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Herne Bay Area Member Panel Report 21 May 2013

Subject: Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Herne Bay Coastal Park proposed Management Plan Head of Community Outdoor Leisure Development and

Director/Head of Service:

Decision Issues:

These matters are within the authority of the Executive Non - key This report is open to the public. West Bay, Heron and Reculver The Lord Lieutenant of Kent opened the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Park Herne Bay Coastal Park on the 12 September 2012 Officers have been supporting a broad range of community groups to bring together a management plan for the area.

Decision type: Classification: Wards: Summary


To recommend to the Executive the proposed management plan in the report. The views of this meeting will be considered by the Executive on 27 June 2013.

Next stage in the process: 1. Introduction

The benefits of designating the land to a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Herne Bay Coastal Park (coastal park) are: increased protection, increased usage, improved opportunities to access external funds and opportunities to involve communities participation in management of their local space. The area of the coastal park stretches from Hampton Pier, along the esplanades, through the central of the seafront area, along the Downs and concludes with Reculver Country Park, plans of the coastal park will available at the meeting. Community groups in Herne Bay have participated in drafting the management plan and action plan by attending a series of meetings, forwarding comments and leading site walks. The proposed management plan is attached in Appendix A



The vision for the management plan is to protect, enhance and promote a costal park that appeals to a wide range of residents and visitors offering a variety of high quality seaside experiences traditional, sporting, historic and unspoilt natural It aims to bring community groups together to help maximise the potential of Herne Bay. Then management plan is a 10 year plan, it is proposed to be monitored twice per year with updates posted online and reported to HBAMP on progress annually. A full review is proposed after 5 years. The management plan has 4 key themes Landscape management Infrastructure and historic seafront Marketing and Tourism Active spaces / tranquil spaces Each project has a community lead and a Council contact to work in partnership and help support the community to drive that project forward. Some projects are deliverable while some are more long term and aspirational requiring more development and external funding. The figures in the action plans are first indications and will require detailed costings, and external funding as projects come to fruition. Some may require a range of permissions. Community organisations are well placed to take the lead on some projects. a key role for the council officers is supporting the community groups, develop their capacity and assist with external funding applications. Actions already progressing well in 2013/14: Deliver a new playground and trim trail on the seafront (May / June ) Enhance the sea defences (July) Upgrade Neptune trailer parking (July)

Long term projects: Submit stage two Heritage Lottery Fund application for funding to upgrade the Clock Tower Work with Herne Bay in Bloom to develop a Shingle Garden Work with HBPromo Team to develop a community marketing plan for the coastal park Seek planning permission for the Victorian Shelter Upgrade signage throughout the area Obtain Green Flag status for the whole area Improved road signage

Relevant Council Policy/Strategies/Budgetary Documents

Corporate Plan pledges Pledge 7 We will support excellent and diverse cultural facilities and activities for our residents and visitors Pledge 9 We will encourage greater involvement for local people Community Development Strategy 1.3 To develop community infrastructure to improve the quality and range of facilities accessible to communities Open Space Strategy 7. Seek to develop partnerships to maximise opportunities to fill the gaps in provision and enhance open space. 8. Actively promote appropriate usage of open space 9. Actively involve communities in decision making, developing and managing open space locally. Herne Bay Area Action Plan 4 To enhance Herne Bays Conservation Area streetscapes through design and comprehensive high quality public realm improvements To create an attractive sense of place with clear pedestrian and cycle routes linking the seafront shopping streets and park To complete the national cycle route that runs along the towns seafront and an extension to the high school To improve the vibrancy of and attractiveness of Herne Bay as a seaside tourist destination, including the delivery of a revived and thriving pier Consultation planned or undertaken

This is a community led project. Community groups have participated in drafting the management plan and will take the lead on some projects. We have consulted the community to develop the proposed management and action at meetings on the 15 October 2012 and 10 December 2012, the web based consultation and site visits in early 2013. We have also worked with specific groups on specific projects: for example children and young people have been involved in designing the playground for instance. If the proposed management plan is adopted then projects will have further elements of consultation built into them as they develop. 5. Options available with reasons for suitability a) Support the proposed management plan It is based on detailed consultation with local residents and is a mix of council projects plus community projects. It will lead to a joined up approach to protecting and enhancing the coastline of Herne Bay to the benefit of both residents and visitors. It will assist in efforts to attract external funding to the area.

b) Support the proposed management plan with amendments Amendments to the proposed management plan could undermine some of the quality community consultation already undertaken. c) Do not support the proposed management plan This will require a complete overhaul and restarting the process of community engagement and the drafting of the management plan. It could delay delivery by several years. 6. Reasons for supporting option recommended, with risk assessment It is proposed to support the proposed management plan as it is based on detailed community consultation and the council is working with the community to develop the projects and attract external funding. The approach of partnership working will maximise the opportunities for the area. 7. Implications (a) (b) Financial contained within report. Legal Implications contained within report

Other implications (c) Staffing/resource the work will be delivered within existing staffing arrangements. (d) Environmental/Sustainability Environmental issues have been considered in this report. (e) Planning/Building Regulations If any projects that are to be built will require planning permission. Coastal protection issues will also need to be considered for some projects Some events and activities may need to be licenced. (f) (g) (h) (i) 8 8.1 Human Rights issues Need to consider equal access issues Crime and Disorder This has been part of the consultation process. Biodiversity Has been at the heart of the project, note the Kent Wildlife Trust Habitat Survey. Safeguarding Children the proposed action plan should impact positively on children and young peoples lives.

Proposed Way Forward The management plan in the report is based upon the community and the Council working together. It will be delivered through partnership working and the value of community input will be the key to success in the future. The views of this meeting will feed into the Executive report for 27th June 2013


Contact Officer:

Richard Griffiths



Filename HBAMP QEII proposals May2013

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