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How to Do Horse Dressage Riding Successfully. For real horse lessons go to EquestrianandDresssage.

com The sport of dressage has existed for as long as people have been [Saddle for We stern Riding riding horses]. Very simply, it is the art of training your horse t o his full potential or the art of dressagepractice. Today, it has evolved into one of the most highly regimented disciplines in the horse world. In USDF (United In USDF (United States Dressage Federation) showing, dressage h as been divided up into five levels, Training Level, First Level, Second Level, Third Level and Fourth Level. "Basic dressage" is generally considered to be Tra ining Level dressage. # First make sure your horse knows you are, and knows that he/she can trust you. You also have to make sure you have faith in your horse. If you don't think you or your horse can do it, yo u won't be able to. # Work on your horse's basic gaits. The first three gaits, walk, trot and cante r, should be forward and consistent. Both you and your horse should feel confident travelling at all three gaits in a ll circumstances. # Work on transitions. The horse should have smooth, forward transitions, both upward and downward. He should maintain balance, rather than falling onto his fo rehand, and he should not pull against the rein. Ideally, transitions should be mainly should feel confident travelling at all three gaits in all cir cumstances. Transitions should be mainly they look for the predecessor to colle ction, willingness to accept contact and stretch into the bridle. How can you te ll that a horse is stretching into the bridle? When you hold your reins still, y ou should be able to feel the horse's mouth without him hanging on your reins. I f you soften your reins forward, he should follow the contact down, neither pull ing against the reins nor dropping the contact. # Work on your position in the [Clean the Saddle] . Keep your heels down at all times. Adjust your [Ride a Horse With No Stirrups] so that your knee is at about an eighty-degree angle. The balls of your feet should be rested on the stirrup irons. Sit tall in the saddle without bracing your back. Improve you r balance. # Bend your horse around turns. Ask your horse to bend his body to follow any c urve by supporting him with your inside leg and inside seatbone. Be careful not to overbend him; if you were to look down from above, the curve of his body shou ld match the curve of the turn or circle. # Practice the USDF tests. Memorize and practice the USDF Training Level tests (see external links). Ride them for a certified instructor and ask them for some tips on what you should work on. # Show! Here is the fun part of horse dressage training. Research any schooling shows in your area and enter them.After you ride your test for the judge, you w ill receive a score sheet with an assessment of what you did well and what you d id not so well. Try to take all criticism well, as the judge did take the time t o write up the scoresheet for you. Training for dressage requires a great unders tanding of its benefits and costs. Remember, your first show might not go as wel l as you had hoped. Tips: *Keep the ball of your foot in the iron at all times. If you only put your toes in your feet will slip out of the irons if your horse spooks and you will have no chance of staying on. It's impossible to learn how to ride from an article.''' Consider hiring an instructor to help you and your horse succeed.

*Always wear proper safety gear when riding or handling horses. Citations *www.equestriananddressage.com, USDF Dressage Tests.

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