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as a Supreme Fiction


Billy McBride

Copyright 2013, by William McBride

1. They are excluding others from the space around by not being open to them, by making them feel uncomfortable just to be there. - Kathleen 2. Men like to boast with prophesies. - Amy 3. Remember how you made friends and were in Geology class. - Teresa 4. Geology class was a time of special patience and ultimate trust. - Teresa 5.

You acted that way just with people, not with Angels. - Teresa 6. Owl-Pussycat. - Billy McBride 7. For openness and liberty people need to be more consistent with their openness. - Billy M. 8. It's worth the fight, liberty and equality. - Elaine 9. That's where the consequences must be; competitions for equality. - Elaine 10. Hamlet-talking, not listening but overhearing, like in Hawaii with our beautiful Merkabah sayings. (This is the

opposite side of liberty and equality). - Libby 11. Answer them with sayings. - Jennifer 12. Compare our 44 Shakespearian characters with the realm of liberty and equality. - Marion 13. Start with Edgar, he sings; I sing...conceptually. - Amy 14. How does Edgar sing? Ironically-Clinamen. Ariel's singing (as liberty and equality) is bold. HyperboleDaemonization. - Marilyn 15. Bottom's singing is geological and open. KenosisMetonymical.

Iago's singing is codified in secrecy and as passwordmodified. Symbolically-Tessera. - Arielle 16. Having friends is a comedy, but there can be life in tragedy also. - Thrikbot 17. Measure for Measure. - Honey 18. Listen to Tob Shbeeb when you're feeling blue. - Arielle 19. Pain-free. - Kelly 20. Sing louder, happier, and geologically. - Kelly

21. Guitars and keyboards. - Elaine 22. Ha-sherivath. - Bertha 23. That is how you feel, like a blockhead because you make no money. - Arielle 24. Charge batteries for QY100. - Grouchy 25. Big Bird is B'nayvoovah. - Kabbalah 26. Rest your diaphram, it is in pain. - Kabbalah

27. We want to play! - Ora 28. Where is my pain? - B'nayvoovah 29. That is a great question! - Jennifer 30. Remember what happened in the day with your short-term memory too. - Jennifer 31. We always talk about him. - Loretta 32. You're happiest when the hopeful (party) short-term

memory is intact. - Jennifer 33. Remember what you did during the day. - Jennifer 34. Memory recycle, recycling, recyclable. - Jennifer 35. We can help you to remember what you read during the day. We can help you remember the ideas you had. And, we can help you remember the songs you heard. - Jennifer 36. Can the memory help me feel better physically? - B'nayvoovah 37. Blow your nose. Drain it. Use your tongue. - Marion

38. Influence and Jealousy, the opposite book from Influence and Ohhh, by Libby McBride (Green). - Marion 39. Time for a shampoo. - Arielle 40. Time for a shave. - Elaine 41. Memory is good and interpretation is dependant upon it and will follow. - Amy 42. Labyrinth of the day's memory. - Arielle 43. The oldest and best memories of the memories individual

you had during the day make not just for a great discovery, but are difficult to wrestle with poetically, yielding the best results if you conquer them. - Kabbalah 44. We remember everything. - Bertha 45. Everything that was ever said, we remember. - Bertha 46. Recycled memories are always benign-feeling, and the greatest, best, and oldest of them are the most delightful. - Libby 47. Look at your computer; now make memories! - Libby 48. Jewish people don't believe in hell because we are all learning in our lives here and on and on forever.

- Libby 49. Desdemona sang too. - Bertha 50. My teachers are my always smiling Angel wives. - B'nayvoovah 51. The oldest memories and Winslow Homer. The wrestling and substituting with them. Every Homeric time was based upon the old memories changed. - Diana 52. Arielle's hiding places. - Diana 53. Remember that talking with Tob Shbeeb will help you learn to think better. - Elaine

54. Conversionary literature is not readable literature, at least in the deep, and being so, spiritually valuable sense. - Thrikbot 55. How do we work on M.O.A.T.? Pre-M.O.A.T.? - Teresa 56. Lavina's Tower is a M.O.A.T. version. - Elaine 57. What is in the room, but Shakespearian crystal people. - Amy 58. Underground characters. - Amy 59. I am not an Atobot, but I am not a blockhead either. - B'nayvoovah

60. Supply and demand for M.O.A.T., the idea to build it and they will come can work. - Donna 61. I say we just build it anyway, just the way we wanted it to be. (Macbeth) - Donna 62. And, Flower M.O.A.T. too! - Kelly 63. Let's say we get it ready for the second generation after my death, how do we do that; I'll be an Angel and can help them below too. - B'nayvoovah 64. It's just not ready for your lifetime. - Kelly

65. M.O.A.T. is like Sesame Street. - Arielle 66. Start over. - Arielle 67. Think closely about the ambitions of Macbeth and the M.O.A.T. 36. - Arielle 68. M.O.A.T is made from I-Beams, stainless steel polished IBeams. - Arielle 69. There are 120 I-Beam sculptures the size of a small house each in a great spiral. - Arielle 70.

The Macbeths hoped for immortality by killing Duncan. - Arielle 71. People want this M.O.A.T. like they do sayings from Big Bird, or our music. - Arielle 72. They want to be awesome charitable ambitious beings, but not conversionary beings deep down. - Bertha 73. Models, were going to have. A place to store them. Maybe a gallery or more. We need a Band-like group so that it's not revolutionary. - Kelly 74. Remember the M.O.A.T. digital art collages. Not the combos, the collages. - Elaine 75.

Who is the Band-like group who you will know and correspond with over your remaining years? - Libby 76. Magnetic music. Part of M.O.A.T.'s promotions. - Bertha 77. Originally and still M.O.A.T. is meant to aid the recovery from spiritual diseases, to help victims thus. - Shnoonah 78. I know what you're thinking B'nayvoovah. You think we're just playing along with your desires and fantasies. But, we are not. - Shnoonah 79. Now how do we find listeners? (For pre-M.O.A.T. music) They will grow from music listeners to readers to activists for M.O.A.T.. - Bertha 80.

Conversionary literature is not activated literature or activism. - Thrikbot 81. M.O.A.T. may spread as an idea from secular activists even. - Kabbalah 82. Study light. - Honey 83. Defense trial. - Honey 84. M.O.A.T. is somewhere between art, music, and literature. - Kelly 85. Shakespeare was successful. Byron was successful. Frost, Robert Fitzerald, Poe (unfortunately), Whitman, Emerson,

Lincoln, were successful. - Arielle 86. "Conceptual," the word, has a divine meaning. - Arielle 87. Sign a petition. - Arielle 88. Ultimately, it must pass poetically though it is not political, it's touristic, but the charitable aspect which is Lucretian is public. - Arielle 89. Keep track of the latest technology for M.O.A.T.. - Bertha 90. Now, for fame, life, and creativity, being change, being pleasurable, and being abstract, we need to take them serious, which means that we need to wait on them.

- Honey 91. People are my pleasure. - B'nayvoovah 92. People are always alive with Nature and living, and mostly the most benign of our interests. - Bertha 93. That kind of M.O.A.T. would be awesome. Also, a Hasherivath M.O.A.T.! - Elaine 94. In the Gospel of B'nayvoovah there are Bully Mammon, Headbuttressian-Resurrected Billy McBride, and the Underworld Billy McBride. - Bertha 95. M.O.A.T. has Macbeth to do about it. (See act V. of The Band: A Play where the Wonder and Love of M.O.A.T.ians,

who are also booksellers of B'nayvoovah's books are helping him live.) - Elaine 96. M.O.A.T., though financially successful, is AntiMammonian. - Amy 97. No Angel or person of the 36 in the Wonder and Love of M.O.A.T. are blockheads. - Amy 98. "Inevitable" in some sense means "destined," it is the reason we read and will always read the Universal Torah. - Penelope 99. The best definitions (and definitions change geometrically) are acts of divine revelation passed on traditionally by human teachers. - Elaine 100.

M.O.A.T. Barkley Bert Big Bird Cookie Monster Count von Count Dr. Nobel Price Elmo Ernie Grover Guy Smiley Kermit the Frog Meryl Sheep Oscar the Grouch Slimy the Worm Aloysius Snuffelupagus Sonny Friendly Telly Monster Mr. Hooper Bob Gordon Susan Gonzo Beaker Miss Piggy Janice Sam the Eagle Stratler

Waldorf Animal Camilla the Chicken Scooter Nigel JP Grosse Rowlf the Dog Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem Fozzie Bear These are a possible M.O.A.T. 36. - Bertha 101. Richard Rorty says that we should look forward to a better future where everything is different in a better way. - Bertha 102. Read Till I End My Song. - Arielle 103. Bloom's book gives me a special blessing. - Arielle 104.

The rest is silence. - Hamlet 105. Varieties of Silent Experience. - Ora Ora Tiferetot 106. Silence may have nothing to do with not hearing sayings. - Yafah 107. A silent life underground. - Yafah 108. Could the pattern of How to Fly a Spacecraft make M.O.A.T. more of a possibility? - Amy 109. M.O.A.T. and a full life go together. - Marilyn

110. M.O.A.T. and Learning (being taught). - Arielle 111. Geometry is okay, once you learn the vocabulary terms. - Tob Shbeeb 112. We need a video camera for the $100 creative moves in the Gnostic Underworld. - Libby 113. A video would last the length of a song. Divide the song length by 44 or so and you have a film with separate scenes. - Bertha 114. Like a silent acrobatic film with music. - Elaine 115.

Where Stay Friends: A Play takes on the spiritual diseases of schizophrenia, cancer, AIDs and rape as well as the spiritual poverty of illiteracy, The Band: A Play is concerned with destroying the building of death camps and the spiritual disease of anti-Semitism. - Elaine 116. A cinemagraphic combo experience, actual M.O.A.T.. - Libby 117. We will do Basic M.O.A.T. after presenting it in our special combo way. - Bertha 118. Television and trends. - Bertha 119. Zoa Architects, the only four groups in and of Eternity. - Arielle 120.

When reading aloud in a din, the usual trouble will result unless you care for some of those listeners who are paying attention. - Teresa 121. M.O.A.T. 36: Wonder and Love of M.O.A.T.. - Zoa Architects 122. Adam Kadmon and those other three Eternal Groups. - Amy 123. Name the M.O.A.T. 36 often? You kind of are! - Marilyn 124. Mishnah: Oral sayings and Hasidism. - Arielle 125. Is it life or is it death? - Christina Rossetti

126. Bamboo M.O.A.T. like the Tabernacle Ark. Flower M.O.A.T. and M.O.A.T., Monuments of Abraham and Sarai. The Geography of the State of Texas. - Kelly 127. M.O.A.T. 36 and COTE 44. - Elaine 128. For Those Who Need To Know About M.O.A.T.. - Kelly 129. S and C for our M.O.A.T. works, etc... - Lizbeph 130. How to do M.O.A.T. without grandiosity? - Bertha 131.

Muppet M.O.A.T. - Arielle 132. The divine vocabulary of M.O.A.T.. - Arielle 133. Lucretius and M.O.A.T.: Light. Ruskin and M.O.A.T.: Shimmer. - Elaine 134. Christina Rossetti and Wallace Stevens. - Elaine 135. "I-Beam" "Monument" "Art" "Sculpture" "Spiral" "Tourist Attraction" "Charity" "COTE" "SCAR"... - Lizbeph 136. Who is closest to the M.O.A.T. project in Shakespeare? a. who helps? b. who is creative?

c. who is successful? It is Henry the Fifth. - Honey 137. How does Henry the Fifth feel? He is the most attacked character in Shakespeare who is concerned the most about his reputation (fame). - Donna 138. The person most attacked is the one who is concerned most about his fame. - Donna 139. Fame is change and contingency. Peoplehood is solidarity and life. Irony is art and creativity. These are Wallace Stevens's criteria for a Supreme Fiction. - Donna 140. World Peace is the Falstaffiad. - Diana

141. M.O.A.T. is a Shakespearian's DEFENSIVE and works best that way (unfortunately). - Diana 142. Hal, or Henry the Fifth and M.O.A.T. 36 are both supreme fictions (and COTE 44). - Amy 143. People will naturally be impressed and attracted to M.O.A.T. by its defensiveness which will in theory make M.O.A.T., COTE, M.O.A.T. 36, and COTE 44 successful. - Thrikbot 144. Measure for Measure is the play which is the most defensive though. - Bertha 145. Start off an introduction to M.O.A.T. with a Who's Who of M.O.A.T., the M.O.A.T. 36. - Shnoonah

146. Next explain the only way it works: Defensively. But Shylock was defensive in one way - Shnoonah 147. France fought England in Henry's battles. - Donna 148. Henry V. (or M.O.A.T. 36), Measure for Measure (M.O.A.T.), The Winter's Tale (COTE?) and The Merchant of Venice (COTE 44?). - Donna 149. Solidarity is life. - Donna 150. Fame is what changes (from destiny to slight caprice) (Wallace Stevens). - Donna

151. Maybe I don't want Angels, they might say. We say, too bad, its inevitable. - Kabbalah 152. HEB, the sky, the landscape, signs, billboards, artistic dreams, hospitals, desire, strong wishes, fear: these things remind me of what it might be like with M.O.A.T. in an already place as a system, as events that occur, and as a glorious transcendence bridging this world with the divine. Yet, M.O.A.T. is closer to death in this way, and where is literature, the gift of literature? It is the reward or the investment for M.O.A.T.. Post-M.O.A.T. is a life of learning, even being so, as Jacob's ladder was, since M.O.A.T. is a supreme fiction of strangeness. - Shay 153. I felt afraid. - Wallace Stevens 154. M.O.A.T. as supreme strangeness of experience, it is not Mammon-riddled, but a prelude to individual contingency. - Kabbalah

155. I got on medicine for the first time. I wandered in deadly fear. I believed people's thoughts could be changed by my negative thinking, how they struggled and were scornful of me as I talked with them throughout our conversations, how this made me quiet. I feared greatly what they could do to me, especially as a result of my creative designs, how I loved to desire, how I felt like a Ruler, and yet I knew I was responsible. The responsibilities I felt I had were so much a burden. - Billy M. 156. Iago is the character in Shakespeare's works who is the one who is most going in the wrong direction, and he is the most aggressive of all of the Bard's characters. - Bertha 157. I know that they are part of M.O.A.T. 36, and I wish that they would discuss M.O.A.T. more. - Arielle 158. Star, Star the city, puns, Texas the State, M.A.T., no

spacecraft flying though, weed, cigarettes, distrust, fear, Roundrock, maps big and small, symphony music, classical music, QY 10 and synthesizer music, Steve, David and Mike, Dad, living at parents's, Derrida, places in fields to put M.A.T. projects and public art, architectural models, KTFM, sitting in the hot sun listening to music. Richard Rorty's Truth and Progress. - Elaine 159. Arielle, Gabby, Women, Bloom's The Ringers in the Tower, Derrida's The Politics of Friendship, Gilbert and Deluze's Anti-Oedipus: or Capitalism, Mousie, the donations to leave for Big Brother coming, charities and forms and brochures, (this was before the SCAR charities), the Masons, Bookstop, rides in the car, I sold my car, cigarettes, pipe tobacco and expensive cigarettes, I wore vintage clothes, friends Anson and Robert and Andrew, Marilyn, Joy, two wives, Arielle's charity and secret help, the bathtub, the Wife of Bath from Bloom's The Western Canon, Y2K, Art Bell, the English religious guy, drawing lines between cities, God, and the lone responsibility for the Universe good and bad. - Billy M. 160. Music for 18 Musicians. - Steve Reich

161. What was life in that strange time? - Billy M. 162. Southwest Research Institute. - Bertha 163. Leah. - Bertha 164. Gone with the Wind and Pi. - Elaine 165. Michelle. - Elaine 166. S/Z. - Roland Barthes

167. J. Hillis Miller's Topographies. - Arielle 168. I meant to come back to San Antonio from Hilo all along, my trip was other-worldly. - B'nayvoovah 169. Shapes: Hovering and on the ground as Monuments. - Bertha 170. I-Beams: Bertha, a Wall. Private space, forbidding entry. - Elaine 171. Adam Kadmon and Monuments, Life and Death. - Libby 172. Sarai and Abraham, Jacob and Moses - those Monument and Altar makers.

- Bertha 173. On Fame and Everyone's Desire for It. - Bertha 174. An altar isn't a tomb in Ha-Torah. - Amy 175. Perhaps fame is unnaturally unnatural. - Marilyn 176. Euclid. - Amy 177. One man trying to start up a grand project, this is a difficulty. - Marilyn 178.

Don Juan by Byron would have gone on indefinitely. - Amy 179. Big Bird, the safe risk-taking wanderer. - Arielle 180. I was Grover in High School and am Big Bird now. - Billy M.


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