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Point of View
December 2006, No. 2

Workforce Performance & Learning

Return on learning, Part 3:
Measuring the return on investment in training
By Tad Waddington

Tad Waddington is the What is the value of an organization’s training pro- value to learning, and then see what evidence there
director of performance was to the contrary.
grams? What is the return on investment in enter-
measurement for the
Accenture Capability prise learning and other workforce enablement initia-
Development Group. tives? Although these are very basic questions, few In fact, much of the traditional evidence turns out to
tad.waddington be somewhat shaky on close inspection. Reviewing
organizations can answer them with an adequate
degree of rigor. It’s a curious situation: although the secondary literature, some of the work done in
executives usually can provide detailed information calculating the return on training investments is
about the their return on investments in equipment guilty of misrepresentation and over-reliance on soft
or other physical assets, many of the same executives data. Survey data (for example, “Did you enjoy this
do not know what their companies are spending on course?” or “Would you recommend this course?”) is
workforce enablement, much less the measurable often the foundation of such studies.
value it is delivering.
However, to create a sound ROI model for training,
Why would one wish to know detailed information one needs to look beyond operational statistics like
about the return on learning? For us—a team from numbers of courses and satisfaction scores, and
Accenture’s internal capability development group instead determine whether employees actually made
leading a transformation of the company’s internal a better contribution to the organization because of
training programs —it was not merely an academic the course. To use an analogy, assessing the quality of
exercise. The motive was, in part, extremely practical: medical care is not a question of whether people are
prove to our steering committee and the sponsors of “satisfied” with their hospital visit; the right question
our transformation initiative that their continued, is whether they become healthy again.
ongoing attention to training at Accenture was a
sound business investment. Not only was it “the right So although the secondary research revealed that a
thing to do,” the learning transformation program number of studies were untrustworthy, we learned
would also deliver a measurable impact to the com- that others were more solid. Based on this, we
pany’s bottom line. determined that the quest for an ROI in learning
was justifiable.
The shortfall in traditional
measurement techniques Another set of questions was about training’s tangible
The program we developed to assess the ROI in learn- and intangible impacts on business. We wanted to
ing was extremely methodical, starting with basic include in our model only those elements for which
questions and proceeding to more difficult ones. The we could find good data. For example, although one
first question was simply whether an ROI in learning may affirm intuitively or anecdotally that training has
even exists. The integrity of a measurement process a positive effect on knowledge sharing and morale, an
really depends on starting from zero. So our approach adequate model for tracking those business impacts
was to begin with the presumption that there is no does not exist. So the bad news was that we had to
leave out a number of promising ways that At this point, the analysis turned more looking at how a specific course taught spe-
learning can have an impact on perfor- rigorous. The rules of engagement were to, cific skills to specific individuals. But any
mance. But the good news was that the 1) use only hard data—that is, not “Were single course by itself is unlikely to have
results would be conservative—and thus you satisfied?” but “Did your contribution much of a discernible effect. On the other
more believable. increase?”; 2) use only hard analysis (not hand, when you look at several courses in
“Is there a correlation between training and conjunction with one another, you begin to
Creating the model contribution?” but “Controlling for experi- see measurable effects.
With a foundation based on the questions ence, economic cycles and other factors, is
answered to this point, we proceeded to there a correlation between training and Becoming more rigorous in measuring the
build a defensible ROI model (see figure). contribution?”; and 3) consider all training return on investment in training is a critical
The model, validated by university experts in in the analysis, not just the best training. step in bringing predictability and greater
statistics, plots employee contribution acceptance for enterprise learning. Such
against time with the company. Each com- We used per-person margin as the outcome rigor can help organizations justify and
pany must assign its own metric for contri- variable and analyzed millions of data inspire a renewed commitment to learning
bution based on the nature of its business. points. We found that, all else being equal, and workforce performance. It can also help
In Accenture’s case, contribution can be employees who took more training were keep training investments aligned with busi-
assessed most persuasively by the metric of more valuable overall because they had ness needs by tracking business impact and
“per-person margin.” The other axis, time more billable hours and higher billing rates, redirecting workforce investments to areas
with the company, measures the increase in and also stayed with the company longer. of maximum effectiveness.
value received from employees the longer Accounting for the measurable factors
they stay. under the rules of engagement, the result
Outlook Point of View
of our analysis was that for every dollar
December 2006, No. 2
The model is founded on three solid Accenture invests in training employees,
Copyright © 2006 Accenture
insights. First, a company with better train- the company receives $4.53 back.
All rights reserved.
ing opportunities can hire better employees.
(Our own surveys found this to be true: Needless to say, this was a critical moment The Outlook Point of View series offers
recruits are willing to accept a slightly in the reinvigoration of training and learn- insights about leading trends and
lower starting salary in return for the ing at Accenture. The ROI number proved innovations across all industries.
opportunities afforded by better training.) that training is important, and that learning
Second, employees at a company that pro- investments not only are the right thing to David Cudaback, Editor-in-Chief
vides better training opportunities will stay do for our people, but also make strong Craig Mindrum, Managing Editor
with the company longer. Third, employees financial sense. Jacqueline H. Kessler, Senior Editor
at a company that provides better training
For more information on Point of View and
opportunities will achieve competent levels The whole that is greater than
of performance faster. other Outlook publications, please visit our
the parts
website: http://www.accenture.com/Outlook
One of our key insights from this ROI work,
In the simplified conceptual model summa- and a key takeaway for any organization Accenture, its logo, and High Performance
rized in the figure, the overall effect of assessing its own ROI in learning, was that Delivered are trademarks of Accenture.
training on the business should be the area the effects of learning on business perfor-
under the line for the company that trains mance are cumulative over time. Many who The views and opinions in this article should
minus the area of that for the company that have tried to measure the business impact not be viewed as professional advice with
does not provide training. of learning have sought to calculate ROI by respect to your business.

Accenture’s model for measuring the return on learning

Training No training

Benefits of learning: The area under the training
line minus the area under the no training line
Slope of line =
effect on speed
to competency)

Time with company

(Retention: Length of lines = people stay with company longer)

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