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The Respondents and Sampling Design The respondents of this study are the Grade III pupils of New San Jose Elementary School for the school year 2013-2014.

Table 1 Frequency Distribution of Respondents Section Frequency Percentage


Sampling Technique The researcher uses random sampling method. This was done through lottery or fishbowl technique in selecting their respondents. They started by writing the name of the two section s of the Grade III pupils in New San Jose Elementary School. Then after that, they fold and put the pieces in a bowl. One of the researchers picks one folded paper in a


bowl. They used this in order to give everyone a chance to be chosen as respondents of this study. Research Instrument The researcher utilized the questionnaire and unstructured interview to collect data for this study. The questionnaire was the major instrument used in gathering the needed data and was supported by the unstructured interview that has supplemented further evidence on the data gathered. Questionnaire A questionnaire was used by the researcher as the main instrument of the study. According to Good (1993) questionnaire is a list of planned, written questions related to a particular topic, with space provide for indicating the response to each question, intended for submission to a number of persons for reply, commonly used in normative survey studies and in the measurement of attitudes and opinions. Unstructured Interview An unstructured interview was also conducted to teachers to gather additional information and to further support the data gathered through the questionnaire. Preparation The questionnaire was constructed after the researcher read the books and other related thesis to obtain information about the study.


The specific problem of the study was used as the principal reference in formulating the questionnaire. Validation The researchers of the study patterned and improved their questionnaire and presented to their research for comments, suggestions and approval before it was administered to the respondents. Administration The researchers administered the questionnaire to the Grade III pupils of New San Jose Elementary School of Bataan. But before the researchers flout the questionnaire a letter of request was prepared and submitted to the principal of New San Jose Elementary School for permission to administer the questionnaire. Data Processing and Statistical Tools The researchers used the frequency and percentage to analyze the data. This was used to describe the distribution of the population in the different categories. Frequency.This is the number of the respondents with the same response to an item of particular statement. Percentage. It utilizes to know the rate by dividing; the frequencies to the total number of respondents and multiply by one hundred percent. Formula:


P=F/N X 100% Where P= Percentage F= Frequency N= Total number of the respondents Weighted Mean. This is used to measure or to get the descriptive rating of the variables. Formula: WM= TW/N Where: WM= Weighted Mean TW= Total Weight N= Total number of respondents


Notes in Chapter 3

Book Methods of Research and Thesis Writing (1193) by: Jose F. Calderon, Ed. D. Expectation C. Gonzales Research Method (Revised Edition) Consuelo et.al (1992)

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