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OB PATHOLOGICAL EVALUATION EXAM I. TRUE or FALSE Write T if the statement is TRUE and write F if the statement is FALSE 1.

. High Risk Pregnancy is one which a concurrent condition, pregnancy related complication or external factors that jeopardized only the health of the mother. 2. 1st Trimester is the most crucial period of pregnancy for which organogenesis is at peak and very prone to teratogens. 3. Abortion is the termination of the pregnancy at below 24 weeks AOG that suits fetal viability 4. Missed Abortion is characterized by No FHT detected and the uterus stop growing 5. Infection is the primary cause of Recurrent abortion 6. Mcdonald cerclage is permanent suture attach to the cervix to manage Incompetent Cervix 7. Ampulla is where the most common attachment of ovum in the condition of ectopic pregnancy 8. Pregnancy must not occurred for 1-2 years if the woman suffered from H-mole during her recent pregnancy. 9. Complete H-mole have 69 chromosomes from 1 egg and 2 sperms that is having still fetal tissue and membrane present. 10. Hyperemesis gravidarum usually occurs at 14 weeks AOG and cause by high level of estrogen 11. Abruptio placenta is characterized by bright red vaginal bleeding with hard board like uterus 12. Maternal smoking is the primary risk factors in developing abruption placenta 13. Vaginal birth is indicated for woman with placenta previa totalis provided that it is greater than 37 weeks AOG. 14. Ultrasound is the diagnostic procedure ultimately done to detect placenta previa and abruptio placenta 15. The primary complication of abruptio placenta and placenta previa is infection. 16. Dipstick procedure that reveals +2 protein in the urine is characterized as severe pre-eclampsia 17. Presence of edema in a pregnant woman is an indicator for diagnosing Pre-eclampsia 18. Prior in giving MgSO4 in a pregnant woman who has severe pre-eclampsia the nurse should check for RR, DTR and Urine output. 19. Levothyroxine is the medication of choice to treat Hyperthyroidism. 20.Hypothyroidism is more apt to seen in pregnant woman than hyperthyroidism 21. 1st trimester of pregnancy is where the diabetogenic effect occurs because of the effect of increasing placental hormone, cortisol,estrogen and progesterone

22. Glucose is the primary fuel of the fetus that is transported across the placenta 23. In OGTT, if the blood glucose of a woman is greater than 120 mg/dl a woman is rescheduled for 100 grams, 3 hour fasting glucose tolerance test. 24. Echocardiogram is must to diagnosed cardiac compensation early in a child bearing woman by detecting electrical conduction produced by the pumping and activity of the heart. 25. Eisenmeger syndrome is a right to left shunt septal defect with a accompanying pulmonary stenosis that causes right sided cardiac failure. 26. Side lying position is the best management to patient with pulmonary edema cause by congestive heart failure 27.The most common anemia of pregnancy is folic acid deficiency anemia 28.Woman in a child bearing age should receive 400ug of folic acid daily in order to prevent folic acid deficiency anemia 29. Isoimmunization occurs when a Rh + woman become pregnant with a Rh - fetus at first pregnancy and then the woman develop anti- Rh that crosses the placenta which affects the 2nd pregnancy fetus leading to Erythroblastosis fetalis. 30. A 1:8 anti-D antibody titer in woman indicates that severe Rh sensitization occurs between the mother and the fetus 31. Post-partum hemorrhage is a blood loss of 500 ml after vaginal birth and 1000 ml after C/S. 32. Sub-involution is failure of the uterus to return to pre-pregnant state and consistency resulting to excessive bleeding this is usually an example of early post partum hemorrhage 33. Placenta increta is a slight penetration of myometrium by placental trophoblast 34. Preterm labor is a cervical change and contraction occurring between 20 to 37 weeks of pregnancy 35. Salivary estriols is a form of estrogen produce by the fetus and present at 9 weeks AOG, a high level of this hormone during the last trimester is a suggestive of preterm birth 36. The best position indicated for the baby in a vaginal delivery is LOP 37. Precipitus labor is one which birth occurs at 6 hours of its onset characterized by abrupt onset of intense contraction. 38. An amniotic fluid index of 19cm is an indicator that the pregnant woman is having hydramnios 39. Meconium aspiration in fetus is highly definite if the woman is above 42 weeks AOG 40. Woman with cardiac decompensation is indicated for vacuum assisted delivery

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