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MODULE 7 LECTURE 20 : INTERGRAL FORMULATIONS OF TWO DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM Introduction So far, we have considered only one-dimensional problems in our

discussion on finite element formulation. Now we shall discuss the finite element formulation of two dimensional (2-D) problems. This formulation differs from one-dimensional (1-D) formulation in certain respects. For 1-D problems, the elements being line segments have only the size. But, for 2-D problems, the elements have both the size and shape. The typical shapes are triangles, rectangles, quadrilaterals, curved triangles, curved quadrilaterals etc. Further, the shape functions are functions of two coordinates. Therefore, we need 2-D numerical integration scheme for the evaluation of element stiffness matrix. Another difference between the 1-D and 2-D formulations is that, now the boundary of the domain is a curve and not just a pair of points. Therefore, application of the Neumann boundary condition involves line integration along that boundary using the consistent 1-D shape functions. In the present lecture, we shall discuss the integral formulations of a typical 2-D problem. Other aspects of the finite element formulation will be discussed in subsequent lectures.

Model Boundary Value Problem To illustrate the development of integral formulations for 2-D problems, we consider the 2-D steady-state heat conduction problem. The domain and its boundary are shown in Fig.20.1

Fig.20.1 Domain and the Boundary of a model Boundary value problem

The thermal conductivity of the domain material is k and r(x, y) is the heat generated at point (x, y) per unit volume per unit time. A part of the boundary, denoted by , is held at a temperature T* which can vary with the boundary coordinate s. The remaining part of the boundary, denoted by , receives the heat flux q* which also can vary with the boundary coordinate s. The heat flux q is defined as the heat flow (normal to the area) per unit area per unit time: (20.1)

Here boundary.

is the gradient of temperature T(x, y) and are the components of

is the unit outward normal to the while are the components of

. If the quaintly q is positive, it means heat is flowing out of the domain and nice-versa. For steady problems, r, T* and q* are independent of time. Temperature T(x, y) at point (x, y) of the domain is governed by the following boundary value problem consisting of the differential equation (D.E.) and boundary condition (B.C.): D.E B.C (i) (ii) (20.2a) (20.2b) (20.2c)

The differential equation 20.2(a) represents the heat balance of a small element of a domain. The boundary condition 20.2(b) is called as the Temperature or the Dirichet boundary condition where as the boundary condition 20.2(c) is called as the Heat Flux or Neumann boundary condition . Using the definition of divergence operator and eq. (20.1), the above problem can be expressed in vector notation: D.E. : (20.3a)


(i) (ii)

(20.3b) (20.3c) is the divergence operator. \


Weak or Weighted Residual Formulation Consider a function T ( x , y ), defined over the domain, which satisfies both the boundary conditions 20.3(b) and 20.3(c). In general, this function will not satisfy the differential equation 20.3(a). Instead, when T ( x , y ) is substituted in the left hand side of eq. 20.3(a), it will lead to the following error called as the residue and denoted by R ( x , y ) : (20.4) To make the function T ( x , y ) an approximate solution of the problem (20.3(a), 20.3(b), 20.3(c)), we minimize the above residue by setting the integral of the product of R and a weight function w ( x , y ) to zero : (20.5) The weight function w ( x , y ) must belong to a class of admissible functions. For the present problem, this class consists of the functions which satisfy the following conditions :

1. On the boundary where T is specified, w must be zero. Thus, in the present problem, w = 0 on . is specified, w must be unconstrained. Thus, in the

2. On the boundary where

present problem, w is unconstrained on . 3. The function w should be smooth enough for the integral of the weighted residue to be finite.

We rewrite eq. (20.5) as : (20.6)

To relax the smoothness requirements on the choice of the approximation function we use a vector identity and the divergence theorem. The vector identity to be used is as follows. For a vector-valued function , y ), the following relation holds :

and a scalar- valued function g of the coordinates ( x

(20.7) The divergence theorem can be stated as follows. For a vector-valued function h of the coordinates, the area integral of following relation : can be converted to the boundary integral using the

(20.8) where Setting is the unit outward normal to the boundary of the domain .

and g = w and using the identity (20.7), the left side of eq. (20.6) becomes : (20.9)

Setting and using the divergence theorem (eq. 20.8) to convert the first right side integral to a boundary integral, eq. (20.9) can be expressed as : (20.10)

Using eq. (20.1), the boundary integral on the right side of eq. (20.10) can be expressed in terms of the heat flux q . Further, since two parts : (i) integral over (20.10) becomes : and (ii) integral over , the boundary integral can be split into . With these simplifications, eq.


Since w = 0 on , the first boundary integral of the right side of eq. (20.11) becomes zero. Using the Neumann boundary condition 20.3(c), the second boundary integral can be expressed in terms of the specified heat flux be expressed as : . With these simplifications, eq. (20.11) can

(20.12) Combining eqs. (20.6) and (20.12), and transposing the boundary integral to the other side, we get (20.13) This is called as the Weighted Residual Integral . This is the integral form used in the Weighted Residual Formulation. Now, the condition 3 of the class of admissible functions can be made explicit. For all the integrals of eq. (20.13) to be finite, continuous over the domain with only finite discontinuities. must be piecewise

Variational Formulation We obtain the other integral form in a similar fashion. Let be a function which wherever T

represents a small change in the function T (x , y) with the constraint that is specified. Thus, T and the operator get on the boundary

. Such a function is called as the variation of i n eq. (20.13), we

is called as the variational operator. Setting


Using the properties of - operator from section 5 of Lecture 2 and assuming k to be independent of temperature, eq. (20.14) can be converted to the form : (20.15) where


The functional I is called as the Variational Functional of the boundary value problem (20.3(a), 20.3(b), 20.3(c)). This is the integral form to be used for the Variational Formulation . This integral needs to be extremized to obtain the solution of the boundary value problem. The extremizing function T ( x , y ) needs to satisfy the following three conditions, which are similar to the conditions on the weight function w ( x , y ) :

1. The function T ( x , y ) must satisfy the temperature boundary condition 20.3(b). Thus on . 2. The function T ( x , y ) and its variation must be unconstrained where the must be heat flux boundary condition (eq. 20.3(c)) is specified. Thus, T and . Further, the variation must satisfy the condition on

unconstrained on 3. The function T ( x , y ) must be smooth enough to make the functional I finite. Thus, T must be such that is finite at every point of the domain.

The equation 20.3(a) is called as the Euler equation of the functional I (eq. 20.16). Further, the boundary condition 20.3(b) is called as the Essential boundary condition , and the condition 20.3(c) is called as the Natural boundary condition . Variational functionals of the bar and beam problems represent the total potential energy of the system. However, the variational functional (eq. 20.16) of the heat condition problem has no such physical interpretation. Further, if the thermal conductivity k depends on temperature T , then the variational functional I may not exist, unless k is a specific function of T . However, the other integral form, namely the weighted residual integral (eq. 20.13) always exist. LECTURE 21 : FE FORMULATION OF 2-D PROBLEMS FE EQUATION INTRODUCTION In the last lecture. We developed the integral form of the model boundary value problem. In this lecture, we shall develop the finite element formulation starting

from this integral form. We use the simplest approximation for this purpose: a complete linear polynomial in x and y . This approximation corresponds to the simplest element, namely the three-noded triangle where the nodes are at the vertices. We substitute this approximation in the integral form to obtain the finite element equations involving the global coefficient matrix and global right side vector. These quantities are expressed as the assemblies of the element coefficient matrices and element right side vectors. In the next lecture, we discuss the evaluation of elemental quantities, their assembly and the application of Dirichlet boundary condition.

Simplest Approximation Figure 21.1 shows a 2-D domain divided into a uniform mesh of 3-noded triangular elements. It also shows an element numbering system, a global node numbering system and global dof. The element numbers are encircled. The total number of elements is denoted by N e and the total number of nodes by N n .

Figure 21.1 Uniform Mesh of 3-Noded Triangular Elements

Figure 21.2 shows a typical element k . It also shows the local node numbering system, and the nodal coordinates and nodal degrees of freedom (dof) of local node i . The local node numbering can start from any vertex but it must be counter clock wise. The notation for the

coordinates and dof has the superscript k indicating that these quantities belong to the element k . This is called as local notation.

Figure 21.2 Typical 3-Noded Triangular Element k

Each node has a one dof. Thus, there are totally 3 dof per element. Therefore, we need 3 linearly independent basis functions. We choose the lowest three monomial functions as the basis functions. Then, the finite element approximation for k -th element becomes : (21.1)

where and are unknown coefficients. This is a complete linear polynomial in x and y . To express these unknown coefficients in terms of the elemental dof, we evaluate T at the 3 nodes, i.e., at . Thus, we get


Solving these 3 equations, we get

(21.3) where (21.4)

is the area of the element. If the local numbering is done clockwise, then Substituting the expressions for and

becomes negative.

in eq. (21.1) and rearranging the terms, we get (21.5)

where the shape functions

are given by

(21.6) Note that, like the expression (21.1), each shape function is also a complete linear polynomial in x and y. It is easy to verity that these shape functions satisfy the property : (21.7)

Thus, the shape function 21.3 shows the variation of will be similar.

has the value 1 at the node i and zero at the other two nodes. Figure over the element k . Variations of the other two shape functions

Figure 21.3 Variation of

over the Element k

These are called as linear Lagrangian shape functions and the corresponding triangular element is called as the first order Lagrangian triangular element . To facilitate numerical integration of the coefficient matrix, we need to transform each (triangular) element to a master (triangular) element for which the expression for numerical integration is available. The master element is an isosceles right-angled triangle with equal sides being unity. This element is shown in Fig. 21.4. The coordinates coordinates . are called as natural

Figure 21.4 Mapping of a Triangular Element onto the Master Element

Since straight boundaries of a triangular element get mapped onto the straight boundaries of the master element, the mapping can be expressed as a linear relation between ( x , y ) and coordinates :

(21.8) Here, the unknown coefficients and are determined from the conditions that the nodes 1, 2, 3 of the triangular element map respectively onto the vertices (1, 0), (0, 1) and (0, 0) of the master element. Thus, we get

(21.9) Solving these 6 equations for mapping function becomes: and and substituting these expressions into eq. (21.8), the

(21.10) The shape function expressions in natural coordinates (21.11)

are obtained by substituting the mapping function (21.10) into eq. (21.6). We get


Note that, using the above expressions of the shape functions, the mapping function for element k (eq. 21.10) becomes :


When we use the linear Lagrangian shape functions. The approximation in terms of the global basis functions for the mesh shown in Fig. 21.1 becomes :



are the global degrees of freedom (i.e., values of the temperature at global nodes) and

are the global basis functions. Over a typical element k , all but three global basis functions reduce to zero and the three non-zero global basis functions reduce to the linear Lagrangian shape function .

To obtain the relationship between and , we use the connectivity matrix [ C ]. This matrix, which relates the local and global node numbering systems, is defined by the relation (eq. 6.35) : (21.15)

In the above equation, the row index k denotes the element number, the column index l denotes the local node number and the value j is the global node number of the local node l belonging to the element k . Using the above definition, the connectivity matrix corresponding to the mesh of Fig. 21.1 can be expressed as :


Using the definition of [ C ] (eq. 21.15), the relationship between the global basis functions and the elemental shape functions of the element k can be expressed as :

, = 0 for other j .


As an example, consider 3rd element (i.e., k = 3). From the 3 rd row of [ C ] (eq. 21.16), we get the following values of the global nodes numbers corresponding to three local nodes of the 3rd element : (21.18)

Then, for the 3 rd element (i.e., k = 3) eq. (21.17) gives the following relationship between and :


Expressions for the Element Stiffness Matrix and Element Force Vector As stated earlier, we use the weighed residual formulation to derive the finite element equations. The corresponding integral form is gives by eq. (20.13). Further, we have decided to use the Galerkin scheme. Then, the weight functions are identical to the global basis functions : (21.20) First, we substitute the above expression for the weight function in the integral from (eq. 20.13). Thus, we obtain (21.21)

Next, we write the integral over

as a sum of the integrals over

elements. Thus, we get



is the domain of element k and

is the intersection of the element k with the

boundary . Note that, for many elements is zero. For the mesh of Fig. 21.1, is zero for all k except for k = 1, 2 and 5. Now, we substitute the finite element approximation (eq. 21.14) in terms of the global basis functions in the above equation. We obtain


Now, we interchange the sums on the left hand side to get


Finally, we define the following quantities :

i , j = 1, 2, . . . . , Nn .


i , j = 1, 2, . . . . , Nn


i = 1, 2, . . . . , Nn i = 1, 2, . . . . , Nn i = 1, 2, . . . . , Nn

(21.27) (21.28) (21.29)

Then, eq. (21.24) becomes :

i = 1, 2, . . . . , Nn


These are the finite element equations. In matrix form, they can be written as : (21.31)

where [ K ] is called as the global coefficient matrix ,

is called as the global right side

vector and is called as the vector of global dof. For the heat condition problem, is called as the global temperature vector , [K] is called as the global conductivity matrix and {F} is called as the global heat flux vector . Equations (21.25) and (21.27) show that the global coefficient matrix and global right side

vector consists of the contributions expressions for , and


from the elements

. The

for the k -th element can be simplified as follows. Note and are nonzero over the element are given by eq.

that the values of i and j for which (21.17) :

= 0 for other I , = 0 for other j . Thus, only the following 9 elements of are nonzero : (21.32)

= 0 for other i and j


where (21.34)

Similarly, only the following 3 elements of


are nonzero :

= 0 for other i


where (21.36) and

= 0 for other i


where (21.38)

It is convenient to express eqs. (21.34), (21.36) and (21.3) in an array form. For this purpose, define the following arrays :


Then, eqs. (21.34), (21.36) and (21.38) become :

(21.40) (21.41) (21.42)

The 33 matrix

is called as the element coefficient matrix . The 31 ectors

and indicates

are called as the element right side vectors . The superscript 'd' on that it is a contribution from the domain of element k while the superscript 'b' on denotes that it is a contribution from the boundary of the element k ( if it lies on that, for many elements,

). Note

would be zero since none of their boundaries would lie on

. For the mesh of Fig. 21.1, element no. 1, 2 and 5.

would be a zero vector for all the elements except for the


In the last lecture, we obtained the finite element equations involving the global coefficient matrix and global right side vector. These quantities are expressed as the assemblies of the element coefficient matrices and element right side vectors. In this lecture, we first discuss the evaluation of element coefficient matrix and element right side vectors. Then we develop the algorithm for the assemblies of element quantities. In the end, we discuss the procedure of application of the Dirichlet boundary condition.

Evaluation of Element Coefficient Matrix [ k ]( k ) Note that the expression for the element coefficient matrix [ k ]( k ) for k -th element (3-noded triangular element) is given by (eq. 21.40) :


where the matrix

is defined as (eq. 21.39) :


Here, k in the integral is the thermal conductivity, the shape functions.

is the domain of k -th element and


The shape functions are usually expressed as the functions of the natural coordinates the master element (eq. 21.12). But to evaluate , we need to take ( x , y ) derivatives of these shape functions. This is done by using the chain rule. Thus, we get



where, the superscript k on the derivatives means they are to be evaluated for k-th element. In matrix form, eq. (22.3) can be expressed as :




Then, the matrix

can be expressed as :


The matrix

is related to the Jacobain matrix of the mapping function (eq. 21.10 or 21.13). is defined by

To obtain this relationship, note that


From the mapping function

, we get


where the Jacobain matrix

is defined by

. (22.9) Here, the superscript k on the derivatives means they are to be evaluated for k -th element. Comparing eqs. (22.7) and (22.8), we get (22.10) or (22.11)

Figure 22.1 Domain of Master Element Note that, for the purpose of numerical integration, the integral (22.1) must be transformed to the domain of the master element (Fig. 22.1) using the mapping function. Then, the area element dA in x - y plane becomes equal to in plane where is given by (22.12)

Further, the limits of integral become for and (0, 1) for (see Fig. 22.1). The thermal conductivity k( x , y ) also needs to be expressed in terms of the natural coordinates using the mapping function. Then, the expression (22.1) for becomes :


Now the procedure of evaluating

can be stated as follows :

Evaluate the Jacobain matrix function with respect to mapping function, we get

from eq. (22.9) by differentiating the mapping . When we use eq. (21.10) as the expression for the


Then, calculate for

as the determinant of

(eq. 22.12). Using the above expression

, its determinant becomes : (22.15)

Then, evaluate the matrix is constant (eq. 22.14).

from eq. (22.11). Note that

is constant matrix since

Then, obtain the derivatives expression (21.12) for

and . and

for i = 1, 2, 3 by differentiating

with respect to

Then, using

and the derivatives

for i = 1, 2, 3, calculate

form eq. (22.6). Note that, and matrix.

is a constant matrix since the derivatives is also a constant

for i = 1, 2, 3 are constant functions and

Finally, evaluate

from eq. (22.13). Note that, when k is constant, the integrand of

the expression is a constant matrix since is a constant matrix and is a constant scalar. Therefore, there is no need to use a numerical integration scheme. We

shall discuss a commonly used numerical integration scheme in the next lecture when we consider the higher order approximations.

Figure 22.2 Element k

As an example, consider the element shown in Fig. 22.2. This is an isosceles right-angled triangle with equal sides being of size h . Then, the coordinates : and are given by

(22.16) Substituting the above expressions in eq. (22.14), we get (22.17)

Then the matrix

becomes :


and the matrix

becomes : (22.19)

Differentiating the shape function expressions (eq. 21.12) with respect to

, we get


Then, substituting eqs. (22.19) and (22.20), the expression (22.6) for the matrix :



Now, from eq. (22.17), the determinant of

becomes : (22.22)

Now, assume that (22.13), the expression for

is constant equal to k . Then, substituting eqs. (22.21 - 22.22) in eq. becomes :


Note that

(22.24) Substituting eq. (22.24) in eq. (22.23), we get


Lecture 22B : Evaluation of Element Right Side Vectors, Assembly and Application of Dirichlet Boundary condition

Evaluation of Element Right Side Vector Note that the expression for the element right side vector is given by (eq. 21.41) : (22.26)

Where Q is the heat generated per unit volume per unit time and the vector as (eq. 21.39):

is defined


For the purpose of numerical integration, the integral (22.26) needs to be transformed to the domain of the master element (Fig. 22.1). The shape functions are already available as

functions of the natural coordinates

. Using eq. (21.12), the vector

becomes :


The heat generated per unit volume per unit time Q ( x , y ) also needs to be expressed in terms of the natural coordinates using the mapping function. Note that, as stated earlier, the element dA in x - y plane becomes equal to in plane where for is

given by eq. (22.12). Further, the limits of integration become (see Fig. 22.1). Then, the expression (22.26) for becomes :

and (0, 1) for


where evaluate

is given by eq. (22.28) and

is given by eq. (22.12). As an example, let us is given by (eq. 22.22) : (22.30)

for the element of Fig. 22.2. Then

Further, assume that is a constant equal to Q . Then using eq. (22.28), the expression (22.29) becomes :


Note that

(22.32) Similarly, it can be shown that




Substituting eqs. (22.32 - 22.34), the expression for

becomes :


Evaluation of Element Right Side Vector Note that the expression for the element right side vector is given by (eq. 21.42) :


where and

is the specified heat flux (normal heat flow per unit area per unit time) on the boundary is the intersection of k-th element with the boundary . Thus, is nonzero

only for the elements which have a part of their boundary lying on identified at the time of mesh generation itself. To illustrate the evaluation of

. Such elements should be

, consider the mesh of Fig. 21.1 again.

Figure 22.3 Uniform Mesh of 3 Noded Triangular Elements

For this domain,

is the union of the boundaries BC and CA . Only the elements 1, 4, 5, 7 and . The element 9 has two of its boundaries lying on .

9 have a part of their boundary lying on

while the remaining elements have only one boundary lying on Let us first consider the evaluation of (i.e., its intersection with element is shown in Fig. 22.4

for the element 1 (i.e., k = 1). For this element,

) is the boundary AD . Local node numbering system of this

Figure 22.4 Local Node Numbering System of Element 1

Local node numbers 1 and 2 of this element lie respectively at points A and D of the boundary . Since the third shape function of this element is zero at these two nodes and has linear

variation between these 2 nodes, is zero along AD . This can also be derived from the shape function expressions (eq. 21.6). For this purpose, we express the variation of the shape function vector along AD in terms of the boundary coordinate s . Note that s is related to ( x , y ) coordinates by the relations : (22.37) where is the value of s -coordinate at the local node 1 and is the inclination of the boundary can be expressed as : (22.38)

AD with x -axis (Figures 22.3 and 22.4). Then, the coordinates

where s 2 are is value of s -coordinate at the local node 2. Using eqs. (22.37-22.38), the expression for (eq. 21.4) along AD reduces to


and the shape function expressions (eq. 21.6) along AD become :


Note that, these expressions are nothing but 1-D linear Lagrangian shape functions given by eqs. (6.1-6.2) except that, now they have been expressed as functions of s instead of x . Thus, the shape function vector along the boundary AD becomes :


Now, we assume that is a constant along the boundary AD . Further, the limits of integration along AD become s 1 and s 2 (Fig. 22.4). Then, substituting eq. (22.41), the expression (22.36) for becomes :


where (22.43) is the length off the boundary AD (i.e. the boundary of element 1 along ).

The element right side vector for other elements is evaluated in a similar fashion. Note that, for the boundary BC , the boundary coordinate s coincides with x -coordinate. Therefore, for the elements 5, 7 and 9 having one of their boundaries on BC, the shape function vector along BC can be expressed in terms of the coordinate x . If the boundary then for the elements having a part of their boundary along along lies along y -axis,

, the shape function vector will have

can be expressed in terms of the coordinate y . In every case, the vector

one component zero (corresponding to the node not lying on ) and the other two components will be the 1-D linear Lagrangian shape functions expressed in terms of the boundary coordinate. Assembly of the Elemental Quantities After the evaluation of element coefficient matrix and element right side vector (both for the domain as well as for the boundary) for all the elements, we "assemble" these quantities to obtain the global coefficient matrix and global right side vector. The assembly procedure of 2-D problems differs from that of the 1-D problems in the contribution of the Neumann boundary to the right side vector. For 1-D problems, the Neumann boundary usually consists of a single node and therefore, its contribution is only to those rows of the right side vector which correspond to that node. (For the 1-D bar problem, the contribution is only to a single row as the degree of freedom per node is one. But, for the 1-D beam problem, there are two degrees of freedom per node and therefore the contribution is to two rows.) Thus, this contribution does not need to be evaluated element wise but is added directly to the right side vector at the assembly stage. On the other hand, for 2-D problems, the Neumann boundary is a curve having many nodes and therefore its contribution consists of a vector (i.e., ) corresponding to all the nodes of the Neumann boundary. This contribution is usually calculated element wise first (in the form of the vector ) and then the assembly procedure is used.

Both for 2-D heat transfer problem as well as for 1-D bar problem, the degree of freedom per node is one. Therefore, except for the difference mentioned above, the assembly procedure of the 2-D heat transfer problem is the same as that of the 1-D bar problem. Similar to the procedure of section 6.4 (for the 1-D bar problem), it consists of the following two steps : 1. Expansion of the element coefficient matrix and to the full size to obtain the matrix and element right side vectors and the vectors and

for all the elements. 2. Addition of the expanded matrices and vectors over all the elements to obtain the global coefficient matrix [ K ] and the global right side vector { F }. The first step of the assembly procedure can be expressed as follows. For k-th element, the expanded matrix (21.33) : is obtained from the element coefficient matrix using the relation

= 0 for other i and j


where [ C ] is the connectivity matrix, defined in section 21.1, which relates the global and local node numbering systems. Similarly, to obtain the expanded matrices use the relations (21.35) and (21.37). Therefore, and , we

= 0 for other i and


= 0 for other i


Therefore, we use the following procedure for in the step 1 : i. Consider the components , and for k = 1, l = 1 and m = 1.


Find the global number of the local node l using the connectivity matrix. Let it be i . Then, the components and and of the element right vectors go to the locations

of the expanded vectors.


Find the global number of the local node m using the connectivity matrix. Let it be j . Then, the component the expanded matrix. of the element coefficient matrix goes to the location of


Repeat steps (i)-(iii) for other nodes, i.e., for other values of l and m . The remaining components of , and are zero.


Repeat the steps (i)-(iv) for other elements, i.e., for other values of k .

The second step is as follows. After obtaining the expanded versions of the element coefficient matrix and the element right side vectors for all the elements, they are added using the relations (21.25) and (21.27) :




is the number of total elements.

Application of Essential Boundary Condition (i.e., Dirichlet Boundary Condition) The procedure of application of the Dirichlet boundary condition is similar to that of the 1-D bar problem discussed in section 7.1 except for one difference. For the bar problem, the Dirichlet boundary usually consists of only a single node and therefore the condition is applied only at one node. For the 2- D heat transfer problem, the Dirichlet boundary is usually a curve (denoted by ) consisting of many nodes. Therefore, the Dirichlet boundary condition needs to be applied at all the nodes lying on . Let i be the first node on the Dirichlet boundary as we move in

the counter clock wise direction along . Further, let be the specified value of the primary variable (i.e., the temperature) at node i . The, the algorithm for the application of essential boundary condition is as follows :

Replace i -th equation by the condition

. This is done as follows :

for j = 1,2,...,

, (22.49)


is the number of total nodes. To retain the symmetry of the global coefficient matrix [ K ], transpose the known terms in the remaining equations to the right hand side. This is done as follows : for j = 1,2,..., , , , . (22.50) .

for j = 1,2,...,

Repeat steps (i)-(ii) for all other nodes lying on the Dirichlet boundary

Lecture 23 : Higher Order Lagrangian Triangular Elements

Introduction In the last two lectures, we developed the finite element formulation of a typical 2-D problem using the simplest triangular element. This triangular element has 3 nodes and the corresponding shape functions are linear. Since the degree of freedom per node is one, this element is called as the Lagrangian triangular element, or to be precise, first order Lagrangian triangular element. The corresponding shape functions are called as Lagrangian shape functions and the approximation is called as Lagrangian approximation. Thus, equations (21.6) or (21.12) represent the first order or linear Lagrangian shape functions and equation (21.5) represents the first order or linear Lagrangian approximation. In this lecture, we shall develop the higher order Lagrangian triangular elements using the approximation of order higher than linear.

Higher Order Lagrangian Approximations

In constructing higher order approximations, we use the property of spatial invariance or geometric isotropy . This property states that the form of the approximating function must be independent of the orientation of the coordinate system. The complete polynomials possess this property. This is because a complete polynomial in ( x, y ) coordinate system transforms into

another complete polynomial of the same degree (with different coefficients) into a rotated coordinate system .

The monomials of degree n for various values of n have been arranged as shown in Fig. 22.1. This figure is called as Pascal Triangle . The complete polynomial of degree p contains all the monomials upto degree p , i.e., all the monomials of the degree monomials in a complete polynomial of degree p is given by . Thus, the number of

(23.1) Thus, in a complete polynomial of degree p = 1, there are N = 3 monomials, namely 1, x and y. Similarly, in a complete polynomial of degree p = 2, there are N = 6 monomials, namely 1, x, y , x2 , xy and y2 . Note that, the number of coefficients in a complete polynomial of degree p is also equal to N .

Axis of symmetry Figure 23.1 Pascal Triangle or Monomials of Degree n Arranged in the Order of Increasing n . If a complete polynomial of degree p is to be used as an approximation, the number of coefficients N in the polynomial must be equal to the degrees of freedom per element. Since, this is a Lagrangian element, the degree of freedom per node is one. Thus, the degrees of freedom per element are exactly equal to the number of nodes per element. Therefore, the number of nodes per element must be equal to N , i.e. the number of coefficients in the polynomial.

Note that, for the weighted residual integral (eq. 20.13) to be finite, the approximation for the primary variable T must be such that is piecewise continuous over the domain with only finite discontinuities. Therefore, the approximation must be such that the primary variable is continuous across the interelement boundaries. We are using a complete polynomial of degree p as the approximation over a typical element. If the coordinate along a boundary segment is denoted by s , then the variation of the primary variable along the boundary segment becomes a 1-D polynomial in s of degree p . To make the primary variable continuous across the interelement boundaries, its variation along the common boundary segment must be the same as that of the adjoining element. For this to happen, the number of nodes (which is equal to the degrees of freedom) on the common boundary segment must be equal to ( p + 1). Since the triangular element has three boundary segments, the number of boundary nodes becomes : Nb = 3( p + 1) - 3 = 3p . (23.2)

Since 3 nodes are common to 3 pairs of the boundaries, they must be subtracted from 3( p + 1) to get the number of boundary nodes Nb . The remaining nodes must be in the interior of the element. Thus, the number of internal nodes is given by (23.3)

Thus, when a complete polynomial of degree p = 1 is used, as per equations (23.1) - (23.3), the number of various nodes is N = Nb = 3 and N i = 0. Similarly, when p = 2 is used, the number of various nodes is N = Nb = 6 and Ni = 0. But for the case of p = 3, the number of various nodes is N = 10, Nb = 9 and Ni = 0. Thus, there is one internal node. Shape Functions In Lecture 21, the following procedure was adopted for finding the first order Lagrangian shape functions. First, the approximation was expressed as a complete polynomial in ( x , y ) of degree one (eq. 21.1). Then, using the property functions at , the expressions for shape

were derived in terms of x and y . For the purpose of numerical integration, this

expression was transformed to natural coordinates of the master element. This was done using a linear mapping function (21.10) between the physical element and the master element.

This procedure becomes quite cumbersome if the order of approximation is higher Therefore, we adopt a simpler procedure to obtain the shape functions.

In this procedure, we directly obtain the shape functions in terms of the natural coordinates . The higher order Lagrangian elements are also straight sided elements. Since the mapping is between the straight boundaries of the master element and the straight boundaries of the higher order Lagrangian element, it can be linear. Therefore, we use the same mapping function as before (eq. 21.10). Note that the approximation is a complete polynomial in ( x , y ) of degree p . When the linear mapping function (eq. 21.10) is substituted into it, it becomes a complete polynomial in of degree p .

Note that, in Lecture 21, a complete polynomial of degree p = 1 was used as the approximation and the shape functions turn out to be polynomials of degree one (but not necessarily complete) in the natural coordinates . Similar thing happens for . Thus, each shape function . Since, the approximation is can be assumed as a complete polynomial of degree p in Lagrangian, we can use the property (eq. 21.7)

(23.4) of the shape functions to determine the coefficients in the polynomial expressions of the shape functions. Thus, the procedure to be adopted for obtaining the shape functions corresponding to the p -th order Lagrangian approximation can be stated as follows :

First, express each shape function

as a complete polynomial of degree p in the natural

coordinates . Next, use the property (eq. 23.4) of the Lagrangian shape functions to determine the coefficients in the polynomial expressions of . Finally, to make the shape function expressions symmetric, introduce (23.5)

As an illustration, we demonstrate the procedure for the second order Lagrangian approximation, i.e., p = 2. As stated earlier, the number of various nodes for this element are :

Number of nodes per element : Number of boundary nodes : Number of internal nodes : . ,

The master element in Fig. 23.2.

plane along with the local node numbering scheme is shown in

Figure 23.2 Second Order Lagrangian Triangular (Master) Element.

Out of the 6 nodes, 3 are placed at the vertices. The remaining 3 nodes are placed on the three boundaries. To achieve a proper variation of the primary variable, these nodes should not be too close to the vertices. Instead, they should be closer to the boundary mid-points. In Fig. 23.2, they are placed at the boundary mid-pints. Thus, the values of the nodal coordinates are as shown in Table 23.1. Table 23.1 Nodal Coordinates of Element of Fig. 23.2 Node No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0

1 0 0

0 1 0

We first find the expression for the third shape function complete 2 nd degree polynomial :

. The first step is to express

as a


In the second step, we use the property (23.4) to evaluate the coefficients

. Thus, the value of :

is 1 at 3 rd node and 0 at the other nodes. The nodal coordinates are given in Table 23.1. Substituting these values in expression (23.6), we get the following 6 equations for ,


Solving these 6 equations, we get the following values of

(23.8) Substituting these values in equation (23.6), the expression for becomes : (23.9)

As a last step, we introduce

as given by eq. (23.5). Then, the expression (23.9) becomes :


Similarly one can obtain the other 5 shape functions. The shape function expressions are :

, , ,

, (23.11)

We can use the same procedure to obtain the shape functions corresponding to the third order Lagrangian approximation, i.e., p = 3. As stated earlier, the number of various nodes for this element are :

Number of nodes per element : Number of boundary nodes : Number of internal nodes : . ,

The master element in

plane along with the local node numbering scheme is shown in

Fig. 23.3.

Figure 23.3 Third Order Lagrangian Triangular (Master) Element

For this element, there is 1 internal node. It (i.e., node no. 10) is placed at the centre. Out of the 9 boundary nodes, 3 are placed at the vertices. The remaining 6 nodes are placed on the three boundaries. For convenience, they are placed such that they trisect the boundary segments. The values of the nodal coordinates are given in Table 23.2.

Table 23.2 Nodal Coordinates of Element of Fig. 23.3

Node No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 0 0 2/3 1/3 0 0 1/3 2/3 1/3

0 1 0 1/3 2/3 2/3 1/3 0 0 1/3

The shape functions for this element can be obtained by the similar procedure. They are given by :


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