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C Andersens Emperors New Clothes

Unlocking Difficulties

1. Charlatans noun \shr-l-tn\ : a person making usu. showy pretenses to knowledge or ability: FRAUD, FAKER < The famed faith healer turned out to be a charlatan. >
2. Emperor noun \em-pr-r, -prr\

: the sovereign or supreme male monarch of an empire < The reigning emperor was born 50 years ago. >
3. Exquisite adjective \ek-skwi-zt, ek-()\

: marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution. < The exquisite vase owned by the king is found broken. >
4. Weaver noun \w-vr\

: one that weaves especially as an occupation. < The charlatans passed themselves off as weavers. > 5. Inadmissibly adverb \i-nd-mi-sibli \ : not accepted. < Those who cannot see the emperors new clothes was inadmissibly stupid. > 6. Looms noun \lm\ : frame or machine for interlacing at right angles two or more sets of threads or yarns to form cloth. < The looms are great help for weavers. > 7. Procession noun \pr-se-shn\ : a group of individuals moving along in an orderly often ceremonial.

< The cars moved in a procession to the cemetery. > 8. Marvellous or marvelous adjective \mrv-(-)ls\ : causing wonder: ASTONISHING < The weather today was simply marvellous. > 9. Stupid adjective \st-pd, sty-\ : given to unintelligent decision or careless acts: slow mind < Why are you being so stupid? > 10. Canopy noun \ka-n-p\ : a cover (as of cloth) fixed or carried above a person of high rank or a sacred object. < A canopy hung over the altar. >

Emperors New Clothes By Hans Christian Andersen Summarized by Mikah Jenine Suba

Once upon a time, there was an emperor who was fond of dressing up. He doesnt care about his kingdom, his people, nor his soldiers. He would walk in his kingdom or in the woods, just to show off his new clothes. One day two charlatans visited the great city and pretended as weavers. They said to the emperor that they knew how to weave and they can make the most exquisite cloth that those who was inadmissibly stupid cannot see it. The emperor was delighted about what the charlatans can make. He gave them lots of money in advance so they could begin their work at once. The two charlatans pretended to be working all night, but they had nothing whatsoever on the looms. The whole city knew about the marvellous power of the clothes. The emperor wanted to see how far the fraud weavers come with the cloth. He sends his old minister to the weavers because he was confident that the minister can see how the cloth looks for the old minister is intelligent. The old minister went to the hall where the charlatans are working. The minister kept

opening his eyes wider because he couldnt see anything. But then he told to the emperor that the cloth pleases him highly because of the beautiful pattern and colours. The charlatans demanded for more money and gold thread. The emperor, not even thinking twice, is giving all what the charlatans demand. The fake weaver pretended that they are doing something in an empty looms. The emperor decided to send another harmless official to check how far the weavers come with the new clothes. The same thing happened to him as to the old minister. He peered through his spectacles, looked and looked but he cannot see anything. But then he praises the cloth and said that he was delighted about the beautiful colours and patterns. All the people in the city were talking about the magnificent cloth. Now the emperor himself wanted to see the new clothes. The emperor cannot believe that he couldnt see anything. But he pretended that he can see the cloth. The emperor nodded contentedly and decided to wear the new clothes on the forthcoming procession. The day of the procession came, and the two charlatans help the emperor in wearing the new clothes. The charlatans said that the cloth is light as the spiders web. So the emperor took all of his clothes and the charlatans acted as if they were holding him each of the new garments that had supposedly been sewed. They put their arms around his waist as if they were tying something. The emperor started walking in the procession under the beautiful canopy. The people in the street and in the windows are praising the emperors new clothes as if they can see anything. But one innocent child shouted, But he doesnt have anything on! then the whole populace shouted too. The emperor shuddered and thought they were right but he continued his walk in the procession while the gentlemen-in-waiting carried the train that wasnt there at all.

Moral Lesson: The moral of the story Emperors new clothes is that, one should not believe everything that they are told. The emperor didnt believe what he knew to be true, thats why he really acted foolishly. That makes him truly a stupid leader.

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