsi invit observer une pice o se logent volutes et courbes dployes tant en hauteur quen largeur. Le rapport authentique et matris qui lie Guillaum e D ne rv au d sa pratique du dessin lui permet dinvestiguer diffrentes pistes de cration qui se manifestent aussi bien dans ses illustrations que dans ses mthodes de prsentation. Une production foisonnante et quotidienne qui lui permet de continuellement repenser sa pratique et de la faire voluer en utilisant divers mediums. Le dernier projet de lartiste effectu lors de sa rsidence Paris, G-Gazet , consiste en un projet ditorial mensuel o techniques dimpression, formats, papiers et reliures sont explors. Pour chaque numro, un artiste tait invit collaborer au contenu. Paralllement la version physique de son dition, lartiste tient un blog o sont prsentes des images de lobjet mis en scne sous divers angles ; dtails, gifs ou encore durant la phase de production. Cest autour des particularits lies larchitecture de la galerie que lartiste dcide dinvestir lespace dans le cadre de Go-Go Paper. A partir de scans de ses dessins quotidiens, lartiste a compos un dessin grand format quil a remani lordinateur, imprim sur du papier peint, puis divis en plusieurs morceaux. Il a par la suite observ larchitecture de lespace pour en slectionner quelques parties se caractrisant par leur singularit. Les divers fragments du dessin sont ainsi placards au plafond, sur un dcrochement ou encore au creux dune niche et acquirent un statut dindpendance les uns par rapport aux autres, en ne formant quun avec les asprits du lieu. Le dessin prend ainsi pleinement conscience des reliefs, pour y accueillir les dformations, annuler des perspectives ou parfois mme en rajouter. travers cette installation rvlant la fois un discours autour de la sculpture et de larchitecture, les artistes prennent pleinement possession des lieux pour le remplir et le sertir. Une proposition in situ qui participe questionner le pouvoir de reprsentation de limage, sa fonction narrative et la tension qui en dcoule dpendamment de son support et son lieu de prsentation.

Blog et site de Pauline Beaudemont :

http ://paulin eb eau de m on t.wor d pre s s.c o m/ http ://w ww .pauli ne bea ude mon t.co m/

Blogs de Guillaume Dnervaud : http ://g-g az et . guillau m ed ener va ud .c h/ http ://blo g.guill au me den erv au d.ch/

6 rue Ecole de Mdecine 1205 Genve Wed to sat 14h 18h or by appointment: office@mjgallery.ch

from June 6th to 27th 2013

Even if the perspectives for creation, networking and communication are limitless on the Internet, the physical aspect remains an indispensable stage for many artists. This attachment to physical form either reflects the need to preserve their creation through a more stable medium or to simply explore the complementary features of both material and digital models. This proposal is an attempt to address the nonexclusive duality between online and offline praxis within the field of illustration and photography, by involving a third party: the exhibition space. Here the two mediums are brought together due to their common support, that of paper. A new aesthetic based on the notions of volume and format is thus defined by the installation crafted by the two artists. Paulin e B ea u de mo nt rarely uses digital photography. However, until Strip was published in 2012, the pictures she had taken with her film camera had only been exhibited on her blog. The book Strip, featuring images from the website, became far more than a simple transfer of the blog medium - the artist adopted a curatorial approach in which the book also becomes an exhibition space. Among the 3000 images of the website, 1000 were selected and sorted per theme and visual consistency. In

Strip, the pictures are printed on newsprint and the way they are presented varies in size: sometimes very small, almost blurred. This position expresses the artists desire to pay attention to the plasticity as a whole rather than a narrative stance which she finds inconsequent in this case. Her conception of photography understands the medium as an intermediate step, a sketchbook, necessarily requiring another action. In her installation for Go-Go Paper, the artist takes possession of the room in its breadth by hanging a frieze of nearly 20 meters on which images taken after the publication of the book are arranged in a grid of colour. The scroll of the frieze recalls the infinite scroll featured in blogs. Yet, the material quality of the paper is fully explored - the viewer is invited to observe an artwork where curves are unfolding in height and width over the gallery.

Guilla um e D n er va u ds relationship to drawing is skilled and genuine, which allows him to investigate various possibilities of creation that are expressed both in his illustrations and his methods of presentation. An abundant and daily production enables him to continually rethink his practice and making it evolve using a variety of mediums. The last project of the artist made during his residency in Paris, G-Gazet is a monthly column where content, printing techniques, formats, paper and bindings are explored. Along with the 'physical' version of its edition, the artist keeps a blog showing pictures of the object staged in various angles, details, animated or during the production process. The distinctive characteristics of the gallery have been the starting point for the artist to think about his installation for Go-Go Paper . From scans of his daily drawings, the artist has composed a large drawing that was altered on the computer, printed on wallpaper, and then divided into several pieces. He then observed the architecture of the space in order to select some parts that are characterized by their uniqueness. The various pieces of the drawing are either plastered on a ceiling, on a recess or in a niche and is thus gaining a status of independence from each other in forming one with the unevenness of the room. The drawing is therefore fully aware of reliefs, welcoming distortions, creating and cancelling perspectives. Revealing both a discourse around sculpture and architecture, this installation allows the artists to take full possession of the premises - to fill it and bend it to their will. The installation is a site-specific proposition, questioning the power of representation of an image, its narrative function and the tension that results depending on where and how it is presented. .

Pauline Beaudemonts blog and website:

http ://paulin eb eau de m on t.wor d pre s s.c o m/ http ://w ww .pauli ne bea ud e mon t.co m/

Guillaume Dnervauds blogs : http ://g-g az et . guillau m ed ener va ud .c h/ http://blo g.guill au me den ervau d.ch/

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