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Go And Sin No More

A One Act Play by Maggi Normile and Jen Klunk Summary Dinah is talked into having an abortion by her boyfriend, but realises afterwards that she has made a terible mistake. Leaving the abortion clinic she is harassed by protestors, but rescued by someone who sees beyond her situation. Scripture John 8:3-11, Romans 3:23, John 3:16, James 2:13, 1 John 1:9 Characters JACOB - 18 year old young man DINAH - 18 year old young woman PAUL - an older man, in his late 20s or early 30s WOMAN - an older woman, also in her late 20s/early 30s CROWD - Variety of individuals; men and women, young and old Settings SCENE 1: Takes place in the living room of Jacob's home SCENE 2: Continues to take place in Jacob's living room SCENE 3: Takes place in an abortion clinic room as well as outside the abortion clinic

ACT I - Scene 1 (As the curtain opens, we see a young man, JACOB, 18 years of age, studying on the couch, when the PHONE RINGS. He answers the phone. It's his girlfriend, DINAH, also 18 years old. Although she remains offstage during this scene, we can still hear both sides of their conversation.) (PHONE RINGS) JACOB (answering phone) Hello? DINAH (sounding worried) Yeah, um, Jacob, it's me, Dinah. Listen, is it alright if I come over? I really need to talk to you. JACOB Sure. Is anything wrong? You don't sound too good.

DINAH I just need to talk to you, but not over the phone. My parents might hear. JACOB Wow, sounds serious. You can come over right now if you want to. My parents left to take my kid sister to soccer practice so they won't be home for a while. DINAH I'll be right over. (JACOB hangs up. The lights dim and rise again to show scene change) Scene 2 (The scene opens to the sound of DINAH knocking on the door. We see JACOB go over to the door and answer it. DINAH enters nervously.) JACOB Hey, what's up? (DINAH walks past, barely acknowledging him.) DINAH We need to talk. JACOB Yeah, uh, that's what you said on the phone. What's going on? You've had me worried ever since we got off the phone (DINAH proceeds to sit on the couch) DINAH Well, you know how the other day I got really sick at the movies and you had to take me home? Well, um, that's not the first time I've gotten sick like that. In fact, I've been getting sick a lot lately. (JACOB sits next to her, he takes her hand.) JACOB Well did you see a doctor? If you haven't, then maybe you should. There's a really bad flu going around and... (Dinah cuts him off) DINAH It's not the flu, trust me. I don't need to see a doctor to find out what's wrong. JACOB Well then, what is it? What's wrong? I'm you're boyfriend for crying out loud. I love you, you can tell me anything. You know that.

DINAH (cracks a bit of a smile) Do you really? Do you really love me Jacob? JACOB (looking perplexed) Of course I love you. Why would you even ask me something like that? DINAH But how much do you love me? I mean, do you love me enough to marry me? JACOB (laughing) Yeah, I guess. I mean, I want to marry you someday, but can we get through high school first? Between studying for finals and getting into college, I don't think we have time to plan a wedding. DINAH (getting both serious and upset) Jacob, this isn't funny! I'm serious! Do you love me enough to marry me?! JACOB Sure I do, but what in the world does this have to do with what we're talking about? You're sick and you need to find out what's wrong. DINAH I do know what's wrong! JACOB So tell me already, I don't have all day. DINAH (scared and very nervous) I'm ah.....I'm.....I'm..... (JACOB cuts in) JACOB You're what? (Short Pause) DINAH I'm pregnant. JACOB (shocked and almost speechless) You're what?!

DINAH (Upset) You heard me......I'm pregnant. JACOB Oh man, how did that happen? DINAH (sarcastically) Well gee Jacob, I don't know, let's think about this a minute. You're a guy and I'm a girl...do I really need to spell it out for you? You were there you know! I don't think I could have done this on my own. JACOB You know what I mean. There's no reason to get so upset. DINAH (frustrated) No reason to get upset?!!! Jacob, I'm PREGNANT! What part of that do you not understand? I'm only 17, I'm still in school, I have a part time, minimum wage job, and I'm supposed to be going to college next year! And not only that, my parents are going to kill me when they find out. JACOB (finally getting serious) Okay look, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just shocked. This was the last thing on my mind when you said you needed to talk. But don't worry, I'm here for you. We'll get through this. Trust me. DINAH But how are we going to tell our parents? JACOB We don't have to. In a few days this will be all over and we can get on with our lives. Nobody will have to know anything. DINAH (confused) What are you talking about? What do you mean "this will all be over?" You don't mean... JACOB That's exactly what I mean. We're not ready for a kid! You even said it yourself: you're 17, in school, and working a dead end job. And I'm not much better off then you. (Pausing)

JACOB (CONTINUED) Is this why you asked me if I loved you enough to marry you? You didn't actually think you could give me this news now and then we'd just run off and get married, did you? How would we support ourselves, let alone a baby? (Pausing...then putting his arms around DINAH) (CONTINUED) Look...I do love you, and I do want to marry you one day and have a family. And if I could do that right now, at this very moment, I would. But look at us. We're just a couple of kids ourselves, still in high school. What kind of life would we be able to give a baby? DINAH But I don't know if I can have an abortion Jacob. I'm so scared. And I feel so alone. I can't believe this is even happening to me. JACOB Hey, it's happening to me too you know. And you're not alone. I'm here for you and I'll even go with you to the clinic. Don't worry, everything's gonna be alright, you'll see. (As he is speaking, we see JACOB grabbing a phone book from nearby and he begins flipping through it. He stops at the page advertising abortion and women's health, and hands it to DINAH.) (CONTINUED) Call them. You don't have any other choice. This is the right thing to do. Trust me. (DINAH takes out her cell phone and dials a number from the phone book.) DINAH Hello? Yes, um, my name is Dinah Thompson and I'd like to make an appointment.

Scene 3
INT. ABORTION CLINIC -- DAY (The scene opens up with DINAH and JACOB sitting in one of the clinic's rooms after the operation. DINAH is distraught, confused, and upset whereas JACOB acts a if this is no big deal. He doesn't even attempt to try and understand what DINAH just went through or what's going on with her now.) DINAH I can't believe this. What have I done? JACOB (unfeeling) You've saved your life, that's what. Now you can go to school and get on with your life. (putting his arm around Dinah) And who knows, maybe one day we'll get married and have kids, but not right

now. There's too many more important things for us to do. (DINAH becomes angry at what JACOB just said. She is beginning to realize that she just made one of the biggest mistakes of her life. She now sees JACOB for what he is: someone who just didn't want to take on the responsibility of a child, and who talked her into doing something that he knew she wasn't 100% sure of) DINAH How can you say that to me? How can you be so cruel? I just killed our baby! That's not important?! JACOB Look, you didn't kill anything. It's not a baby until it's born. Everyone knows that. DINAH Tell that to the people outside. JACOB Just ignore them. They're just a bunch of Jesus Freaks with way too much time on their hands. Don't let them get to you. Besides, what do they know anyway? Anyone who wastes their time screaming at total strangers isn't worth listening to. If you ask me, they need to worry about their own problems and stop telling other people how to live. Look, let's just get out of here and get on with our own lives. DINAH Get on with our lives? That's easy for you to say. You didn't just have something ripped from your own body. I can't believe this. I can't believe I allowed you to talk me into doing something like this! JACOB (frustrated) Okay, look, I'm not gonna sit here and listen to this. If you want to upset yourself even more then go right ahead. But I have other things to do. I don't have time to sit here and listen to this. I'm going to go and sit out in the car. And when you're ready, come on out and I'll take you home. (JACOB LEAVES) (We see Dinah gather some of her things together and exit the room. She goes outside of the clinic where there's A CROWD standing outside, screaming and holding up signs such as "ABORTION IS MURDER" and "BABY KILLERS") CROWD (screaming different things, but at the same time) BABY KILLER! MURDERER! YOU'RE GOING TO BURN IN HELL! GOD HATES MURDERERS! HOW CAN YOU KILL YOUR OWN BABY?

(Add in any other sayings that you wish to) (DINAH FREEZES. She's obviously scared and doesn't know how to get around the crowd, who's blocking her way. When she tries to push her way through they knock her down, continuing to yell insults at her. Then, as the crowd jeers, we see one single man, slowly and calmly walking through the screaming crowd. His name is PAUL. As he makes his way through, the crowd slowly settles down. PAUL walks over to DINAH and stands in front of her. A WOMAN in the crowd also comes forward. DINAH remains scared, not knowing what to expect from this stranger who just came up to her.) WOMAN (hateful) Hey Paul, we know where you stand when it comes to killing innocent babies. (laughing cruelly) Why don't you tell this woman what YOU think of her? (PAUL silently looks around at the crowd that's standing there, while DINAH remains on the ground, head down, unable to face anyone, and scared of what's going to happen next.) (CONTINUED) Well Paul? Come on, let's hear it. Tell this whore what you think! Tell her what God thinks of her! (We see PAUL slowly kneel in front of DINAH.) PAUL (soft spoken) What's the matter child? Why do you weep? DINAH (With her head lowered) I just killed my baby. God, I am so sorry. What have I done? Why did I let him talk me into this? Now everybody hates me...I hate me... (pause) ...and God hates me. PAUL You are forgiven. (SHORT PAUSE) (DINAH lifts her head) DINAH (confused) What? PAUL (smiling) You are forgiven. I do not condemn you. God does not condemn you. Your sin

has been forgiven. (PAUL takes her by the hand and they both stand up. A huge smile comes across DINAH's face and she grabs PAUL, hugging him. As she lets go, PAUL continues to hold her hands.) (CONTINUED) Now go.....and sin no more. (DINAH smiling, walks through the crowd and off stage. THE WOMAN now comes up to PAUL, angry about what she just witnessed. She questions his behavior.) WOMAN How could you do that? What were you thinking? That woman just killed her child and you have nothing to say about it? The Bible says that abortion is murder. You just let a baby killer go without rebuking her and informing her of where her sin will lead her! What kind of Christian are you?! (PAUL looks at the WOMAN) PAUL God can and will forgive anyone of any sin committed. All they need to do is ask. (Glances over towards the hostile CROWD and back to the WOMAN) Remember that God has told us that judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who as not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment. Who are you to condemn her when you yourself have unrepentant sin in your lives that you have yet to take care of? Her sin is no more worse then yours. We are all sinners, and none of us are any more worthy of God's love, forgiveness, and grace then anyone else. (PAUL turns to the audience) (CONTINUED) For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. (PAUL EXITS the stage, passing the CROWD who just stand there. Lights down.) ................................................. Maggi Normile and Jen Klunk, all rights reserved. This play be performed free of charge, provided no entrance fee is charged.If you use this play, please email us and let us know. Thanks and GOD BLESS! pennilesspoet@excite.com

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