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Lecture 2 Physical geography plays a valuable role in: Understanding the planet Addressing issues of sustainability Population increase

Integrating the human and physical world The science of physical geometry Geographers study earth Geographers consider: special consideration (related to physical space) and temporal considerations (related to time) The five essential themes of geography: Location Absolute location GPS Relative location Location based on Physical geography Study of the earths living and nonliving systems Study of landscapes and natural processes such as weather The science of geography Technology told and quantitative methods Cartography GIS geographical info systems Remote sensing Statistics The world of phys geography The world of systems Constant interaction of energy and material between the earths four major systems: Atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere Earth is an oblate spheroid It is 13 miles bulged on the equator. Like a bald fat guy Chapter overview Electromagnetic radiation Insolation of the globe Solar energy every second the sun provides us with energy to meet the worlds demands for 10 days currently world econ is driven by burning fossil fuel Solar radiation Shortwave radiation Emitted from the sun Ultraviolet visible and infrared

Daily insolaiton Flow rate of incoming solar energy as measured at the top of the atmosphere Daily insolation depends on angle of sunlight Subsolar point noon sun directly overhead Circle of illumination separates day and night Equator always exp 12 house of day length Poles exp either 24 or 0 hourse Other lattitues have varying day length each day Seasonal change Earth rev around the sun every 365.2232 days Orbit is counter clockwise and is an ellipse Rot is east to west Perihelion poin in orbit when the earth is closest to sun Aphelion poin in orbit when the earth is the farthest form the sun Seasonal change Axis aims toward Polaris(north star) Axis is 23.5 Summer solstice occurring on june 21 22 when the sub solar point is at 23.5 N trop of cap June sol Equinox time when the sub solar point falls on equator and scit Winter solstice Solstices circle of illumination grazes artic and antartic circles June solstice North Pole has 24 house of daylight; day length increases from equator to n pole Artic circle 66.5N is southern point of 24 hours days N hemisphere tilted toward the sun 23.5N tropic of cancer Dec solstice South pole has 24 hour of day .. Insolation over the globe Annual insolation by lat Annual insolation decreases from equator (more direct rays) to poles (oblique rays) Solar insolation is strongest near the equator and weakest near the poles Seasonal changes in the day length vary by latitude. Insolation over the globe The earth divers environments by latitude Latitude zones:

Lecture overview The The earth changes dynamic Geomorphology Study of the shape of the earths features (landforms) and they change over time Geologic time scale (we occupy a very small part of this scale) The changing earth Forces of geologic change Endogenic = internal processes Exogenic forces = outside stuff The structure of the earth Core spherical central mass of the earth composed of iron consist of an outer liquid zone and an inner solid zone Mantle= rock layer of the earth beneath the crist san surround the core, composed of ultramafic igneous rock of silicate minerals Asthenosphere = softer most fluid layer of mantle. Crust outermost solid layer of the erath compsed largely of silicate minerals Moho discontinuity Oceanic crust: mafic rocks Continental crust: 1.3 of the earths crust, lower zone mafic rock, upper zone felsic Continental crust thicker than oceanic. Lithosphere a segment of Earth materials and the cycle of rock change Most abundant element in crust Oxygen silicon aluminum iron calcium sodium potassium magnesium Minerals: naturally occurring inorganic crystalline chemical compounds Rock classes Igneous rock Rock formed from the cooling of magma that solidifys below the erath surface (visible mineral crystals) Magma rock in a mobile high temp molten state Felsic rock: Minerals light colored, less dense Mafic rock: Minerals Mafic minerals Dark colored More dense Ultramafic rock Heavy mafic minerals, very dense

Plluton Batholiths Sills Dikes Laccoliths Major classes of sediment Clastic formed from rock and mineral fragments Chemically precipited solid minerals separated from seawater or salty inland lakes Organic - formed from former living things. Biomass Form of hydrocarbon Fossil fuels Hydrocarbons can be solid (coal), liquid (petroleum), or a gas (natural gas) metamorphic rock rock altered in physical or chemical composition by heat pressure, or other endogenic processes taking place at the substantial depth below the surface.

Lecture 3 Plate tectonics Major and minor lithospheric plates of the globes. Plate tectonics the theory of tectonic activity, which deals with lithospheric What are tectonic plate made of?

Plate movement The asthenosphere Plate tectonics The earths crust is divided into 12 major plates which are moved in various directions This . Types of plate boundries Diverget tectonic activity Spreading boundry Plates pulled apart Compressional tectonic activity Convergent

Collision zones Cont plates collide Folds Orogeny is a mountain building process Hinalayas appalachian convergent boundries subduction zones descent of the edge of a lithospheric plate divergent boundries a boundy where plates move apart mid ocean mountains seafloor spreading divergent plate boundry flzuts and laut landforms four main types: normal strike-slip reverse overstrike dephth can be several kiometers faults occur when a sharp. Strike sli* fault are prodivced when tectonic Reverse faults are produced by compression in the crust Overthrust fault involve mostly horizontal movement

Earthquakes Earthquakes a rembling or shaking of the ground produced by movents along a fault Focus location whererr fault slipped Epicenter- right above the focus

Bedrock and seismic intensity Liquefaction Rated from best to worst Igneous and metamorphic Lavarock Sediment Earthquakes San anderas fault 1906 SF and 2 more

Straovolcano conical in shape Felsic lava Rhyolite , andesite Thick resistant to Hawaiian is not located at that plate boundooes hotspot mantle ploom -

find out what kinda rock it is and is it intrusive or extrusive or whatever

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