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Advertising Research

Four Functional Areas o Account management o Creative o Media o Research Account Planning o A merging of Research and Account management

Copy Testing o Dates to an era when verbal dominated visual in ads Ad Evaluation o Ways to classify (see handout) Informal evaluation o Checklist Benefit in headline? Salient to target? Clear, simple? Memorable? Copy flows from head? Ex: Garfields review of the King of Burget king in the multi-panel layouot Timing o Pretest o Concurrent testing the ad as they are running in the marketplace You can change your media mix Get a build up effect

Post test: get the cumulative results of the campaign Objectives were met What to do in the next planning period o Lab control the clutter o Field Natural viewing condition But takes away all of the causality o Qualitative o Quantitative o Most popular copy testing is DAR (Day-after recall Understanding of your copy message (comprehension Rention Day- After Recall o Mesaage comprehension o 24 hour delay so memorability o Aided not unaided recall You have given them the brand name Do you remember seeing any ads for _____?

If yes, . Tested among target Natural viewing conditions To see if the ad gave the highest recal score o It needs to see if it conveyed the message
o o

Date 4/4/13 Good bye Guesswork Video o Case#1: Cambell V8 vs o Overall healthiness o Comparative Case #2: Maiden form PTA o Ogilvy And Mather Campaign in the maiden form styke Needed to know more about thr consumers Mall intercept 18-65 years of age. Ad research Developments (Maidenform) vs. Evaluative (V8) (Strategic) (Copy) Copy Testing o Dates to anera From a Clients Perspective: o They want to make sure that the research that the agency has enough to give to the research? o Researching target? o What message received? o Actual=intended? o Better than last campaign? Why NOT evaluate? o Short window of opportunity? Apple 1984 spot they did copy testing and it did not go too well o Too expensive It is too expensive example of neuro marketing o Potentially inaccurate Report Card o Creatives problems Easy to misuse Ex. They include things that boost your rating (DAR) Ex. Meow mix (75% Day after recall score) o It was clever o They did not set out to show a singing cat the cat had a cough and it looked like it was singing.

Higher recall if: o Test it on people who use a product o Education o Primetime Paying more attention

To guarantee attention o Babies o Pets o Humore o Nudity But a low comprehension score (takes us away from the brand message) Ex. 1986- Philips Light Bulb won a clio It was misunderstood to be GE not Philips brand Ex. Zappos The nudity of the models Creative problems: dissection of negatives Consumers as experts Trend: Earlier is Better o Its testing the finished ad o Testing the ads at that point is a complete waste Copy test to use>? o Minimum criteria Reliable: Consistent results over time A random sample of the same amount of age groups Generating consisting results over time STILL STRUGGLE WITH IN ADVERTSING: Validity: are we measuring what we think we are measuring? Trustworthy can we trust the data? Meaningful : do the results help in the planning process Conspiracies Theories Stories o Network news Public Policy Polling National Survey Results Valid? o 1 exposure ----D campaign effectiveness A 1 exposure is not enough to find out the validity o DAR --------D comprehension Day After Recall is not a valid measure for comprehension because it is not memorable. o DAR ---D to test emotional ads (penalizes emotional ads)---D do not use day after recall Famours study shows (see handout) Ideal Ad measurement? o P.A.C.T. Principles

Positioning advertising copytestinf For test: sje will give us an example of a copy test and she willask us if it is a good way to Relevant to objective o Principle 1 A good copy testing system provides measurement Just measure attitude If an ad objective is trial Copy test: measure trial o Principal 2 Provide action standards A good copy testing system, is one which requires agreement about how the results will be ised om advance pf each specific test Objective Test o Hierarchies of effect Attention A good test to measure it Eye camera It started in the journalism field o Objective measure o Artificial o Interpretention? o Work best in two dimensions Television Pupil response measurement o The more dilated your pupil is the more your interested in the subject TO INCREEASE ATTENTION: o Larger AD o Movement o Loudness o Color o Contrast Awareness A recognition test Variation of aided recall o Aid=ad Ex. Starch (oldest copy test around) Noted % who remembered seeing ad associated % who associated ad with sponsor read most: % who read 50 + % of ad It gives you limited information It gives you self-assessment Comprehension

o Understanding of ad Comprehension + retention = understanding and remembering DAR DAR WEAKNESS o Measurement errors o Emotional ads dont score well o Intrusivenss (HELLO!) vs. communication o To increase recall scores Relevant to us Primary/recency in benefits (front and last) Unique (and recognize things that are familiar) Active participation (ads that have a story) No clutter Reward to consumer Recipes in the copy is like a reward Emotions Neuro marketing o Scanning your brain it tells you what part of the brain is being stimulated MRI Low level emotions (give you an objective measure on these low level emotions) Engagement Video on euronews.com/ sci-tech Attitutes PEAC test o Frame by frame o Moment to moment They are taken to the lab setting o It does give you: Diagnostic and evaluative Usage is INCREASED o Good for emotional ads Good tool Behavior In- Market test o Very Expensive o Single source data o Split cable (sds to hous .hold.) + scanner card (h.h purchases) o Cause -----------------------effect o You can measure it through causality

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