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simple things to get strong fast, : -DONT buy legendary equipment for -DONT spend light coins save

them -ONLY buy legendary WEAPON and if

but before we start with this guide a few tips lvl 35 for later u can make it artifact for lvl 35.

the reasons why are simple. the levels 35 to 45 pass quickly, it doesnt worth it to spend faction points. besides the 45 gears cost ALOT of faction points so save them for then. i will start this guide for those that are lvl 35 and above. first of all find the ASSISTANT button in the game and open it. make sure every day to do the quests in there and when u are finished with the quests in there, then target practice at the a fk dummies. that will make u reach lvl 45 fast but until u are lvl 45 there are some things u can do to prepare you for then you should all try to buy some gold until u get to VIP 2. its not expensive and it has nice bonuses. if u get to VIP 2 ask me what to do after that and how to spend golds etc. lets get into how to set up ur characters gear. at lvl 35 first thing you do is get epic gears. you can get epic gears by doing the vigilant defense dungeons upgrade ur gears to max level. for 35 max lvl is 30 if i remember correct then you need to put 3 runes in every piece. for weapon and gloves i suggest the physical attack/magical attack, the skill damage, and the hit damage. try to lvl them to lvl 5. on the rest pieces of your gear i suggest to put magic defense, physical defense , and hp boost. DONT i repeat DONT go further into putting mystic runes. their a waste of gold a t these lvls. also once u finish with the above upgrades its good to enhance ur gears. u need shards. always do the dark descent quest on wednesday saturday and sundays. they give fa st alot of shards. then farm the lvl 35 dungeon to get more shards to finish making ur gears FULLY enhanced. after u finish with the above upgrades do the following: -IMPORTANT: gather 1 million silver and buy the golden pegasus mount. try to lev el it to level 3. the bonuses in attack and defenses are good to have - dont waste gold to buy crap. instead every day u can gather from 60 to 120 gol ds easily. the ways to get gold are simple. do the pvp of each day u can get gold by doing the quests in them, play the 10 arena fights win or lose it doesnt matter u get 20 gold from those. then simply sign in thats another extra gold depending what lvl vip u are. tip: in pvp treasure battle you can gather gold and silver ores. gather 20 gold ores not more, u cant cash out more. and the rest inventory slots u have fill it with silver ores. exchange the gold ores for GOLD, and the silver ores for silver coins. the reason we do this is simple. open the assistant and u will see in there the 'Commune with gold' button. everyday u will use all ur gold to commune ur gold coins into silver. u get more silver this way. another important thing is dont spend growth surges on crap pets. save your wars

ouls to buy a better pet, for example pigupine is a good one. once u get a better pet use all ur growth surges and train it everyday to lvl it as fast as u can. when the pet reaches lvl 10 the first skill u will buy is the criticals one. do everyday the 50 quest from dale. it gives nice rewards. play everyday when u get starlucks the astrology. the first 2 astrologys you sho uld get and level are the acpen and the basilisk sylphide. try to get colour blue or higher of those and lvl them to lvl 5. they will greatly increase ur attack and ur magical defense. and thats it until u get to 45 guide for lvl 45 you will need ALOT of faction points for this levels gears. tips on how to get the most faction points every day: trade kill everyday with ppl with ur same level or above. never with lower level s. u get faction points for the 10 first deaths but after that u get only for killi ng them. it doesnt matter ur still getting faction points so trade kills every day to gather alot for lvl 45. example its 9 0 k faction points to buy 1 lvl 45 legendary piece. also another good way to get fp is to do the quests in assistant. at the 700 poi nts mark in there it gives you a reward chest with 5k faction points and 1 free lottery ticket. so try to get that 700 mark re ward chest EVERY day. also u can get in pvps and get faction points but its hard if you are not strong . you will also need ALOT of path of light coins so dont forget to farm the path o f light every day and save those coins cause now its time to use them. first of all buy legendary pieces. as many as you can with your faction points. the order is weapon, gauntlets, chestplate, boots, pauldrons upgrade them to 40. then put the normal runes and make them to lvl 5 then enhance your gears with lvl 45 shards as much as u can. IMPORTANT: you can downgrade ur previous gear and get ur silvers back, you can d owngrade ur runes to get ur gold back, and then lastly you can un-enchant them to get the shards back. then you can com bine your 35 shards into 45 ones then its time to put on ur gears mystic runes. we start first with weapon and gloves. we will put physical attack or magical at tack on them you need 4 pieces of those runes and you can buy them from the shop or get them in treasure maps. anyway you choose once you have 4 pieces you can open the upgrade menu and go to mystic runes tab and put on your weapon first and then your gloves the physical attack or magical attack depending what your class is on the rest pieces of ur gears ( chestplate, boots, pauldrons) you can put a phy sical defense mystic rune, a magical defense mystic rune, and a health boost mystic rune. i leave the choice where u put whic h to you. if u did all those rite its time to make ur gears artifact ones you can gather artifact pieces for your weapon from artifact thieves every day.

i suggest you do so as much as you can, then buy the rest from the mall with path of light coins if you are short and do nt have 100 artifact pieces yet. once u have the 100 pieces for your weapon you go to the upgrade tab then to the reset equipment tab and tick the box that says EQUIPMENT QUALITY UPGRADE. there you will put your weapon and the artifact soul to make ur weapon an artifact one congrats if you havent fucked up by now your finally owning a fine weapon and yo u are now strong. we will also make one more piece an artifact and that i suggest should be your c hestplate. path of light coins are hard to get so we will only make 2 pieces of gears an artifact one for lvl 45. the we apon and the chestplate. leave the rest of your gears to legendarys they will be just fine. the next move to get you even MORE stronger is simple: you will use everyday your silver to upgrade the mystic runes we equipped our ge ars with. first we start with weapon. its 325k silver for one upgrade but you can get luck y and get 5 times the bonus or 4. so everyday all the silver you gather you will use it to upgrade your mystic run es. first your weapons one then your gloves one. after that you upgrade the piece you have the MAGICAL DEFENSE mystic rune on. th en the physical defense then the health. by the time you finish those upgrades you will be strong and can kill most of th e players around you that dont even know what mystic runes are or how to upgrade them. thats it. some more tips i just remembered. fighting spirit is a good way to get stronger. upgrade it everyday to lvl 20. af ter lvl 20 u can upgrade it ONCE a day for free so dont forget to use that free one time. play the duel everyday. ur goal is to get in top 20 cause ur getting alot of sil ver. observe when high lvls are not on and use friends to climb the ranks fast if u c an. do the world boss event when u can its good exp. ALWAYS trade the energy you have left before you sleep at the Gianna npc. it giv es items and xp. path of light is important to advance but its also hard. i suggest in order to save silver: buy booster pots. attack magical defense and physical defense. then go as far as you can in it. when u die dont try again the next day. instead wait a few lvls to get stronger then try it again so u dont waste silver on potions every day. as one last thing: dont forget to do the guild quests from npc Karpos every day. they make our guild stronger. thats all if i forget something i will add later or ask me in game.

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