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Executive summary Global manufacturing is worldwide manufacturing company with factories in Australia, Canada, Indonesia, South America and

the United States of America. Ted Kimoski the financial director, Paul Jawaski production director and Susan Moffat the HR (human recourse ) director brought the organisations attention that one of their manufacturing factories in Australia was significantly suffering in terms of very low production and high costs. The organisations share price had dropped by twenty percent in the past six months and is still plummeting. Due to this the organisations is facing a potential takeover by different organisations and they are of no competition to their competitors. The team of directors including the managing director John Campbell had spotted the financial tribulations and the potential threats, the Australian factory is facing could be resolved as the initial problem is occurring from the workforce (human resources). Therefore strategic Human recourse management was the key to revive the Australian branch. (J.Stone, 2008) What is strategic human resource management? Strategic human resource management provides a strategic framework to support long-term
business goals and outcomes. The approach is concerned with longer-term people issues and macro-concerns about structure, quality, culture, values, commitment and matching resources to future need. (Royal Charter. (2012) The Australian branch of Global manufacturing company is hindered due to the attitude and lack of effort of the employees (work force). The organization in the past already had problems in the China factory, where the factories equipment was outdated and therefore the output of the factory was less than its competitors. However the present problem with the Australian branch is that employees are not motivated, Absenteeism is excessively high, the factories safety record

is the worst, even though the Pay and working condition are among the best in Australia, and Labour turnover is low. Furthermore Fights with The industrial union of manufacturing workers which is both financially hindering the organisation and its reputation. Thus employees are more loyal to the union rather than the organisation even though it meant to be shared custody. The organizations objective is to be the most
profitable and the fastest growing company in the industry. Implementations of Radical planned change which will systematically introduce the strategies that will change the organizations system, structure and culture. This would fill in the gap of the desired performance and actual performance of the organization. A top-down approach should also emphasize the speed at which the strategic action would be communicated by the top managers and would be done by the employees. Global manufacturing would achieve their goals through various tactics mentioned above by constantly seeking improvement and greater teamwork. (J.Stone, 2008)

Human resource management basically means the manner in which the employer and employee relationship is tackled which involves the use of people efficiently and effectively to accomplish a companys aims and goals hand in hand with the satisfaction of the individual employees working in the corporation as stated by (Bratton and Gold,2007)HRM is a strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging peoples capabilities is critical to achieving competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment

policies, programmes and practices. the excellence of a knowledge management approach depends on all the employees to actively participate at all positions in the organization, the reason is that everyone learns from every one or to say every employee is a teacher as well as a student thereby human resource managers have make use of the full potential and utilise the talents of all the employees there. It even includes developing potential employees who exhibit good managerial skills to become future managers in the future. In this case of Global manufacturing, it is noted that their main problem is not that the people do not have the requirements to do their jobs well but some of the employees are not fit the job which brings us back to Recruitment and selection. There was an error in hiring some of the people. The ones that are smart and competent also tend to relax because they do not see any actions taken on the less competent ones. Recruitment selection is one of if not the most important aspects of the drivers of a successful organization and in the recruitment process there has to be a proper job analysis and job design which definitely was among the flaws because it clearly should analyse the task and responsibilities a person needs to perform before a job is given to him the lack of awareness of the importance of employees adds or shows clearly in this case or the person that that trained the analyst lacked essential training and the topmost management did not give enough support.In the process of hiring people if care is not taken a lot of companies not only this one could land in serious problems because it is not all about the papers and the degrees and that is where the iceberg model comes into play apart the visible and hidden parts. A degree from a prestigious academic institution and special talents are part of the visible iceberg while self concepts, traits and motives are part of the invisible or hidden in other words like relationship with people attitudes or absenteeism. Little time that is allocated to review all this before employing a person add up to major problems like this. Training and development schedules play a vital role in this type of scenarios because if the employees are outdated in terms of not attending seminars and conferences or knowing the latest updates of system software then they also have to go development programmes even if they are still working an no matter how well they are, they need to be updated. Employees need mentoring from veterans or in other words people that have excelled in similar fields of work, orientation is also very important because it helps them to know what is expected of them and what is not expected of them soft skills like management of day to day activities personal developmental skills that help in finding out the leadership skills, or how a person handles situations in times of desperation and pressure all alongside healthy and well being seminars for all the people that work in the company on issues like how to manage money(financial aid),pensions e.t.c.Pre retirement plans should be made at least just to ensure the employees have a sense of security after retiring. The act of trying to increase knowledge and the skill level of the workforce an organization as a whole is to allow them to be able to carry out their jobs efficiently. Therefore training is the act of acquiring knowledge that is related to a particular job.

The price for this does not come cheap however most managers take the risk of the responsibility in the assumption or expectation of getting profits from the employees development. Training is mainly to support new employees that is the new intakes, to make the productivity to improve, to make the market to be more effective, improve customer service and more productivity through enhanced skills and also it helps in the adaptation of the implementation of changes in the company.Knowing that the cost is high not a lot of companies invest in training and from the problem here we know that they also have not done that which led to the current crisis. Remuneration and benefits popularly known as compensation is one of the tools used in human resource management in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency to attain certain objectives. Human resource management derives strategies or policies on the earned wages and other benefits from the company to workers or employees for showing loyalty and commitment to the place they work for. They also give special awards for outstanding performances with incentives and bonuses. Human resource management aids in offering benefits for example insurance whether health or life, loans and allowances. In addition to that they award workers with recreational leisure areas and flexibility in working hours since the Global manufacturing knows about that, then they should try as much as possible to know how other competitive threats do that and reasonably try to balance it with their staff in avoidance of attracting the attention of the workers to substitute similar corporations. Downsizing aims to reduce the job workforce by reducing the number of employees to improve its financial situation and since in this scenario it was stated that the share price of the corporation has dropped by twenty percent. Tony Beck stated that we have to make the transition otherwise we will die.downsizing however can make things to be difficult because of the high level of stress and higher rate of unemployment in the organization. So what happened in this case may lead to downsizing and as it is well known for every action there is a reaction and the reaction to the downsizing maybe some miscommunication in decisions openly but secretively, it al also may bring about uncertainty in short term and long term goals and objectives of the company, it will change the way work will be performed. Downsizing is one of the strategies that can be used in situations like this and it is one of the strongest ways out. Job rotation basically means the movement of workers from a range of given jobs for the purpose of increasing motivation and interest in the place of work. It enhances what people call multi skilling but at the cost of greater training however in the global manufacturing it should be applied as a means for improvement. From a particular point of view job rotation can be something close to job enlargement. This enables employees to explore or widen more of the activities of an employee by substituting the employee around a range of work. For example, a person who works in an organization like the university of Wollongong as a receptionist attending to people a printing letters may be switched with a person who works in the library that scans books that students loan to go and study just to motivate

the worker and reduce boredom ultimately increasing productivity and avoiding what happened with the Global manufacturing case. Job rotation also is an incentive and a good precaution when it comes to human resource management. So the reason why it is important is that it improves employee weaker areas as they rotate and it motivates and avoids distraction at the same time. According to the Treasury and DfES,both skills shortages and gaps are major problems that act as major barriers to economic growth and the reduction in long term unemployment in the United Kingdom Who are the stakeholders in Global manufacturing? Stakeholders are people that have anything to do with the organisation. In this case the Government with their regulations and permits, Competitors, Customers, Employees, and Trade Unions. All these groups of enforcements impact the organisation in one way or the other. Due to the strategic human rescore management that was mentioned above, potential problems might occur. The world we live in today is multicultural technologically advanced and competitive. Markets are rapidly changing due to economic fluctuation and demands. Education has also changed our world as the importance of knowledge is emphasised therefore making the world competitive survival of the fittest. Uncertainty is inevitable in workplaces therefore change in workplace should be anticipated. The Australian global manufacturing should clearly communicate the change that is going to take place in the workplace so that the organisations new objectives would be apparent and understood. The purpose, strategy, system and structure should also be clearly communicated and understood in order for the approach to become effective. As HR managers are seen to be change agents it is important to understand that when implementing change employees can be resistant. The reason being is that employees may feel threatened as the erosion of trust would commence. The fear of the unknown, work overload, lack of confidence and disrupted habits also destabilises a work force. To reduce the resistance to change the managers of Global manufacturing should include their employees is some of the decision making. This would make them feel important as they would find a sense of belongingness which would encourage them to be more motivated and excited about their jobs. Another way is to grantee their employees that the purpose of this change is to benefit both the organisation and them, and they will not be at a disadvantage i.e same pay. This would in turn give them a sense of security and certainty which would ease the tension and stress of change. (J.Stone, 2008) Supervision is also crucial as this would also help assess the progress in which the employees have made and the organisation as a whole. Furthermore it is imperative that when the organisation is going through these changes that assessment and evaluation is also taking place. Job evaluation is simply to see how effective the change is, by comparing and contrasting factors like job satisfaction, sales and productivity of the pre-change and post change time frame. (Stone, 2008)

When going through these processes the issue of the total quality output is also highlighted at the same time as quality. With Global manufacturing being a worldwide organisation it is apparent that there are certain standards that have to be met in order to gain competitive advantage. Thus total quality output is dependent on continuous improvement with no irregularities. This would ensure customer loyalty because it gives the organisation the ability to anticipate, meet and exceed customer demand. It would also ensure and employee commitment improving work environment and OBC (organisational behaviour citizenship). Quality is just as important as quantity (productivity) and hand in hand would be a step in the right direction. (J.Stone, 2008) Conclusion The major threat that Global manufacturing is facing is their competitors and the lack of motivation the employees have which is hindering the organisations productivity. Basic human resource management strategies such as downsizing, job analysis, training and development, are overdue in order to revive the Australian branch of global manufacturing. With the hands on effort and guidance of the managers given to the employees, motivation, productivity, job satisfaction, and the organisations reputation can all enhance. Solving Global manufacturing problems for the long-term as the goals and objectives would be met in the most effective and efficient method possible. References Royal Charter. (2012). straegic human resource managment . Available: http://www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/factsheets/strategic-human-resourcemanagement.aspx. Last accessed 24 April 2013. J. Stone (2008). human resource management . 6th ed. Austraila: Jhon Wiely & Sons . Ch. 16, pp. 617-642
Chris,H (2011). human resource management . 4th ed. Third avenue,New York: Routledge. 66.

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