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The Cell Theory All organisms are made of >=1 cell The cell is the basic unit of life All cells come from preexisting cells

What a Cell Needs to survive? Structural Support Information/Communication Metabolic Machinery Energy Nutrients Protection Waste disposal Two Classes of Cells Procaryotic: -Unicellular microorganisms. Generally called bacteria Eucaryotic: -Cells found in all multicellular animals, plants,fungi, prostista (algae, protozoa) Viruses are not cells and are not classified as procaryotic or eucaryotic

Evolution of Eucaryotic and Procaryotic Cells Procaryotes came before eucaryotic cells. Endosymbiosisone

procaryotic cell was engulfed by another and the combination evolved into a eucaryotic cell Key Features of Eucaryotic Cells Chromosomes are highly structured and surrounding membrane Nucleus divides by mitosis found in nucleus. In

Procaryotic, the genetic material is localized in nucleoid which has no

Biological functions are performed in subcellular structures called organelles

Eucaryotic cells more complex in structure and function, an usually much larger than procaryotic cells

Eucaryotic Cells Animal Cell Plasma Membrane Surrounds Cytoplasm of Eucaryotic Cells Semipermeable boundry between internal and external cellular environments. Equal percentages of protein and lipid (Bilayer arrangement). Selective flow and outflow of molecules/ions/H2O. Possess a number of active-transport system (Na+, K+). Endocytosis is process for transporting large molecules (pinocytosis) and particles (phagocytosis) into the cell

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

A membrane network of flattened sacs and tubules that extends through the cytoplasm.
i. ii. iii.

Forms membrane channels that

transport materials through cell

Forms connections to nuclear and plasma membranes RER has attached 80S ribosomes-Sites of protein synthesis. 80S (eucaryotic) ribosomes also found in cytoplasm. SER lacks ribosomes involved in steroid, lipid and glycogen synthesis; drug detoxification

Relationship between the cisternal space (gray) and the cell sap (color). Note the close relationship between the cisternal space, the peninsular space and the external environment. Abbreviation : RER = rough endoplasmic reticulum, SER = smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

The Process of Secretion in Eukaryotic Cells. Proteins to be packaged for expert are synthesized on the rough ER, passed to the Golgi complex for processing, and eventually compartmentalized into secretory vesicle. These vesicle they make their way to the palsmqa membrane and fuse with it to release their contents to the exterior of the cell.

Mitochondria- Sites of Maximum ATP Production and TCA Cycle Enzymes The power plants of the cell. e.g liver- 800 mitochondria (~1 3m in diameter).Consist of outer membrane (smooth) enclosing tightly folded inner membrane that invaginates to form cristae (differ in composition and function). The inner compartment is filled with gel-like matrix. Contain many enzymes (located in the matrix and inner membrane) for ATP (adenosine triphosphate, major energy-carrying molecule) production. Oxidation of derivatives of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids to CO2 and H2O.

Golgi Apparatus-Associated with SER are Secretory Organelles Clusters of membrane-surrounded vesicles. Consists of a stack of flattened discs, bunches of tubules and small vesicles (vesicles that are pinched off from the edges of the large ones), large vesicle filled with amorphous materials (after receiving certain cell products from ER). Involved in exporting and storing cell products. Glycosylates (adds glucose residues to) proteins for export. Packages materials into membrane-bound vesicles for storage. Exocytosis is a process of discharging the vesicle contents to the exterior.

Nucleus Nucleus is Prominent Structure in Eucaryotic Cells. Diameter 4 6 3m. Transcription of DNA ----RNA. Bounded by the nuclear envelope, a double membrane, which are fused together around openings called nuclear pores. Inside the nucleus is

the nucleolus (RNA factory) and chromosomes (chromatin

organized into discrete granular bodies),

Eucaryotic Chromosomes are highly Structured; DNA complexed to two types of protein-histone (structural) and nonhistone (regulatory). Tight chromosome structure seen only during mitosis

Nucleolus is the Site of Ribosome Formation; Ribosomal RNA

synthesized here. Ribosomal proteins synthesized in cytoplasm, enter nucleus through nuclear pores

Membrane-bound vesicles Lysosomes- a single-membraned spherical vesicles in the cytoplasm. Diameter 0.25 0.5 3m. Contain hydrolytic enzymes that digest cell proteins, polysaccharides and lipids. Components are hydrolyzed into their simple building-block and then discharged back into the cytoplasm.

Peroxisomes-(Peroxide-Destroying Vesicles) another type of membranesurrounded organelle. Also known as microbodies. Contain enzyme that form and use H2O2 (peroxide-producing enzymes) and catalase (peroxidedecomposing enzyme).

Special Features of Eucaryotic Plants Cells

Chloroplasts-Sites of Photosynthesis in Eucaryotic Cells Found only in cells of plants and algae. Membranous structures similar to mitochondria. Solar power plants. Structure: plano-convex lense-like. Comprises 4 distinct parts- double-layered membrane (envelope), granular stroma or matrix, lamellar system and osmiophilic globules (plastoglobuli). Photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll found in lamellae that form thylakoids of grana. Photosynthetic phosphorylation (light)-ATP Production-in grana. Without light: uses ATP to synthesize carbohydrates from CO2 (Dark reactions) occur in stroma.

Vacuole-surrounded by a single membrane. Formless organelle. Immature/ rapidly dividing cell: small; mature: large. Reservoirs for essential metabolites and cellular waste products. Atmospheric gases (O2, CO2), organic acids, sugars, proteins and mineral salts.

Cell wall

Eucaryotic cell walls differ significantly in composition and physical structure from procaryotic cell walls. Thickness~ 20 nm. Consists of cellulose, hemicelulose, pectin; fungi- chitin, beta glucans, mannan in yeast; no cell walls on animal cells or protozoa. To provide protection, strength and shape.

Glyoxysomes Higher plants and microorganisms.

Glycolic acid

Glyoxylic acid

Destroyed by peroxisomal catalase

Major bt-product of photosynthesis

Enzyme from glyoxysome Structural features of procaryotic and eucaryotic cell compared
Procaryotes Plasma membrane Cell wall Ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi complex Lysosomes Microbodies Nuclear envelope Nucleolus Mitochondria Chloroplasts 9+2 cilia/flagella Microtubules Microfilaments Intermediate filaments + + + Eucaryotes

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Note: + structure present

- structure absent

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