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, .1., Keep e'ntrcinces


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'>2: Ask for hotO "1 b of/ 5

es an sa es persons
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3. Use home pepholes and deQ .bolllpcks


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Never give impressl0ll.:You'rE! liome qlqne .;;)"'iJi"

-olIi....: :,.)l, 1,.. ';:.r . ')i
5. Keep bushes 8. shrubbery
tiimrj'led :" ':,
. . R <:,,'!'it 'l
6. Beware of potentlal:hldlng places-avoid them. '.
. .... ;. ,....I,.,'...
7. If you come. home' 8. find ,a door, pr indow open., "
or signs of forced entry, do hot go Inslde . _ ' .
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Risk: Reduction f YOUAut

(' Look around your car before entering:' If you are

concerned for any reason simply walk foward a,
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safe place:e...
,'; .'.. Ey"..
2. Be suspicious oTv ehicle parked close to ur car
especiany when the other car is occupied and/or
the car engine is running:,' .
3. Make it a habit fo lock'your car door immediatec
Iy after entering the vehicle and especially prior to'
putting child in safety seat. Be aware of surround:: ' f:'l'
, . ....



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.J :ti'(taYJ?}!Q )9, y'9U. surroundiflgs and te


. pople, around you. Walk confidently and

at a
teody pace.,' "_,v
2. When on the street..walk facing oncoming traffic. .
A person Walkin!;fwith traffic can be followed,
forced into car; and abducted more easily fhan a
person walking against traffic. Watch'"for parked
cars with open dOor's;' running enginefor cars pos
fured.for quick get ay..l '//r4 ;;",,,1: t::';""j ".
" .
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3. Walk close tp.,thecurb n the Sidewalk: Avoid
dQorways; busnes, arid al!ies.
4. Don'f walk/jog alone; always avoid areas where
tnere are few people: .
5. Be careful when peopl, stop you for directions.
Reply from a distance, neer get too close to the
car and stay far enough away to tum and run.
6. If you feel you are being followed, go to a well
populated area. Never wblk or jog alone.
8. Trust you InsHncts, if a particular place, person, or
group of persons make ydu feel uneasy don't ig
nore your instincts.



!:. RIk edu.cpn VYalking or Jogging


Always have yoer keys'out 8. ready before leav

ing a building to approach your car.


5. Park in well lit areas-ond lock car doors, 'even for

quick stops. If somthing: or sOryleonEl t(tlc:e$;you as
out of place or threatening, dnye away.:'
6. If you are acco!tc1iri 6 pa
}3'Rs(di :r:
ro)hng undemeath a nearby auto and scream JOl.J9.,
It IS difficult too force anyone out from under a car:,,




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When. stopped in traffic keep' doors locked and1:.

leave er,lough.distance from vehicle in from of you
to. escape i(s:rirrjnal attempt to"gain entry or aH j
l' : ; "'; ' 7:y,:,":,',.; :ii . ., .4' : ,r.
8. If y.oU get, a flat tire; drive,_ to a sqfe, well lighted, ..
w.I! :!rgve!d gFD..9.m;\f gam,bl with'ypur safety!:&I'
9. If involved in ali accident, stay in your car until';
police arrive. If the other driver suggest you ex
change insurance inforlTlation, hold up your qriver
license 8. insurance c(m against the window.






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N ever' stoR..tsSisi ' sttang c6Ii

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If you susQect you: are being. followed;' don 'to. ? ',
drive nome. Drive to police or fire station and blow
horn. Do '"ot get out 9tvtJicJe until. safe' to do so.


12. If an attackerdo+es manage too get into your

car do everything in your power to exit the car. If
possible, do not let aftacker take you to an Isolated area. If you are behind the wheel, steer '{our
vehicle into any object that will create a minor
accident in a public/populated area. Take ad
vantage while your attacker's. attention is momen
tarily' diverted forun, yell or scream. Get away and
attract attention
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Keep your head, stay calm, evaluate your

source and options.
2. It may be advisable to su
' bmit than to resist. You
have to make this decision based on circumstanc
eS.Be especially careful if1the attacker has a weap
3. Stay alert and observan't so that you can describe
the attacker and assault.
4. I know it is difficult, please report the incident as
soon as possible-call the SARC 895-SARCI

2417 Hotline


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