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Kayleigh Dodd

ITE 101

Supporting learners who are on the autistic spectrum with literacy, numeracy and ICT. Literacy Autism can affect the learners ability to communicate, children with autism maybe slower at developing language and being able to communicate their own needs. This can be challenging and in turn affects their ability to understand literacy and being able to communication within everyday life. Many autistic children become slow developers when developing literacy or they do not develop this skill at all. Reading is a basic process and once a learner can understand that speech and sounds can also be visual letters they can then reverse this back into speech this is a stage that not all autistic learners are able to reach. Picture exchange communication systems (PECS) enables a child with autism to use a PEC system to be able to communicate effectively. The system involves teaching the learner to associate a picture of something they want for the item. This enables the learner to be able to communicate and show preferred items in the form of symbols, this is a functional skill that can also be used outside the classroom in every day environments. The PECS starts with simple symbols for exchange but then quickly builds sentences and aids to build up sentence structure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP48lxnNdHM Here is a hyperlink that will show you a step by step guide into the development of the PEC system. As you can see from the clip, the child is always positively reinforce with the item that he/she wants, this ensures that the process is successful. The system is very practically based and develops communication for the individual. ICT Autistic learners benefit from the use of ICT within the classroom to use as a communication aid, ICT can help with social interaction and organisational skills. ICT can support the learning of literacy and numeracy and aid to organise thoughts into more of a structure. The use of a computer, laptop or tablet can also help to develop a learners use of motor skills, physically aiding their development of movement.

Kayleigh Dodd

ITE 101

Supporting literacy through ICT can be used when creating symbols, sounds, pictures and photos that can aid a person with autism with their communication. Software is accessible to produce visual aids, signs for communication, sounds and words that can be read out. Schedules can be made to aid learners with organisational difficulties and writing tools can aid with handwriting skills. The use of a technology aid such as a programme that will response for the learner can reduce the level of stresses upon that person, as it allows time to answer and eradicates the stress of communicating with another learner as it produces an intermediary. ICT can be used to personalise books and can help record personal diaries of progression to support with recognising advances the learner makes. Interactive books can help excited and interest autistic learners and bring stories to life. The animation can stimulate an autistic learner who has sensory difficulties and can help to gain interest for set periods of times. Numeracy Numeracy can also be supported for autistic learners with technological aids, supporting in symbols visualising tasks and stimulating the learner. Positive reinforcement also encourages the learner to develop skills, rewarding the child with a treat for every right answers in the form of a toy or playtime encourages focus. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55zqhiDs8lk - This hyperlink shows the use of ICT aiding the learner to engage with numeracy in a positive way. The user is able to use the game in a positive way to gain skills of subtraction and addition. As you can see the game simulates the attention and sensory motivation to become involved with the learning. The adult act as a reinforcement the adult is there to encourage and also aid when the child needs help.

References Isybeeautism., 2011. How to teach a child with Autism math and numeracy. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/user/isybeeautism?feature=watch [Accessed 27/06/13] Neil Rubino., 2009. Rosemary Hills pre kindergarten autism classes. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-o7UIBTuaY [Accessed 27/06/13]

Kayleigh Dodd

ITE 101

Phase I PECS., 2007. Phase one pecs. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP48lxnNdHM [Accessed 27/06/13] The ELIJA School., 2012. A Day in the life of a child with autism at the ELIJA school. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO1W7iXTSQE [Accessed 27/06/13]

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