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No. 102

Heltonville, Did.


January, 1967

Richard Wright
to New Church
in Ottawa
Richard Wright, minister of the church in Monticelio, 111., has accept ed the ministry of the newly established Ottawa Christian Church. He plans to assume his ministry this summer and will be raising livii^-link support in the

Christians in Ottawa began regular Sunday services Dec. 11, 1966. They had been meeting for several weeks in mid-week services. Early in Oc
tober, Gene and Lenora Dulin went to Ottawa to meet with this group. In No

vember, Richard Wright traveled with Gene to Ottawa for another visit with them. They asked Bro. Dulin to speak on "What the Christian Church Believes." Bro. Wright also brought a message. These Christians invited Bro. Wright to come to assist them in establishing a church patterned after the New Testa

Eighteen people were present for each of these two visits. None had previous association with the non-denominational Christian church-church of
Christ, but all have a sincere desire to be Christians only. Those attending have various denominational backgrounds, including Nazarene, Pentecostal, Free Methodist, Brethren, Anglican, Baptist, and non-instrument Church of Christ. Di denominations they found man-made creeds and human traditions exalted above the Word of God. They determined to be only Christians. They

are much like the Ethiopian eunuch who needed some man to guide hijn (Acts

8:31). One of these brethren heard of Johnson Bible CoU^e and wrote for help. ' President Bell put them in contact with Gene Dulin. And from this correspondence a new work is underway. .
Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Government offices and the 'Taoom" in Canada have combined to make Ottawa one of Canada's rapidly developing cen ters. Metropolitan Ottawa, with a population of about one-half million, has shown a 50% increase in population since 1951. Ottawa is about 250 miles northeast of Toronto, but is only about 50 miles from the northern New YorkCanada border.

Richard Wright, who is 34, graduated from Clinton, Ind., High School in 1950. He studied at Johnson Bible College for two years and transferred to Lincoln Christian College for two more years of study. He served the Success church near Paris, 111., and the church at Sidney, HI., before moving to Monticello where he has ministered for ten years.

The Monticello church has shown steady growth during Bro. Wright's ministry. Fifty-one were added to the church in 1966. Three hundred have been added during his ministry. In 1956 the budget was $6000. The 1967 pro posed budget is in excess of $30,000. In 1965, a new church building was erected on a new site. Plans call for construction of a new parsonage in 1967.

Bro. Wright is married and the father of four girls and two boys. The family will be moving to Ottawa in the summer, most likely in August, to lead in establishing a faithful New Testament church in Canada's capital city. For speaking dates and additional information contact Richard Wr^ht at
Monticello, Illinois, telephone 6371 or 2221.

1967 Gamp Plans of Interest to li.S. Youth

INTERNATIONAL WEEK - August 27-SeDtember 1. 1967

An International Week is planned for young people for the week before Labor DayAug. 27-Sept. 1. Those attending roust be in Grade 10 or older. Instead of afternoon recreation, tours are planned to include Niagara Falls (Vespers in the light of the falls), Canadian National Exhibition, area churches,
and other tourist attractions. After a rather late breakfast, there will be a

chapel time, class time, and special interest time. Woodrow Phillips, professor of Missions at Ozark Bible College, will have the morning class session. Lester Pifer, Director of Public Relations at Kentucky Christian College, will bring the evening vesper messages, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cameron, outstanding singing evangelists, will be in charge of

LABOR DAY WEEK-END - September 1-4. 1967

Labor Day week-end (Friday P. M., Sept. 1-Monday, Sept. 4) the Litemational Week will expand to include all the family. The same outstanding faculty (Bro. Phillips, Bro. Pifer, and the Camerons) will lead in the spiritual
feast of the week-end.

Fees, which are now being determined, will be kept at a minimum to allow all who desire to participate. For additional information regarding housii^, schedule, etc., write Toronto Christian Mission, 19 Templar Drive, Weston (Toronto), Ontario.

Another Missionary Trip

to Russia
Gene Dulin and John K. Huk have been granted visas for another tour

behind the Iron Curtain. The missionary tour will take them to six communist countries. They will also meet with several Christians in western Europe and do some survey work toward future evangelization of Europe. Invitations and appeals for another such tour have come from numerous people in Europe over the past three years. A year ago Christians across America were asked to pray for God's guidance as such a journey was consid ered. Some thought was given to a 1966 date, but doors closed and it became apparent God was sayir^, "Wait. " Late in the fall of 1966 doors began to open and it appeared God was now saying, "Go ahead!" An application was made to the Soviet Union for visas, and the reply came back in the affirmative. Bro. Dulin and Bro. Huk will enter the Soviet Union April 19 by way of Leningrad and will depart from Brest May 15, allowing27 days inRussia. They will be in at least eight major cities where they will have opportunity to visit
the churches and discuss the work of Christ with the leaders of the church.

Five weeks more will be spent in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslav

ia, and East Germany.

The total cost of the missionary trip including travel, lodging, food, and
benevolent work for tiie 10-week tour of the two men will be over $4000, de

pending on the amount of benevolent work done. A detailed itinerary which will allow for a more definite figure of expected cost, is being prepared for distri
bution in the near future.

If you would like to share in this missionary tour, offerings should be

forwarded to Toronto Christian Mission, Heltonville, Indiana, 47436, desig nated for the Russian trip.

Would You Like to Help in Gamp in Canada?

With the need for several weeks of camp comes the need for numerous

helpers. Unfortunately we do not have enough faculty or kitchen-dining room help available to staff the expanded camp program. Some Bible College young

people are being recruited to spend the summer in Canada, but mature adults including preachers and preachers' wives and other dedicated church workers
are needed.

If you would like to help out in our camp, please write Gene Dulin at 19 Templar Drive, Weston (Toronto), Ontario, Canada.

1967 Camp Schedule

Senior Week (Grade 10 up) First Chance (Grade 3) Junior Week (Grades 4, 5,6) Junior High Week (Grades 7,8,9) International Week (Grade 10 up) Labor Day Week-end (Family) June 17-24 July 13-16 July 16-22 July 22-29 Aug. 27-Sept. 1 Sept. 1-4 Alan LaRue, Dean Robert Murray Les Shell Dewey Thackston Gene Dulin Gene Dulin

New Church In
First services of the Willowdale


Church of Christ (Christian Church)

were held in Toronto Dec. 4, 1966,

with 35 different people in attendance.

Average attendance for the first month

hag been 33 in Bible School, 33.5 In

morning worship, and 29 in the eve

ning service. Membership now totals



Gene Dulin is serving as minis Lenora Dulin is sponsor of the


teen-age youth group. Karlita Dulin

is conducting a children's class Simday evening. Vanita Dulin is teaching
the Jimior Bible School class and

serving as pianist.

Mary Ann Brown

is substitute teacher prepared to

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teach any class if a teacher is absent. The cor^regation.now meeting in anursery school, has five Bible School classes and four Simday evening classes. Prospects for growth are promising. The congregation has al ready established a building fund and is looking toward the time they will
be in their own building.

While this congregation has good

leadership, a full-time ministry is essential if fullest advantage is to be taken of the opportunities. Pray with us that God will raise up the right man to lead this congregation forward for Christ. If you have any sugges tion for such a man, please write




Gene Dulin giving your suggestion.



o o



No. 103

Heltonville, Ind. 47436

Feb. & Mar. , 1967

Missionary Trip to Russia

"We are sending some money to help take you and Brother Huk back to
Russia. We are thrilled to share in this venture for Christ and His people. We know what it must mean to the Christians in Russia to know they are re

membered and prayed for," writes a Christian from Illinois. From Indiana another writes, "So very happy to learn that you have been able to secure all necessary papers to makeapreaching mission to Russia real again this sprit^. Enclosed please find our gift to help in taking the Gospel to these people. We are praying for you. " Another from Illinois writes, "How we praise God for this wonderful opportunity. May the response to yoxir letter be abundant and may God richly bless you both each mile of this trip. We shall eagerly await

Response to the news of the second missionary tour behind the Iron Cur tain has been enthusiastic and encour^ing. Over $2000 has come in for the tour at this writix^ (March 10). The April 13 departure date is very near, but we have confidence God's people will provide the $4000 necessary to underwrite this tour. Offerings may be forwarded to Toronto Christian Mission, Helton ville, TnHiana, or to 5 Lavington Drive, Weston (Toronto), Ontario, Canada. Preparations for departure are on schedule. Medical and dental exam inations, shots, necessary purchases, and the finalizing of the itinerary are now behind us. Subject matter for sermons and lectures have been suggested from brethren behind the Iron Curtain and preparation is now underway. Please be praying for Bro. Huk and Bro. Dulin during these days of preparation and as they travel for the cause of Christ.



After 10 years at the same address, the Dulins have sold their home and have moved into an apartment. Increased cost of maintenance and taxes made this move necessai^. Apartment living will also eliminate the timeconsuming lawn care, snow shoveling and other "house-hold chores" which had become a burden with the ever increasing program of the Mission. Please change the Canadian address of Toronto Christian Mission and the Gene Dulin family to 5 Lavington Drive, Weston (Toronto), Ontario. Canada.

Mobile Unit for Mountain View

A mobile meetinghouse is being purchased for use in establishing new
congregations in the Toronto area. After much thought and prayer the mis
sionaries and local leadership have concluded that the mobile unit will allow

more rapid progress as new congregations get underway. One congregation will use the building until theyare able to constructapermanent meetingplace,
at which time the mobile unit will be moved to another area where another new church will get underway.

The mobile xmit will first be ready for use on the building site of the Mountain View cor^regation in Hamilton (Alan LaRue, missionary-minister) by the end of April. Record attendance in Sible School and worship, new families attending, and increased activity of this congregation demands replacing the rented schoolwith more suitable facilities for the development of an aggressive
program of evangelism.

The mobile unit is 30 by 50 feet and seats 150 people for worship. The auditorium allows arrangement of 10 classrooms by using drapes. Kitchen,
nursery, office, restrooms, and all furniture, except musical instrument, are included in the "on the site" price of about $21,000.

The down payment on this mobile unit is made possible by CHURCH BUILDERS CLUB offerings. Partial payments on the unit will be covered by rental paid by congregations using the building, with offerings from interested
individuals and churches assisting in payments.

Article on opposite page is reprinted from The UkrainiaTi Messei^er. S. Bilak, editor, a publication of the non-instrument Church of Christ, Rochester, Michigan.

Freedom Of Worship In Soviet Union

Following is a resume of a report delivered in Munich, Germany by Mr. A. Karev, the secretary of the Evangelical Christians (New
Testament Christians) and the Baptist Alliance in the Soviet Union: 9 The alliance of the Evangelical Christians was formed in 1936. 0 Worship services may be conducted 5 days per week. 0 After the death of Stalin, there is more freedom in religious activi ties, such as funerals, baptisms, etc.

0 The alliance is financially independent from the state; all church

work is supported sacrifically by the believers.

9 On Easter, Christmas, Trinity, Thanksgiving, and the day of Alli ance holidays contributions go to the general treasury. Other con
tributions go to the regional treasury, to be used for the local needs of the church. There are 50 regions.

0 The headquarters of the Alliance is in Moscow, under the direction

of 15 members and a council of 5 men.

9 The office in Moscow employs 30 workers to take care of the cor

respondence from everywhere.

0 Public meetings, such as Billy Graham's,, are not permitted, but every member is a missionary and should tell everyone, wherever
possible, about the Kingdom of God. 0 There is a very great hunger for the Word of God. There are no youth organizations at all, but 20% of the members are young people just above the age of 18.

9 In some areas there are groups of young singers, but they are not allowed to sing religious songs; they sing so-called folk songs.
There are no Sunday schools at all. Child instruction is carried out at home by the example of Christian living. ^ Every year the increase of members by baptism is from 5 to 6

thousand. In Moscow alone there were 180 baptisms last year. Those who smoke or drink are not admitted for baptism. 0 There are 5550 congregations and 550,000 baptized members. 9 There are many small congregations who did not join the Alliance.

9 There are 2500 full-time (supported by the churches) and parttime workers.

9 Every congregation has spiritual leaders: elder, deacons, preachers,


There are no Bible colleges in Russia. If there is more freedom

in the near future there is hope for a Bible college.

Six young students are now studying in London in a Baptist college. 9 The Alliance was able to publish 65,000 Bibles . . . They hope to
get permission to print more.

9 Secretary Karev thanked the German people (believers) for the help they gave to the Russian prisoners during the War leading
them and to belief to the way of salvation. These are now witness
ing in Russia.

9 There is a great need in Russia for Bibles, concordances, commen

taries, etc.

Mr. Karev finished his speech by asking; "Pray for us! Pray
for us fervently. We shall pray for you, dear brothers and sisters." These facts about Christians activities in Soviet Union were taken from a Ukrainian quarterly, VISNYK SPASINNIA, printed in England.
April - June, lOGO.

Comparing their freedom of worship and church work (mission work) with ours, should we not be thankful for all the opportunities
we have as Christians to reach this world for Christ? At the same time we should pray that the Lord may give the Chri.stians in the USSR

the strength and wi.sdom that they need to i-emain faithful, even under these circumstances, to the end. (Ed.)



One of the highlights each year in

Toronto is the week before Easter when several of our fellow mission

aries come to share their blessings

with us and the brethren here. Mis

sionaries participating this year are: Clifford Schaub, Cor^o; Don Albert, British Columbia; Helen Swengel, forwarding agent, Syria; Jim Parris,
South Africa; Don Poorman, Rhode


sia; David Rees, Assam; David Lon

don, Guyana; David Yukasz, Grundy

Mountain Mission and Cincinnati Bi

ble Seminary student. Toronto area missionaries participating include the Alan LaRues, Dewey Thackstons, John Huks, Gene Dulins, and Mary
Ann Brown.

Canada is celebrating her 100th birthday this year. Millions of Americans are planning to tour in Can ada, with most of them attendii^ the World's Fair, the largest exhibition ever assembled, in Montreal, April
28-October 27. Over 70 countries

are displaying and 60 heads of state are visiting the fair, EXPO 67. If you are traveling in Canada

this year, feel free to write us for

location of churches or other assist

ance we may be able to provide. For

information about the World's Fair, IE

write EXPO 67, AdministrationBldg., Cite du Havre, Montreal, Quebec.

Willowdale recorded their first

baptism Feb. 12 when a high school girl made her decision for Christ, bringing membership to 20. Attend ance is averagii^ in the low thirties.
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Gene Dulin and new convert

ttar 28 '67

, What Is The Condition Of





Gene Dulin and John HuK

Go On



Poland Czechoslovakia


East Germany

April 13 June 23, 1967

rThe Church

Behind the Iron Curtain

Is there a New Testament church in Russia today?

Can Christians worship in church buildings without fear of arrest? Are Christians being persecuted behind the Iron Curtain today? Do church leaders "co-operate" with the government? How much influence does the government have on sermon content?
What happens when Christians have a baptismal service?

Why did 500 Christians "demonstrate" in Moscow a few months ago?

Can children be taught from God's Word? Are Sunday Schools closed?
What is the present condition of the church behind the Iron Curtain?

Are the prospects good for more freedom than they now have? Why have some church buildings been torn down by the government?

Why have other congregations been allowed to build new buildings ?

What can we do to help brethren behind the Iron Curtain ?

Are letters to iron curtain Christians censored?

Are religious broadcasts heard behind the Iron Curtain ?

The Iron Curtain makes accurate information about conditions in com

munist countries very difficult to obtain. Communications are slow, and often in guarded words. Tourists, unable to understand the language, and with no contacts in these countries, receive only such information as a government representative will give. Even church leaders find it necessary to abstain from detailed discussions with unknown visitors. News communiques are infrequent
and slanted.

But American Christians are concerned about the souls of men behind

They want to know whatis going on and what can be done to assist in the work of Christ there. The missionary tour behind the Iron Cur tain made by Gene Dulin and John Huk in 1963 brought much enlightenment to Christians here and gave much assistance to brethren in Europe. These men preached in country after country, including Russia. In conferences with church leaders, many of the problems involving the work of Christ were freely dis cussed. Since the tour, opportunities of assistance, especially through the printed page (a small Russian-language New Testament has been printed and thousands of copies have been distributed) have been met. Regular corre
spondence is carried out with Christians in these countries. Parcels of relief goods have been forwarded to many. In four years, since the last tour, many developments in the church be

the Iron Curtain.

hind the Iron Curtain makes another visit imperative.

Many church leaders

have been writing for three years asking for us to return to preach for them and talk with them about the work of Christ in their countries. Some thought

was given toward a trip last summer, but God closed door after door. It seemed

' He was saying, "Not now. " But late in 1966, Gene Dulin and John Huk made
application for visas to enter Russia, believing that if God wanted them to make another missionary tour, He would open the doors. Several weeks passed, and finally wordcame. "VISAS GRANTED TO ENTER RUSSIA APRIL 19, DEPART
MAY 15, 1967. " days. " A note on the bottom of the communication said, "We have

arranged your itinerary to allow you to be in the cities you requested on Sun
This 1967 missionary tour will include Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, and East Germany, plus some countries in western Europe. Twenty-seven days in Russia will allow visitation of several
churches other than those visited four years ago. In addition to preaching and consultation with church leaders, means for assisting through the printed p^e
and radio will be discussed. In Poland, where our brethren are working in u-

nity, some opposition is coming from denominationalists. A special appeal is for detailed discussion of restoration principles and the teaching of the Word regarding the Holy Spirit. A search for Christians in countries not visited be
fore will be made. In Yugoslavia and Berlin, visitation with former contacts will be made and plans Isdd for such help as we can give.

Many Christians in the U.S. and Canada are aware of the great host of unevangelized millions in free Europe. A few days will be spent surveying a
few western European cities with the view of devising a method to assist iron curtain workand at the same time evangelize in the free world. This might
be built around "Christian Literature Distribu

tion Centers" which could be opened and oper ated by Christians. Plans call for consultation
with several of our missionaries now in Europe about this plan.
The cost of this second iron curtain mis

sionary tour of Gene Dulin and John Huk, includ ing travel, lodging, food, and benevolent work,
will be something over $4000, depending on the
amount of benevolent

work which may be done.

These funds must be on

hand by April 13, when

these men will leave on

the tour. An offering from you or your con gregation, class, or oth er church group, is ur gently needed in the next few days to assure these
men of sufficient funds

to carry out the tour.

Please use the enclosed

envelope and share in

this mission to reach

the people behind the Iron Curtain with the gos pel of Christ.



Leave for Europe

Arrive in London, England

16 16

Speak at Russian-language church in London To Copenhagen, Denmark (Survey)

18 19 20
23 25

To Stockholm, Sweden (Conf. with Church of Christ missionary)

To Helsinki, Finland (Conference at Bible House) To Leningrad, Soviet Union Services in Leningrad
To Rostow on Don, via Moscow
Services in Rostow Services in Rostow

26 27
29 30

To Volgograd To Odessa (Services)

To Moscow Services in Moscow


2 3 4
6 7

May Day in Moscow

Services in Moscow To Lvov Services in Lvov
To Kiev Services in Kiev

Services in Kiev

10 11 14

To Minsk Services in Minsk Services in Minsk


To Warsaw, Poland

May 15-June 5
June 6 7 8 10 11 12 13

In Poland, schedule arranged by George Bajenski

(Sermons, Lectures, Conferences) To Prague, Czechoslovakia (Survey) To Budapest, Hui^ary (Survey) To Bucharest, Rumania (Survey) To Belgrade, Yugoslavia Services in Belgrade To Monaco (Radio Station appointment) To Vienna, Austria (Conf. with Church of Christ missionary)
To East Berlin

15 17 19 21


To West Berlin (Services in Russian church) To Frankfurt, Germany (Services with Ed Fausz) To Berne, Switzerland (Survey for printing work) To Lugano Summer Camp (Guy Mayfield, Manager) (Conference with European missionaries) To Rome for deparUire home
Arrive in Toronto

artmto Cl|ri0iian fission, ^ncThe Gene Dulin Family




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No. 104

Heltonvilie. Bid. 47436

April, 1967


Tour Begins
Gene Dalin and John Huk left Toronto International Airport Thursday,

April 13, on their second naissionary tour into communist countries. Financial needs for the trip were met inawonderful way. The bill for all transportation, plus lodging and board in communist countries only, amounted to $4037.60, which means that all food and lodging in the free world, plus any benevolent work they do would require much more than the first estimates which indicated a need for $4000 to cover travel, food and lodging for the entire trip. By departure time, over $7000 had come into the fund designated for that purpose. More thrilling than the tremendous financial response, however, was the flood of letters indicating a desire to help undergird the tour with prayers for guidance and safety for Gene and Bro. Huk, as well as the concern for success in reaching people behind the Iron Curtain for Christ. We trust that all who have shared in any way to make the trip possible have been blessed. We solicit your prayers throughout the duration of the tour. In the brochure telling of plans for this trip there was an itinerary given. If you still have this we would Eqjpreciate your using it as a guide for specific prayer for Gene and Bro. Huk and the people they will be contacting. They are scheduled to return
to Toronto June 24.

On April 12, a farewell service was held at the Toronto Russian church, with scripture readii^, prayers and messages in both Russian and English. Members from Westway, Keele Street. Willowdale, Toronto Russian, St. Cath arines Russian, Hamilton and Niagara attended. Participating in the service were men from both Russian congregations; Dewey Thackston, Niagara; Alan
LaEue, Hamilton; John Brennan, Willowdale; John and Anna Huk; Gene and Va-

At the close of the service when Gene spoke of the need for evan gelizing here as well as behind the Iron Curtain, Anna, 13-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Huk, made known her decision to dedicate the rest of

nita Dulin.

her life to Christian service. (Vera Huk is completing her second year at Lin coln Christian College.)






It is always a great blessing to us when a congr^ation here has any kind of victory and success for the cause of Christ. Some months it seems little gain is being made and we all become a bit impatient. Then someone re

ports a baptism or an increase in attendance at worship services. This is a bright spot for us all and gives us courage to keep on working. The past few
weeks have been so full of victories and "bright spots" it is impossible to ex

press on paper the feeling of optimism, hope and thanksgiving whichprevails.

Here are a few of the things which have made us all so happy recently: Ni^ara church had a second anniversary service on April 2, which was well attended. Three people now living in that area have placed membership in the congregation recently. On April 16, attendance was 39second highest during the ministry of the Dewey Thackstons. Willowdale set a new record with 40 in worship Sunday morning, April 9. Several new people have attended services recently.

Aylmer church, which hadanattendance of aroimd 30 when BenWoodruff began his ministry less than 2 years ago, set a new record April 2 with 104

Hamilton, Alan LaRue, minister, set a record of 69 on April 9 and broke that record the following Lord's Day with 70 in Bible School. The per centage of growth here is comparable to that of Aylmer.

Westway church in Toronto reports the largest VBS in its 9-year his

tory and had the largest crowd ever assembled in the building for the closing program. They also had an addition by baptism in April.
The third annual Ontario Christian Missionary Conference (March 19-24)

was again a highlight. The attendance was excellent, with a total of 196 in the

closing session. This shows real growth in this area in the past 9-1/2 years.

Report from London

We had expected to give information on progress of the trip in future
issues of REPORT.

However, a letter came before we went to press with this

"The Second Missionary Tour was hardly underway when we began hear

ing thrilling reports about theRussian-language materials published byToronto

Christian Mission. Our first stop was in London where a special meeting was

arranged for Saturday night since our plane was scheduled to depart Sunday before the regular afternoon service. About 20 people from several national backgrounds met to hear Bro. Huk and me speak. They also wanted to report to us on prepress in distributing our materials. {There will be more concern
ing this in future issues.)

"They wanted to tell us how thankful they are for the three-lan^age (Russian-Ukrainian-English) hymnbook. One said, 'Whenwe saw it we knew
it was an answer to prayer and a solution for our need.' They especially men

tioned the hymn 'Heavenly Father.'

They said the English was so wonderful

I told the

and were amazed at how well the Russian meaning had been kept.

people who had done this work. Obviously, Mary Ann did a GOOD job!" (This is a hymn our family had heard sui^ many times at the Russian church in To ronto during our early visits there. Although we could not understand tUe
words, we learned the melody and appreciated the feeling with which the Chris

tians sang this particular Russian hymn. As the bookwas being compiled, we requested that this song, never beforeto our knowledgetranslated into Eng
lish, be included. Now we sing it, and a dozen others, in English, as trans

lated by Bro. Huk and put into rhyme and metre by Mary Ann Brown.)

In the January REPORT, Ontario Christian Assembly camp weeks were announced. Of particular interest to our readers in the U. S. were the INTER NATIONAL WEEK, August 27 - September 1, and LABOR DAY WEEK-END (family camp) September 1-4. Costs have now been determined as follows: INTERNATIONAL WEEK - $12. 50 for the week (banning Sunday and closing Friday night). This does not include money you might spend on tours away from the camp grounds. Family Camp - $2. 50 each day for each person attending, but no family

pays more than $10.00 per day. regardless of the size of the family. This camp begins the evening of Friday, Sept. 1 and
closes at noon Labor Day, Sept. 4.

It is urgent that you bring tents and sleeping bags or cots if at all pos

If you plan to attend either or both of these camp sessions please write as soon as possible to our Canadian address for brochures and registration forms. Remember: if you are going into Grade 10 next Fall(orifyou are old
er) you could attend both these sessions.

Come along and enjoy the beauty of Canadian scenery, the inspiration

of Christian Fellowship and the blessing of worshiping and sti^dying with those
of like precious faith.

Many have already written asking
for Gene Dulin o r Jolm Huk to come

to speak in various parts of North America, sharir^ their observations from beliind the Iron Curtain. A part
of the value of such a tour is the re



Jime 28 - July 2, 1967 Tampa, Florida

port which can be given on their re turn. They will be traveling for such meetings as much as possible, keep ing in mind their own strength, the work in Canada and their responsibil ities in follow-up work from the mis sionary tour in Europe. First consideration will be given to area rallies, especially sponsored by supporting churches. State con ventions, Bible College rallies, and

other such meetings will allow a broader dissemination of the report.


Therefore, these will be considered.

To schedule some such meetir^s, it will be necessary to fly. but actually this expense can beless than mileage when one person travels alone. There will be many nights when one or the other of these men can visit congre gations which will encourage neigh boring churches to attend. If you would like a report in the area where you serve, please contact us immediately, giving suggested dates, and perhaps indicating dates which would be completely unaccept

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As letters are available, a



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carefully planned itinerary can be ar ranged, thus reducing travel expense and allowing more people to hear the
report. As soon as final tour plans can be arranged, you will be contact ed for confirmation and promotional
materials will be made available.





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September 26-29, 1967 Dodge City, Kansas

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No. 105

Heltonville, Ind. 47436

May, 1967

God Answers Prayer

We are very pleased to be able to share with you the good news that again our prayers have been answered. For many months as the printing min istry of Toronto Christian Mission has increased and especially as new c^iportunities have come to print Russian materials, we have prayed for the Lord to send us someone to help particularly in the printing work. Certainly we had not anticipated the man to be one with the experience and ability of Clifford
Schaub. How thankful we are that Clifiord, his wife Helen, and their two sons

Timothy, 11, and Mark, 9, (see picture above) have made the decision to serve
in the Toronto area.

Bro. Schaub was bom on a farm near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and was reared in a denominational background. Following graduation from High School he served in the Army air force 18 months, during which time his chap lain influenced his decision to attend Johnson Bible College. He was in school several months before he was baptized into Christ. During a 2-year pastorate with the Observatory HiU church in Pittsburgh, Mr. Schaub met aiid married (continued on last page)







Group at home
of Choir Director,








Dulin and Huk in Red Square

Dulin and Russian preacher

(continued from front page)

Helen, whose home church was the

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Sheraden church in Pittsbui^h. On April 1, 1953, they left for the mis sion field in the Congo and they have
worked with the African Christian


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Mission since that date.

Twice they

were forced to leave the Congoonce during the Independence trouble of

1960 and again in 1964 during the re

bellion. Their work has been that of

evangelization, preacher-training and elementary school work. The Schaubs' main supporting
churches are First Christian, Coun


cil Blxiffs, Iowa; Shively, Louisville, Ky., Parkview, Springfield, Mo.; and Manhattan Bible College.
We know the Schaubs will find


many areas of service besides print ing. They will be of great value to the camp program and Bro. Schaub


will be used regularly for supply preaching in the area.

Mrs. Schaub wrote, "There are

many things to be worked out, but with the Lord's help we will be able to do

them and get moved to Toronto at the end of August. " Again we thank God for answered

See you at Tampa Jime 28 - July 2

Booth No. 2

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No. 106

Heltonville, Ind. 47436

June, 1967

Twenty-Seven Days
in the Soviet Union
The twenty-seven day tour of the U. S. S.R. by Gene Dulin and John Huk has been completed. They visited eight major cities, preached in nine different
churches, held numerous conferences with the leaders of the "Union of Evan

gelical Christian-Baptist Church" on the national, regional and local levels, as well as many private conversations with Christian ministers and other mem
bers of the church.

The tour started in Leningrad where the men were met at the airport by several leaders of the church. Every possible courtesy was shown including the privilege of preaching from the pulpit. At a special reception attended by the leading brethren, there wasadetailed discussion on doctrine and the Lord's

Similar welcomes were given by the brethren in Rostow on Don, Mos

cow, Volgograd, Odessa, Lvov, Kiev and Minsk, as the tour included three

Soviet Republics: Russia, Ukraine and White Russia. Ita some cases recep tions were impossible because of timing, but always the church leaders found
opportunity to visit and discuss their activities. Time was shared with church leaders at nearly every meal. The privilege of preaching in every church visited was a very special

blessing. Bro. Huk and Bro. Dulin visited more congregations and preached in more Russian church pulpits than any other foreign visitor to the Soviet Un ion. Only once was a sermon subject suggested. In Moscow when Bro. Dulin was asked to preach at the Russian Easter Sunday afternoon service, the min ister said, "Give a powerful sermon on the resurrection!" Bro. Huk spoke in his native language and did all the interpreting for Bro. Dulin. each coigregation they visited, except Moscow, they spoke at every service held while they

Red Square, Moscow

Left: the GUM store (a department store); center: St. Basil's Cathedral, built by Czar Ivan the Terrible; center foregrcamd:
Lenin's Tomb; right: Kremlin Wall. (continued from front page) were in the city, ^eclal services were planned in some cases.

In every church attendance was as large as the building could accom modate, except in a couple services when "work days" made it impossible for
many pec^le to attend. Each church now holds more services each week

it did four years ^0.

Moscow has six services; Leningrad, five, etc.


young married couples (around age 25) are seen in every church. Children are now attending and teen-agers are in evidence everywhere. Junior choirs have been organized; children and teen-agers are participating in the services in special music and readings. In the Moscow church two teen-age girls were observed playing the organ for services. In another church a teen-age boy was
organist. In one congregation we learned that 60% of the church is under 30 years-of-age.

Certainly, elderly people are very much in evidence in the services.

Their wrinkled faces and tear-filled eyes will never be forgotten. They have
suffered the agonies of war, poverty and persecution.
the look away.

Time can never wipe

The younger people - 30 to 50 - are better dressed and have a

lookof progress about them. The young married couples, teen-agers and chil dren in the cities have not suffered as have the older people, and their dress, mannerisms and way of life make this readily apparent. The future of the church in the U. S. S. R. seems promising to Bro. Huk and Bro. Dulin. Satan uses every device to hinder the preaching of the Word,

but God is still Almighty. Thefaith of the youth is deep. They know what they
believe and why. Young men, trained as apprentices by the older brethren, are stepping into the gaps left as older preachers pass away. Hymns are be ing written and distributed in hand-copied form. Bibles have to be shared, but when a family has one, they read it. One congregation of 160 members has

only 16 Bibles or New Testaments. A rotation system has been arranged for
using these so ail get an opportunity to read the Word. After visiting more churches, preaching to more people and talking with more Christians than oth er visitors have been able to do, the two men consider the vitality of the church and the zeal of the Christians to be overwhelmingly apparent. As Christians in America, we can do - we must do - three things.
First, we must pray. As churches were visited in theU. S. S.R., Christian greetii^s were extended by Bro. Dulin on behalf of American Christians. A promise and a request were also made. The Russian Christians were offered

the promise that American Christians would pray for them.

This always

brought expressions of appreciation. A request was made that the Christians of Russia pray for the Christians of America. And always the assurance of their prayers was given. We dare not fail to pray for our brethren in the So
viet Union.

Second, the need for printed materials is unlimited. New Testaments, Bibles, hymnbooks, religious books of all kinds and a periodical are all needed now. Denominationalists are already trying to do some work in these fields,

but the Christians in Russia are resisting the false doctrines of men.


where the desire was for the simple Bible message with no additions and no subtractions. This has been the position of the Christian Church-Church of Christ through the years. These people are ready for our help. Surely we
can and will respond.

Third, another opportunity for genuine help is through radio. People

in the Soviet Union are avid listeners to western short wave. Plans need to be

made immediately to air a radio program in the Russian language. Very prob ably, there is no place in the world where so many people can be reached with the message of Christ for such a small sum of money.
Future articles will deal with various phases of the Russian work, doc trine, growth, and with what we can do in this area where atheism has been propagated by the state for 50 years.

We take this opportunity to thank all who have made the mission
ary tour possible and we are especially grateful to all who have

been so faithful in prayer support.


Events To Come:

Gene Oulin and John Huk return from Russian Tour - June 24.

North American Christian Convention - June 28-July 2 (TCM Booth #2). Arrival of Clifford Schaub family in Toronto.
Richard Wright family to Ottawa. Mountain View church in Hamilton acquiring new building. Niagara church arranging purchase of building site.




August 27 - September 1 Cost: $12.50


Several young people have been planning to come to Canada to help during the summer. Two have al ready arrived from Manhattan Bible College, Manhattan, Kansas. Annie Smith and Myma Vance arrived June 5 to help Alan LaRue (Hamilton) and Dewey Thackston (Niagara). Both girls will also take part in our camp program, which has been greatly in
creased now that we are operating our own grounds. Aimie Smith, a junior in M.B.C., is from Abilene, Kansas, and is from the Abilene Christian Church. Logan
Dunham is minister of the church and Annie's father is a deacon. She is

September 1-4

Cost: $2.50 dally per person ($10.00 daily maximum per family)

S 5

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majorii^ in missions and is serving her internship this year. Each mis sions major in M.B.C. is required to serve one internship summer in order to receive a degree. Myrna Vance is from Montrose, Colorado, and is a sophomore in M.
B.C. She is from the Montrose


Christian Church where Lloyd McMillian ministers; her father is an



She is majoring in Christian

Christian Education ma



o w

Z 5

5 -o

jors are not required to serve an in ternship, but she has come with Annie because of the challenge presented by
Gene Dulin when he visited the school

in April, just before he left for the


s VJ

2 O

Russian tour.


fe o



0> M

Dodge Ci^, Kansas



September 26-29, 1967



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No. 107

Heltonville, lad. 47436

July, 1967

Living'Link Support
Heeded For John K. Hul(
John Huk has labored on a part-time basis with Toronto Christian Mis sion for the past few years, but now, with the many open doors for Buesian evangelism, it is imperative that he be able to devote all of his attention to reach ing people behind the Iron Curtain with the message of New Testament Chris tianity. He is the only man we know who has a complete command of the Rus sian language, who is a New Testament Christian, and who can be trusted to translate and present accurately the message of Christ in the non-denomina tional manner. We thank God for His preparing Bro. Huk for such a time as this, and we pray that God's people will provide adequate support for this man
to allow him to labor full-time for Him.

Bro. Huk was bom near Pinsk, U. S. S. R., in 1908. He came to Canada in 1928, having agreed to work for a farmer In western Canada until his pas

sage was paid. (Somewhat of an indentured servant arrangement.) He then went to Chicago to study for the ministry at Moody Bible Institute. He married there in 1932. After serving as assistant minister of the Russian Evai^elical
Christian Churchin Chicago, he moved
to New York to minister to a Russian

church. In 1944, he began a ministry in Toronto. He has served as presi dent of the World Fellowship of Slavic
Christians and of the Canadian Fel

lowship of Evangelical Christians.

Bro. Huk's one son is mar-

riedand lives in metropolitan Toron to. His older daughter, Vera, has completed two years at Lincoln Chris tian College, and his young daughter, Anna, enters high school this fall.

Mr. and Mrs. John Huk and Anna

She has already dedicated her life to Christian vocational service. The principle source of incotoe for Bro. Huk over the past few years has been from the World Fellowship of Evangelical Christians, of which he was


This organization was founded by I. S. Prokhanoff (the Russian

Alexander Campbell) many years ago as a forwarding agency for American

funds'designated for the evangelization of the Russian people. After Bro. Huk began association with the Christian church-church of Christ the executive secretary of the organization as weU as some of the directors began applying
pressure to make him discontinue fellowship with the church of Christ. Fi

nally, in a meeting this spring, they passed a resolution stating that he must
disassociate with the church of Christ by June 29 or they would discontinue

paying him and he would be removed as president of the organization.

Huk's reply was, "You can't buy my soul!"


The recent tour behind the Iron Curtain illustrated the effectiveness of

our printii^ ministry in the Russian language. The greatest need is that it be expanded. Bro. Huk is already at work translating additional tracts. We an ticipate the early development of a Russian language monthly publication simi
lar to the CHRISTIAN STANDARD with Bro. Huk editing it. The development of a Russian language radio prc^ram is very important. As this develops, he

will be the key individual for translation work and preaching. Since he has re signed as minister of the Toronto Russian church, he will have adequate time for all these projects. He will continue to visit Russian language churches in
Canada and America, as time permits, but his first responsibility will be to the Russian language work of Toronto Christian Mission. While current Toronto Christian Mission income is not sufficient to pay

Bro. Huk's salary, we are sure American Christians will respond to this need and share in his salary. A minimum of $500 per month is needed for living in Toronto. A housing allowance should also be given. The First Christian Church in Springfield, Ohio (John Wilson, minister), contributes $50 per month toward Bro. Huk's salary. Several other individuals and congregations send smaller amounts totaling $50 per month. This means he needs at least $400 per month more immediately. If you can help, mark your offerings for Bro. Huk's living-link, and forward to Toronto Christian Mission. If you would like to have Bro. Huk visit your congregation in anticipation of making regular living-link contributions, please write to the Mission office for speaking dates or, better still, telephone: Toronto, area code-416, number 248-2711 or 2494273.

Three Weeks In Poland

Within moments after the train stopped in Warsaw, we were in George Bajenski's car and being briefed for the busy schedule arranged for our 21-day visit in Poland. The schedule began with a youth gathering later in the evening and closed with a three-day Bible Conference in Warsaw. In the meantime the
tour would take us to 14 churches to deliver 24 sermons.

The tour allowed us ample opportunities to preach and confer with the leaders of the church. In every way, the church in Poland is improved over that observed in 1963. The impact of the faith and dedication of George Bajenski and Kostic Jakoniuk is felt all across Poland. The brethren have taken a

firm stand on the truth of the gospel and are determined to be stedfast, come what will. Being a part of the United Church of Poland has created some diffi-

culties with our brethren. The Pentecostal movement is aggressive and very well supported from America. The Polish government, while definitely com
munistic, tolerates the church, but all activities of the church roust be cleared

through government officials. In spite of these conditions, the church is mov ing ahead. New preaching points are beii^ established. Older congregations are experiencing a revival; youth activities, including several weeks of sum mer camp, have brought new life into the church. During our visit strong emphasis was placed o n the Bible teaching re garding the Lord's church. Every Sunday I preached on the Lord's Table. In
several different Bible Conferences discussions were held on the work of the

Holy Spirit. At different times question periods were allowed when attendants were free to ask any question they desired. Obviously, this was a difficult sit uation, but God directed - and such question periods always resulted in clarifjdng people's understanding of the Word. Twenty-two church of Christ preachers assembled in Warsaw on our
last week-end to discuss the work of the church. The lectures dealt with fun

damental matters and, during a luncheon just for the ministers, special em phasis was placed on the wonderful message of Christian Unity based on the principle of restoration of the New Testament church. These brethren are standing as one in thefaceof difficult times ahead in the next few months. Pray fervently for them that they can remain free in Christ to work for His glory. Paul Bajko of Eastern Christian College, Bel Air, Maryland, has taken the lead in raising funds to undergird the work of many of the workers in the church in Poland. American Christians would be pleased to see their funds at
work and to see first-hand the effectiveness of these workers. Bro. Bajko also

prepares a weekly radio program and forwards a monthly periodical to many Christians in Poland. His visits in Poland have meant a great deal to the
church in Poland and the brethren

there are looking forward to his vis

iting again in the near future.

Visits from Americans do

much to encourage and help the work

in Poland. Over and over w e heard

the request: "Urge American tour ists who a r e in Europe to add a few

days to their tour to come to Poland." If you are going to be in Europe, why not plan to go on to Poland? If you can, write us and we'll be glad to as sist you in makii^ arrar^ements and contacts.

George and Paul Bajenski '


Would you like to share in an exciting new week of Christian Camp ex perience? All youth entering grade 10 and older are welcome for the Interna tional Week beginning Aug. 27 and ending Sept. 1. Fees are $12.50 for the
week. ALL THE FAMILY is welcome for the FAMILY WEEK-END, Sept. 1,

through noon Sept. 4. Fees are $2.50 per day per person. If you are planning to attend, please register at once. For additional information write Gene Dulin, 5 Lavington Drive, Weston (Toronto), Ontario,
or telephone: Toronto, area code-416, number 248-2711 or 249-4273.

Engagement Announced In Poland

The men had finished the dinner

and were ready for dessert.

The la

dies of the house had served, but

didn't eat at the table. But now some

thing special was taking place. The seating was re-arranged. Kostic Jakoniuk and Mary Wrobel were given special seats with her parents by her side and Kostic's father by his side.
Tea and cakes were then served, but

be thinking about getting married, so I have been. " He spoke of his love for Mary and then asked both her parents and his for permission to get married. Mary's father spoke first, saying that as a Christian and as a minister he had always desired his
children to have Christian friends and to establish Christian homes. He was

no one seemed interested in eating. Kostic and Mary stood; Kostic

especially happy that Mary was mar rying a fine Christian preacher of the

began speaking. "We thought this was to be a surprise, but everyone

seems to have an idea about what is

happening. I talked to Bro. Dulin a few days ago and he told me I should

gospel. Mary then formally asked Kostic's father for his permission, and he in turn spoke. Since he is also a preacher, he reminded Mary of the life of a preacher and urged that she be understanding and a good hostess. He then gave his blessings to the en

a p s

s e

? 2

Kostic then presented a bouquet of flowers to Mary and at this moment the engagement was official. He also gave her a ring, which is not custom

ary in Poland. Then several people prayed, with Kostic and Mary bring ing the final prayers.
Kostic studied at Eastern Chris

tian College and graduated from Lin coln Christian College in 1964. He is an outstanding young man and is doing
a tremendous work for Christ in Po

land. Mary is a nurse with training sufficient to allow her to do any task in a hospital. Her salary amounts to
$22 per month. On behalf of Chris
tians in America, we made a contri

bution of $100 to this young couple to assist them in establishing their home. A fall wedding is planned.


r-'V* "?^

Printed TniCAAada ^

No. 108

Heltonville, Ind. 47436

Aug. &'Sept., 1967




Dewey Thackston, miiuster-missionary reports the purchase of a build ing site. Baby, Joy Melinda, came to join the Thackston family on Saturday, Aug. 5. Six recent additions bring membership to 25, of whom four are liferecruits, one in Bible College. A record attendance of 43 was set in June and equalled Sept. 10.

Alan LaRue, minister-missionary reports that the congregation used

the new all steel MOBILE CHURCH UNIT Aug. 27 and set a new record attend

ance of 83.

SADE will be here Oct. 29 - Nov. 5.

classes will be held here this winter. WILLOWDALE (Toronto)

Two baptisms bring membership to 23. The area GOSPEL CRU Toronto Christian Seminary extension

Membership has grown to 19 since opening in December, 1966. Record attendance of 44 was set July 16. Of 3 life recruits, 1 is in Bible College. Gene Dulin and Clifford Schaub supply the pulpit while a full-time minister-mission ary is sought to assume a new approach to city evangelism through a chapel in
a shopping plaza.

Richard Wright, minister-missionary, moved to Ottawa in August. First services on Aug. 20 in the newly acquired parsonage had 22 present. Aug. 27 attendance was 20 in A. M. and 23 in P. M. with 30 different people present.

These two congregatio3is had been counted by the Disciples of Christ organization, but recently both have, by congregational vote, determined to
remain free and autonomous churches. The minister at Sweets Corners is a

(continued on back page)



Group a,t boys' camp

"What will Christian Service Camp facilities, owned and operated by

the Christians of Ontario, mean to the advancement of Christ's work?" This

question has been in our minds for several years, and after observing hundreds of camp situations in the U. S., we concluded it would be one of the most im portant steps we could take. With faith, hope and vision, land was purchased and development got underway last year. By the close of the 1967 summer camp season, all of us are confident that the move was guided by His Spirit.

Three weeks very similar to any held in the States included 103 junior, junior high and high school campers. During the three weeks eight young peo ple became recruits, one was baptized and eleven returned home for baptism. Statistics are cold and never fully reveal the inspiration, challenge and encour agement received by youth and adults present. Helpers came from several churches in America and included Bible College youth from Ozark, Johnson,
Maritime, Cincinnati and Manhattan.

Twenty-one boys from an imderprivilegedarea of Toronto were at camp one week in Ai^st. A Christian man, with a business in that area, and Vanita Dulin.who had summer employment in his business, recognized the opportunity to do something for these boys, some of whom had been in reform school. Oth ers had police records or broken homes. Gene Dulin agreed to direct the camp and help was recruited. Four Manhattan Bible College boys, one U. S. Air Force man, four Ohio preachers (Sherriel Storey, Perry church, Canton; Earl Shaw, hidian Run church. East Canton; Paul Gay, Gallon; and Wm. Dieringer, South Akron), Dr. W. B. Epps, Massillon, Ohio, plus Alan LaRue, missionary at Hamilton, Ontario, and Ro bert Murray, minister at Keele Street in Toronto, and some local men volxm-

teered their assistance.

Vanita and Karlita Dulin, and Joyce Fowler and Ann Cursing, smoking, defiance, cru

Smith (Manhattan students) did the cooking.

Results were almost unbelievable.

elty - everything directly opposed to Christianity - was in evidence in these

boys. Authority tempered with love seemed to reach most of them. One nineyear-oldunderwent a complete change. Two older teen-agers became very in terested in Christianity and gave careful attention to several hours of instruc tion. Some even threw their cigarettes in the campfire on the last night. A few of the boys have been in church since then and a follow-up program is planned by one of the Christian men.

This was a camp week which was different. Only young people enterii^ grade 10 or older could attend. The schedule was busy, with little free time

and lots erf activity. Each morning, breakfast was served as the campers were ready. A 45-minute lecture on "Stewardship of Life" was followed by buzz sessions and a chapel message with various visiting youth ministers and preachers speakii^. Monday afternoon the group attended the Canadian National Exhibition, followed by vespers at Westway Christian Church in Toronto. Tuesday was a time for special interest classes with vespers at camp. Wednesday the tour was to Hamilton, the Welland Canal on the St. Lawrence Seaway, and Niagara Falls where vespers were held in the light of the falls. Thursday a sightseeing tour in Toronto was conducted. Although the camp officially closed at noon Friday, afternoon tours took some to beautiful WasagaBeach and scenic caves, or to the beautiful Toronto Island park.
Over 100 were served at each meal; 130 different Christians partici pated during the week. The plaiming committee consisted of Gene Dulin, Alan

LaRue and Dewey Thackston, with Gene Dulin serving as manager-dean. Les ter Pifer of Kentucky Christian College was vesper speaker. Ed Smith, min
ister, North Madison, Ohio; Foster Sizemore, minister, Painesville, Ohio;

and Gene Dulin brought morning lectures.

Chapel speakers were Tom Neff,

Manchester church, Akron, Ohio; Ed Bratton, Northern Hills church, Cin cinnati; Nelson Deuitch, Western Hills church, Cincinnati; Bruce Hough, Beth

any church, Lincoln, Elinois; and Robert Shell, Bridgeport, Illinois.

Dulin served as cook for the week.


Those attending represented Michigan, Kansas, Colorado, Illinois, In diana, Ohio and Kentuclq', plus Ontario. Bible Colleges represented by stu
dents included Lincoln, Cincinnati, Minnesota and Manhattan. Two young peo ple made recruit decisions.

Plans for another great week - AUGUST 18-23, 1968 - are already un derway. For details and suggestions for attendance, write Toronto Christian
Mission, 5 Lavington Drive, Weston (Toronto), Ontario, Canada.

A more relaxed schedule was followed for the first Family Week-end. Breakfast was served between 8:00 and 9:30. Classes for various age groups

and a morning chapel occupied the momir^. Afternoons were free, with some going for drives, others pla3dng games, or napping, or just talking. Evening vesper messages were by Lester Pifer and the movie, MARTIN LUTHER, was
shown. Gene Dulin, Alan LaRue and Dewey Thackston were the committee in charge. Lenora Dulin was the cook.

The relaxed program seemed quite appealing to those in attendance. These included families from Michigan, Illinois and Kentucky, plus represen
tatives from 6 Ontario churches. Week-end attendance was 56, with 74 present

for Sunday noon and 85 present for Sunday evening.

conservative gospel preacher and is an effective pulpiteer and minister. He*

will assist in chapel services at Toronto Christian Seminary extension classes this winter. The Rodney congregation is without a minister. Wilber Saph of Detroit is interim minister while we assist them in finding a preacher.
CHURCH BUILDERS CLUB The Church Builders Club of Toronto Christian Mission has shown its

great value in the past few weeks.

Hamilton received $5000 for the down pay

ment on the Mobile Unit. The Niagara church had over $2500 for the down pay ment on a church building site. The Ottawa church received $500 on their par sonage. In each of these cases the step forward would have been impossible
without the funds from the Church Builders Club.

The Church Builders Club is composed of individual Christians or

church groups who contribute on call $5 in the spring and $5 in the fall to be used only toward the purchase or construction of church property. Member ship now totals 714. If you would like to help in this way, please forward your
name andaddress to TORONTO CHRISTIAN MISSION, 5 Lavington Drive, Wee-

ton (Toronto), Ontario, Canada, stating you want to be a member.

Is sg
S. P 6


The Clifford Schaub family ar rived in Toronto Sept. 8 to assume

the printing ministry of Toronto Chris

tian Mission. Publications include the CANADIAN CHRISTIAN HARBINGER,

a monthly news and doctrinal publi

cation mailed to all known New Tes

tament Christians in Canada, Russian-

language materials, Missionary Cal endar, Report from Toronto, and oth
er such materials. Bro. Schaub was

called back to Pittsburg immediately

on arrival for the funeral on Sept. 11 of his mother, who had been ill for
some time.



All mail for Gene Dulin, John Clifford Schaub, or Toronto

Christian Mission should beforward-

ed to 5 Lavington Drive, Weston (To ronto). Ontario, Canada, or to the

American address: Heltonville, to-

diana, 4*^436.
Checks should be made payable

Eeeort from
No. 109

Heltonville, Indiana 47436

October, 1967

Missionary Survey Tour

in Satellite Countries
The Iron Curtain Missionary Tour took John
Huk and me into seven communist countries. A brief review of theRussian tour and the Polish tour

has appeared in recent Reports. The tour also in cluded Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugo slavia and East Germany. Time in each of these countries was limited, but some knowledge of Christian work was gained and ideas for service
were gleaned. Prague, Czechoslovakia, was our first stop

after Russia and Poland. Our :>nly Christian con tact was a Baptist minister and his wife. They ex tended every possible courtesy. Foreign visitors are not allowed to preach except on rare occasions after much discussion with government authorities. A non-instrument church of Christ missionary, livii^ outside the country, has been in some vil lages and reports some baptisms. Missionaries

livingin western Europe could work here by cross ing the border into Czechoslovakia frequently for
visitation and preaching. After an all-night train ride we arrived in Bethlehem Chapel, Prague, Czechoslovakia, where

John Huss, Christian martyr, was preachii^ when

he was burned at the stake in 1415.

Budapest, Hungary. Reservations for train de parture had been made, but it took visits to eight government offices to get our train tickets. The queues meant we lost an entire morning in this

cily. Further chaos reigned when we arrived at our hotel, for which we had already paid. They were transferring us across the city - at our ex pense. By this time we had learned to expect con
fusion in these countries, and had also learned to

stand our ground. We won, I thought. "All right, you stay here, and we owe you $2.00 refund." This just never happens in a communist country - but
that is what she said. When we asked for the $6.00 food voucher, for which we had paid in Canada, we

After services twenty of the leading brethren as sembled in a newly prepared basement room and allowed Bro. Huk and me to explain our mission and doctrinal position for well over an hour. They were thankful for the encouragement of our visit, and responded especially to our independent mis sion approach. Had we been sent out by a mission
board our visit would have been fniitless. No fu

ture work could have been done. But our undenom

inational New Testament Christian position cor

didn't get them since we had stayed in that hotel!

We lost $4.00 in the deal. You just can't win!

responded with the conclusions they had reached

from their study of the Word of God. We have a standing invitation to visit again and be escorted to as many congregations across Hiu^ary as our
time will allow!

dapest - a meetingplace of a congregation.

We had only one address for contact in Bu We

found the location in the afternoon and concluded

from the sign that services were at 7:00 that night. We returned long ahead of time and found a congre gation already assembling. A Jewess spoke to us in fluent English. We learned the congregation numbered aroimd 400, 30% converted Jews. Sev eral spoke Ei^lish and one gentleman interpreted for me when I spoke to the congregation on their invitation. A visiting Russian preacher interpreted for Bro. Huk. Our messages were brief, but we did have the opportunity of testifying for Christ.

Another night train ride took us to Rumania and Bucharest. Our travel agent had not acquired
a Rumanian visa and had not informed us that one could be obtained at the border. We were con

cerned, but no difficulty arose. For a special fee (in American dollars) they granted a visa at the border. What a beautiful country Rumania is! The early morning train ride through the mountains and on into the plains is equaled only by the beauty of Switzerland. Our stay in Bucharest was only




I li If?

Scenes in Belgrad, Yugoslavia

one day - not even a night. We had two addresses,

but found we didn't need them. As we walked from

the train to the station a young man spoke t o Bro. Huk. He had been waiting at the station two days for our arrival! Word gets around. He was a preacher and had taken time off from his seculai* job to serve us in every possible way while we were in Bucharest. Again, the battle for tickets already reserved and paid for ensued. We spent nearly four hours of the ten hours we had just get ting tickets I Efficiency I Bucharest is the most modem city we vis ited in the communist block. New apartments, shopping plazas and downtown building, with beau tiful landscaping reminded me of Toronto. Being able to get Pepsi Cola for the first time in two months seemed to assure us we were getting closer to the West. Conrad Hilton is even building a new hotel there. Arestoration of many old houses
from various sections of Rumania in a "Pioneer

Avenue Karl Marx, East Berlin

stances indicate God's wUl is for us to continue in

Village" arrangement was further indication of the development of this country. But don't forget Ru mania is definitely a communistic country. Foreign visitors are not able to preach in Rumania. Baptisms are forbidden for all except children of Christian parents. However, means
are found to fulfill this command of God. The Bi

Toronto, giving leadership to projects here, with increasing emphasis on European evangelization bothin Western Europe and behind the Iron Curtain. The Belgrad brethren called Sunday evening
services an hour ahead of 8che<hile to allow for

ble is a forbidden book for import, but some as sistance was given in this area. The more capable

preachers no longer occupy the pulpits. Only the less persuasive speakers deliver the sermons, yet hundreds respond to the message of Christ. Our next stop was Belgrad, Yugoslavia. Our correspondence telling of our arrival had not reached the brethren there. They were still meet
ing in the same damp and cold basement room. When we arrived for services, arrangements were made then and there for us to preach. Lenora met me at Belgrad and continued
the tour with me and Bro. Huk. The last two weeks

more singing and fellowship. Bro. Huk and Lenora sang several numbers. Both Bro. Huk and I preached. In that service a lady was visiting who had heard us in Budapest, Hungary, the Wednesday night before. A" Hungarian doctor was present. One young man from Australia and another from New Zealand were present. This was truly an in ternational service. Again, the invitation is wide open: "Come back soon and stay as long as you

The last communist nation we visited was

East Germany.

A cold and unceasing rain during

the short time we were there curtailed our activi

ties. No contacts were made with any believers in East Germany. Ed Fausz, missionary in Germany,
with whom we conferred has done radio work which

in Europe were arranged as "decision weeks." Serious thought had been given to moving our oper ation to Europe where an extensive program for European evangelism (both Eastern and Western

reaches communist Germany fo r several years. He tells us of many Christians there. Our princi ple problem was shortage of time to establish con tact and have fellowship there.
Our crossover was in Berlin, and while in
free Berlin we met with the remnants of a Russian

coxmtries) could be carried out. Lenora has al ways participated in making such decisions and first-hand information was necessary for her to share intelligently. Since we had sold our house in Toronto in the Spring, our equity was available to pay Lenora's fare, thus allowing her to travel at no expense t o Toronto Christian Mission. I'm getting ahead of my story, but current circum-

congregation of Christians. Bro. Prokhanoff {the Alexander Campbell of the Russian movement) died here in 1935. Little or no fellowship with men of like precious faith through the years has left these people like sheep without a shepherd. Our visit with them was encouraging to them and to us. We had made an appointment with Charles Jones, mis-

sioaary to Berlin, before he or we left for Europe, to meet in Berlin that we might introduce him to the Russian brethren. From this introduction v^e hope he will be used in a mighty way among these brethren as well as among the German.-^.
To summarize our observations, it is im possible for missionaries to move to these coun tries. However, we found a determination on the

emphasizing New Testament Christianity and the fact that you can be just a Christian, is desperately rieeded now. The needs of these people who hold
onto their faith in the midst of atheism should be

kept before God inxmceasing prayer. We are al ready layii^ tentative plans to gi/e assistance to these people. Pray that God will guide us to use effectively the opportunities He provides. Count

part of hundreds, even thousands of people to be

lieve in God and His Son. These believers take God's Word as authoritative and intend to do His

less thousands have prayed for ways to reach iron

curtain souls. As God opens doors, we dare not

will and live the dedicated life.

Therefore, denominationalism has not yet created the terrific

These Chris

fail Him or these people. Pray fervently, please, and share in this work, as God leads and you are
Gene Dulin

problem we know in the free world.

tians do not want man's ideas cluttering up the

truth. What a place for us, as non-denominational


Christians, to give encouragement and assistance! Visitation by our people over a longer period of time is urgently needed soon. Printed material

Published monthly by Tcnmlo Christian Mission. Inc., Ueltonville, IndlanA. Sccoid Class Post&gc paid at HeltoovUle, Isdlar, 47436.

Geno DuUd RiTnily, Jobn K. Huk F^Uy, Clifford Schaub Family, Mary Aim Brown. Ado.ess: S Lavlngton Drive, Weslon (Toronto),
Ontario, Canada. Tel^hooe; 418-249-4273 ; 416-248-2711.

Six Bible Colleges were represented by the 14 students who helped in camp, survey and office work in Ontario sometime during the past summer. Manhattan Bible College students were Joyce Fow ler, Myrna Vance, Annie Smith, Jim Fowler, Don Wilson, Bob Grover and Dave Manning. Maritime Christian College students were Ron Mellish and
Jim Matheson. Other summer workers were: Ann

Tor(atoChrlstianMission,Inc., Mrs.D.McEtonald.


tODVllle, Ind., 47436. Telephone: S12-2T9-333Si 812-834-GC49.

Walker, Cincinnati; Darlene Dunn, Ozark; Myron Hockman, Johnson; and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hough,



Nine young people from th ; Toronto area ^ n M


C WS 53 c2
R W 9 2"

are in Bible Colleges in the U.S. this year. Vanita Dulin and Vera Huk, daughters of mission
aries Gene Dulin and John Huk, are at Cincinnati

a o
H* 0)

Bible Seminary. Robert Brennanis also at C.B.S.

Charles Fassum is at Johnson; LezleeEick at Mil-

D > W S 2 O

ligan; and Ruth Cook, Barbara Fishback, Lynda

Mullins and Eileen Macdonald are at Lincoln.


.^dication services for the new portable building being used at Hamilton were held Oct. 8. Alan LaRue is minister-missionary. . . Clifford Schaub has accepted appointment as manager for Ontario Christian Assembly. . . Toronto Christian Seminary extension night classes at Hamilton have 31 enrolled this term. . . The Area Youth Rally had 90 for their Fall rally, with Willowdale church as host and Richard Wright, missionary in Ottawa, speaking. . . Hamilton reports one baptism this

Toronto Qhristian zM^hsion


Christian Church Church of Christ

United States Address:
Heltonville Indiana

Canadian Address:
19 Templar Drive

Weston (Toronto), Ontario

l2^a//2 Ramify

Toronto Christian Mission was established in 1957 by the Gene

Dulins for the purpose of establishing new churches and evangelizing

in the Toronto, Canada, area.

New Churches Established


established in the Dulin home Sept. 1, 1957, and became self-supporting in 1961. Lester Shell is the present

Three families formed a nucleus for another mission church. Later a de

nominational group, with a new build ing, invited Gene Dulin to be their minister. In two and one-half years these groups were a New Testament church, using the name GRANTBROOK

port became minister in 1964 as they

became self-supporting.






CHURCH was established in Hamil

ton, Ontario, a city of approximately 400,000 peoplewith no New Testament church, early in 1964. Alan LaRue
is the new mission worker assuming this work in the fall of 1964.

Old Churches Assisted


an older church, but in recent years

had nearly closed.

Robert Wade was

recruited to serve this congregation

and is doing very well in reviving the



into the hands of Pentecostals. Gene

Dulin served this church through one

winter and other mission workers have assisted as the church has been re


Gene Stalker is presently

serving here.

In 1957 there was one preacher and two churches in Ontario which would be termed faithful. Today

there are 13 congregations and 12 preachers. Some other older

congregations which have slipped

from the old paths are indicating
a desire to return to the New

Testament position and be served by faithful men.

Russian Work
The Russian Restoration Movement

was not destroyed by Communism,; but remains very active. Four Rus
sian New Testament churches are in
f VftL

Ontario (15 in Canada). The motto over the pulpit of the To

ronto Russian church reads: WE PREACH CHRIST CRUCIFIED. Work with this church in Toronto resulted

in John Huk, minister, and Gene Du-

lin visiting churches behind the Iron

Curtain in 1963. Extensive work con tinues with these churches.




WORD is well known. Toronto Chris

tian Mission prints much material in

Russian and in English. $15, 000 for the printing of the New Testament in Russian was the major project of
1964. Tracts, doctrinal outlines, and

h5Tnns are also being printed in Russian. English materials, including


printed regularly. Clip and mail this coupon to: TORONTO CHRISTIAN MISSION 19 Templar Drive Weston (Toronto), Ontario, Canada Please forward me your REPORT FROM TORONTO each month.

Street Address

City, State and Zip Code


Toronto Skyline

No. 110

Heltonville, Indiana, 47436

November, 1967

n. 4.


10. Toraa Hhcvc


Toru Hncyc BoasedeH Gua

H:xymeBHn or ahsbom,

cMy: oTofiAH or TileH)!, csTa-

Ha; h6o HanHCano: .PocnoAy 4y>0M B nyCTblHIO, AAfl Bory TBoewy doicaohhhcr h

2. H,

Euy OAHOxy CAysH" (BroponocniaiaHCb eopox aax. 6. 13).

Hsno11. TorAa ocTOBAHer Ero AHaaoA,K ce, AnrcAU npH-

AHcii H copoK Hoieii,


3. H npHctynHA x Heay CTynH.\H H CAyXMAH EMy. KCKycHTCAb Hcxasajt: ccah Tbi 12. ycAbiuiaa ne Hhi^c, qro
CuH Eo.-SHH, CKSXH, <ITo6bl HoaHH OTAaH no4 cmfianci/,

In every church visited in Russia, one re quest is heard over and over: "Do you have a New Testament to give me?" These people are not beggars. They are believers who are willing to swallow their pride and ask for the gift of the Word

13. H,

4. Oh Ke CKaaaA euy b oraer: HanHcaHo;


ocTasHS HasapcT.
npHMopcxoM, a



npHiseA K noccAHAca a Ka-

MHKM 6yAeT jT.HTb HeAoaeK, nepHayM


QHM Ha ycT Eoshhx" (Bto- He({K{>aAHa)oBUX, 14. ^ cSyAercH peqcHHoe poax. 8, 3).


SaByAOHoawx h

But over and over we had to say, "I'm Our hearts nearly broke as we sent away the old man, walking on a crooked stick, or the elderly lady in her black
sorry, but we have no more with us. "
babushka and drab dress with her lined face show

of life.

5. rioTOM 6epT Ero ahsboa >ipe3 npopoxa Huhio, kotoB CBXTOH ropoA H nocTaaAoeT

pwH roBopHT: Ero Ha xptJAe aMa. 15. .SeKAH SaayAOHOBa H 6. H rosopMr EMy;eAHTw scMAii He<]>(t>aAHMOBa, Ra ny-

ing years of hardship, or the young man reaify to finishing her high school.

CuH BoshR, 6po;bCfi bhh3; TH npKMopcKOM, aa HopftaH6oHanHcaHo: .AHreASM Cbo- HOM, FaAHAea flabiiecxan, RH aanoscABer o Te6e, it na 16. HapoA, chaaishA

graduate from medical school, or the young lady But what else could we
The Bible has been contraband in the Soviet


KerxHcuibCfi oxaMCHb Horoio

ToenoAaBora Taoro''{BTopolax. 6, 16).
Ha aecbwa sucoKyio ropy, h

pyxax noHecyr Te6n, as kc

TbMc, yaHACA carr bcamxhh, H cHAOi^KK B crpane H tchh

oero- (OcaA. 90, 11 12). CMCpTHOii



7. Hncyc cxaaaA eMv; nanH- (HcaK* 9, 1-2). caHO Taxse: He ncKymaii 17. C Toro BpeucHH Hncyc
Ha^iA nponoaeAuaaTb K ro-

for many years. Its mess^e is subversive to the principles of communism. But the message of God
still dwells in the hearts of countless thousands -

BopHTb: noxefiTecb, h6o npK8. Oairrb Seper Ero AHasoA CAHiHAoCb IjapcTBO He6ecHoe.

ooxaauaacT Ewy see uapcraa

HHpa H CAaay hi.

18 rTpoioAti ae 6AHa Hopa raAHACKCxoro, Ok yBHACA 9. H r.oBopHT Euy; ace sro Asy> CpsTbea, CHMOita, naApea. Cpan ero, aauubiBaio-

even millions - to give them hope and strength for the day in which they live. While it is the policy

ASM Te6e, ccAH numH no- abtsaeuoro FleTpoM, H AhXAOHHObOl HHS.

of the Soviet system to forbid the Bible's being

printed or imported into Russia, a few years ago abouteo,000copies of a lovely edition of the Scrip tures was printed inRussia. This would have been (continued on page 4)

Exact page size

of our edition of Russian New Testament.

Mobile Unit Dedicated

Dedication services were held at Mountain

View Christian Church October 8, as the new mo

bile church building was set aside to be used for the glory of Christ. The building, designed for 150-175 in worship, was comfortably filled with 160people present for the afternoon service. Alan LaRue, minister-missionary, led in the service.
Mrs. LaRue was organist. Other missionaries

participating included Dewey Thackston, Niagara,

and Gene Dulin and Clifford Schaub of Toronto

Christian Mission. Arthur Gregg of Palmyra, Ohio, gave the prayer. The building is an all-steel construction

which was required by building codes of Hamilton.

The vice-president of the Steel Company of Canada, the largest steel company in Canada, was present and, being an evangelical Christian, spoke briefly remarking, "It is most fitting that a structure to house the enduring church should be made of en during steel." The city of Hamilton will allow the use of this buildii^ for three years, after which time the congregation will have to move into a permanent building and the portable unit will be moved to an other site to be used by another new congregation. After three years and several meeting places (store building, school, house, community hall) the Ham ilton church is very aware of the need for a meet ing place on their own property.


"Chewing gum?" "Bali point pen?" are frequent requests heard on the streets i n Moscow or any Soviet city. Children have been given gum or pens by western visitors and are not the least hesitant to request more from other visitors. And they have serious questions about these simple was doing. During our conversation he asked,

"Are there still Indians in America?" "Do they wear feathers?" "Can you buy those feathers?" "How much would they cost?" After a rather lengthy discussion, the boy asted a penetrating
question. "Tell me, sir. How long will it be until our country has chewing gum and Ford automo

items' being unavailable in their country.

On May Day night within a block of Red

Square, we met a young lad, perhaps 12 years old, who asked many questions about America. His English was as fluent as any averageAmerican 12year-old. He was selling May Day badges made of aluminum and similar to our election campaign pins. Although only 12, he bad already learned the capitalistic principle that if you buy for 5 kopecks and sell for 10, you have made a profit. This he

biles?" As I write the question, it seems almost funny, but that night it shook me to the depths of my soul. I turned my back on the boy and with tears streaming down my face I walked away leav ing him standing. All the knowledge this boy had and the longing of his heart was expressed in that simple question. What a strange paradox!! A country so far advanced in technology that space achievements are an everyday occurance - but no chewing gum. But questions are being asked.

1968 Camp Schedule

Several Christians from America have al

ronto), Ontario, Canada, indicating which week you

will be available and information will be forwarded. The camp schedule is: Senior (grades 10-13) - June 23-29

ready indicated their intention to assist in our

camp prc^ram next summer. We need at least 50 different American workers to devote one week,

to operate the camp schedule already arranged.. We realize your plans must be made soon

if you would like to help, because of the arranging

of vacation schedules.

If you can help, please write Gene Dulin or

Clifford Schaub at 5 Lavington Drive, Weston (To

First Chance Camp (grade 3) Junior High (grades 7, 8, 9) Junior (grades 4, 5,6) fiiternational (grade 10, up) Family Week-end

July July July Aug. Aug.

18-20 21-27 28-Aug. 3 18-23 30-Sept. 2


a trustee of this college. He is a well-known evangelist across Canada and has ministered to sev
eral churches in western Canada. Bro. Benoit

presently is a member of Alberta's legislative as sembly, has served as a secretary-treasurer of

Nanton and has also been an editor and newspaper reporter. William Weale of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, was the director of music. Bro.

Weale was born in Wales and also graduated from Alberta Bible College. His Welch tenor voice has endeared him to many souls across Canada as he has led in evangelistic meetings. He has served the Charlottetown church for 10 years and assisted in organizing Maritime Christian College, where
he has served as an instructor.

Edward Benoit, Speaker

The 1967 GOSPEL CRUSADE was conAicted

at the Hamilton church October 29 through Novem ber 5. This is planned as an area-wide gospel rally with all the churches making special efforts
to be in attendance. The crusade was held in Ham

ilton this year to give special emphasis to the more aggressive evangelistic program nowpossible

since they are in their building. While this les sened attendance, since most of our people live in Toronto, the services were a real blessing to Ham
ilton and all who attended.

Edward Benoit, of Nanton, Alberta, was the


Bro. Benoit grew up as a Catholic, but

William Weale, Song Leader, and Mrs. Alan LaEue, Organist.

became a Christian at 14 and studied for the min

istry at Alberta Bible College. He later served as

an instructor, as public relations director and as


Finally all the bills are paid and refunds received, and we can give a financial report for
Huk and Gene Dulin.

Transportation, food and lodging, $5348.79; Be nevolence, $1291. 70; Promotion(mailic^ expenses) $335.40; Film and processing, $240.84; Miscel

laneous including medicines, supplies, paid help, money exchange, $281.77.

The balance of $1216.85 left in the fund, much of which was received during or after the trip, will be applied to the follow-up program, principally in the purchase of needed equipment for the printing operation.

The total income for the tour was $8715.35, of which $8073.50 came from the U. S. and $641. 85
came from Canada.

The total cost of the trip for Gene Dulin and

John Huk was $7498.50, which was used as follows:

(continued from p^e 1)

just a "drop in the bucket" had they all been sold In Russia, but a great part of this edition was sold
for American dollars and distributed in various parts of the western world. As we traveled through the Soviet this sprii^ we looked for copies of the small Russianlanguage New Testaments published and distributed

was heard over and over. One man pulled one of the New Testaments from his pocket. I asked,

"Where did you get that?" He explained how it happened to be in his hands. I opened the fly leaf

by Toronto Christian Mission.

It was like looking

for a "needle in a haystack. " Russia has around 300,000,000 souls and stretches through six time zones, compared with America's three zones. Around 7000 small New Testaments have been dis

was overwhelmed to know he was talking to a rep resentative of those who had made it possible for him to have a copy of the Word. He asked me to sign my name in the Testament that he might al ways remember me. In one home where we were visiting, a dis
cussion arose about the New Testaments. One of

the men had one with him.

He took it from his


To find even one copy would be almost


We saw not one, but several of our New

Testaments in various sections of Russia. An e-

pocket and said, "This little New Testament is as necessary as the bread on our table. We in our country are striving to have material things. I be lieve the time will come when we will have spiritu
al food, too." Bi this same discussion, I asked about the
doctrinal studies in the back of the New Testament.

lectrical engineer had one. An older college stu dent pulled one from his shirt pocket to read a scripture in a discussion. In one pulpit we saw the minister take the New Testament from his pocket, read the scripture andpreach. You, like us, would have been overjoyed to see that God was blessing
this phase of the work of Toronto Christian Mis

The response was enthusiastic from the men: they

were so helpful and appreciated. But one fellow in

the group spoke up andsaid, "But one studyis con

troversial!" When I asked which that was, he re

And the Christians behind the Iron Curtain

are most appreciative for the assistance you have given to this project. "Thank Giod for your help, "

His disagreement with that study confirms the importance of putting those studies in the edition. Years of Baptist in fluence in which baptism has been overlooked as an
important part of the plan of salvation must be met. These studies are helping awaken the brethren to

plied, "The one on baptism. "


a R

what the New Testament says on this subject.

How thanlcful we are when we hear of New


s <0


One preacher leamedayoung lady was going to Russia. "Please take a New Testament with you. " She was afraid, asking what she would do with it when she got it to Russia. The preacher promised that God would
give her "an experience" if she would take it. visited an Orthodox building to see the icons, a priest showed her through the building. She ticed he became more agitated as he followed She and no her

Testaments reaching Russia.


* ?

a g

to o
o o

to the front steps.

Finally he blurted, "Do you

have a New Testament?" She opened her purse and gave it to the priest. He looked at it, and said
he had never had a New Testament before in his

life. "I have wanted one for so many years, but I have never had the courage to ask anyone for one before." Indeed, God did give her an experience! Perhaps studying that New Testament will brii^ this man to such a point that he will see the simple
pattern for the church and become just a Christian,
no more and no less.



Casa Loma Toronto Tourist Attraction

No. I l l

Heltonville, Indiana, 47436

December, 1967






Printing Ministry
cluding Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Bra zil, Belgniim, Germany, England, Finland, Aus
tria, United States and Canada, as well as to Rus
sia and other iron curtain countries.

Printed material for the camp, local churches, promotion of area activities, DEAR

Clifford Schaub At The Press

"Busy" is the one word that describes the print shop of Toronto Christian Mission. Clifford

Schaub mans the presses as they turn out thousands of pieces of materials almost daily. And yet this department of the ministry of Toronto Christian Mission has barely begun to move toward its po tential, even though we have several regular pub

tracts in Russian and English, the Russian-Ukrainian-Er^lish hymnbook, and many other similar materials are prepared in our print shop. Several additional Russian-language tracts will be in print before the end of the year. Our equipment was not suitable for printing the Russian New Testaments. Although we published and distributed them, the printing was done in Berne, Indiana. The ever growing opportunities for spread ing the Word of God across the world by the print ed page, has challenged us to expand our printing ministry. Time, travel conditions, political situ ations and limitation of funds often keep God's messengers from going where they are needed. Even the Apostle Paul was faced with such problems and foundsending written messages to places he could not go would expedite the spreadir^ of the gospel message. With the printed word we can go to thousands of places and reach millions of souls
who otherwise would never loiow of the love of God.


our monthly magazine, is mailed to all Canadian Christian church families, where addresses are
available. Sermons, doctrinal articles, news items and other such material of interest to our

The printed page is enduring. American Chris tians gave thousands of dollars nearly 50 years ^o

to print Russian New Testaments as Bro. Prokanoff

toured America. On recent tours, tattered and

Canadian readers combine to make a publication of from 12 to 28 pages each month. REPORT FROM TORONTO, the monthly news sheet of Toronto
Christian Mission, is mailed across America to inform supporters and friends of t h e work of the

worn copies of this New Testament were seen still in use. No method of reaching the world for Christ could be more lasting than the printed page. It is
likewise effective. For these reasons we must

Mission, that they may rejoice with us in the vic

tories and blessings coming from the hand of God.

If you have friends you would like to have receive REPORT FROM TORONTO, please feel free to
forward names and addresses to us.


monthly magazine,

XPHCTMAHWH (The Christian)

push forward to do more through the ministry of printing. To do this, we must purchase several addi tional pieces of equipment. A larger press which allows us to do excellent quality printing has been purchased. Other items either on order or being considered include paper cutter, stitcher, collator, composition machine, headliner, camera, plate burner, and addressing machine. While we do not

will begin publication with John K. Huk servii^ as editor. This magazine will carry doctrinal arti
cles, sermons and news of interest to Russian

yet have a final cost f^re, undoubtedly it will be

in the area of $20,000. Several have already sent offerings to assist in the purchase of this equip

readers. The publication will be mailed to Rus sian Christians in many parts of the world, in

ment. If you would like to share, please forward your offerings marked "For Printing Equipment. "

In our October, 1966, REPORT FROM TO



RONTO, we listed seven churches needii^ preach ers. We pointed out that "preaching is not easy in
Canada. For that reason we need stable men who

have a mature faith and are patient and dedicated

to Christ. Men who have not been particularly successful in American pulpits will likely have even less success in Canada. And yet, Canadian churches are small and unable to pay as much as
American churches. Growth is slower. People

are harder to reach, partially because of the back ground, partially because the church of Christ is unknown, partially because of our Bible-centred message. But the difficulty does not relieve us of our responsibility." Faithful ministers have responded to this challenge issued in the Fall of 1966. Through RE PORT, much correspondence and numerous "face to face" discussions, several new preachers have come toOntario to accept ministries. Fortunately, none of our preachers have departed in nearly two

Grand Valley Church Building

Ontario has five new churches started with

the assistance of Toronto Christian Mission.


congregations, most of which had been served by Disciple preachers in years past, are now served by faithful ministers. Two older churches which have been served by Disciple ministers, but have many faithful people in them, are without ministers and likely would accept a faithful preacher if one

were available. There are four Russian congre gations with which we have worked. This totals 20 congregations in Ontario we are endeavoring to as sist in numerous ways. There are thirteen English-speaking and two Russian-speaking ministers. Obviously, with

twenty churches and thirteen preachers, several

changes of ministry can be expected. However, a look at the present ministers' time of service in Ontario is most revealing. C. C. Mullins has

served West Lake for about 50 years. He will re tire in May when Jim Matheson, a student gradu ating from Maritime Christian College, arrives to assume that pulpit. John K. Huk has served here for 24 years. Gene Dulin has over ten years of service in Ontario. Other men preaching in the province include Boss Daley, Sweets Corner; Alan LaRue, Hamilton; Robert Murray, Keele Street, Toronto; Timothy Pritiko, London Russian; Lester Shell, Westway; Gene Stalker, Erin; DeweyThackston, Niagara; and Ben Woodruff, Aylmer. The av erage term of service, excluding the two long-time Ontario preachers, has been six years. Clifford Schaub, who is supplying at Grand Valley; Richard Wright, Ottawa; and William Cook, Selkirk, have
allarrived in the last four months. William Weale,
who has been in Prince Edward Island for almost

Hamilton's New Building

20 years, has accepted the call as minister of the (continued on next page)

church at Rodney and will be moving soon. One of the major contributions of Toronto Christian Mis
sion and Gene Dulin to the work of Christ in this

I ' L, 1/ b ^ 1

part of Canada has been the recruiting of additional

workers for Canada.

Good results continue to come from the Un

With this good response to the needs of churches in Ontario, we still have many areas of opportunity for dedicated men of God searching for a place to serve effectively. One small congrega tion in a city of 35,000 remains without a minister. Two congregations which have some Disciple ele
ments are without ministers. The new church at

derprivileged Boys' Camp. At least five boys are now attending church. A dozen or so boys are at

tending regular Sunday afternoon study sessions. Ten attended our last youth rally. Area churches have taken some of theseboys'families as "Christ mas Projects" agreeii^ to supply food and clothii^ and gifts.
Last month, Alan LaRue conducted a week

Willowdale does not yet have a full-time man serv

ing that area. Dozens of other areas stand in need of new churches. Our camp needs a man li%ring on
the site and supervising the grounds. Yes, sev

of evangelistic meetings at Aylmer where Ben

Woodruff is minister.

eral have responded to the challenge, but there are still many places of service in our part of Canada. If you would like further word, write us.





been conducted in numeroxis churches this Fall by

Gene Dulin and John Huk. The Greenwood church,
Canton, Ohio, where Lawrence Bain i s minister,

PubUsbed montUy by Toroato CbrisUan Mission, Inc., HsltonviUe, Indiana. Second Class Postage paid at Heltonvilie, Indiana, 47436.

held their conference Oct. 25-29 with Gene Dulin

Gene Culin Family, Jobn K. Huk Family, Clifford Schaub Family, Uary Ann Brown. Address: 5 Lavln^D Drive. Weston (Toronto),
Ontario. Canada. Tol^hooe: 416-249-4273: 416-248-2711.

ToroDtoCbiistianMission.Inc.. Mrs. D. BlcDooald, P^. Agent,UeltonvUle, Ind.. 47436. Telcf>tione: 812-279-3338; 812-834-6649.

speaking. The goal of $7000 was surpassed as $12,000 Faith Promises were made. This congre gation has assumed the $250 monthly cost of pub lishing the new Russian magazine, THE CHRIS TIAN, and thus has become by far the largest monthly contributor to Toronto Christian Mission.

ready for mailing. K you would like one, please mail your request soon.


"During this past summer in our province

. . . there were baptized in some villages ten

persons, fifteen persons, twenty persons, and even twenty-five persons at one time, hi my village I
baptized three souls, Thanks be to God that His

blessings are seen in our country - that the sin ners are converted to God. During this autumn season I have visited four different places where churches have had the feasts of harvest (Thanks giving) where hundreds of believing people gather to praise the Lord for all His blessings. Youknow,
dear brother Dulin, our Russian believers, be

cause you have been in our country two times and you have seen the zeal of our believers that are ready to pray, to preach, to sing and to serve the

Lord, and they are ready if there is need to suffer

for the Lord."

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