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February 29, 1980

Page 4

Turning the World Against the West Part I: Arnold Toynbee's 'Primitive Revenge'
by Mark Burdman

Arnold Toynbee (right), the Royal guru of antiimperialism, and the biggest success of the British oligarchy's "counter-offensive" against the idea of progressKhomeini's Iran. "In the gods who have made their epiphany in the new religions, we are at last in the presence of divinities to whom we can devote ourselves with all our heart and strength," wrote Toynbee.

Soon after the taking of the American hostages in Iran last fall, the New York Times ran an interview with one of the so-called students holding the hostages at the American Embassy compound. The student declared, "The Third World countries must regain their own cultures as the first way of fighting imperialism. Even in Africa they must revive their own ways, and not use those of the West. . . . The uniqueness of our revolution is that it has separated the pure from the impure." Since that November 1979 Times dispatch, the American people have heard and read a bellyful of diatribes about "the power of Islamic fundamentalism" against "rapid industrial development" and "western ways." President Carter has publicly agreed to a United Nations commission "to hear Iranian grievances," and has probably privately agreed to some form of tribunal to try the United States for its relations with the Shah. As a result, Americans may well be forced to endure the disgusting spectacle of Khomeini's criminals, working with such American turncoats as Ramsey Clark, putting the West on trial for the "crime" of "imposing" industrial development on Iran and other Third World nations. This campaign of resentment and revenge is a fraud. There is no such indigenous or natural Third World movement. It is all an intelligence operation designed earlier in this century by the high priests of the Jesuit order and the British Special Intelligence Services faction grouped around Lord Bertrand Russell, the family of Aldous and Julian Huxley, and historian Arnold Toynbee. This operation has been exported to the developing sector nations by western-trained radical ideologues like Iran's President Bani-Sadr, Cambodia's Pol Pot, and before them, by Frantz Fanon, ideologue of the existentialist Jacobin wing of the Algerian National Liberation Front during Algeria's 1954-62 war of independence from France. Arnold Toynbee himself outlined the main features of this intelligence operation just before the Algerian war started, in a series of radio programs given by the British Broadcasting Corporation in 1952-53. Toynbee was then summing up a career begun in 1925 as research director for Great Britain's Royal Institute for International Affairs, the top foreign policy think-tank of the British monarchy. In his broadcasts, Toynbee predicted the developing sector would launch a "war of revenge" against the West, spawning an era of international conflicts

and deepening the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Out of the chaos and constant threat of nuclear war, an elite priesthood drawn from both East and West would emerge to oversee a new, militant anti-technology world order, in which populations would be controlled in a kind of zero-growth equilibrium by cults modeled on those created and popularized under the Roman Empire. To achieve this new world order, Toynbee's spiritual descendants at the Royal Institute and its "daughter" institution, the New York Council on Foreign Relations, are consciously committed to reducing the developing sector's population by one to two billion people during the next 25 years. Cambodia and Iran are their models. In both countries, a Jesuit-trained elite has been created in the West and sent back to its country of origin to mobilize backward masses in a holy war against ''corrupt western influences." Cambodia's Pol Pot, trained in Paris, blamed the West for having brought Cambodia to an "unnaturally high level" through urbanization, and proceeded to reverse this process by killing 3 million Cambodians. While piously disclaiming such murderous intentions, BaniSadr has endorsed the Cambodia model of forced ruralization. This Sorbonne-University-trained ideologue rails against the "West-amination" of Iran and calls for a return to "Islamic purity," to be achieved by depopulating Iran's cities and deindustrializing the entire nation. The British Colonial Model It must be acknowledged that such "radicals" have met with considerable success in roping in Third World nations to defend their "anti-Western" crusade. The reasons for this are not hard to find: in fact, they have their origin in the methods by which the British and allied aristocratic circles have ruled colonial populations for hundreds of years. India is a typical case in point. It is simple fact that the British performed no civilizing mission in their 300 years of colonial rule over that nation: indeed, upon their departure following the Second World War, the overall level of culture of India was substantially below what it had been when the British had entered, with respect to both industrial development and the education of the population. The British saw India as a looting ground for raw materials and maintained it as such: industrial development, requiring the concomitant realization of the creative potential of the Indian population, was consciously obstructed.

Naturally enough, the British are resented and despised in India to this day: such resentment exists in every Third World nation subjected to British colonial methods, whether carried out by Britain or some other nation. The U.S.A.'s legacy in Latin America is hardly better. The British "anti-imperialist" game basically consists of diverting the attention of the Third World away from the specifics of the looting process and industrial development as its obvious remedy, into generalized rage against what is perceived by the colonial population as the "unique possession'' of the advanced sector, industrial development itself. In contemporary terms, this is seen quite clearly in the Council on Foreign Relations' "1980s Project" promoting, as an "anti-imperialist" Third World aim, the "decoupling'' of the advanced sector economies from the Third Worlda proposal with no other end in view than consigning developing sector nations to starvation, epidemic disease, and social chaos, in the name of "national independence" and "self-reliance." What the Feudalists Fear At several strategic moments in the post-World War II period, especially since Lyndon H. LaRouche launched his International Development Bank proposal in 1975, the London-based aristocracy has been faced with the threat that a threshold point was being realized for launching a Grand Design for global industrialization. The possibilities for this were more than implicit in Dwight Eisenhower's 1950s Atoms For Peace plan and earlier in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's discussions with Stalin and various African and Arab leadersoften in the presence of an apoplectic Winston Churchill about international cooperation to eliminate British colonialism from the globe and to put in its place American-style programs of massive urbanization, industrialization, and agricultural development. These proposals have had a good chance of destroying the British colonial model once and for all because they strike a deep chord within the developing world. The developing nations are predominantly overwhelmingly in favor of development. Consider India's Jawaharlal Nehru, who fought to win national independence and growth for his country by creating an Indian scientific elite that could quickly master the great scientific breakthroughs achieved in Europe and the U.S., including the peaceful harnessing of atomic energy. Nehru energetically refuted the neo-colonialist

Britain's "Children of the Sun" at an Oxford party of the 1920s. How a decaying elite maintains its rule, was the question to which Toynbee devoted his attention. The answer: mass promulgation of cults.

bombast most recently peddled by Bani-Sadr, who has dismantled Iran's nuclear energy program because it is a symbol of "western imperialism." The Nehru post-World War II tradition in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East with the aid of the international forces now grouped around LaRoucheis beginning to debunk the Big Lie of British colonialism that urbanization, progress, and technological advance are "impositions" from the West. With LaRouche's aid, important elites in these areas are uncovering rich traditions of city-building and scientific exploration in Africa and elsewhere. As this knowledge takes root, combined with adequate development programs, it will become progressively more difficult for the British to use the underdeveloped sector as a battering ram against science and progress. Without a rigged "North" vs. "South" confrontation, pitting Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski on one side and a retinue of mock-outraged BaniSadrs seeking "revenge" and "self-reliance" on the other, the end of British colonialism is at hand. Although billions of dollars have been poured into university departments and media outlets by the British to rig this confrontation, the method has been simple. It was outlined almost 30 years ago by Toynbee and has not changed, except in manner of application, since that time.

"The World" vs. "The West" Popularly known as the author of a multi-volume Study of History, Toynbee was in fact one of the leaders of the epistemological warfare division of British intelligence for much of this century. His uncle was one of the very small group of Oxford and Cambridge University graduates who helped form the "Round Table" secret societies in the late 19th century which were later to spawn the RIIA and the CFR. Toynbee himself was recruited into inner British circles by Lionel Curtis, the founder of Round Table operations in Canada and of the Royal Institute (1919). Toynbee, like many of the inner British elite, spent years in classical studies; he mastered the predominant British Aristotelian method; so that his later multi-volume Study of History was written as a document for recruiting prospective members of a priesthood that could run a cult-dominated, anti-technology new world order. During World War I, Toynbee was recruited into the Arab Bureau division of British operations, and became a profiler of early Arab nationalist and Islamic movements, which he positioned himself to manipulate by posing as sympathetic to Arab claims. From 1925-55, Toynbee served as research director for Chatham House at the Royal Institute. During the same period, Toynbee also became a leading member of the Teilhard de Chardin Society, named after the most significant Jesuit theoretician of the 20th century. Teilhard de Chardin is among the most sophisticated of this century's advocates of a "new world order" premised on zero growth, technological stagnation, and population control. Teilhard, with the Huxley family, played a major role in creating the zero growth bureaucracy of the United Nations organization, and is the spiritual godfather of the one-worldist Planetary Citizens group; Toynbee joined its Advisory Board a few years before his death. In 1952-53, Toynbee made a series of widely-circulated broadcasts for the BBC under the series title of "The World and the West," in which he popularized the lie of "the revenge of the primitive" by inventing two fraudulent categories. One, "the West." that technologically advanced area comprising Europe and the United States (but not Japan or the Soviet Union), which had throughout history encroached upon, or committed "aggression" against the second, "the world." In the context of this contrived system, Toynbee outlined, case-by-case, how the purity of the cultures of Russia, Japan, Turkey, etc. were "invaded" by "the West,'' forcing technological development upon the original cultures of the region. Toynbee

postulated an enormous incipient backlash potential as the resentment against this "aggression" built up in the coming years into outbreaks of "revenge." In Toynbee's scheme, technology is the devil against which revenge must be sought. For example, according to Toynbee, the leaders of Japan's Meiji Restoration were a ruling elite forced to take on technology to defend themselves against "the West," rather than pro-American System citybuilders. As the Meiji planners developed Japan, Toynbee contends, "the West" continued to make technological advances, forcing the Japanese to "take on" more of the outer technological garment "in self-defense." In the future, Toynbee prophesied, a revulsion against technology will build, and some day a massive backlash will set in. This is, of course, the ideology by which such terrorist groups as the Japanese Red Army have been created. In sum, the "West" and the "World" are in irreconcilable conflict. Nowhere does Toynbee admit what he knows to be the case: that the development of the so-called West would never have occurred without the great scientific and philosophical achievements of the so-called East, Islam and parts of Asia and Africa. The common patrimonies of the peoples of all areas of the world, the heritage of 10.000 years of great city-building ventures which have spanned the continents in the area comprising both of Toynbee's artificial "world" and "west" constructs, is negated by omission, and technology and scientific advance is made synonymous with "encroachment" upon a "natural" state of society. As the smirking scenario-mongers at the RIIA know, this whole schema is designed to reinforce the very "Western" colonial control against which "the world" is ostensibly in revolt. No major Third World leader has fully transcended Britain's "anti-West" fraud. To do so, they would have to know the deeper motives behind Toynbee's pronouncements. Recruiting the Cult's Priesthood Toynbee was an associate of the homosexual "Children of the Sun" in British ruling circles of the 1920s and 1930s. They perceived themselves facing a serious problem: how does a diseased, decaying elite continue to recreate its ability to rule the world? This concern is uppermost in all of Toynbee's writings; in his multi-volume Study of History, he constantly analyzes the problems resulting when a formerly "creative" minority ruling the world becomes only a "dominant" minority forced to rule by force and fraud.

The problem for the British then and now is compounded by two interdependent realities. First, if they are not "creative," they cannot capture and understand the principles of creativity. Therefore, they must tend to lose out as breakthroughs are made in science and technology by individuals and groups of individuals who are creative. To maintain their dominance, the British must destroy technology and head towards a New Dark Age which they will rule through the mass promulgation of cults. On all these points, Toynbee is explicit. In one segment of The Study of History, he praises an ancient myth which identifies Satan as the creative principle of the universe, since God's creative powers are worn out and grow static after the universe is created. In other words, the creative principle is evil, sinful. In many other segments of The Study, Toynbee writes of a "backlash" of mysticism against science and reason: "Under the mask of super-intellectualism we detect the resurgence and rebellious spirit of Primitive Manthe act of stealthily slinking back toward its kingdom of Ancient Night in the hope that, in this reassuring disguise, the truant may be able to elude the vigilance of the secularized angel who wields the flaming sword of scientific skepticism." Toynbee then prophesies that future centuries will witness the "conjuring" of a "rank Neohuxleian theurgy out of a senile experimental technique." The Huxley family pioneered in the mass-spreading of Brave New World psychotropic drugs to create mystical cults. And in a third segment, Toynbee speaks longingly about "Osiris worship" at a "time of troubles" in ancient Egypt among the "internal Egyptiac proletariat" as a model for the present. All this may seem, from a naive standpoint, to be straying far afield for a man who was for 30 years the political intelligence director of the most elite British policy-making institution, but this kind of verbiage is exactly how the British think they can control the world. It is on these themes that Toynbee concludes his "The World and the West" broadcasts.

The Last Broadcast

In the last broadcast, entitled "The World and the Greeks and Romans." Toynbee claims that the resolution of the crisis growing from relations between "the world" and "the West" will be similar to the way in which the decadent 2nd century A.D. Greco-Roman elites saved their own positions: through the promulgation of cults imported from "the world" outside the area of immediate Greco-Roman hegemony. The lesson for today is obvious: if the British feign sympathy for the "nonwestern world," the British will be able thereby to create and encourage a plethora of "oriental" cults which will enable them to maintain control over the world under conditions of a new Dark Age. Technological advance will be aborted in the process, and the danger of an urban-centered, antiimperialist "Grand Design" will be defeated. It is no accident that in a central location of this last chapter, Toynbee gratuitously lashes out at the first major Grand Design strategist, Alexander the Great: "Alexander . . . was a deified militarist . . . [who] would have been called not a god but a gangster if he had done what he did with a couple of accomplices instead of doing it with a whole army." Writing of the 2nd century A.D. and the present as if they are one common reality, Toynbee says: "Disillusioned minds and disappointed hearts are now ready for a gospel that will rise above barren cultural claims and counterclaims," creating "the opportunity for a new society, in which there shall be neither Scythian nor Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female, but in which all shall be one in Christ Jesusor in Mithras, Cybele, Isis, or one of the bodhisattvas, an Amitabha or perhaps an Avalokita. . . . In the gods who have made their epiphany in the new religious, we are at last in the presence of divinities to whom we can devote ourselves with all our heart and mind and strength. Mithras will lead us as our captain. Isis will nurse as our mother. Christ has emptied Himself of His divine power and glory to become incarnate as a man and to suffer death upon the cross for our sake. And for our sake likewise a bodhisattva who has reached the threshold of Nirvana has refrained from taking the last step into bliss." Then, Toynbee makes his master plan even more explicit: "How were sophisticated and cynical Greek and Roman masters of the world going to respond to the challenge of the world's counter-offensive on the religious plane which was the world's answer to its rulers' previous offensive on the plane of war and politics?" Rather than "sophisticated civil servants and philosophers," the "seers" are "the obscure missionaries of half-a-dozen

Oriental religions. . . . In the long-drawn-out encounter between the world and the Greeks and Romans, these preachers of strange religions have gently stolen the initiative out of Greek and Roman hands. . . . The tide has turned in the Greeks' and Romans' trial of strength with the world. The GrecoRoman offensive has spent its force; a counter-offensive is on its way; but this counter-movement is not yet recognized for what it is, because it is launched on a different plane. The offensive has been military, political, and economic; the counter-offensive is religious. This new religious movement has before it a prodigious future." In that Greco-Roman period, "the world [took] its conquerors captive by converting them to new religions which addressed their message to all human souls without discriminating. . . . Is something like this historic denouement of the Greco-Roman story going to be written into the unfinished history of the world's encounter with the West?" Thus was born the Ayatollah Khomeini's "Islamic fundamentalism" as a political force. To Be Concluded

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