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When I think of my nation it is of roses and cared for gardens. Of Farmer Giles countryside, proud working men, bowler hats, and Cricket played on drowsy summer afternoon. It is of ducks in the park, and the Majesty of White Swans. Of justice and the democratic principle and independent minds and action. Of freedom to be private in thatched castles with trimmed moat lawns. My country is of decency. A corner of the world on the right side a place of humanity For me it is not of just success at any cost, or greed or selfish profit but of abolished slavery, of polite gentlemen and ladies of well argued reason and thought through determination of kindness and compassion. And a quiet understated beauty of mind, soul and body. This country is freedom and liberty a place of wealth makers and value creators Values of the good in plentiful supply good as a given and impacting the whole of history with those values of a free and democratic purpose. My country manifests a goodness those attributes of beauty to this world in schools, law, democracy, good governance, charity, infrastructure, doctors and volunteers and dignity in war - a sense of fair play, decency, and altruism. This is what I think of when I look to my home. Its people invented football, cricket, rugby and snooker Sport as an expression of bravery, sacrifice, teamwork, honesty and fair play And what of the modern world what is it to my nation? The industrial revolution, progress and substance the enlightenment and affluence for the masses and the dreams of lifestyle. Invention and the inventors came from my people. And in that place of drowsy summer days, pouring rain, drinking beer and irony. Of blazing fires in ancient pubs. Of towering Cathedrals, greenest fields, rolling hills, and orderly hedgerows. Of Devon Ice-cream, misty morn and picturesque villages with tea and scones. In this place are a people of orderly queues, gentle calmness and love of animals. A people of remembrance, cheerfulness and stiff upper lips eccentrics and gentle humour, regimental flags and the silence of churches. A people of bluebells and daffodils of royal events and fishing by the sea. A people of unbroken spirit though a long history of pride. Magna Carta, Common Law, bravery, order, manners, civility, decency, efficiency, and morality. My nation built the modern world more than any other. We havent done so badly for such a small piece of land this place of beauty and decency! Consistently on the right side of history over thousands of years. Exerting so much influence over all other countries. Exporting freedom, tolerance, morality

fairness, forgiveness and altruism. To aspire for greatness in the art, music, literature, dance, finance, technology, science, philosophy and medicine. My people achieved all this not for glory or selfish profit but because it was always the right thing to do. And it is this beautiful people that took a message of the right into a world with a perpetual history of savagery, brutality, misery and war. So this is my country! Its a very special place and its people are unique. Not guilty victims, but St. George everyday. Fighting for an England of considerable value to all humanity, with its remarkable culture and heritage. How dare self-loathing socialists denigrate my people with their meanness of spirit and inhumanity. How dare these deranged collectivists inflict so much human misery and suffering on my people. And how dare these liberal self haters, disparage our values and culture those values allowing them to live in peace! How dare they invite in and appease the political and religious ideologies of barbarians and savages. How dare these Marxist collectivist aliens display their own savagery in my country and flaunt their base ingratitude and pathological temerity when demanding my people bend to their barbaric ways! How dare they have the arrogance to declare our tolerance and goodness is a weakness and duly exploit it at my countrys expense. This is my Nation and these are my people we cannot surrender to evil. And cannot allow barbarians to erase our civilisation from the pages of history. We are far to valuable a people and must not allow it to happen.

When I think of my nation it is of roses and cared for gardens. Of Farmer Giles countryside, proud working men, bowler hats, and Cricket played on drowsy summer afternoon. It is of ducks in the park, and the Majesty of White Swans. Of justice and the democratic principle and independent minds and action. Of freedom to be private in thatched castles with trimmed moat lawns. My country is of decency. A corner of the world on the right side a place of humanity For me it is not of just success at any cost, or greed or selfish profit but of abolished slavery, of polite gentlemen and ladies of well argued reason and thought through determination of

kindness and compassion. And a quiet understated beauty of mind, soul and body. This country is freedom and liberty a place of wealth makers and value creators Values of the good in plentiful supply good as a given and impacting the whole of history with those values of a free and democratic purpose. My country manifests a goodness those attributes of beauty to this world in schools, law, democracy, good governance, charity, infrastructure, doctors and volunteers and dignity in war - a sense of fair play, decency, and altruism. This is what I think of when I look to my home. Its people invented football, cricket, rugby and snooker Sport as an expression of bravery, sacrifice, teamwork, honesty and fair play And what of the modern world what is it to my nation? The industrial revolution, progress and substance the enlightenment and affluence for the masses and the dreams of human achievement. Invention and the inventors came from my people. And in that place of drowsy summer days, pouring rain, drinking beer and irony. Of blazing fires in ancient pubs. Of towering Cathedrals, greenest fields, rolling hills, and orderly hedgerows. Of Devon Ice-cream, misty morn and picturesque villages with tea and scones. In this place are a people of orderly queues, gentle calmness and love of animals. A people of remembrance, cheerfulness and stiff upper lips eccentrics and gentle humour, regimental flags and the silence of churches. A people of bluebells and daffodils of royal events and fishing by the sea. A people of unbroken spirit though a long history of pride. Magna Carta, Common Law, bravery, order, manners, civility, decency, efficiency, and morality. My nation built the modern world more than any other. We havent done so badly for such a small piece of land this place of beauty and decency!

Consistently on the right side of history over thousands of years. Exerting so much influence over all other countries. Exporting freedom, tolerance, morality fairness, forgiveness and altruism. To aspire for greatness in the art, music, literature, dance, finance, technology, science, philosophy and medicine. My people achieved all this not for glory or selfish profit but because it was always the right thing to do. And it is this beautiful people that took a message of the right into a world with a perpetual history of savagery, brutality, misery and war. So this is my country! Its a very special place and its people are unique. Not guilty victims, but St. George everyday. Fighting for an England of considerable value to all humanity, with its remarkable culture and heritage. How dare self-loathing socialists denigrate my people with their meanness of spirit and inhumanity. How dare these deranged collectivists import and inflict so much human misery and suffering on my people. And how dare these liberal self haters, disparage our values and culture those values allowing them to live in peace!

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