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CHAPTER 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define algorithm. What are the properties of an algorithm? What are the steps that need to be followed while designing an algorithm? Define tuple, function and cardinality of set. Define Relation, Equivalent Relation, and Closure of Relation. What do you mean by linear inequalities and equation? CHAPTER 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Explain best case, average case and worst case analysis. Explain Asymptotic Notations. Explain any one of the method for solving recurrence equation. Explain bubble sort algorithm with example. Also calculate time complexity. Explain selection sort algorithm with example. Also calculate time complexity How insertion and deletion take place in Binary Search Tree? Explain with example.

CHAPTER 3 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Explain multiplying large integer problems using divide and conquer. Explain binary search algorithm. What are the advantages and disadvantages of binary search? Find the time complexity. Explain merge sort algorithm with example. Also calculate time complexity. Explain how to apply the divide and conquer strategy for sorting the elements using quick Sort. Do the analysis for quick sort. Explain strassens matrix multiplication with an example. CHAPTER 4 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Explain activity selection problem. What do you mean by minimum spanning tree? Explain prims algorithm. Explain kruskals algorithm with an example. Explain single source shortest path problem. (dijkstras algorithm). Explain knapsack problem using greedy algorithm. Explain job scheduling problem with an example.

CHAPTER 5 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Difference between divide and conquer and dynamic programming. Difference between greedy algorithm and dynamic programming. How to calculate binomial coefficient using dynamic programming? Explain with example. How dynamic programming can be helpful for making change problem? Explain assembly line scheduling. Explain knapsack problem using dynamic programming. Explain matrix chain multiplication using dynamic programming. Explain longest common subsequence(LCS) problem. CHAPTER 6 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Define graph, directed graph, undirected graph, complete graph, connected graph. Explain representation of graph. (adjacency list and adjacency matrix representations) Explain DFS algorithm with an example. And list the application of DFS. Explain BFS algorithm with an example. And list the application of BFS. Explain topological sorting. Define DAG, articulation point, bi-connected components and preconditioning. What is backtracking? Explain 8 queens problem.

CHAPTER 7 38. 39. 40. Explain Nave method for string matching. Explain string matching using finite automata. Explain string matching using rabin karp method. CHAPTER 8 41. 42. 43. Define P and NP and NP complete problem. Explain polynomial reduction. Explain NP- complete and NP-hard problems.

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