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HOW TO PLANT A HIBISCUS ( H. rosa-sinensis) dr_esreddy@yahoo.co.


Hibiscus is one of the most dramatic shrubs you can grow to provide elegance to a garden. Their exotic blooms and glossy leaves add a dramatic accent to temperate gardens. There are many different varieties of hibiscus including perennial, annual, evergreen and deciduous varieties. Step1 Select a planting site for tropical hibiscus in full sun that is protected from the wind. Heat and light promote blooming. A southern-facing wall is ideal. Step2 Dig a planting hole twice as large as the root ball to help roots become established quickly. Step3 Amend the planting hole with organic compost and perlite or crushed lava rock to promote excellent drainage. If your soil is heavy, consider planting hibiscus in raised beds or containers. Step4 Gently remove the hibiscus from the nursery container, sliding the plant from the can if possible. Otherwise, cut the can away from the root ball. Hibiscuses have delicate roots and the plant will suffer if they are damaged. Step5

Plant hibiscus so that the top inch of the root ball is above-ground. This ensures that the crown of the plant will not rot. Fill in the planting hole with organic compost until the desired planting height is reached. Step6 Water immediately after planting to settle the soil. If the plant sinks, gently remove it from the hole, add more soil, and replant. Step7 Mulch under plants to prevent moisture loss and weed growth.

How to Care for a Hibiscus Step1 Water hibiscus when the soil is dry to the touch. The roots must remain constantly moist, but not wet. Well-drained soil is key. Step2 Fertilize hibiscus every 3 weeks with low nitrogen fertilizer (0-10-10) applied at 1/2 the label recommendation during the spring and summer. Phosphorous and potassium, the last two numbers on the fertilizer label, encourage flower production and root growth. Step3 Tip prune hibiscus to keep the plants bushy and full of blooms. Pinch off the tips of branches to encourage multiple growth tips further down the stem. Step4 Apply a layer of organic mulch under plants to prevent moisture loss and weed growth. Step5 Apply a high nitrogen fertilizer at 1/2 strength when leaf color fades. Yellow leaves indicate a hungry plant or under-watering. The foliage should be a deep glossy green. An application of a balanced slow release fertilizer in the spring will encourage new growth. Foliar feeding is acceptable. Step6 Remove faded flowers to keep plants looking tidy. Grooming also discourages insect pests by eliminating their hiding places. Step7 Protect hibiscus from cold weather. Move plants grown in containers to a protected area. Plants grown in the ground should be covered if temperatures are expected to drop below freezing.

Step8 Apply an anti-transpirant to protect plants from excessive heat or cold. Cloud Cover is a product which prevents moisture loss through the foliage due to transpiration. Step9 Watch closely for insect pests. White fly, aphid, scale and mealy bug are notorious for dining on hibiscus. Use an insecticidal soap to treat unwanted pests. Tips & Warnings Select hibiscus plants when they are in bloom to get exactly the color you want. Grow hibiscus in containers and bring indoors during the winter if you live in a climate that drops below freezing. Plant hibiscus where it can receive the benefit of reflected heat, such as against a white wall. Hibiscuses are very showy when planted in an entry way or as a landscape accent. Tropical hibiscus requires excellent drainage. Its native soil is volcanic. The giant white fly is a recent pest in Hibiscus gardens. Hang yellow sticky traps near plants and encourage beneficial insects to dine by planting fennel, dill and coreopsis near by.

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