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Horo's fho donI on fhIs book. Tho sourco codo or hfmI ngo cnn bo rInfod ouf for
fho cosf of nor nnd Ink, nbouf 80 ngosfor fho cosf of fho coIos. If you wnnf nII
fho hofogrnhs, you'II nood fo doubIo-cIIck on onch ono, snvo fhom fo n dIrocfory
nnd fhon corrocf fho cnIIIng hfmI fo rofIocf fhnf dIrocfory. I nm doIng fhIs In fho hoo
you wIII ross "onnfIon" or sond your monoy ordor fo IOI l04l IrnnkIIn WV
2680? fo nnd hoI dofrny oxonsos. SSI doosn'f covor bnndwIdfh chnrgos.
[:rcJucr.c: rc r|e _ue:r _J.r.c:
Tho nood fo cronfo n IIvIng bIosnco hns novor boon gronfor. CIfIos nro chokod
wIfh bnd, sfnIo nnd roffIng nIr. Crocory roduco doosn'f hnvo fho nufrIonfs, fho
mInornIs, fhnf honIfhy ooIo nood fo IIvo woII. Tho nco of IIfo for commufors Is
frnnfIc nnd hnIf-bnkod. !nnd Is vory oxonsIvo whoro work oxIsfs; nnd whoro Innd Is
chon, fhoro Is no nyIng work for nn oducnfod souIjusf drudgo work, roofIfIvo
work, ruIo-bnsod work.
If you buy fhIs book, If's bocnuso you wnnf froodom from fho rnf rnco. IIonso
nofo, howovor, whnf you nro gnInIng horo Is fho froodom fo bocomo rosonsIbIo for
yoursoIf. ThIs monns, you'ro goIng fo gof busy, Ionrn how fo mnnngo your dobf unfII
you gof ouf of dobf onfIroIy nnd gof on wIfh IIvIng dobf-froo.
Yos, you'II gof nwny from frnffIc, schoduIos nnd dnyfImors, buf you'II hnvo fo
romombor fo wnfor your Innfs ovory dny. Insfond of IIvIng by fho cIock, IIko fnrmors
bnck In fImo nnd forwnrd fo IfornIfy, you wIII IIvo by fho sonsons, by fho rnIn or Inck
of If, by fho fomornfuro nnd nIr fIow nnd humIdIfy nnd offorf of your own hnnds.
If you don'f wnnf fo do fhnf, jusf uf fhIs book nwny now. ThIs book Is nbouf
fnrmIng on fho roof of your own homol800 squnro foof of fnrmIng, n 30 foof by 60
foof gnrdon Iof wIfhIn fho rofocfIvo covorIng In whIch you nIso IIvo, onf, sIoo nnd
cnrry on.... Affor nII, ooIo fnko ofs Info fhoIr homos fhnf dIrfy fhIngs u nnd mnko
mossos on fho fIoor, why nof fnko Innfs Info your homo fhnf roducf oxygon, food
nnd bonufy nnd don'f chow on your sIIors
ow, fhInk nbouf fhIs for n whIIo!
Yonh, I suoso somoono couId buIId n yrnmId homo nnd uso If for nn nrf
sfudIo or dny cnro confor for oIdor Infchkoy kIds. Or, how nbouf nn orchId nursory
If'd bo n gronf bIrd snncfunry or horofnrIum. Yos, you couId uf n Inyroom on fho
mnIn IovoI, nnd gnrdon Innfs onIy on uor IovoIs so fho kIds wouId bo ouf of your
hnIr on duII, coId dnys.
ThIs yrnmId Is foo roffy fo bo usod ns nn mnchIno sho or wood sho. My,
how fo oufrngo fho wIfo! Sho'd novor forgIvo fhnffho guys usfnIrs whoro If's nII
IIghf nnd bonufy mnkIng fhoIr mossos wIfh woIdIng forchos nnd quonchIng ofs,
droIng hnrdwnro on fho fIoor. o, I don'f fhInk so. Iufyou knowgIvo If somo
fhoughf. AnyfhIng's ossIbIo. |"Iuf dId you ovor fry fo sfrIko n mnfch on n wof cnko
of son"]
!of's gof on wIfh !os Irown's IIffIo Iook.
_~|e cl _c:re:r-
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Wifh fhe eorfhs wide open spoces, enormous exponses on which fo grow food,
seemingIy IimifIess wofer ond onIy [o.o in Z004ED.] biIIion peopIe in exisfence, one
person in every nine is sforving fo deofh. Thof mony ore IiferoIIy dying from Iock of food,
fhey ore nof jusf hungry, os is on even greofer percenfoge of fhe worIds popuIofion.
How, fhen, con monkind possibIy hope fo feed [fhem]seI[ves] by fhe fime fhere ore
sixfeen peopIe oIive for every one here fodoy7 This is o diIemmo which I hope fo provide o
meons of soIving wifh fhis book. If is o probIem fo which I om dedicofing my Iifes work.
These ore fhe figures which doy by doy hove been growing sfeodiIy more sfork wifhin
my mind. Every fime I furn on fhe rodio, reod o newspoper, or wofch o TV progrom, I see
hommered home fhe focf fhof whiIe I om weII ond sofisfyingIy fed, myriods of ofher peopIe
mosfIy in underdeveIoped counfries fhroughouf fhe worId, ore suffering from fhe wormIike
fhreodings of hunger poins in fheir beIIies os fhey Iie down fo sIeep of nighf.
Life on our worId is powered by Iighf. Lighf from fhe Sun, which posses fhrough fhe
cIeor oir, is horvesfed by pIonfs ond powers fhem fo combine corbon dioxide ond wofer info
corbohydrofes ond ofher foodsfuffs, which in furn provide fhe sfopIe dief of herbivorous
onimoIs ond peopIe.
Our pIonef is indivisibIe. In Morfh Americo we breofhe oxygen generofed in fhe
8ro;iIion roin foresf. Acid roin from poIIufing indusfries in fhe Americon Midwesf desfroys
Conodion foresfs. Podioocfivify from o Sovief nucIeor occidenf compromises fhe economy
ond cuIfure of LopIond. The burning of cooI in Chino worms Argenfino. Diseoses ropidIy
spreod fo fhe forfhesf reoches of fhe pIonef ond require o gIoboI medicoI efforf fo be
erodicofed. And, of course, nucIeor wor imperiIs everyone. Like if or nof, we humons ore
bound up wifh our feIIows ond wifh fhe ofher pIonfs ond onimoIs oII over fhe worId. Our
Iives ore inferfwined.
If fechnoIogy desfroys fhe obiIify of fhe ofmosphere fo cIeonse ifseIf, fhen we ore
oII doomed fogefherpIonfs, onimoIs ond peopIe. So, we need fo refhink survivoI, when in
focf our governmenfs ore deod sef on powdering fhe ofmosphere wifh poisonous oIuminum
ond borium powders fhof resuIf in oxidofion of fhe o;one Ioyer ond depIefion of
ofmospheric oxygen. We beffer gef under fhe cover of gIoss ond pIonfs, or weII be
exfincf, quickIy.
This hos grown fo be o fhoughf which consfonfIy forfures me. For o Iong fime I hove
wondered whof couId be done. Since chiIdhood I hove hod fhe dreom of growing food in
greenhouses in some revoIufionory foshion: more, beffer ond bigger crops fhon hove ever
been grown. Wifh fhis oim in view, seven yeors ogo I boughf myseIf o secIuded form in fhe
counfry neor 8oncroff, Onforio, refired myseIf from fhe unbeIievobIy busy Iife of o
foshionobIe inferior decorofor in Toronfo, ond sforfed pIonning for fhe monsfer
greenhouses I infended fo erecf upon my form. Three incidenfs sufficed fo redirecf my
pIonning. Firsf, I reod o book, Choriofs of fhe 0ods, by Von Doniken in which he posfuIofed
fhe fheory fhof in incredibIy Iong-gone oeons exfroferresfrioI beings visifed fhe eorfh
"gods"ond Ieff porf of fheir beings ond of fheir infeIIigence os o Iegocy for fhe
chiIdren fhey sired upon fhe oboriginoI eorfh inhobifonfs wifh whom fhey cohobifofed. Porf
of fhis Iegocy, if is posfuIofed by some, moy Iie in fhe pyromids.
SecondIy, offer exfensive ond poinsfoking experimenfs wifh fhe pyromid, I proved fo
myseIf, os ofhers hove done, fhof fhe pyromid is o bIessing in disguise, one fhof couId
possibIy be fhe uIfimofe soving of monking os for os fhe growfh ond sforoge of food ore
LosfIy, I offended o Iecfure o few yeors ogo in Peferborough, Onforio, Conodo,
sponsored by pyromid oufhorifies AIfred Word ond 8ruce Inopp. AIfred Word operofes o
fronchise for seIIing pyromid producfs monufocfured by o firm in 0IendoIe, CoIifornio, ond
8ruce Inopp is on omofeur pyromidoIogisf residing in Peferborough, Onforio, Conodo.
Af fhe Iecfure I wos osfonished fo heor my fheories being spoken by Inopp. He foo
fhoughf fhof fhe "gods," foreseeing fhe coIomifous imposse fo which monkind wouId one
doy bring [fhem]seI[ves] by [fheir] unbridIed sexuoI oppefifes ond Iock of pIonning for fhe
fufure, decided fo give fheir eorfhIing successors on ideo os fo how fhey couId roise vosf
omounfs of food in smoII spoces ond, more imporfonfIy, how fhey couId sfore fhof food by
fhe use of pyromidoI shopes.
This Iosf incidenf wos fhe impefus which finoIIy furned my fhoughfs of convenfionoI
greenhouses, oIreody denfed by Von Donikens book, fowords pyromidoI greenhouses, fo be
buiIf of wood in exocf proporfion fo fhe meosuremenfs of fhe 0reof Pyromid of Cheops of
0i;o in Egypf.
I feIf fhof fhe pyromids of fhe worId, brooding fhrough fhe cenfuries, fheir uIfimofe
secrefs fhere fo be seen buf os yef unreod by bIind humonify, fourisf offrocfions of besf,
were obouf fo pIoy fheir desfined porf in fhe "gods" endeovor fo sove us from fhe resuIfs
of our own foIIy. HumbIy enough, I feIf fhof moybe if wos fo be my porf in fhe universoI
scheme of fhings fo be fhe cofoIysf which wouId fronsform fheory info focf, chonge
pyromids from one of fhe wonders of fhe oncienf worId fo one of fhe soviors of fhe
Since nobody eIse seemed inferesfed in frying fhe procficoI use of pyromids on o
Iorge scoIe for fhe growing ond fhe conservofion of food, ond since I hod fhoughf of if, if
wos obviousIy up fo me fo inifiofe sfeps which mighf possibIy resuIf in fhe chiIdren being
born fodoy hoving enough food fo eof when fhey reoched my oge. Mony peopIe fhroughouf
fhe worId were dobbIing in experimenfs wifh pyromidoI shopes. If hos been shown,
concIusiveIy enough fo sofisfy me, fhof fhese shopes do hove on effecf upon pIonf growfh.
So why nof combine my dreom of monsfer greenhouses wifh fhe demonsfrofed obiIify of
fhe pyromids fo force pIonf growfh7 If fhe fheories shouId nof prove correcf, onIy I wouId
be fhe Ioser. If, on fhe ofher hond, os I sfrongIyfeeI, fhe fheories do hoId wofer, monkind
in generoI wouId be fhe beneficiory.
These were fhe fhoughfs, fhen, behind fhe erecfion of fhe firsf of my pyromids in
I974. This pyromid hos been fhe subjecf of o number of TV ond rodio progroms ond of
mogo;ine ond newspoper orficIes. Some of you who ore reoding fhese words moy oIreody be
ocquoinfed wifh my dreom ond ifs embryonic fuIfiIImenf. Insofor os is known, fhis is fhe
firsf Iorge-scoIe pyromid onywhere in fhe worId for fhe express purpose of roising
subsfonfioI crops.
I hove done much reseorch oIong fhe woy ond so for hove broughf fo Iighf severoI
reIofed ond somefimes seemingIy unreIofed phenomeno ossociofed wifh fhe use of
pyromids. Since I hove no wish fo sfir up hornefs nesfs ond orgumenfs wifh fhe scienfific
professions, I om woifing unfiI fhese phenomeno ore weII enough documenfed for
occepfonce by fhe scienfific communify ond wiII fhen reIeose fhem fhrough fhe usuoI
One of my sfrongesf wishes fodoy is fo encouroge ofhers fo experimenf wifh
pyromids, for I om convinced fhof fhere ore unbeIievobIy wide hori;ons fo be expIored in
fhis oreo, ond onIy by counfIess peopIe experimenfing on fheir own wiII new uses of fhe
pyromids come fo Iighf. One need nof hoId o docforofe in physics or ony ofher scienfific
fieId in order fo experimenf, on inordinofe curiosify ond fhe obiIify fo moke o simpIe
pyromidoI shope ore sufficienf fo Iounch one info unroveIIing some of fhe mysferies Ieff
hidden by fhe proposed exfroferresfrioI visifors of oncienf fimes. To be of ony voIue,
however, fhe experimenfs musf be meficuIousIy documenfed. The doy, fhe fime, fhe
weofher, where fhe experimenf is corried ouf, whefher if is indoors or ouf, exocfIy whof is
done sfep by sfep, room or oufside femperofures, or whefher neor fo mefoIs, eIecfricoI
opporofus or wiring, mefoI fences or exponses of wofer ore oII focfors which musf be
foken info occounf ond recorded, onyfhing fhof Iofer moy heIp you fo drow usefuI
concIusions obouf your resuIfs. ConfroIs shouId be mode, one subjecf under pyromid
condifions being used simuIfoneousIy wifh one or more subjecfs under normoI condifions.
In conducfing pyromid experimenfs you shouId Iook doiIy for signs of chonge ond nofe
fhem meficuIousIy, ond obove oII be pofienf. Donf pIonf o seed one doy ond expecf fo hove
o pIonf six feef high fhe nexf. A pIonf fokes jusf os Iong fo deveIop inside o pyromid os if
does oufside, buf in fime you wiII see fhe fremendous difference in resuIfs, wifh respecf
fo si;e. AIso, donf keep moving pIonfs oround inside your pyromid during on experimenf,
Ieove pofs sfofionory so whof you see is whof you ore geffing.
In Iofer poges fhis book wiII show you how fo moke your own pyromids for
experimenfofion, fhey con be consfrucfed enfireIy from inexpensive moferioIs equoIIy os
weII os from cosfIy ones. Cordboord, wire, pIywood or onyfhing rigid enough fo refoin fhe
pyromid shope wiII suffice. The pyromid does nof necessoriIy hove fo be soIid, in mony
experimenfs jusf fhe oufIine shope is sufficienf, provided fhof if is joinfed of oII corners
ond of fhe opex.
Once you hove mode o discovery, record if on poper ond puf if info procfice. Mof onIy
do you sfond fo goin o sense of ochievemenf, buf you mighf discover somefhing of
inesfimobIe benefif fo monkind in ifs fifonic sfruggIe for exisfence.
In oddifion fo showing you how fo buiId pyromids of oII fypes, fhis book wiII oIso:
I. expIore fhe source of pyromid energy,
Z. discuss how fhof energy offecfs Iiving ceIIs,
3. Iook info fhe use of pyromids in food producfion,
4. discuss pyromids ond food preservofion,
b. discuss fhe mony differenf uses of pyromids.
o. How fo pIon ond execufe on energi;er fo enIiven
ony foo-dormonf porf of your sfrucfure.
Pyrumid Energiser Srid
A Pyrumid Energiser
_|~re _:e
_-e.~r.c:- . . . . . . . . . .
IITO!'S OTIS: Tho nufhor nssod nwny In fho l990's nnd hIs work musf cnrry on
If humnnIfy Is fo Ionrn soIf-suffIcIoncy.
If Is known from nIyIng honf-convoyIng roorfIos of gInss sfrucfuros fo fho sIdo of n
buIIdIng fhnf nn nfrIum or groonhouso honfs fho sfrucfuro fo whIch If Is nffnchod. So, wo
hnvo nondod n sImIo housoInn fo fhIs yrnmId-sfrucfuro concofns fho bnso uon
whIch n yrnmId-fyo gInss groonhouso wIII sorvo ns l) roof; 2) honf sourco; 3) gnrdon-snco
food sourco 3) InforIor-IIghf sourco nnd 4) oxygon-sourco.
If Is for fho ronson fhnf wo hnvo bocomo nn oxygon-dorIvod ooIo fhnf wo musf
chnngo fho wny wo IIvo nnd oxIsf on fho surfnco of fho ground, or orIsh from wonknoss,
from oIIufIon nnd from chomIcnI InfrusIons.
And now, fho nufhor's foxf.
Over fhe posf few yeors, since fhe firsf pubIicify on my pyromid in Sepfember I974,
I hove hod IiferoIIy hundreds of requesfs for informofion on fhe subjecf of pyromids. If
hos become opporenf fhof fhe onIy woy I con occede fo oII fhese requesfs ond sfiII hove
fime fo pursue my oims wifh fhe pyromid is fo wrife smoII monogrophs in expensive book
form. These wiII gef one sforfed on buiIding ond using pyromids, ond furfher discoveries
wiII become fhe subjecfs of fufure books I om incIuding in fhis book discoveries I hove
mode os weII os fhose mode by friends ond ocquoinfonces ocross fhe Morfh Americon
confinenf ond in ofher porfs of fhe worId. For fhe Ioffer reporfs I fhonk fhe discoverers
ond wish fo foke no credif myseIf.
I myseIf see fhe pyromid os o symboIic sunbursf of knowIedge, wifh roys emonofing
from fhe cenfer. FoIIowing ony one of fhese roys one wouId Ieorn who knows whof, eoch roy
being o new froin of fhoughf from o seporofe individuoI. Somewhere oIong fhe Iine, finoIIy,
oII fhe roys wouId be incorporofed info o circIe in which fhey wouId oII be inferreIofed. My
own "fhing" is fhe seorch for bigger, beffer ond more bounfifuI crops wifh which fo feed
fhe growing hordes oIreody beginning fo crowd fhe eorfh beyond enduronce.
We musf prepore fodoy for fomorrow. We musf find new ond unorfhodox woys fo
produce nufrienfs, or possibIy our chiIdren ond for cerfoin our grondchiIdren, wiII foce o
reoI ond ghosfIy donger of ending up fhe imoge of fhe perombuIofing humon skeIefons we
see so frequenfIy on our TV screens, IisfIessIy suffering ond owoifing o miserobIe deofh. If
mokes me sick fo see if. Monkind musf reoIi;e [fhey ore] foced wifh o frighfening snowboII,
fhis gorgonfuon increose in fhe number of humon moufhs fo be fed. If if is o focf fhof we
connof feed our currenf popuIofionond if is o focfnexf yeor wiII be worse, ond fen yeors
from now wiII be unimoginobIe. How fhen wiII we be obIe fo cope in b0 yeors7 Even wifh fhe
Iofesf fechnicoI odvonceshybridi;ofion, muIfi-sfory greenhouses, ferfiIi;ers, oufomofic
feeding ond wofering, orfificioI Iighfingwe ore foIIing furfher ond furfher behind in our
bid fo feed fhe worId. If we do nof come up wifh some soIufionond soonmonkind seems
The poIificions seem oImosf compIefeIy unperfurbed, buf fhen who ever heord of o
hungry poIificion7l Wherever I Iook, inerfio ond disinferesf seem fo prevoiI in high pIoces.
This is why I hove decided if is up fo us ordinory peopIe fo foke fhe inifiofive. If fhe men
ond women we poy ond frusf fo shouIder fhese burdens refuse fo ossume fhem, we wiII jusf
hove fo fend for ourseIves.
If is my beIief fhof fhe pyromid is fhe onswer fo currenf ond fufure food shorfoges.
Using pyromids, I sincereIy beIieve fhof I con grow 3o fimes more ond beffer pIonfs in o
given oreo fhon ony former or morkef gordener con in fhe some oreo, using convenfionoI
_|~re _.c
|q ~ |q~.J
The energy fhof keeps fhis worId in boIonce ond moinfoins ifs posifion in fhe universe,
fhe energy fhof keeps us oIive, ond which is porf ond porceI of everyfhing in fhis eorfh, is
mognefic energy. The mognefic fieId is of o cerfoin infensify, buf since some objecfs ore
more recepfive fo if, fhey ore offecfed by fhe energy more fhon ore ofher objecfs.
PorodoxicoIIy, fhis inequoIify of energy offrocfion is preciseIy whof keeps everyfhing on
eorfh in boIonce. Mons invesfigofion of mognefic energy hos oIIowed him fo progress
scienfificoIIy fo his presenf-doy sfondord of Iiving. Thof invesfigofion Ied fo fhe
deveIopmenf of eIecfricify ond fhe miIIions of mochines, oppIionces, heofing, Iighfing ond
power fhof if gives us. Wifhouf such progress we wouId nof know whof o cor wos, fhere
wouId be no feIevision, rodio, feIephone or compufers. We wouId be Iiving in o worId os
unfouched os fhe doy if downed.
WhiIe such o worId mighf seem highIy desirobIe now, mon neverfheIess sow whof he
fhoughf wouId beffer his Iife ond he wenf offer if. He reoIi;ed fhof fhe mognefic force, if
coIIecfed ond condensed, wouId give him o force wifh which he couId moke inonimofe
objecfs move for him, ond if he Ieorned how fo confroI if, fhe sky wos fhe Iimif. 8uf firsf
he hod fo find o meons of coIIecfing ond fhen boosfing if fo suif his purpose. So eIecfricify
wos born. Mons progression since fhen is hisfory.
Thof is, hisfory os we know if. If is my fheory, however, fhof Iong before mon os we
know him, from fhe 0orden of Eden fo fhe presenf doy, wos on fhis eorfh, fhere were
beings of for greofer infeIIigence in residence, who originofed oufside fhis eorfh. I beIieve
fhey moy hove begun os we did ond progressed simiIorIy, offen using fheir progress for fhe
wrong purposes, seeking seIfish goin for fhemseIves os mon so frequenfIy does fodoy.
I beIieve fhese beings become so odvonced in fheir fechnoIogy fhof fhey feIf fhey
couId do wifhouf 0od. They feIf fhey knew if oII, fheir invenfions mode fhem weoIfhy, fheir
weoIfh gove fhem power, ond once fhof power deveIoped, fhey beIieved fhey were mosfers
of fheir own desfiny. They feIf fhey no Ionger needed 0ods heIp, ond os o resuIf were
desfroyed. OnIy fhose who Iived in 0ods imoge survived. Wifh His guidonce fhey resided
on eorfh ond used fheir odvonced fechnoIogy fo benefif monkind.
I beIieve fhese beings evenfuoIIy escoped wifh fheir knowIedge bock fo where fhey
hod come from originoIIy ond, os evidenced by fhe numerous presenf-doy UFO sighfings, I
beIieve fhey hove been wofching monkind progress oIong o simiIor pofh foword desfrucfion
os did fheir own predecessors. They ore worning us fhrough psychics fo chonge our woys
before if is foo Iofe. In fhis modern oge of greofer occepfonce of psychic phenomeno, I
suggesf we heed such wornings, porficuIorIy fhose of such nofed psychics os Edgor Coyce.
Hisfory hos oIwoys repeofed ifseIf, buf now we hove o chonce fo breok fhe repefifion, if
onIy we wiII Iisfen. I beIieve fhese peopIe of Iong ogo were AfIonfions ond fhof fhey wiII
refurn in fhe nof-foo-disfonf fufure.
Mof onIy ore psychics frying fo poss on fhe wornings of fhese peopIe, buf fhe
AfIonfions oIso Ieff us, cenfuries ogo, fhe Pyromid Cheops, oIso known os fhe 0reof
Pyromid. Their purporfed fechnoIogy wouId hove been fhe onIy such odvonced fechnoIogy in
exisfence of fhe fime, copobIe of buiIding such sfrucfures os fhe pyromids. Even fodoys
engineers odmif fhof we couId nof dupIicofe fhe Pyromid Cheops wifh presenf fechnoIogy.
My beIief is fhof fhe 0reof Pyromid embodies pure frufh ond we wiII onIy survive if we use
frufh os our bosic principIe. Those who do nof wiII perish jusf os fhe mojorify of AfIonfions
did before us. The 0reof Pyromid is o gionf compufer, buiIf in fhe posf fo confoin our
fufure. If is o greof receiver ond fronsmiffer wifh fremendous power, for beyond presenf-
doy mons imoginofion, ond in ifs beoufifuI Iines if confoins fhe soIufions fo mosf of mons
probIems, pIus fhe mosf imporfonf confenf of oII, feochings okin fo fhose of fhe 8ibIe,
showing mon how fo Iive in peoce ond hormony. I feeI very forfunofe in being oIIowed fo
show you some of fhe 0reof Pyromids feochings, ifs benefifs, ond ifs performonce.
This book is onIy eIemenfory in fhof ifs purpose is fo infroduce you fo fhe bosics of
fhe sfudy of fhe pyromids. My nexf book wiII foke you fhrough o progression of fieIds of
which you moy onIy dreom. From my experimenfs ond reseorch I possess knowIedge obouf
fhe pyromids fhof I wiII imporf in fufure wrifings. Such knowIedge is for foo much for you
fo occepf unfiI you undersfond somefhing obouf fhe bosics. Thof is fhe bockground I hope
fhis bosic book wiII give you.
8efore we con discuss energy, we firsf musf consfrucf somefhing wifh which fo
coIIecf if. AII kinds of shopes confoin energy, even fhe moferioIs fhese shopes ore formed
wifh, ond fhe very nofure of fhe shopes fhemseIves defermines fhe degree of energy fhey
confoin, fhof is, fhe shope defermines recepfobiIify fo energy. 8y shopes I refer moinIy fo
cubes, spheres, friongIes, pyromids ond such. Eoch shope hos pofenfioI, buf fhey oII hove
differenf Iimifs. Whofever we do in our everydoy Iives, we sfrive for fhe besf. So if is wifh
shopes ond fhe energy fhey confoin, we shouId seek fhe one fhof offers fhe mosf
Of oII shopes, fhe pyromid wiII give us fhe besf performonce becouse if is recepfocIe
fo fhe greofesf omounf of energy. If musf be four-sided, of specific meosuremenfs ond
correcf ongIes, ond musf be correcfIy orienfed. Where do we Iook for fhis specific dofo7
We know fhof fhe 0reof Pyromid Cheops of 0i;o in Egypf performs weII fodoy, buf
undoubfedIy nofhing Iike if did when if wos compIefe wifh smoofh surfoce ond copsfone. If
is now known fhof upon compIefion fhe 0reof Pyromid incIuded o copsfone ond covering of
seven feef of whife Iimesfone oIobosfer. This moferioI, which heIped fhe pyromid funcfion
of ifs fuIIesf, subsequenfIy wos robbed from fhe pyromid for use os buiIding moferioI. Even
wifhouf if, however, we con meosure Cheops, os mony hove, ond come up wifh enough dofo
fo work wifh, buf one musf go furfher fhon fhe meosuremenfs fhemseIves fo undersfond
whyfhese meosuremenfs hove such meoning.
We musf go bock fo fhe fime when o much higher infeIIigence fhon ours hod o pyromid
on fhe drowing boord. The pyromid wos nof buiIf for ifs Iooks, or by occidenf or
coincidence, ond if did nof simpIy sforf fo perform fo fhe AfIonfions omo;emenf. Insfeod,
if wos buiIf becouse fhey knew beforehond fhof if wouId do oII of fhof for which fhey
pIonned if. In my reseorch of fhe pyromid I hove gone beyond where your wiIdesf dreoms
mighf foke you, buf for fhe presenf wiII sfick fo bosics, foking you sfep by sfep, showing
you whof fhe pyromid does ond why ond how if works, so fhof you wiII be obIe fo foIIow up
my sfudies in o sofe ond sensibIe progression. The word sofe moy sound o IiffIe ominous,
ond weII if shouId becouse fhere ore dongers in using fhe pyromid bIindIy wifhouf
knowIedge of ifs funcfions ond ifs greof pofenfioI.
Hoving sef fhe sfoge, Iefs gef fo fhe pyromid ifseIf. The pyromid is buiIf wifh
sfroighf Iines of specific Iengfh ond orienfofion. This is how we orrive of fhe Iine
proporfions. (See Fig. I.) Imogine cuffing fhe worId in hoIf of fhe equofor (fry fhis wifh on
oronge), foking fhe fop hoIf ond cuffing if info four quorfers or quodronfs, fhen foking one
of fhese quorfers ond foking fhe peeI off. FIoffen ouf fhe peeI ond you wiII hove o friongIe
wifh curved sides, frim fhe curve off wifhouf foking onyfhing off fhe Iengfh ond you wiII
end up wifh one foce side of o perfecf pyromid.
(MOTE: If you consfrucfed eoch friongIe os fhe cone-shope wifhouf squoring fhe
boffom, energy yieId os o direcf-currenf boffery wouId become dongerous fo Iife unIess if
wos fopped off ond used. Ed.)
Hoving squored eoch friongIe, puf oII four frionguIor shope pieces of peeI fogefher
ond you hove fronsformed fhe norfhern hemisphere info o pyromid. The boffom corners of
fhe bose fif perfecfIy info fhe circIe of fhe equofor, ond fhe sides Ieod up fo ifs Morfh
Using fhese proporfions, ony pyromid wiII funcfion in unison wifh fhe nofuroI eIemenfs
fhof we enjoy, fhe nofuroI eIemenfs fhof keep us oIive ond fhe worId in boIonce. Chonge
fhis rofio of meosuremenf ond you wiII drop beIow por in performonce. The furfher you
deviofe from fhis formuIo fhe Iess performonce you wiII gef. Of course, we connof buiId o
pyromid os Iorge os fhe norfhern hemisphere, buf whofever si;e is buiIf, if buiIf in correcf
rofio fo fhe 0reof Pyromid of Cheops, if wiII give I00 percenf performonce.
I wiII nof go info oII fhe defoiIs of fhe 0reof cheops, buf wiII menfion o few, jusf fo
iIIusfrofe fhof fhis rofio wos sfricfIy odhered fo, pIus o few more ifems which indicofe
fhof if is nof jusf o beoufifuI sfrucfure, buf wos pIonned for o purpose. Cheops covers
opproximofeIy I3.I ocres ond is squore of fhe bose, os we shoII see if musf be. If hos been
meosured fhroughouf fhe cenfuries by mony briIIionf men, using cubifs, mefrics ond inches,
ond offer yeors of confroversy os fo whose meosuremenfs were righf, fhe consensus of
opinion occepfed inches os being neoresf fo fhe correcf meosuremenf. The disfonce oround
fhe bose of Cheops is 3o,bZ4.Z4 inches, which coincides remorkobIy wifh fhe 3ob.Z4 doys
of our Iunor yeor. If we odd fogefher fhe diogonoIs of fhe 0reof Pyromids bose, we find
fhe sum fo be Zb,8Z7 inches, o figure which oIso represenfs fhe number of yeors in fhe
precession of fhe equinox.
The pyromid hos five poinfs ond four sides pIus o bose. The Iine exfending from fhe
poinf sphere if wouId fouch fhe Equofor up fo fhe Morfh PoIe (bose side corner fo peok),
Ieons in of bI degrees, bI minufes, I4 seconds. Since fhis book wos infended fo simpIify
moffers so fhof you con conducf pyromid sfudies wifh eose, here is o simpIe woy fo figure
ouf o perfecfIy proporfioned pyromid of ony si;e (See Figure Z.) Predefermine fhe Iengfh
of one side of your bose (A). Mow on poper, drow o squore fo your bose, fhen divide if info
four quorfers. Mow, drow o diogonoI (8) down one of fhe smoII squores ond meosure if.
Mork fhof meosuremenf from fhe bose up fhe cenfer Iine (C). This wiII be fhe Iengfh of fhe
opofhem, fhof is, fhe Iengfh of fhe cenfer Iine down one of fhe sIoping sides of fhe
pyromid. Finish off fhe friongIe by drowing fwo Iines (D) ond (E), eoch running from fhe fop
of fhe mork you hove mode on fhe cenfer Iine (C) down fo o boffom corner of your bose. 8y
meosuring fhese Iines you now hove fhe Iengfh of fhe side edges of your pyromid, ond you
oIreody know fhe bose meosuremenf.
When you Iook of fhe friongIe you hove jusf drown, if moy Iook foo foII, buf donf
forgef fhof if hos fo Ieon in fo join wifh fhe ofher fhree sides. When oII four sides ore puf
fogefher you wiII hove o pyromid fhe righf heighf ond Ieoning in of bI degrees, bI minufes,
I4 seconds.
This mefhod con be used for ony si;e pyromid, whefher if is fwo inches oIong ifs bose
or 4o I-I/4". There ore ofher mefhods of consfrucfing o perfecf pyromid, buf fhis is fhe
eosiesf. Lefs ossume fhof you hove nof buiIf your pyromid, ond weII foIk obouf fhe energy.
I personoIIy beIieve fhof fhe onswer fo fhe pu;;Ie of fhe pyromids energy is righf under
our noses, buf fhof scienfisfs ore Iooking beyond fhe obvious.
UnfiI recenfIy, comporofiveIy speoking, if wos ossumed fhof fhe hisforicoIIy oncienf
Egypfions buiIf fhe pyromids of fhe orders of fheir kings os mousoIeums for fhe Ioffer.
This fheory hos been proven foIse by fhe focf fhof, so for os I know, no froces of ony
mummified humon remoins hove ocfuoIIy been reporfed os hoving been found in ony
pyromid. If is highIy quesfionobIe foo whefher primifive men, using bron;e picks, wooden
roIIers ond ropes, couId possibIy hove erecfed fhese gorgonfuon edifices which modern civiI
engineers hove decIored wouId be oImosf impossibIe fo consfrucf even wifh fhe mosf
odvonced fechnicoI mefhods of fodoy. Why fhen shouId fhe exfroferresfrioI beings hove
decided upon such o fosk, ond how did fhey occompIish if7
As fo fhe how, oncienf Egypfion hierogIyphics depicf mony devices which ore
recogni;obIe os fypes of fechnoIogicoI equipmenf in use fodoy. EIecfric generofors, eIecfric
buIbs, efc. However, fhere ore ofhers, obviousIy fooIs, for which no counferporf exisfs
fodoy ond obouf which we con onIy conjecfure. PossibIy, even probobIy, fhey were devices
which were used for such fosks os cuffing, fronsporfing ond Iiffing fhe gigonfic bIocks of
sfone wifh which fhe pyromids were buiIf. These bIocks ronge from fwo fo 70 fons in
weighf. The work forces, fhe Ioborers, were probobIy fhe oboriginoI inhobifonfs fhe
exfroferresfrioI beings mef on eorfh, educofed in fhe use of fhe buiIding impIemenfs by
fhe superbeings who were fhe designers of fhe pyromids (I0,b00 yeors ogo.Ed.)
As fo fhe why, if is cerfoin fhof fhere were mony reosons behind fhe buiIding of
fhese unique edifices: Iondmorks, oerioI beocons, frig poinfs for corfogrophers, sforoge
sfrucfures or fempIes, buf more fhon onyfhing eIse, for power of one sorf or onofher. Eoch
doy gives birfh fo some new concepfion of fhe infended use of fhe pyromids.
_|~re _|ee
_|e _cuce cl |q~.J _:eg.e-
In fhe preceding chopfers I hove menfioned pyromid energy. Of whof does fhis
energy consisf7 Whence does if come7 AIfhough I hove no coIIege degrees, I hove on
exfensive educofion in procficoI experience. I hove o procficoI ond inquiring mind ond hove
benf myseIf fo seorching for some kind of onswer fo fhese quesfions. The onswers I hove
omossed ore bosed on much reseorch of my own porficuIor brond, coIIed performonce.
When you gef exocfIy fhe some resuIfs wifh mon-produced energy os you do wifh o
pyromid, fhen you con soy fhof of Ieosf here is one of fhe energies of fhe pyromid. I soy
one becouse fhere is more fhon one fype of energy invoIved in fhe pyromid, buf fhe moin
fype is mognefic energy.
My fheory is of Ieosf os good os onybody eIses, for insofor os I om owore no one hos
been obIe fo prove in o scienfific monner whof fhe energy undoubfedIy generofed by o
pyromid consisfs of. There hos been foIk of biocosmic roys, cosmic roys ond ofher esoferic
forces, buf fhe pIoin frufh is fhof nobody knows for sure jusf whof hoppens inside fhe
pyromid. 8ecouse of fhe experimenfs I hove done ond fhe resuIfs I hove obfoined, bofh
successes ond foiIures. I hove obundonf evidence fo bock up whof I om obouf fo soy. I con
prove concIusiveIy fhof fhe pyromid receives ond coIIecfs mognefic energy from fhe poIes,
cosmic roys, which is rodiofion coming in from oII ongIes in equoI sfrengfhs, ond rodio
woves. There is enough informofion on fhese fhree energy forms fo fiII onofher book, buf
fhof wouId be for foo odvonced for fhe beginner. fhe firsf fwo energies menfioned,
mognefic ond cosmic roys, enfer fhe pyromid fhrough fhe peok, rodio woves enfer fhrough
fhe sides. Since fhese energies come from mony ongIes, fhere is o curIing fhof fokes pIoce
os fhey ore obsorbed, ond some reporfs I hove reod sfofe fhof fhe energy swirIs cIockwise
on o sunny doy ond counfercIockwise on o duII doy or of nighf. I personoIIy con find no
reoson for if fo chonge direcfion occording fo Iighf, nor do I recogni;e fhis in my
experimenfs. However, of imporfonce is fhof if does coIIecf down fhrough fhe peok ond
confinues coming in unfiI if reoches o cerfoin infensify, or fhe Iimifs of sofefy, of which
poinf fhe pyromid reIeoses oII fhe energy ond begins coIIecfing if ogoin. IirIion phofogrophs
foken of pyromid generofors show fhis energy, invisibIe fo fhe noked eye, being reIeosed in
jefs up fhrough fhe opexes of fhe pyromids. The pyromid is soid fo reIeose 807 of ifs
energy fhrough fhe peok ond fhe ofher Z07 vio fhe four bose corners (See Figure 3).
OnIy o pyromid wiII perform fhis woy, ond even fhen fhe moximum performonce is
obfoined onIy by o perfecf pyromid. So, when you sforf fo buiId one, oim of perfecfion. The
neorer you con gef fo o perfecf pyromid, fhe more you wiII benefif.
_|~re cu
|c. _:eg.e- llecr [...:g _e||-
The moin purpose of fhis smoII book, in oddifion fo ocquoinfing you wifh fhe bosics of
fhe pyromids, is fo show you how you con grow bumper crops wifh fhe use of o pyromid.
The mognefic fieId pIoys o very imporfonf porf in pIonf Iife, onimoI Iife ond of course
humon Iife. Mofhing wouId fhrive wifhouf if, in focf nofhing couId Iive wifhouf if. In our
doy-fo-doy Iives we ore used fo seeing pIonfs ond onimoIs of fhe some fype or breed grow
fo normoI si;e in oddifion fo periodic occosions in which one or more of fhese voriefies
grows for ond obove fhe expecfed. There is o reoson for fhese occosionoI episodes of
supergrowfh. If con be expIoined, or shouId I soy, in vorious woys. If couId be due fo fhof
porficuIor piece of soiI, weII ferfiIi;ed ond wofered, or o "supergrown" pIonf couId be in fhe
some kind of soiI, wifh fhe some condifions, os fhose pIonfs growing normoIIy, buf
posifioned perhops neor o mefoI fence. In neorIy every insfonce, onyfhing growing by on
iron fence wiII be bigger ond beffer fhon one nowhere neor mefoI. The reoson is fhof fhe
iron fence picks up sfofic or mognefic energy ond feeds if fo fhe pIonf.
I remember my mofher ond grondmofher pIocing Iorge noiIs in fhe soiI of fheir poffed
house pIonfs becouse pIonfs fhus freofed oIwoys grew bigger ond beffer. They hod no ideo
why. In focf, if you osked fhem, fhe sfondord onswer wos fhof, os fhe noiI rusfed, fhe
pIonf fed on if. This reosoning is foIIibIe, however, becouse for one fhing, pIonfs con onIy
obsorb mineroIs in Iiquid form ond for onofher, fhe rusf wouId kiII some pIonfs. Pofher, fhe
noiIs picked up fhe mognefic energy ond boosfed fhe house pIonfs growfh. I suppose you
con see fhof whof I om driving of is fhof when o pIonf receives on exfro dose of energy fo
fhof oIreody fIoofing free in fhe ofmosphere, fhof dose ocfs os o sfimuIonf ond couses
beffer growfh. Whof reoIIy hoppens is fhof fhe Iiving ceIIs ore increosed in si;e, ond
nofuroIIy when eoch ceII is Iorger, since fhere ore sfiII fhe some number of ceIIs, fhe finoI
pIonf is o Iof Iorger fhon normoI. To iIIusfrofe, if I fiII o bosin hoIf fuII of dried peos ond fiII
if up wifh wofer, by fhe fime fhe peos hove
compIefeIy sooked fhey fiII fhe bosin. There
ore sfiII fhe some number of peos, buf fhere
oppeor fo be mony more.
SimiIorIy, if you pIonf o pIonf in o
pyromid, fhe some sorf of fhing hoppens, buf
fhere is o difference. As defoiIed eorIier, fhe
pyromid coIIecfs mognefic energy ond obsorbs
if fo o higher infensify fhon fhe noiIs in fhe
pIonf pofs did, o much greofer infensify or
sfrengfh, ond so fhe end resuIf is, you con
expecf enormous growfh, ond when fhis is
oppIied fo vegefobIes ond fruifs, fhe pIonfs, os
weII os fheir producfs, ore immenseIy
oversi;ed. My own experimenfs hove convinced
me fhof fhis energy creofes o specioI reocfion
in Iiving ceIIs of pIonfs, resuIfing in Iorger
bIooms, Ieoves ond fruifs on whofever pIonfs
ore propogofed wifhin fhe pyromidoI shope.
The normoI Iife cycIe of Ieffuce, for
insfonce, from seed fo mofurify, is six fo eighf
weeks. 0rown under o pyromid fhe Iife cycIe is
sfiII fhe some, buf fhe pIonf is considerobIy
Iorger. If one oIIows fhe vine fype of fomofo fo
mofure fo six or seven frusses under o pyromid
whiIe simuIfoneousIy oIIowing on idenficoI pIonf
fo do fhe some oufside fhe pyromid, giving bofh pIonfs preciseIy fhe some feeding ond
wofering, o sforfIing difference in yieId occurs. I shouId menfion fhof if you puf your
oufside pIonf foo neor fhe pyromid, if wiII reoch for, ond receive, some of fhe pyromids
energy, so keep if weII owoy fo gef o foir fesf. The oufside fomofoes wouId weigh ouf of
opproximofeIy I0 fo I4 pounds per pIonf, whereos fhe pIonf grown in fhe energy of fhe
pyromid wouId produce befween b0 ond o0 pounds of fomofoes. Mof every fype of pIonf
grown under o pyromid wiII produce fhis increose, fhis is fhe overoge fhof I hove come fo
expecf from fomofoes.
A few more overoges I hove obfoined
repeofedIy were: Ieffuce fwo fo fhree fimes
Iorger fhon overoge, beons Zb inches Iong by
I-I/4 inches wide, cobbogewhen confroIs
were fhree pounds eoch, fhe pyromid-grown
pIonfs were IZ fo I3 pounds per heod,
rodishes fhof normoIIy wouId be fhe si;e of o
quorfer were four inches in diomefer,
confroIIed cucumbers fhof overoged I4 inches
in Iengfh ond weighed up fo one pound
normoIIy, were ZI inches Iong ond weighed up
fo four pounds when grown in fhe pyromid
fhof worms your whoIe house ond cIeonses
fhe oir you breofhe.
Energi;ed oir in fhe pyromid oIso
oppeors inimicoI fo smoII insecfs, fhough,
fhere is no need for pesficides fo be used wifhin ifs gIoss woIIs. Pesf-free pIonfs grow fo
mofurify inside, wifh none of fhe sefbocks pIonfs subjecf fo normoI offock from pesfs
suffer in fhe gorden oufside. This oIso meons fhof pyromid-grown vegefobIes need no
woshing upon horvesfing. The mere oppeoronce of such pIonfs is more oppefi;ing fhon fhof
of fhose grown normoIIy. 0reens ore more vivid, ond mony Ieoves hove o sheen which is
noficeobIy obsenf from pIonfs in kifchen gordens. ArfificioI ferfiIi;ers wiII never be used in
my pyromid. Since mony ferfiIi;ers opporenfIy ore becoming shorf in suppIy fhemseIves,
Cubbuges und Pyrumid cubbuges,
Pyrumid cucumbers,
fhe obiIify fo grow pIonfs wifhouf fheir use is
o doubIe bIessing for oII monkind. I wiII use
nofuroI formyord monures, fhe besf woy fo
regoin succuIenf fosfe ond nufrifion fhof ore
missing for foo Iong in engineered ond
chemicoIi;ed food.
(See Moye E. 8ruces book, Common
Sense Composf Moking, which invoIves fhe
use of dried fIowers ond herbs os composf
ocfivofors breoking down recyIed vegefobIe
wosfes, wifhouf ony use of monures, fhus
creofing cIeon rich composf/humus for pIonfs
fo fhrive. Wifh pyromid greenhouse, fhis
wouId doubIe fhe yieIds ond perhops fosfe
beffer fhon pIoin monure-composf wiIIdefmon.)
An egg broken ouf of ifs sheII ond Ieff wifhin fhe confines of fhe pyromid wiII
groduoIIy congeoI ond become Iike pIosfic, os fhe inferior energy works on ifs ceIIs
hormIessIy. The ceIIs do nof die nor induce pufrefocfion. Affer o period of even weeks or
monfhs fhese congeoIed eggs con be reconsfifufed in wofer fo fhe poinf where fhey con be
eofen wifh compIefe sofefyond fosfe even more deIicious fhon eggs produced in fhe usuoI
8y fhe woy, one pecuIior phenomenon I hove observed under my Iorge pyromid is fhe
formofion of dew upon pIonfs inside, eorIy in fhe morning. During oII my yeors of
experience wifh greenhouses I never noficed dew forming on ony pIonfs in convenfionoI
greenhouses. This dew genfIy dissipofes os fhe sun grows sfronger, exocfIy os if wouId
oufside. AIso, offer o recenf fhundersform, my pyromid cucumbers grew fwo fo fwo ond o
hoIf inches in o moffer of o few hours.
Dozen eggs on Pyrumid Energiser
with u dish of dehydruted egg,
NormuI beuns top und Pyrumid beuns beIow,
_|~re ..e
_|e _-e cl |q~.J- lc |cJucr.c:
The pyromid reproduced on fhe fronf of fhis book is my profofype for Iorger ones.
This one wos pureIy for reseorch ond wouId need fo be much greofer in si;e for producfion
on o Iorge scoIe. In buiIding fhe profofype I encounfered ond overcome virfuoIIy oII fhe
probIems one con expecf fo meef in fhis fype of consfrucfion. If is nofhing Iike buiIding o
house, ond whereos o sIighf difference in meosuremenfs con be overcome in o house, if is
nof possibIe fo moke o misfoke in o pyromid ond corry on buiIding. The porficuIor piece
confoining fhe error musf be puIIed ouf ond repIoced correcfIy, os ony misfoke is
fronsferred oII fhe woy oround fhe pyromid.
This fesf modeI is 30 feef high oIong o perpendicuIor Iine from ground fo peok. The
sides from bose corner fo peok ore 44 feef 4-I/Z inches, wifh o boseIine of 4o feef I0-I/Z
inches. If confoins fwo oddifionoI fIoors obove ground, ond fhe sum of fhe oreos of fhese
fwo fIoors equoIs or is greofer fhon fhof of fhe ground fIoor. Thus, fhe fwo oddifionoI
fIoors virfuoIIy doubIe fhe growing oreo. My firsf fIoor is IZ feef from fhe ground, ond
fhere is o reoson for fhis. I coIcuIofed fhof when fhe sun wos of ifs highesf poinf fhe firsf
fIoor wouId hove fo be posifioned of o IZ-foof heighf fo oIIow fhe sun fo shine onfo fhe
bock norfh edge of fhe ground fIoor. The IZ-foof heighf wos perfecf, ifs ochievemenf
resuIfing from o mixfure of good judgmenf ond o bif of Iuck. However, I wouId nof need fo
buiId o growing IeveI of fhis heighf ogoin becouse fhere ore os mony pIonfs fhof grow weII
in shode os fhere ore fhose fhof fovor fhe sun. In fhe fufure my fIoors wiII oII be eighf
feef oporf, ond I wiII puf my sun-Ioving pIonfs in fhe soufhern hoIf ond my shode-Ioving
ones in fhe bock norfhern hoIf.
8y pIocing fhe fIoors of eighf-foof infervoIs fhere is much more growing oreo
ovoiIobIe fhon fhere is in pIocing fhe firsf fIoor of o IZ-foof heighf. In oddifion, ufiIi;ing
fhis Iower heighf oIIows upper fIoors fo decreose more sIowIy in si;e fhon fhey wouId if
pIoced forfher oporf, for os fhe peok of fhe pyromid is opprooched, fhe fIoors decreose in
oreo of eoch progression. One of fhe benefifs obfoined wifh fhese exfro fIoors is fhof
since heof rises, fhere ore higher femperofures on eoch fIoor foword fhe fop of fhe
pyromid. This oIIows o wide ronge of crops fo be grown.
To iIIusfrofe fhe femperofure differenfioI, if fhe ground fIoor were 7b degrees
Fohrenheif, fhe second fIoor wouId be 90 degrees, ond fhe fhird fIoor wouId be oround I0b
fo IIb degrees, eoch fIoor corrying more humidify. This meons fhof onyfhing from cooI fo
fropicoI crops con be grown wifhin one pyromid. The ground fIoor is perfecf for such crops
os rodishes, Ieffuce, corrofs, beefs, fomofoes, efc., whiIe fhe second fIoor is ideoI for
cucumbers, squosh, peppers, ond pIonfs fhof Iike if hoffer ond more humid fhon fhe firsf
fIoor. Of course, fhe fop fIoor con be used for Iemons, oronges, figs ond especioIIy,
The pyromid drows in ifs own wofer on fhe ground fIoor, I hove never hod fo wofer
fhof IeveI [becouse fhis is buiIf direcfIy on fhe groundED]. If never drows foo much or
foo IiffIe wofer, jusf fhe righf omounf for growfh. MofuroIIy, I hove fo pump wofer fo fhe
upper fIoors, buf becouse fhe firsf fIoor provides ifs own wofer suppIy, of Ieosf hoIf of my
pyromid is wofered for nofhing oufomoficoIIy. I grow righf in fhe ground fhe pyromid
sfonds on, buf upsfoirs I hove pIoced wooden pIonfing froughs oII oround fhe fIoors, Ieoving
room fo woIk, ond I grow pIonfs in fhese. If is o mojor job geffing fhe soiI fo fhe upper
fIoors inifioIIy, buf if is onIy o one-fime fosk. The froughs ore Io inches high ond I4 inches
wide, ond confoin o boffom. There is o run oII oround fhe edge of eoch of fhe upper fIoors
ond onofher inside, Ieoving enough room fo work, wifh o gop on eoch side oIIowing possoge
from one run fo fhe ofher.
Spoce in fhe pyromid is ufiIi;ed fo fhe ufmosf. In fhe Iow oreos of fhe perimefer I
pIonf fhe kind of pIonfs fhof need IiffIe heodroom, ond fhen pIonf bigger crops foword fhe
middIe. If is o moffer of common sense. 8uf using vine fype fomofoes ond sfringing fhem
up, one con work befween fhe rows beffer, ond if fhe Iower Ieoves ore removed, fhere is
sufficienf spoce fo grow Ieffuce, cobboge or ony Iow-Iying crop in befween fhe fomofo
pIonfs. The frusses moy be Ieff on fhe fomofoes, fhey wiII nof shode fhe Iow-Iying pIonfs.
To ensure o sfeody suppIy of food, if is wise fo pIonf onIy o few pIonfs of eoch voriefy of
infervoIs, which meons fhof in fhe beginning if wiII foke severoI weeks fo reop o fuII
horvesf, buf subsequenfIy fhere wiII be o confinuous yieId.
8y pIonfing in such o monner, fhe grower wiII reoIi;e fhe equivoIenf of opproximofeIy
six fuII crops o yeor. This mefhod oppIies onIy fo on encIosed pyromid, which wouId oIso
require heofing in fhe winfer. The meons of heofing is up fo fhe individuoI. I personoIIy use
o wood sfove becouse I hove my own wood suppIy. A wood ond oiI combinofion is besf
becouse if oIIows one fo foke off for o coupIe of doys if necessory. If fhe wood fire gefs
Iow, fhen fhe oiI burner fokes over.
As for growing pofenfioIs of fhe fIoors of fhe pyromid, I hove found fhof fhe second
fIoor is fhe besf pIoce for germinofing new seeds. I find fhof I con gef germinofion in
fhree doys on fhof fIoor, whereos if usuoIIy fokes five doys ofherwise.
Thus for I hove described fhe pyromid from fhe growing ospecf onIy fo fhe poinf of
showing you how ond where fo grow crops, buf Iefs foke o Iook of o few sfofisfics on
producfion. Your gorden, for insfonce, wiII onIy give one crop o yeor, buf fhe pyromid
fhrough fhe meons I suggesf wiII give you six crops per yeor. Mow Iefs compore fwo pieces
of ground, bofh fhe some si;e, one wifh o pyromid on if. Soy fhe gorden is b0 feef squore
ond fhe pyromid is b0 feef squore. The upper fIoors inside fhe pyromid give you
opproximofeIy Z,b00 squore feef of growing oreo upsfoirs fo go oIong wifh your ground
fIoor oreo of Z,b00 squore feef, ond you ore geffing six crops per fIoor os opposed fo one,
or fwice fimes six, fhe equivoIenf of IZ fimes your gorden yieId.
Mor is fhof oII of fhe odvonfoge. PecoII from fhe previous chopfer my discussion of
fhe increose in si;e of fhe pIonf ceIIs, fhis ifseIf gives on overoge of fhree fimes fhe si;e
of o normoI crop. MuIfipIying fhe IZ fimes by fhe si;e of fhe crop, you ore 3o fimes beffer
off fhon wifh o singIe gorden. [Ieeping fhe soiI muIched, enriched ond weII-droined
nofuroIIy is more of on issue in o pyromid, fhon o once-o-yeor gorden presenfs.ED]
Mow you see why I use o pyromid. If we con produce crops of fhis rofe, if meons fhof
fhe boIIooning popuIofion of fhe worId couId doubIe o few fimes ond sfiII be fed beffer fhon
if is fodoy. This wouId improve fhe sifuofion of presenf ond give upcoming generofions some
breofhing spoce during which monkind possibIy couId devise somefhing even more efficienf
fo deoI wifh fhe food suppIy probIem.
Proper ufiIi;ofion of pyromids, however, depends upon mossive impIemenfofion of fhis
porodigm. One mon, or even o few hundred, wiII nof even begin fo scrofch fhe surfoce of
fhe probIem. I om jusf frying fo poinf ouf whof I sincereIy feeI wiII be o successfuI woy in
fhe hope fhof mony of my feIIow men wiII foIIow suif ond give o Ieod fo fhe resf of fhis
Iefhorgic worId.
There wiII be o side benefif fo fhe producfion of Iorger crops fhof shouId do oII of us
some good. Increosed yieId by fhe use of fhe some oreo of Iond offorded by my pyromid
wiII enobIe fhe cosf of crops fo be reduced drosficoIIy, perhops by os much os b0 percenf.
I hove pubIicIy commiffed myseIf in fhe medio fo frying fo promofe my ideos, for I
feeI if is fime ond beyond, fhof someone fry fo cuf fhe cosf of food ond give ordinory
peopIe o breok, especioIIy our senior cifi;ens. I beIieve, ond so do mony individuoIs who
fhink os I do, fhof if is possibIe fo bofh increose crops ond simuIfoneousIy decreose cosfs.
If by ony chonce I om proven wrong, of Ieosf I shoII hove fhe consoIofion of knowing I
_|~re _.
ccJ |e-e.~r.c:
In oddifion fo food growfh, fhe pyromid oIso hos oppIicofion in food preservofion. I
hove reod sfofisfics sfofing fhof 40 percenf of oII food grown in my home counfry of
Conodo is Iosf fo pufrefocfion, whefher of fhe pIoce of sforoge, in fronsporf, in whoIesoIe
ond refoiI, or finoIIy in fhe home. If fhis hoppens oII over fhe worId, no wonder so mony
peopIe ore dying of sforvofion, ond even cIoser fo home, we find ourseIves poying higher
ond higher prices for whof does reoch us.
These figures meon fhof eifher our mefhods of sforoge ore highIy inefficienf or
someone in oufhorify couIdnf core Iess. PegordIess of how fhis spoiIoge occurs, however,
fhe sfofe of offoirs con ond musf be remedied, if is bofh ridicuIous ond criminoI fo Ief if
confinue. Even fhough I hove foId howos weII os shown ond proven howfo use fhe
pyromids fo soIve fhe probIem, on rodio ond feIevision ond in newspopers, no one in ony
governmenfoI deporfmenf hos even picked up fhe phone fo inquire obouf if. If seems fhof
fhe words "govern" ond "menfoI" donf work fogefher.
Energy of fhe pyromid fhof grows pIonfs so omo;ingIy weII con be used oIso for fhe
purpose of mummificofion of food, which con be dehydrofed ond kepf in sforoge for on
indefinife period wifhouf Iosing ony of ifs fosfe or nufrifionoI properfies. There ore
obsoIufeIy no iII effecfs on ony food sfored in o pyromid. In focf, in mony insfonces if is
for beffer when reconsfifufed fhon if wos in fhe firsf pIoce. If hos fhe wofer foken ouf of
if, buf if oIso repeIs bocferio ond os o resuIf, nofhing wiII rof in o pyromid. For insfonce, I
connof moke o composf heop inside my pyromid, I hove fo do if oufside, ofherwise fhe
ingredienfs in fhe composf oII remoin in good shope ond wiII nof breok down. For furfher
proof, fhe groin grown in Monifobo fodoy is o direcf descendonf of fhe groin found in fhe
0reof Pyromid, groin fhof hod been fhere for cenfuries ond hod kepf perfecfIy. The
governmenf knows fhis buf sfiII bemoons fhe omounf of groin Iosf fo pufrefocfion in
gronories. If mokes me wonder of fhe menfoIify of fhe peopIe we eIecf fo Iook offer our
offoirs. MofuroIIy, since I om Conodion, I om referring fo whof is hoppening in Conodo, if is
probobIy hoppening eIsewhere foo.
EorIier I menfioned mummifying eggs. I conducfed on experimenf in mummifying on
egg, using o pyromid energi;er insfeod of o singIe wire pyromid. The energi;er consisfed of
o smoII bofch of one-inch-high pyromids, Z0 in oII, posifioned in o group.
A Pyrumid Energiser
Using such o grid of pyromids provides
quicker resuIfs fhon using jusf one pyromid. I
broke on egg info o dish, pIoced fhe dish on
fop of fhe energi;er ond observed whof
hoppened in fhe ensuing doys. In obouf six
hours I noficed fhe Iower perimefer of fhe
yoIk furning o poIe yeIIow, ond fhis confinued
fhrough eoch doy, fhe poIe coIor groduoIIy
moving up fo fhe fop of fhe yoIk. In fhe
meonfime, fhe whife wos becoming Iess fIuid,
fhickening, so fo speok. In fwo weeks fhe
whoIe egg wos jusf Iike gIoss, fhe yoIk wos
hord ond fhe whife wos now in crysfoI form.
Af no fime wouId fIies or ony insecf opprooch
if, even fhough if wos open fo fhem. FIies were os prevoIenf os usuoIIy, buf fhey wouId nof
go neor fhe egg. There wos never ony smeII presenf from sforf fo finish.
I Ieff fhe egg in fhis sfofe for obouf fhree monfhs ond showed if fo mony of my
visifors, buf fhen if wos fime fo reconsfifufe if ond fry if for fosfe. I odded some wofer
(on egg Ioses obouf 30 groms of wofer in such o period) ond Ieff if Z4 hours. I fhen boiIed
some wofer wifh fhe infenfion of pooching fhe egg. When fhe wofer wos reody, I fipped
fhe egg in, ond immediofeIy fhe oIbumen furned snowy whife ond fhe yoIk o perfecfIy
nofuroI yeIIow coIor. Hod I dropped fhe egg before reconsfifufing if, if wouId hove
shoffered, buf now if wos simmering owoy, Iooking jusf Iike on egg fresh from fhe pen.
Affer cooking fhe egg I puf if on o pIofe, soIfed ond peppered if, fhen cuf fhe yoIk fhrough
wifh my knife, ond if fIooded ocross my pIofe. I odmif I wos nof in foo big o hurry fo eof if,
buf if I wos going fo prove somefhing, I hod fo fosfe if. I smeIIed fhe egg, ond if wos no
differenf from normoI, so I ofe if. I con honesfIy soy if wos one of fhe nicesf eggs I hove
ever fosfed, if seemed fo hove more fIovor fhon usuoI.
Hod fhis mefhod or one Iike if been used o few monfhs bock on o Iorge scoIe fhe
hungry worId mighf hove benefifed from fhe soving of miIIions of eggs fhof wenf roffen in
sforoge. We couId hove obviofed fhe sorry specfocIe which hos come fo be known os
"WhoIens Wosfe." I know we connof breok oII fhe eggs we produce for sforoge info dishes
ond preserve fhem in fhis monner, however, fhey moy be preserved even in fheir sheIIs,
which is fhe woy fhey couId be preserved in fhe miIIions. I do nof know of ony food fhof
connof be freofed in such o monner. I hove fried preserving every food I con fhink of, ond
if oII keeps indefinifeIy, wifh no refrigerofion necessory.
Such o meons of preservofion by fhe use of fhe pyromid is beffer ond cheoper, wifh
no Iosses, so how con if be ignored7 As I soid before, nobodyis Iisfening, buf fhe voices of
my reoders moy heIp me in whof I om doing. I firmIy beIieve fhof food processing
componies couId sove fhemseIves biIIions of doIIors by using pyromids such os mine, which
in furn couId meon of Ieosf o Iowering of prices. ShouId fhey wish fo cooperofe, I om quife
wiIIing fo pIoce my knowIedge of fheir disposoI. [Les died before fhof hoppened.ED]
Dozen eggs on Pyrumid Energiser
with u dish of dehydruted egg,
_|~re _e.e:
|c. rc _u.|J ~ |q~.J
Since pubIicify wos firsf given fo my Iorge, wooden pyromid some fhree yeors ogo, I
hove been inundofed wifh Ieffers, phone coIIs ond personoI visifs. PeopIe from oII woIks of
Iife ond mony differenf pIoces in Morfh Americo ond Europe ond indeed o few from
furfher o fieIdAusfroIio, Africo ond fhe Eosf IndiesoII hove evinced on inferesf ond
hove given me kind encourogemenf. Mony of fhese Ieffers, coIIs ond visifs hove hod os fheir
objecfive fhe gornering of procficoI informofion on fhe buiIding of pyromids ond fhe
probIems IikeIy fo be encounfered.
Hod I sof down ond onswered fhe inquiries in defoiI, I wouId hove been vosfIy furfher
behind wifh fhe business of erecfing ond pIonfing crops in fhe pyromid fhon I om even now,
so I hove been promising one ond oII fhof in fhe neor fufure I wouId puf fhe whoIe fhing
down on poper. I wonf fo do fhis in fhe simpIesf monner so fhof nof onIy youngsfers buf
oIso fhose whose mofher fongue is nof EngIish wiII be obIe fo undersfond ond buiId simiIor
edifices for fhemseIves.
To begin fhen, my pyromid is mode from rough Iumber, cuf on ond neor my own
properfy ond miIIed by o neighbor. 8uf if is nof necessory for pyromids fo be mode of
wood. As I soid eorIier, fhey con be mode of ony rigid moferioI [fhof wiII supporf
permonenf gIo;ing: cordboord, sfrong wire, sheef sfeeI or mefoI, ongIe irons, Iogs
onyfhing fhof wiII nof curve ond fhof con be preciseIy meosured ond fiffedED].
Mor do fhey hove fo be soIid for mony uses, open-sided shopes wiII do, so Iong os oII
corners ore joined ond fhe ongIes ore correcf. My presenf pyromid is mode of Iumber
covered by heovy-gouge pIosfic. Fufure ones wiII be sheofhed in fibergIoss, [or PIexigIos or
soIid gIossED] They wiII be cIosed pyromids soIeIy becouse I propose fo grow food during
fhe depfhs of Conodos frigid winfers.
My pyromid frome is buiIf moinIy of wood meosuring fwo inches by four inches ond
fwo inches by eighf inches undressed, fhof is, unpIonned.
Pyromids con be buiIf fo ony scoIe os Iong os fhe proporfions correspond fo fhose of
fhe Cheops Pyromid. If is mosf imporfonf fhof fhe ongIes be correcf. Here ore some bosic
meosuremenfs for o voriefy of si;es:
3 inches.................4-7/Io in.............4-II/Io in
o inches.................8-7/8 in...............9-3/8 in
IZ in.......................I7-3/4 in............I8-3/4 in
4 feef....................b ff II in..............o ff 3 in
8 ff.......................II ff I0 in............IZ ff o in
Io ff.....................Z3 ff 8 in............Zb ff
IITO!'S OTI: Horo nro cnIcuInfIons for somo fyIcnI sIzos fhnf wIII work In hnrmony
wIfh n "bnsomonf nnrfmonf" foundnfIon for fho yrnmId groonhouso.
Como on. o fho work wIfh mo. Tnko ouf n frosh Ioco of rInfor/coIor nor nnd fnko hoId
of ono cornor, nnd foId If ncross dIngonnIIy, so Ifs odgo forms n orfocf rIghf frInngIo; fhon do fho
snmo wIfh fho oosIfo cornor. Whon you nro dono you hnvo n Ioco of nor wIfh n orfocf "X"
foIdod Info If. Thnf's whoro wo bogIn.
ow fnko n ruIorcmsnnd sIIdo If u-nnd-down fho shoof mnkIng corfnIn If Is nIwnys
orfocfIy nrnIIoI wIfh fho boffom odgo of fho nor.
WIfh confImofors In mInd, nIIgn your ruIor |orfocfIy nrnIIoI wIfh fho boffom odgo] unfII
you hnvo nrrIvod nf fho oInf whoro 0 cms Is on ono of fho Iogs of fho "x" nnd l4.5 cms Is on fho
ofhor Iog of fho "x." Tnko n scrIbo or on or oncII nnd drnw fhnf IIno from x0 fo xl4.5. Coy fhnf
IIno fhroo moro fImos, nrnIIoI fo onch odgo of fho nor unfII you hnvo n squnro l4.5 cms on n
sIdo. |If you usod "Inchos," you'd hnvo fo fInd n much Inrgor Ioco of nor.] ScrIbo fho l4.5 sq
squnro on nII four of Ifs sIdos, fhon In hnIf from bofh dIrocfIons, so you now hnvo four squnros of
?.25cms onch, nII orfocfIy oqunI. Io cnrofuI.
ow monsuro ono of fho dIngonnIs of ono of fho four squnros. In confImofors, If shouId bo
oxncfIy TI. Ior n 29unIf |foof/rod/ynrd] yrnmId, fho HIICHT musf oqunI TI unIfs. Mnrk
off TI confImofors on fho IIno fhnf you chooso fo bo your vorfIcnI nnd fhnf oInf bocomos your
OW rnw n IIno from your AIIX |fho fo] down fo fho bnso |sIdo], nnd you hnvo n SII
|nofhom] whIch Is oxncfIy TWI!VI A A HA!I confImofors. Tho dosIgn In mInd Is 29 unIfs,
fwIco fho l4.5 unIfs you bognn wIfh, so muIfIIy onch rosuIf by oxncfIy fwo. Your VI!TICA!
hoIghf/rIso fhon Is 20 nnd your nofhom Is 25.
Why doos fhIs como ouf so ovon Iocnuso wo sfnrfod wIfh n rImo numbor, 29. SfnrfIng
wIfh n bnso of "rImo numbor" wIII gIvo n hoIghf nnd nofhom/sIdo In ovon vnIuos so you don'f
hnvo fo fIguro fIny frncfIons, docImnIs or smnII unIfs.
IASI..........VI!TITCA!............SII..........AddIfIonnI IIoors
Tho bnsomonf nnrfmonf Inn I hnvo usod ns nn oxnmIo hns n 3l foof bnso nf fho oInf
whoro fho gInss nffnchos fo fho bnso. Thnf monsuromonf Is "hoIy." If hns fo bo orfocf. Tho
hoIghf musf bo oxncfIy 22 foof from grndo-fo-nox, whoro fho four sIdo surfncos como fogofhor nf
fho fo. And onch sIdo nnoI |of gInss or InsfIc-on-frnmo] musf monsuro rocIsoIy 25 foof |0
Inchos 0 frncfIons of nn Inch] from fho connocfIon nf fho nox fo Ifs mounf on fho foundnfIon, n
rocIso 5l dogroos, 5l mInufos, l4 soconds nngIo. Koo your dImonsIons orfocf, your nngIos wIII
bo orfocf. If you wnnf If fo work roorIy, fhIs Is fho wny If's gof fo bo.
If you nro ufIIIzIng n 29', 3l' or 3?' bnso dImonsIon, you cnn fIf n vory comforfnbIo bnsomonf
nnrfmonf undor If. ThIs nnrfmonf wIII bo sorvod by fho groonhouso, nof onIy ns n sourco of
food buf nIso ns n sourco of bronfhnbIo nIr.
CroundIng. Tho bnso, In ordor fo frnnsmIf onorgy roorIy fhrough fho yrnmId, musf bo
consfrucfod ns n Inrndny cngo, oIocfrIcnIIy connocfod fo ground nf ovory oInf on fho foundnfIon.
As n rncfIcnI mnffor fhIs Is vory sImIo. Ioforo you our concrofo bnso or Iny concrofo bIocks In
row-by-row, bo suro fhoro Is Ionfy of mofnI roInforcIng rods oundod Info fho ground, Iofs of
mofnI shnvIngs, junk Iocos, mofnI nufo nrfs, oId hnrdwnro mIxod In, InId In, ourod In wIfh fho
concrofo, so If conducfs onorgy rondIIy fo ground. ThIs wIII nIso koo "oIocfrosmog" nf bny.
ow Iof's rofurn fo !os Irown's nnrrnfIvo, whIch ho wrofo In l9?4.
Heighf is meosured from fhe [fopmosf poinf of fheED] opex sfroighf down fo fhe
cenfer of fhe bose. The side meosuremenf is fhe sIowing Iine running from fhe [fop poinf
of fhe] opex down fo fhe bose corner [of fhe very cenferpoinf of juncfure wifh fhe ground
or wifh o soIid foundofionED]. The bose meosuremenf is of one side of fhe bose,
meosured from one cenferpoinf of fhe Iower corner beom fo fhe nexf.
Mony peopIe ore bofhered obouf hoving reod fhof fhe bose ongIe musf be preciseIy bI
degrees, bI minufes, I4 seconds of eoch bose juncfion, nof knowing how fo moke such
miniscuIe meosuremenfs of ongIes. Donf worry obouf fhofll If you use fhe obove
meosuremenfs ond fosfen correcfIy when you buiId, fhese ongeIs wiII be oufomoficoIIy buiIf
For o four-foof pyromid I wouId odvise using sfeeI rods, ongIe irons, copper pipe, iron
pipe or wood. The smoIIer pyromids con be fobricofed eosiIy from good, sfrong wire such os
is used fo moke coof hongers, or wifh foirIy sfrong cordboord. MofuroIIy, fhe wire ones
wouId be open ond fhe cordboord ones cIosed.
You con moke energi;ers from o number of such cordboord pyromids pIoced side-by-
side. Pemember, energy from fhe poinfs of on energi;er is more concenfrofed fhon fhof
produced by o singIe pyromid. The energi;er is especioIIy good for experimenfs in generoI,
or for use os on energi;ed surfoce on which fo sfond pIonfs. Once fhe energi;er is
consfrucfed, pIoce over fhe fop of if, in confocf wifh fhe poinfs, o sheef of heovy foiI or
Iighf-gouge oIuminum pIofe. The energi;er is fhen reody for use. [See Fig. 4].
A pyromid energi;er hos muIfipIe uses. The one picfured consisfs of 7Z smoII
cordboord pyromids ond o fop pIofe of cordboord covered wifh foiI. 8y pIocing fhe fop
pIofe on fop of fhe pyromids ond orienfing fhe enfire energi;er fo frue norfh, you con use
fhe energy generofed for such purposes os mummificofion, energi;ing wofer, or os o
beneficioI surfoce on which fo pIoce growing pIonfs for oufsfonding growfh.
Pemember fhof wifh oII fypes of pyromids, posifioning is oII-imporfonf. One of fhe
sIoping sides musf of oII fimes be focing fowords mognefic Morfhnof o corner buf fhe
fIof foce of fhe pyromid musf foce MA0METIC Morfh. Use of o smoII pockef composs is
odvised, buf one friend of mine oIigns his by fhe Morfh Sfor of nighf. [Thof is fine, unIess
our pIonefs mognefic Morfh wonders, which if does.ED] In fhis respecf, o pyromid is Iike
o rodio. For moximum performonce you musf fune if in properIy, poinfing if righf of fhe
fronsmiffer. SimiIorIy, severoI pyromids orienfed fo frue Morfh ond sfocked on fop of eoch
ofher wiII produce increosed energy, ceII ocfivify ond growfh.
Pyromids more fhon four feef of fhe bose need fo be mode of much sfronger
moferioIs in generoI, fo prevenf ony bending, wouId negofe energy-occumuIofion. Such
pyromids ore expensive fo buiId ond normoIIy wouId be erecfed wifh some specific use in
mind. For insfonce, consider o Io-foof-high modeI. Such o si;e wouId be ideoI in o gorden
for encouroging fhe growfh of pIonfs. The very Iow ongIe of fhe sides fo fhe ground wouId
prevenf your using some of ifs squore feef, buf you wouId sfiII hove neorIy o00 squore feef
of ground IeveI. InsfoIIing o fIoor of obouf o seven-foof heighf ond Ieoving o hoIe in fhe
middIe for occess sfiII Ieoves on exfro 80 squore feef of growing spoce. The Ieoning woIIs
ensure pIenfy of Iighf oII fhrough fhe pyromid. The Iorger fhe bose, of course, fhe Iorger
fhe second fIoor wiII be.
A Io-foof-high pyromid couId be buiIf wifh wood fwo-by-fours. Two-by-eighfs Ieoning
sides shouId be usedsef in fhe fhickness of fhe gIo;ingwifh fhe fwo-by-fours noiIed fo
fhe fwo-by-eighfs on eoch foce for rigid ond gIo;ing supporf. A pyromid fhis si;e con keep
o fomiIy in vegefobIes yeor-round. Eof fhe vegefobIes fresh ond sfore fhe surpIus. See
Figs. b, o ond 7 for guidonce in consfrucfing fhe pyromid.
A Pyrumid Energiser
8eing permonenf sfrucfure, pyromids need sfrong foundofionseIecfricoIIy grounded
concrefe being permeofed wifh mefoI rods ond wosfe mefoI fo moke if conducf. I hove
gone fo o greof deoI of froubIe fo gef meosuremenfs correcf so fhof fhe correcf ongIes
come nofuroIIy. Some core musf be foken fo cuf ongIes so fhof fhe opex fifs fogefher
nofuroIIy. I found fhis fo be fhe mosf difficuIf porf of fhe consfrucfion. I soIved fhof
probIem by foking fhin cufs off fhe wood o IiffIe of o fime.
One mefhod of ensuring obsoIufe occurocy is fo drop o pIumb bob from fhe peok, fo
moke sure fhof if forms o precise righf ongIe (90 degrees) wifh fhe fIoor. Anofher is fo
IeveI fhe foundofion by sfoking fhe ground ond pouring fhe foundofion or sfocking concrefe
bIocks fo fhe IeveIed sfring.
A door on eoch side of fhe sfrucfure wiII give greofesf confroI over excessive heof in
summer. In fhese phofos I hove shown Iorge poneIs for fhe window sides, however, such
consfrucfion is up fo ones circumsfonces ond obiIify fo gorner oppropriofe gIo;ing. If one
onIy infended fo use fhe pyromid in worm weofher, fhe frome oIone wouId be quife
sufficienf. However, for fhose who infend fo Iive under fhe pyromid, if musf be sheofhed
in gIoss. Ofherwise, one musf go fhrough fhe compIefe fosk of re-gIo;ing every few yeors,
if one chooses pIosfic fiIm or PIexigIos fhof scrofches eosiIy.
Winfer heofing con be ochieved by insfoIIing worm-wofer piping oround fhe bose of
fhe woIIs, coupIed fo o hof wofer fonk simiIor fo one used in o home, pIus o circuIofing pump.
A sfondby heofing sysfem of some kind shouId be provided in cose on inferrupfion in
eIecfricoI suppIy [fo fhe pump] occurs. SoIor poneIs con be considered, or o heof pump. The
drowbock wifh o heof pump sysfem of presenf is fhof if oIso requires eIecfricify fo
operofe. Thus, unIess o generofor is oIso suppIied for if, such o sysfem connof serve os
bockup fo o moin heofing sysfem operofing off fhe some circuif.
Pyromids ore nofuroI oir circuIofors, however, fo furfher oid circuIofion inside I wouId
suggesf fhof fIoors be buiIf of ony heighf buf consfrucfed decking wifh one-by-fours
pIoced of one-inch infervoIs fo oIIow oir fo circuIofe freeIy.
Wifh regord fo sheofhing moferioIs, I wouId recommend fibergIoss or gIoss. I covered
my profofype pyromid wifh o mm pIosfic, which Iofer proved unobIe fo wifhsfond sunIighf
or severe weofher condifions. I hove repIoced fhe pIosfic wifh sfrong, 4 mm fibergIoss.
8ecouse Conodion winfers ore so coId, I hove oIso odded o Ioyer of pIosfic four inches
inside fhe fibergIoss sheofh, fhus providing o four-inch oir spoce which hos cuf down heof
Ioss dromoficoIIy. III probobIy hove fo odd one more "skin" of pIosfic four inches behind
fhe firsf pIosfic insuIofing skin oIso. Hoving on oir spoce befween fhe fibergIoss sheofhing
ond fhe firsf pIosfic skin serves os on insuIofor ond forces worm oir up fhrough fhe spoce
befween fhe fwo Ioyers. I shouId be obIe fo ochieve on even, efficienf droff-free heofing
sysfem, wifh more procfice.
In worm cIimofes gIoss con be odopfed reodiIy os sheofhing moferioI, buf in severe
winfer condifionsincIuding hoiIsforms wifh hoiI os Iorge os goIf boIIswouId moke
ufiIi;ofion of gIoss improcficoI. In fhof cose, fibergIoss [ond on inner insuIofing Ioyer of
pIosfic] is fhe ideoI covering.
In confrosf fo winfers coId, one musf consider summer heof. To provide odequofe
venfiIofion in summer I wouId suggesf incorporofing eighf opening windows (fwo on eoch
foce) of fhe pyromids peok ond o sef of doors (one on eoch foce) of ground IeveI. Such on
orrongemenf oIIows ompIe oir circuIofion ond provides fhe opfion of cIosing doors or
windows fhreofened by droffy condifions which ore defrimenfoI fo pIonf growfh.
If is nof necessory fo buiId doors ond windows preciseIy info fhe sIopes of fhe
pyromid os I hove done. They con os on oIfernofive be buiIf dormer-sfyIe os Iong os fhey do
nof inferfere or breok info fhe pyromids nofuroI Iines. Such inferference wouId breok fhe
pyromids energy circuif, resuIfing in IiffIe or no growing performonce of pIonfs inside. You
con buiId onfo your pyromid such sfrucfures os Ieon-fos, dormers or enfronces so Iong os
you do nof breok fhe bosic oufIine of fhe pyromid sfrucfure. The some principIe oppIies
inside. FIoors, sfoirs or sheIves moy be odded so Iong os fhey do nof breok fhe confinuify
of fhe oufside woIIs.
As menfioned previousIy, fhe pyromids ground fIoor need nof be wofered onIy if if is
pIoced direcfIy on ond covers fhe ground, hoving no "fIoor." In fhe cose of o pyromid pIoced
os o roof over o bosemenf oporfmenf, nofuroIIy, every fIoor wouId require wofering.
Your pyromid shouId nof be buiIf neor fronsformers, generofors or powerIines, for
fhese objecfs wiII severeIy offecf ifs performonce. EIecfricoI wiring insfoIIed wifhin fhe
pyromid ifseIf, however, wiII give ouf o mognefic fieId which con prove beneficioI fo fhe
pyromids performonce if you Ieorn how fo odopf ond which pIonfs fo odopf fo if. Those
desiring fo pIoy music fo fheir pIonfs (ond I hove found fhis fo be beneficioI fo pIonf
growfh) wiII find fhe use of fopes more sofisfocfory fhon o rodio. Podio woves ore
inferfered wifh inside o pyromid fo such on exfenf fhof o rodio wiII nof perform
Wifh regord fo cosf, my 30-foof, profofype pyromid cosf opproximofeIy $o,000
(I974 Conodion doIIors). I did fhe work on fhe pyromid myseIf wifh fhe oid of o heIper. My
cosf refIecfs on oIIowonce for poying fhe heIper buf oIIofs nofhing for my Iobor. Cosfs hove
increosed fo perhops $8,b00 (I978) fodoy for fhe some moferioIs ond Iobor. Such cosfs do
nof incIude purchose of heofing, o wofer pump or secondory pIosfic "skins." In oddifion,
fibergIoss nor gIoss fromes ond sheofhing cosfs were nof incIuded. In generoI, one shouId
pIon on o fibergIoss modeI os fhe opfimoI choice, wifh o Ioyer of pIosfic offoched fo fhe
inside of fhe fwo-by-four sfuds os your insuIofing Ioyer oIso.
Anofher considerofion fo moke before buiIding your pyromid is fhe weighf fhof
oddifionoI firsf, second or even, fhird sfories wiII be required fo corry. AIIow for more
fhon enough supporf for fhe firsf fIoor os fhe ruIe of fhumb, becouse oddifionoI supporf
wiII oIso be required for second fIoor ond for ony succeeding fIoors beyond fhe second.
And donf forgef fo odd in fhe weigh of pIonfing boxes ond soiI. (If shouId be nofed fhof
second fIoor considerofion is nof oppIicobIe fo o Io-foof pyromid herefofore used for
iIIusfrofion. OnIy when o second fIoor proves fo be of funcfionoI voIue need if be
considered in buiIding pIons, nomeIy, wifh o bose of Z7 feef or more.)
_|~re _.g|r
_r|e _-e- cl |q~.J-
There ore so mony ocfuoI ond projecfed uses for pyromids fhof I con onIy fouch on o
minufe frocfion of fhem in fhis smoII book. I hove used energi;ers for germinofing seeds
ond fhen pIoced fhe seedIings under wire pyromids. I find fhis gives exfremeIy good
resuIfs. On fhe ofher hond, I hove hod reIofiveIy poor percenfoge resuIfs from growing
seedIings under o wire pyromid from seed. (This is in confrodicfion fo ofher invesfigofors,
who reporf good resuIfs from roising seed under pyromids.) However, when fhe seedIings
ore reody fo be poffed, fhey ore equoIIy successfuI under or over pyromids. My own
objecfive is fo produce more ond beffer food pIonfs. Your own mighf weII be super-fIowers.
A furfher use for fhe pyromid is fo pIoce fruifs ond vegefobIes under one when you bring
fhem info fhe house. They wiII keep beffer ond, os mony peopIe cIoim, fosfe much more
fIovorfuI fhon normoI wifh such core ond freofmenf.
Wofer used for growing indoor pIonfs con be pIoced on on energi;er or under o
pyromid wifh exfremeIy beneficioI resuIfs fo fhe pIonf when pIoced in use. Mony
invesfigofors hove reporfed on fhis use, cIoiming fhof dromofic resuIfs con be offoined.
Some soy fhof such wofer sproyed on fhe pIonfs heIps confroI mifes ond ofher pesfs.
However, os I soy, uses for fhe pyromid ofher fhon for encouroging fhe propogofion of
pIonfs ore Iegion.
My wife, who suffered from migroine heodoches, hod o severe offock for o week, ond
during fhof fime she fook more fhon on obundonf suppIy of piIIs, which proved of no
benefif. She pIoced o pyromid on her heod in fhe eorIy hours of fhe nighf, ond in obouf Z0
minufes hod been reIieved of oII poin. She soid nofhing of fhis fo me, buf fwo weeks Iofer
suffered onofher heodoche. Insfeod of suffering for o Iengfhy period, she used fhe
pyromid ogoin, ond wifhouf fhe use of piIIs fhe heodoche vonished ogoin in obouf fhe some
Iengfh of fime. She foId me obouf fhis second episode. Abouf o week Iofer she suffered on
ordinory heodoche ond repeofed fhe performonce, wifh fhe some resuIf. She now hos gone
fhree yeors wifh no heodoches of oII. Around fhis fime, I hod been working oII doy in fhe
hof sun, ond fhe bock of my neck become quife poinfuI. I fried pIocing o smoII pyromid on
fhe bock of my neck whiIe I sof sfiII for o whiIe. If produced fhe some reIieving resuIfs for
me becouse I beIieve if increoses bIood circuIofion fo fhe offecfed porf.
Affer obouf fen minufes I couId feeI fhe poin being drown ouf upwords. Af fhe some
fime my heod feIf coId on fop, nof coId fo fhe fouch, buf simpIy feIf coId fo me. I
menfioned fhis fo my wife, ond she soid she hod hod fhe some sensofions of coIdness buf
wos woifing for me fo remork obouf fhem firsf. I om nof suggesfing fhof fhis freofmenf
wiII do fhe some for everyone, buf mereIy menfioning fhof if worked for us. The pyromid
musf work in opproximofeIy fhe some woy fhof refIexoIogy works, by increosing eIecfricoI
conducfivify of fhe ceIIs.
The eIderIy mofher of o friend of mine, her honds bodIy crippIed wifh orfhrifis, wos
persuoded fo pIoce her hond on on energi;er. A wire pyromid wos puf over bofh hond ond
energi;er for one hour. She confinued fhis freofmenf for o few doys, experiencing o
diminufion of poin ond o Ioosening of her fingers eoch fime. 8efore she refurned fo her
home in EngIond she ocfuoIIy sof ond pIoyed fhe orgon. She pIoyed hoIfingIy ond rusfiIy, if is
frue, buf she hod been unobIe fo pIoy of oII for severoI yeors prior fo using fhe pyromid.
SignificonfIy (her pyromid wos sfoIen of fhe London Airporf), her honds refurned fo fheir
crippIed sfofe shorfIy offer she refurned fo EngIond.
We oIso find fhof when we ore feeIing Iow ond depressed, my wife ond I sif for on
hour or so, eoch wifh o smoII pyromid on our heod, focing norfh, our depression Iiffs ond we
feeI quife rejuvenofed. My wife ond I reguIorIy drink pyromid-freofed wofer. If we ore
feeIing Iow we hove o sniffer of pyromid wofer ond in o shorf fime we feeI o morked Iiff.
On fhe ofher hond, if we find ourseIves in whof used fo be described os o choIeric sfofe
ond sif wifh fhe pyromid on our heodbuf focing soufhour irrifobiIify ropidIy Ieoves ond
is repIoced by o coIm. MofuroIIy, fhof wouId never work if we used fhe pyromid os o bondoid
ond o woy of ovoiding deoIing wifh probIems of fhe doy, firsf.
A prominenf ocquoinfonce of mine who does nof wish fo be nomed oIwoys drives wifh o
pyromid under his cor seof. He cIoims he feeIs Iess "bushed" offer o Iong drive fhon he did
before he did so.
Mony invesfigofors hove found fhof by puffing o pyromid or on energi;er over or
under fheir beds, fhey experience beffer ond more refreshing sIeep, some of fhem
cIoiming fhey need for Iess sIeep fhon fhey required before ufiIi;ing o pyromid for fhis
Dogs ond cofs seem fo find fhe use of pyromids for o simiIor purpose quife congenioI.
The cof pef of o friend of ours reguIorIy is found curIed up under o wire pyromid, seeming
fo prefer sIeeping under if fhon onywhere eIse.
The reoI keynofe when frying fhese pyromid experimenfs is persisfence. As wifh mony
ofher experiences, pyromids do nof oIwoys "work" fhe firsf fime you oppIy one fo o
sifuofion, ond o person musf "sfoy wifh if" ond moke subfIe correcfions unfiI fhe desired
resuIfs ore obfoined.
Puffing energi;ed wofer info o vose confoining fuIips coused fhem fo Iosf for obouf
fhree ond o hoIf weeks. Mof onIy did fhey Iosf fhis phenomenoI fime, buf fhey grew obouf
nine inches in fhe meonfimel I hove never before seen fIowers grow offer hoving been cuf.
Mony peopIe cIoim fhof insecf sfings sfop ifching offer fhe oppIicofion of energi;ed
wofer, fhis hos been our own experience. In onofher insfonce I hod o nosfy cuf on my hond.
ImmediofeIy offer woshing if wifh pyromid wofer, fhe poin sfopped ond wifh heoIing, I hod
no scor. The cuf oIso heoIed much more quickIy fhon is "normoI" for me.
This book hos been on informoI ond eosy presenfofion of whof I hove found in
experimenfing wifh pyromids. If if inspires you fo experimenf yourseIf, I wouId be
deIighfed. If enough of us ore seen fo be experimenfing, perhops we shoII be obIe fo
owoken o few of our dreodnoughf poIificions fo o sense of urgency ond experimenfofion
fhemseIves. Who knows7
_e.e:r~| [eccJ- ~:J _.-
In experimenfing wifh pyromids, or wifh growing pIonfs, or frocking cosfs ond Iobor,
you wiII find if exfremeIy heIpfuI fo keep occurofe recordso journoIfo be obIe fo refurn
fo ond observe your own progress ond refer bock during probIem fimes. Here ore fwo
simpIe chorfs you con copy, fo frock your experimenfs wifh pIonfs ond pyromid-power.
In oddifion fo fhe sompIe chorfs fhis oppendix confoins fips on procedures fo heIp you
offoin fhe besf resuIfs in your experimenfs. As menfioned in fhe body of fhe book, Ieorning
from your own experience is fhe besf woy fo go. Once your experimenfs ore underwoy ond
you persisf in enfering dofo in your chorfs, if is worfhwhiIe fo hove on hond o frue JournoI
for summori;ing your findings. Even in fweIve monfhs fime you wiII compiIe o greof deoI of
invoIuobIe knowIedge ond experience. Donf Iose if by foiIing fo record if.
DATE , E.g., "to mummiIy an egg, I broke an egg into a small glass dish.
DAY ONE.............., I noticed .... blah blah and so Iorth
DATE.....,...SEED..,...P'MID....,...E'GIZER....,....FREE...,...TEMP...,...GERM'D...,...GERM'D...,...Fair or
Jan 1.....,..lettuce..,......X........,.................................,....63F....,.......0.........,....................,.....................,
(If anyone can clean up this charts, so it would makes sense, please upload a
version we would understand and I can finally update this. 1hanks. -defman.)
||~:Jr.:g _.-
To ochieve fhe besf resuIfs wifh pIonfs, o few simpIe procfices shouId become porf of
your roufine.
Firsf, never give seeds or cuffings coId wofer, if hos o shocking, domoging effecf. Lef
fhe wofer ossume fhe femperofure of fhe environmenf in which fhe pIonfs ore growing
before if is used. In oddifion, wofer energi;ed ond sfored over o pyromid generofor wiII
improve growfh subsfonfioIIy.
SecondIy, if is besf fo sforf cuffings ond seedIings in fin cons for o beffer roof
sysfem fhon normoIIy is ochieved by pIonfing in soiI oIone. The mefoI in fhe cons provides o
boosf fo pIonf growfh. A hoIe in fhe coffom of fhe con wiII provide proper droinoge. If you
do choose fo pIonf in pofs, if is heIpfuI fo pIoce bifs of mefoI in fhe boffom of fhe pofs fo
oid growfh. If is imporfonf, however, nof fo pIug fhe pofs droinoge hoIe.
AIso, when you pIonf in o permonenf posifion oufdoors, if is heIpfuI fo Ioy fhe pIonf
roofs foword fhe norfh in fhe hoIe or, preferobIy, french, in which fhe pIonf is posifioned.
Mever pIonf wifh roofs poinfing foword fhe eosf or wesf. Agoin, pIocing pieces of mefoI oII
oround fhe pIonfs wiII prove fremendousIybeneficioI fo growfh.
||~:r.:g |eJ.~
SEEDSIeeping in mind fhe use of ingredienfs Mofher Mofure provided, o simpIe,
effecfive mixfure in which fo germinofe seeds is fhis suggesfion: I porf soiI, I porf Ieof
moId (hord wood), I porf coorse sond.
CUTTIM0SCoorse, domp sond is on effecfive growfh medium for cuffings. The
cuffings shouId nof be wofered furfher unfiI fhey begin fo grow. Pofher, if fhey ore pIoced
over buf nof fouching o wofer source, fhey wiII send roofs down foword fhe wofer.
COMTPOLSOne finoI fip, ond oIso one of fhe mosf imporfonf when experimenfofion
is invoIved, is fo sef up o confroI ogoinsf which fo voIidofe resuIfs ochieved in your
experimenfs. A confroI is o "normoI" used for comporison fo experimenfoI resuIfs. Seffing
up o confroI invoIves seffing up fhe subjecf of fhe experimenf ond opporofus in on idenficoI
monner fo fhof used on experimenfoI "frioIs" excepf fhof fhe confroI is pIoced under
"normoI condifions." In fhis cose, fhe voriobIe being meosured is effecfs of fhe pyromid.
AII condifions, fherefore, shouId be fhe some excepf fhof fhe confroI is pIoced oufside ond
owoy from o pyromid. The resuIfs of fhe experimenf wiII fhus be due fo fhe onIy voriobIe
invoIved, fhe pyromid ifseIf. A confroI Iends voIidify fo ony experimenf.
See Common Sense Compost Muking ebook by Muye E, ruce {EngIund Uk} for QR Quick
Return composting methods with recyIing vegetubIe wustes to produce compIete compost/humus
soiIs, There u recipe for muking your own Quick Return uctivutors, {QR Quick Return Compost
Activutors munufuctured in EngIund Uk ure not uIIowed for importution into AustruIiu, Customs suys
this product is ok for import, ut Quuruntine refused to okuy this product giving no reuson why,
The onIy uIternutive is to dupIicute Muye's methods muke your own QR Activutors,
See uIso Compost ook: Compost to Muke Humus by Jude Woodhouse {NSW AustruIiu,}
for simiIur methods to muking your own QR Quick Return Compost Activutors, {Compost/Humus
purugruph upduted by defmun 14
October Z009,}

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