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name __________________________________ date ________________ time period ________________

beside each item below, please tick the box that best describes how much the following interpersonal problems have occurred during the last week or other agreed time period:

it has been hard for me to

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 reveal my anger feel angry be aggressive be firm enough tell people off set limits say no care for my own needs not feel too afraid of others feel comfortable around others socialize relax in company be self-confident join in introduce myself to others not avoid others too much feel good about others give presents give credit to others express my admiration for others really care about others show affection be supportive of others keep up friendships

0: not at all

1: a little bit

2: some -what

3: very much

4: extre -mely

submissiveness total:

avoidance total:

neglectfulness total:
note that for the 24 items on this page, the questions are about how much you have been distressed because of activities that have been hard for you to do; for the 24

items over the page the questions are about distress because of activities that you have done too much.


beside each item below, please tick the box that best describes how much the following interpersonal problems have occurred during the last week or other agreed time period:

things Ive done too much

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 been too aggressive fought too much lost my temper too much argued too much been too critical been too irritated been too revengeful been too competitive been too open given too many compliments been too trusting been too exploitable disclosed too much about self been too gullible been too generous not kept things private felt too guilty about failures too guilty about things Ive done worry about disappointing

0: not at all

1: a little bit

2: some -what

3: very much

4: extre -mely

aggressiveness total:

intrusiveness total:

others worry about others reactions blamed self for others problems too sensitive to rejection too sensitive to criticism too sensitive to others mood

over-conscientiousness total:
the inventory of interpersonal problems (IIP-48) six subtotals can now be drawn onto the score chart; the scores can be helpful in understanding personal relationship patterns better, making the therapeutic alliance more effective, and focusing & monitoring therapeutic work.

Gude T, Moum T, Kaldestad E, Friis S. Inventory of interpersonal problems: a threedimensional balanced scalable 48-item version. Journal of Personality Assessment 2000; 74(2): 296-310.

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