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------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document contains a list of changes to the Java AllJoyn API.

Each Status, Method, or class will be marked as follows: 'NEW': API code that was added to the release. 'CHANGED': API code that has been changed since the last release. 'REMOVED': API code that has been deleted from the release and can no longer be used. 'DEPRECATED': API code that has been marked as deprecated. Each addition should contain a short explanation of what added or changed. For more information please refer to the API documentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------AllJoyn API Changes between v3.2.0 and v3.3.0 (Java API) NEW STATUS INVALID_STREAM value=0x1021 Attempt to reference non-existent stream entry NEW STATUS TIMER_FULL value=0x1022 Attempt to reference non-existent stream entry NEW STATUS ALLJOYN_ONAPPSUSPEND_REPLY_FAILED value=0x90ea OnAppSuspend reply: Failed NEW STATUS ALLJOYN_ONAPPSUSPEND_REPLY_UNSUPPORTED value=0x90eb OnAppSuspend reply: Unsupported operation NEW STATUS ALLJOYN_ONAPPRESUME_REPLY_FAILED value=0x90ec OnAppResume reply: Failed NEW STATUS ALLJOYN_ONAPPRESUME_REPLY_UNSUPPORTED value=0x90ed OnAppResume reply: Unsupported operation NEW STATUS BUS_NO_SUCH_MESSAGE value=0x90ee Message not found NEW METHOD BusAttachment.FindAdvertisedNameByTransport(String namePrefix, short transports) Register interest in a well-known name prefix for the purpose of discovery over specified transports. This method is a shortcut/helper that issues an org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertis edName method call to the local daemon and interprets the response. [param] namePrefix - Well-known name prefix that application is interested in receiving BusListener::FoundAdvertisedName notifications about. [param] transports - Transports over which to do well-known name discovery NEW METHOD BusAttachment.CancelFindAdvertisedNameByTransport(String namePrefix, short transports) Cancel interest in a well-known name prefix that was previously registered with FindAdvertisedName. This cancels well-known name discovery

over the specified transports. This method is a shortcut/helper that issues an org.alljoyn.Bus.CancelFindAdvertisedName method call to the local daemon and interprets the response. [param] namePrefix - Well-known name prefix that application is no longer interested in receiving BusListener::FoundAdvertisedNam e notifications about. [param] transports - Transports over which to cancel well-known name discove ry NEW METHOD BusAttachment.isConnected() Indicate whether bus is currently connected. NEW PROPERTY MessageContext.serial The serial number of the message NEW METHOD SignalEmitter.getMessageContext() Get the MessageContext of the last signal sent from this emitter. NEW METHOD SignalEmitter.cancelSessionlessSignal(int serialNum) Cancel a sessionless signal sent from this SignalEmitter [param] serialNum - Serial number of message to cancel NEW CLASS PasswordManager Class to allow the user or application to set credentials used for the authentication of thin clients. Before invoking Connect() to BusAttachment, the application should call SetCredentials if it expects to be able to communicate to/from thin clients. The bundled daemon will start advertising the name as soon as it is started and MUST have the credentials set to be able to authenticate any thin clients that may try to use the bundled daemon to communicate with the app. NEW METHOD PasswordManager.SetCredentials(String authMechanism, String password) Set credentials used for the authentication of thin clients. [param] authMechanism - The name of the authentication mechanism issuing the request. [param] password - The password. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------AllJoyn API Changes between v3.0.0 and v3.2.0 (Java API) NEW STATUS NO_SUCH_DEVICE value=0x90dc A referenced device cannot be located. NEW STATUS P2P value=0x90dd An error occurred in a Wi-Fi Direct helper method call. NEW STATUS P2P_TIMEOUT value=0x90de A timeout occurred in a Wi-Fi Direct helper method call.

NEW STATUS P2P_NOT_CONNECTED value=0x90df A required Wi-Fi Direct network connection does not exist. NEW STATUS BAD_TRANSPORT_MASK value=0x90e0 Exactly one mask bit was not set in the provided TransportMask. NEW STATUS PROXIMITY_CONNECTION_ESTABLISH_FAIL value=0x90e1 Fail to establish P2P proximity connection. NEW STATUS PROXIMITY_NO_PEERS_FOUND value=0x90e2 Cannot find proximity P2P peers. NEW STATUS BUS_OBJECT_NOT_REGISTERED value=0x90e3 Operation not permitted on unregistered bus object. NEW STATUS P2P_DISABLED value=0x90e4 Wi-Fi Direct is disabled on the device. NEW STATUS P2P_BUSY value=0x90e5 Wi-Fi Direct resources are in busy state. NEW STATUS BUS_INCOMPATIBLE_DAEMON value=0x90e6 The daemon version is too old to be used by this client. NEW STATUS P2P_NO_GO value=0x90e7 Attempt to execute a Wi-Fi Direct GO-related operation while STA. NEW STATUS P2P_NO_STA value=0x90e8 Attempt to execute a Wi-Fi Direct STA-related operation while GO. NEW STATUS P2P_FORBIDDEN value=0x90e9 Attempt to execute a forbidden Wi-Fi Direct operation. NEW LISTENER BusListener.listenerRegistered(BusAttachment bus) Called by the bus when the listener is registered. This gives the listener implementation the opportunity to save a reference to the bus. [param] bus - The bus the listener is registered with. NEW LISTENER BusListener.listenerUnregistered() Called by the bus when the listener is unregistered. NEW SESSIONOPT MASK TRANSPORT_LAN value = 0x0010 Use only a wired local area network to communicate with a given session. NEW SESSIONOPT MASK TRANSPORT_WFD value=0x0080

Use only the Wi-Fi Direct transport to communicate with a given session. NEW METHOD SignalEmitter.setSessionlessFlag(boolean sessionless) Sets the signal to be sent out as a sessionless signal [param] sessionless - if true the signal is set to be sent out as a sessionless signal

------------------------------------------------------------------------------AllJoyn API Changes between v2.6.0 and v3.0.0 (Java API) No known API changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------AllJoyn API Changes between v2.3.0 and v2.6.0 (Java API) NEW STATUS THREADPOOL_EXHAUSTED value = 0x101f A thread pool has reached its specified concurrency NEW STATUS THREADPOOL_STOPPING value = 0x1020 Cannot execute a closure on a stopping thread pool NEW STATUS BUS_AUTHENTICATION_PENDING value = 0x90a7 Authentication of remote peer is pending NEW STATUS BUS_NOT_AUTHORIZED value = 0x90a8 Operation was not authorized NEW STATUS PACKET_BUS_NO_SUCH_CHANNEL value = 0x90a9 Received packet for unknown channel NEW STATUS PACKET_BAD_FORMAT value = 0x90aa Received packet with incorrect header information NEW STATUS PACKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT value = 0x90ab Timed out waiting for connect response NEW STATUS PACKET_CHANNEL_FAIL value = 0x90ac Failed to create new comm channel NEW STATUS PACKET_TOO_LARGE value = 0x90ad Message too large for use with packet based transport NEW STATUS PACKET_BAD_PARAMETER value = 0x90ae Invalid PacketEngine control packet received NEW STATUS

PACKET_BAD_CRC value = 0x90af Packet has invalid CRC NEW STATUS STUN_ATTR_SIZE_MISMATCH value = 0x90b0 STUN attribute size does not match size parsed NEW STATUS STUN_AUTH_CHALLENGE value = 0x90b1 STUN server has denied request, issued Challenge NEW STATUS STUN_SOCKET_NOT_OPEN value = 0x90b2 Underlying socket not open for operation NEW STATUS STUN_SOCKET_OPEN value = 0x90b3 Underlying socket alread open NEW STATUS STUN_FAILED_TO_SEND_MSG value = 0x90b4 Failed to send STUN message NEW STATUS STUN_FRAMING_ERROR value = 0x90b5 Application specified invalid TCP framing NEW STATUS STUN_INVALID_ERROR_CODE value = 0x90b6 Invalid STUN error code NEW STATUS STUN_INVALID_FINGERPRINT value = 0x90b7 Fingerprint CRC does not match NEW STATUS STUN_INVALID_ADDR_FAMILY value = 0x90b8 Invalid address family value in STUN 'address' attribute NEW STATUS STUN_INVALID_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY value = 0x90b9 SHA1-HMAC message integrity value does not match. When passed to upper layer , indicates unauthorized response, message must be ignored NEW STATUS STUN_INVALID_MSG_TYPE value = 0x90ba Invalid STUN message type NEW STATUS STUN_INVALID_ATTR_TYPE value = 0x90bb Invalid STUN message attribute type NEW STATUS STUN_RESPONSE_WITH_USERNAME value = 0x90bc STUN response message included a USERNAME attribute NEW STATUS STUN_ERR400_BAD_REQUEST value = 0x90bd Received bad STUN request, upper layer must send error code 400

NEW STATUS STUN_BAD_INDICATION value = 0x90be Received bad STUN indication, upper layer must ignore message NEW STATUS STUN_ERR401_UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST value = 0x90bf Received STUN request with invalid USERNAME or invalid MESSAGE-INTEGRITY, upper layer must send error code 401 NEW STATUS STUN_TOO_MANY_ATTRIBUTES value = 0x90c0 Too many attributes in STUN message or unknown attributes list NEW STATUS STUN_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE value = 0x90c1 STUN message attribute must only be added once NEW STATUS STUN_UNAUTHORIZED_INDICATION value = 0x90c2 Receive STUN indication with invalid USERNAME or invalid MESSAGE-INTEGRITY, upper layer must ignore message NEW STATUS ICE_ALLOCATING_MEMORY value = 0x90c3 Unable to allocate heap from ICE NEW STATUS ICE_CHECKS_INCOMPLETE value = 0x90c4 ICE Checks have not completed NEW STATUS ICE_ALLOCATE_REJECTED_NO_RESOURCES value = 0x90c5 TURN server rejected ALLOCATE request NEW STATUS ICE_ALLOCATION_QUOTA_REACHED value = 0x90c6 TURN server rejected with 486 NEW STATUS ICE_ALLOCATION_MISMATCH value = 0x90c7 TURN server has expired the allocation NEW STATUS ICE_STUN_ERROR value = 0x90c8 Generic ICE error NEW STATUS ICE_INVALID_STATE value = 0x90c9 ICE Agent is not in proper state to perform request NEW STATUS ICE_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_ID value = 0x90ca ICE Component type is not recognized NEW STATUS RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_DEACTIVATED_USER value = 0x90cb Rendezvous Server has deactivated the current user. Register with the Rendezvous Server to continue.

NEW STATUS RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_UNKNOWN_USER value = 0x90cc Rendezvous Server does not recognize the current user. Register with the Rendezvous Server to continue. NEW STATUS UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER value = 0x90cd Unable to connect to the Rendezvous Server NEW STATUS NOT_CONNECTED_TO_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER value = 0x90ce Not connected to the Rendezvous Server NEW STATUS UNABLE_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_TO_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER value = 0x90cf Unable to send message to the Rendezvous Server NEW STATUS INVALID_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_INTERFACE_MESSAGE value = 0x90d0 Invalid Rendezvous Server interface message NEW STATUS INVALID_PERSISTENT_CONNECTION_MESSAGE_RESPONSE value = 0x90d1 Invalid message response received over the Persistent connection with the Rendezvous Server NEW STATUS INVALID_ON_DEMAND_CONNECTION_MESSAGE_RESPONSE value = 0x90d2 Invalid message response received over the On Demand connection with the Rendezvous Server NEW STATUS INVALID_HTTP_METHOD_USED_FOR_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_INTERFACE_MESSAGE value = 0x90d3 Invalid HTTP method type used for Rendezvous Server interface message NEW STATUS RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_ERR500_INTERNAL_ERROR value = 0x90d4 Received a HTTP 500 status code from the Rendezvous Server. This indicates an internal error in the Server NEW STATUS RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_ERR503_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE value = 0x90d5 Received a HTTP 503 status code from the Rendezvous Server. This indicates unavailability of the Server error state NEW STATUS RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_ERR401_UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST value = 0x90d6 Received a HTTP 401 status code from the Rendezvous Server. This indicates that the client is unauthorized to send a request to the Server. The Client login procedure must be initiated. NEW STATUS RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR value = 0x90d7 Received a HTTP status code indicating unrecoverable error from the Rendezvous Server. The connection with the Server should be re-established. NEW STATUS RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_ROOT_CERTIFICATE_UNINITIALIZED value = 0x90d8 Rendezvous Server root ceritificate uninitialized.

NEW STATUS BUS_NO_SUCH_ANNOTATION value = 0x90d9 Attempt to add an annotation to an interface or property that already exists . NEW STATUS BUS_ANNOTATION_ALREADY_EXISTS value = 0x90da Attempt to add an annotation to an interface or property that already exists . NEW STATUS SOCK_CLOSING value = 0x90db Socket close in progress NEW METHOD BusAttachment.emitChangedSignal(BusObject busObject, String ifcName, String propName, Object val, int sessionId) Emit PropertiesChanged to signal the bus that this property has been updated [param] busObject - The BusObject that is the source of this signal [param] ifcName - The name of the interface [param] propName - The name of the property being changed [param] val - The new value of the property [param] sessionId - Id of the session we broadcast to (0 for all) NEW METHOD BusAttachment.enableConcurrentCallbacks() Enable callbacks within the context of the currently executing method handler, signal handler or other AllJoyn callback. This method can ONLY be called from within the body of a signal handler, method handler or other AllJoyn callback. It allows AllJoyn to dispatch a single (additional) callback while the current one is still executing. This method is typically used when a method, signal handler or other AllJoyn callback needs to execute for a long period of time or when the callback needs to make any kind of blocking call. This method MUST be called prior to making any non-asynchronous AllJoyn remote procedure calls from within an AllJoyn callback. This includes calls such as joinSession(), advertiseName(), cancelAdvertisedName(), findAdvertisedName(), cancelFindAdvertisedName(), setLinkTimeout(), etc. NEW METHOD BusListener.busDisconnected() Called when a BusAttachment this listener is registered with is has become disconnected from the bus NEW LISTENER BusListener.propertyChanged(String propName, Variant propValue) Called by the bus when the value of a property changes if that property has annotation org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged=true Any implementation of this function must be multithread safe. See the class documentation for details. [param] propName - The well-known name that has changed.

[param] propValue - The new value of the property; NULL if not present NEW LISTENER BusListener.busDisconnected() Called when a BusAttachment this listener is registered with is has become d isconnected from the bus. Any implementation of this function must be multithread safe. See the class documentation for details. CHANGED METHOD InterfaceDescription.Property(String name, String signature, TreeMap<String, Str ing> annotations) Now able to specify generic Key/Value pair for property annotation. NEW METHOD InterfaceDescription.addMemberAnnotation(String member, String annotation, Strin g value) Add an annotation to the specified interface member NEW METHOD InterfaceDescription.addPropertyAnnotation(String property, String annotation, S tring value) Add an annotation to the specified interface property NEW METHOD InterfaceDescription.addAnnotation(String annotation, String value) Add an annotation to the interface NEW CONSTANT SessionOpts.TRANSPORT_ICE Use only ICE transport to communicate with a given session NEW BUSSIGNAL PropertiesChanged(String name, Map<String, Variant> changed, String[] invalidate d) throws BusException Signal sent when one or more properties change on an object. [param] name - the interface name [param] changed - the changed properties with their new values [param] invalidated - the changed properties without their new values

------------------------------------------------------------------------------AllJoyn API Changes between v2.2.0 and v2.3.0 (Java API) NEW STATUS WARNING value="0x1D" Generic warning. NEW STATUS ALLJOYN_SETLINKTIMEOUT_REPLY_NOT_SUPPORTED value="0x90a0" Local daemon does not support SetLinkTimeout. NEW STATUS ALLJOYN_SETLINKTIMEOUT_REPLY_NO_DEST_SUPPORT value="0x90a1" SetLinkTimeout not supported by destination. NEW STATUS ALLJOYN_SETLINKTIMEOUT_REPLY_FAILED value="0x90a2"

SetLinkTimeout failed. NEW STATUS ALLJOYN_ACCESS_PERMISSION_WARNING value="0x90a3" No permission to use Wifi/Bluetooth. NEW STATUS ALLJOYN_ACCESS_PERMISSION_ERROR value="0x90a4" No permission to access peer service. NEW STATUS BUS_DESTINATION_NOT_AUTHENTICATED value="0x90a5" Cannot send a signal to a destination that is not authenticated. NEW STATUS BUS_ENDPOINT_REDIRECTED value="0x90a6" Endpoint was redirected to another address. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------AllJoyn API Changes between v2.1.0 and v2.2.0 (Java API) NEW CLASS Class ExpirationRequest added to AuthListener ExpirationRequest.setExpiration(int expiration) Sets an expiration time in seconds relative to the current time for the credentials. This value is optional and can be set on any response to a credentials request. After the specified expiration time has elapsed any secret keys based on the provided credentials are invalidated and a new authentication exchange will be required. If an expiration is not set the default expiration time for the requested authentication mechanism is used. [param] expiration - the expiration time in seconds CHANGED METHOD BusAttachment.joinSession(string, short, SessionOpts, SessionListener, OnJoinSes sionListener, context) Asynchronous version of joinSession(string, short, Mutable.IntegerValue, Ses sionOpts, SessionListener)}. context param added in 2.2 release [param] context - User-defined context object. Passed through to OnJoinSess ionListener.onJoinSession(Status, int, SessionOpts, Object). NEW METHOD BusAttachment.setLinkTimeout(int sessionId, Mutable.IntegerValue linkTimeout) Set the link timeout for a session. Link timeout is the maximum number of seconds that an unresponsive daemon-to-daemon connection will be monitored before declaring the session lost (via SessionLost callback). Link timeout defaults to 0 which indicates that AllJoyn link monitoring is disabled. Each transport type defines a lower bound on link timeout to avoid defeating transport specific power management algorithms. [param] sessionId - Id of session whose link timeout will be modified. [param] linkTimeout - [IN/OUT] Max number of seconds that a link can be unresponsive before being declared lost. 0 indicates that AllJoyn link monitoring will be disabled. On return, this value will be the resulting (possibly upward) adjusted linkTimeout value that acceptable to the underlying transport.

NEW METHOD BusAttachment.release() Release resources immediately. Normally, when all references are removed to a given object, the Java garbage collector notices the fact that the object is no longer required and will destroy it. This can happen at the garbage collector's leisure an so any resources held by the object will not be released until "some time later" after the object is no longer needed. Often, in test programs, we cycle through many BusAttachments in a very short time, and if we rely on the garbage collector to clean up, we can fairly quickly run out of scarce underlying resources -- especially file descriptors. We provide an explicitly release() method to allow test programs to release the underlying resources immediately. The garbage collector will still call finalize, but the resources held by the underlying C++ objects will go away immediately. It is a programming error to call another method on the BusAttachment after the release() method has been called. NEW METHOD BusAttachment.setKeyExpiration(String guid, int timeout) Sets the expiration time on keys associated with a specific remote peer as i dentified by its peer GUID. The peer GUID associated with a bus name can be obtained by calli ng getPeerGUID(String, Mutable.StringValue). If the timeout is 0 this is equiv alent to calling clearKeys(String). [param] guid - the GUID of a remote authenticated peer [param] timeout - the time in seconds relative to the current time to expire the keys NEW METHOD BusAttachment.getKeyExpiration(String guid, Mutable.IntegerValue timeout) Gets the expiration time on keys associated with a specific authenticated re mote peer as identified by its peer GUID. The peer GUID associated with a bus name can be obtained by calling getPeerGUID(String, Mutable.StringValue). [param] guid - the GUID of a remote authenticated peer [param] timeout - the time in seconds relative to the current time when the keys will expire CHANGED METHOD InterfaceDescription.addMember(int type, String name, String inputSig, String ou tSig, int annotation, String accessPerm) param accessPerm added for 2.2.0 release NEW METHOD ProxyBusObject.release() Release resources immediately. Normally, when all references are removed to a given object, the Java garbage collector notices the fact that the object is no longer required

and will destory it. This can happen at the garbage collector's leisure an so any resources held by the object will not be released until "some time later" after the object is no longer needed. Often, in test programs, we cycle through many BusAttachments in a very short time, and if we rely on the garbage collector to clean up, we can fairly quickly run out of scarce underlying resources -- especially file descriptors. We provide an explicitly release() method to allow test programs to release the underlying resources immediately. The garbage collector will still call finalize, but the resources held by the underlying C++ objects will go away immediately. It is a programming error to call another method on the ProxyBusObject after the release() method has been called. NEW METHOD SessionListener.sessionMemberAdded(int sessionId, String uniqueName) Called by the bus for multipoint sessions when another node joins the sessio n. [param] sessionId - Id of multipoint session whose members have changed. [param] uniqueName - Unique name of member who joined the session. NEW METHOD SessionListener.sessionMemberRemoved(int sessionId, String uniqueName) Called by the bus for multipoint sessions when another node leaves the sessi on. [param] sessionId - Id of multipoint session whose members have changed. [param] uniqueName - Unique name of member who left the session. NEW STATUS ALREADY_REGISTERED value="0xa004" An AuthListener is already set on this BusAttachment

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