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Mail:: Sent Items: compensation guidelines Page 1 of 1

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Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 14:26:02 -0400
From: dmarcus@9-11commission.gov^
To: commissioners@9-11commission.gov^
Cc: pzelikow@9-11commission.gov4P, ckojm@9-11 commission.gov^, tshycoff@9-11commission.gov^,
Subject: compensation guidelines
In light of our discussion at the April 10 meeting and further consideration, I
propose the following revised guidelines for per diem compensation of

1. Unless you opt out of compensation entirely (notify Tracy Shycoff if you
wish to do so), you will automatically be compensated for each day on which you
attend a formal Commission meeting or hearing (public or non-public). Payments
will be made into your direct-deposit account.

2. With the approval of the Chair or Vice Chair, you may also be paid for each
day (either a full day or an aggregation of time on more than one day totaling
eight hours) in which you engage in substantial activities pursuant to your
responsibilities as a Commissioner. "Substantial activities" include
attending briefings of Commissioners by Government officials or experts invited
by the staff; reviewing the Joint Inquiry report or classified materials at the
offices of the Commission or the Joint Inquiry; meetings with outside groups on
the work of the Commission; reviewing and commenting on the draft Report of the
Commission; and necessary preparation for Commission activities such as
participation in interviews. Time spent on routine activities such as general
background reading, phone calls, and inquiries to the staff does NOT qualify as
time spent on "substantial activities" eligible for compensation. (I recognize
that there may be some significant reading that you may deem essential to the
performance of your duties as a Commissioner; if so, you may include such time
in a request for reimbursement.)

3. Requests for per diem compensation for "substantial activities" under

paragraph 2 should include a description of the work done for each time period
covered by the request. You can provide this decription in any format you
choose; Tracy can provide you with a suggested form if you wish. Payments of
approved requests for compensation will be made into your direct-deposit

4. Bear in mind that unless Congress amends out statute to clarify the SGE
status of Commissioners (and such an amendment was NOT included in the recently
passed Iraq War supplemental appropriation bill), your SGE status is predicated
on the prediction that, over the course of a year, you will not spend more than
130 days (or parts of days) on Commission business, and that for this purpose
days or parts of days are counted regardless of whether you are compensated for
such services. Incidental, sporadic work is less likely to be counted if you
are not compensated for it.

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?actionID=148&mailbox=INBOX.... 4/17/2003
Mail:: Sent Items: compensation guidelines Page 1 of 1

Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 14:26:02 -0400
From: dmarcus@9-11commission.gov^
To: commissioners@9-11commission.gov^
Cc: pzelikow@9-11commission.gov^, ckojm@9-11 commission.gov^, tshycoff@9-11commission.gov#,
skaplan@9-1 Icommission.gov^
Subject: compensation guidelines
In light of our discussion at the April 10 meeting and further consideration, I
propose the following revised guidelines for per diem compensation of

1. Unless you opt out of compensation entirely (notify Tracy Shycoff if you
wish to do so) , you will automatically be compensated for each day on which you
attend a formal Commission meeting or hearing (public or non-public). Payments
will be made into your direct-deposit account.

2. With the approval of the Chair or Vice Chair, you may also be paid for each
day (either a full day or an aggregation of time on more than one day totaling
eight hours) in which you engage in substantial activities pursuant to your
responsibilities as a Commissioner. "Substantial activities" include
attending briefings of Commissioners by Government officials or experts invited
by the staff; reviewing the Joint Inquiry report or classified materials at the
offices of the Commission or the Joint Inquiry; meetings with outside groups on
the work of the Commission; reviewing and commenting on the draft Report of the
Commission; and necessary preparation for Commission activities such as
participation in interviews. Time spent on routine activities such as general
background reading, phone calls, and inquiries to the staff does NOT qualify as
time spent on "substantial activities" eligible for compensation. (I recognize
that there may be some significant reading that you may deem essential to the
performance of your duties as a Commissioner; if so, you may include such time
in a request for geimjsyj^sgffiehtT.J

3. Requests for per diem compensation for "substantial activities" under

paragraph 2 should include a description of the work done for each time period
covered by the request. You can provide this decription in any format you
choose; Tracy can provide you with a suggested form if you wish. Payments of
approved requests for compensation will be made into your direct-deposit

4. Bear in mind that unless Congress amends ouf" statute to clarify the SGE
status of Commissioners (and such an amendment was NOT included in the recently
passed Iraq War supplemental appropriation bill), your SGE status is predicated
on the prediction that, over the course of a year, you will not spend more than
130 days (or parts of days) on Commission business, and that for this purpose
days or parts of days are counted regardless of whether you are compensated for
such services. Incidental, sporadic work is less likely to be counted if you
are not compensated for it.

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?actionID=148&mailbox=INBOX.... 4/17/2003
April 17, 2003


To: Commissioners

From: Dan Marcus

Subj: Revised Compensation Guidelines

In light of our discussion at the April 10 meeting and further consideration, I propose the
following revised guidelines for per diem compensation of Commissioners:

1. Unless you opt out of compensation entirely (notify Tracy Shycoff if you wish to do
so), you will automatically be compensated for each day on which you attend a formal
Commission meeting or hearing (public or non-public). Payments will be made into your
direct-deposit account.

2. With the approval of the Chair or Vice Chair, you may also be paid for each day
(either a full day or an aggregation of time on more than one day totaling eight hours) in
which you engage in substantial activities pursuant to your responsibilities as a
Commissioner. "Substantial activities" include attending briefings of Commissioners by
Government officials or experts invited by the staff; reviewing the Joint Inquiry report or
classified materials at the offices of the Commission or the Joint Inquiry; meetings with
outside groups on the work of the Commission; reviewing and commenting on the draft
Report of the Commission; and necessary preparation for Commission activities such as
participation in interviews. Time spent on routine activities such as general background
reading, phone calls, and inquiries to the staff does NOT qualify as time spent on
"substantial activities" eligible for compensation. (I recognize that there may be some
significant reading that you may deem essential to the performance ofyour duties as a
Commissioner; if so, you may include such time in a request for relfnbursemeBl

3. Requests for per diem compensation for "substantial activities" under paragraph 2
should include a description of the work done for each time period covered by the
request. You can provide this description in any format you choose; Tracy can provide
you with a suggested form if you wish. Payments of approved requests for compensation
will be made into your direct-deposit account.

4. Bear in mind that unless Congress amends oufstatute to clarify the SGE status of
Commissioners (and such an amendment was NOT included in the recently passed Iraq
War supplemental appropriation bill), your SGE status is predicated on the prediction
that, over the course of a year, you will not spend more than 130 days (or parts of days)
on Commission business, and that for this purpose days or parts of days are counted
regardless of whether you are compensated for such services. Incidental, sporadic work
is less likely to be counted if you are not compensated for it.

From: Dan Marcus


As you know, under the statute creating the Commission, members of the Commission
are entitled to be compensated on iper diem basis for "each day during which that member is
engaged in the actual performance of the duties of the Commission." This provision is typical of
legislation creating Commissions, and has generally been interpreted and applied as authorizing
compensation for each day on which a Commissioner is basically taken away from his or her
normal job or activities to engage in official Commission business -- such as Commission
meetings and hearings -- but not to provide compensation for less formal activities (background
reading, reviewing drafts of reports, telephone conferences with staff and other Commissioners)
that typically take up a small part of a Commissioner's day, even if over a couple of weeks they
amount to eight hours of time. Our Commission is not a typical one, of course; given the
importance and breadth of our assignment, it is clear that Commissioners will be called upon to
spend more time -- and on a more concentrated rather than sporadic basis - than is normally the

In light of all this, I propose for your consideration the following guidelines for
compensation of Commissioners:

1. Unless they opt out of compensation entirely, Commissioners will automatically be

compensated for each day attending a formal Commission meeting, hearing, witness interview,
or briefing by staff or Government officials or experts invited by the staff. (As used here and
throughout this memo, a "day" means a whole day or a portion of a day that takes a
Commissioner away from his or her normal job or activities for more than four hours. Thus, a
one-hour staff briefing would not itself be sufficient to obtain per diem compensation, but could
be combined with 3 hours or more of other Commission business on the same day to qualify.)

2. With the approval of the Chair or Vice Chair, Commissioners may also be paid for
days spent (again, a full day or more than four hours in a single day) on other Commission
business. Examples include preparation for an interview to be conducted by the Commissioner;
meetings with outside groups interested in the Commission's work; reviewing and commenting
on the draft Report; reviewing the Joint Inquiry report or classified documents.

3. Time spent on compensable Commission business may be aggregated within a single

day, but NOT over more than one day. Most if not all Commissioners will on many days spend
up to an hour or two on reading materials relevant to their Commission work and in phone
conversations related to their duties. Such sporadic work does not qualify, alone or in the
aggregate, for per diem compensation.
4. Background reading or other informal activities undertaken by a Commissioner that
are useful but not necessary are not ordinarily eligible for per diem compensation, even if they
take up all or most of a day. But if a Commissioner feels such work has been particularly
valuable or important, he or she may submit a request for compensation to be reviewed by the
Chair or Vice Chair.

You will also recall ouf discussion of the somewhat related issue of the status of
Commissioners as special government employees (SGEs) and the possibility that such status
might come into question if the Commissioner works more than 130 days (or parts of days)
during any one-year period. I have done some further research and talked to a number of
government ethics officials and experts. I conclude that this issue is not a problem for those
Commissioners whose regular jobs or activities (or those of their firms if they are partners in
their firms) do not involve representation of others before the federal government. Regular
government employees may not have their federal salaries supplemented by anyone else. But
the outside salaries of Commissioners, contrary to what I first thought, are NOT a problem
because they are not paid to you in connection with your government work (but rather are paid to
you for running a university or a center for scholars, or whatever).

The 130-day rule is still an issue, however, for Commissioners who represent others
before the government or who are partners in law firms or other firms that represent clients
before the government. For 18 USC 203 and 205 prohibit regular government employees (but
not SGEs) from representing others before the government or sharing in fees for such
representations by their partners. I have some new thoughts about how we can preserve SGE
status for such Commissioners which I will discuss with you at our April 10 meeting.
2004 3:19PM COMMISSION NO. 3449 P. 2

To: Tracy Shycoff
From: Tim Roemer
Date; 6/23/04
Re: Commission Reimbursement

Purpose Hours
- Staff briefings 8 hours
- Research

- Reading of chapters 4 hours

- Notes on chapters

- Reading of chapters 4 hours

- Notes on chapters

- Reading of chapters 4 hours

- Notes on chapters

-- Capitol Hill meetings 4 hours

_ 6/10
RE: Member recommendations

- Reading of chapters 4 hours

- Notes on chapters

- Reading of chapters 4 hours

- Notes on chapters

Charge to: May 27, June 8, June 11 and June 18

•>UL 9 , 2 0 0 4 2:44PM 9-11 COMMISSION 3,3166 P. 2

0 1 iii«4
Lf.t 11. HAMII TON

Lee H, Hamilton
9/11 Personal Privacy

Taxi fares: $140.00

June 1 Vt day< I
June 2 1 day*')
June 3 l/z day/
June 4 V2 day\/2 day'
June 5
June 6 Vz day \ day'
June 9 1 day i/*
June 10 Vidayx
June 11 '/a day^
June 14 1 dayu^"
June 15 1 day ^
June 16 1 dayv^"
June 17 1 dayvx*
June 18 Vzdayv
June 19 V4 day/
June 20 V* day*~v,
June 21 J/i day^
June 22 1 day*/"
June 23 l/i day -^
June 24 1 daytX
June 25 '/i dayi^
June 28 1 daj*^
June 29 1 dayix*"'


WASHINGTON. D.C. 2Q001<3027
202*69Ml74 FAX 202-691 «417}
I m P://WWICS.5!.EDU
M. 1. 2004 1 0 : 1 7 A M 9 - 1 1 COMMISSION NO, 2864 P. 2

Lee H. Hamilton

JUN 0 4 2004
expenses April - May 2004
National Commission OB
Terrorist Attacks
April 1 1 day
Aprils 1A day
April 6 Vi day
April? Vi day
AprilS 1 day
April 9 Vi day
April 12 Vz day
April 13 1 day
April 14 1 day
April 20 Vi day
April 26 Vi day
April 27 1 day
April 28 1 day
April 29 '/i day
April 30 l /zday
May 4 Viday
May 6 1A day
May? '/2 day
May 10 1A day
May 11 Iday
May 12 'A day
May 13 % day
May 17 Iday
May 18 1 day
May 19 Iday
May 20 1 day
May 21 V2 day
May 24 1A day
May 25 '/z day

total: 20 days

taxi cab and parking total: $187.00

9/11 Personal Privacy

Approved. DM

Original Message
From: Tracy Shycoff
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 6:47 AM
To: Dan Marcus
Subject: FW: outstanding expenses

For your approval.

Tracy J Shycoff
Deputy for Administration and Finance
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States
Original Message
From: JoAnn Poysky
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 4:47 PM
To: Tracy Shycoff
Subject: RE: outstanding expenses

Here are dates and times for which Slade has put in over four hours, all working on
editing and revising the final report.

May 20 4 hrs
May 24 6 hours
May 25 3 hours
May 26 6 hours
May 27 5 hours
May 28 5 hours
June 1 5 hours
June 2 8 hours - may already be included, as he had a briefing/meeting with Sen. Frist,
accompanied by
Hamilton and Lehman, and other meetings in the K St. office
June 7 5 hours


From: Tracy Shycoff [mailto:tshycoff@9-llcommission.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 6:17 AM
To: staff; Commissioners
Cc: Assistants
Subject: outstanding expenses

As we near the close-down phase of the Commission, we ask that all staff and
Commissioners submit any outstanding travel vouchers, local travel expenses, and/or
any other outstanding expenses for which you will seek reimbursement. Thank you.

Tracy J Shycoff
Deputy for Administration and Finance
28,2004 1:36PM 9 - 1 1 COMMISSION NO. 2 8 2 3 P. 2/2

To: Tracy Shycoff
From: TimRoemer
Date: 5/21/04
Re: Commission Reimbursement

Date Purpose Hours

4/27 - Research for CENTCOM

- Research for SOCCOM

4/28 - Trip to CENTCOM & SOCCOM 8 — 0

4/29 - Interview with President Bush 4

5/11 - Research for NY Hearings 4

- Staff briefings
- Phone calls

5/14 - NY Hearing Preparation 4

- Staff briefings

5/17 New York

Travel to NY
Working dinner

5/19 New York JjtsX'

Travel from NY

Charge to: April 28, April 29, May 14 and May 19.
APR. 26. 2004 3:29PM 9 - 1 1 COMMISSION NO, 2506 P. 2

Lee H, Hamilton
APR 2 0 200*
National Commission on
Terrorist Attacks

Feb. 3 Vi day
Feb. 4 l/2 day
Feb. 7 1 day
Feb. 9 /z day
Feb. 10 1 day
Feb.12 Viday
Feb. 16 Vi day
Feb. 17-19 Vz day
Feb. 24 1 day
Feb. 25-26 1 day
Feb. 27 Vi day
March 1 l/z day
March 2 1 day
March 17 V4 day
March 18 1 day
March 19 1 day
March 22 Vi day
March 23 1 day
March 24 1 day
March 29 V4 day
March 30 1 day
March 31 '/z day

taxi fares Feb. - March 2004 $88.00

9/11 Personal Privacy

19,2004 12:30PM 9-11 COMMISSION 2442 P. 2/2

To: Tracy Shycoff
From: Tim Roemer
Date: 4/15/04
Re; Commission Reimbursement

Date Purpose Hours

3/17 -Research for hearings 5 hours

- Staff briefings

3/18 -Research for hearings ;5 hours

- Phone calls f
- Staff briefings

3/19 -Hearing preparation 8 hours

-Staff briefings
-Phone calls

3/22 - Meeting preparation 4 hours

- Working dinner

4/7 -Hearing preparation 4 hours

-Phone calls

4/8 -Clinton meeting 4 hours

4/9 - Gore meeting 3 hours

4/12 -Hearing preparation 7 hours

-Working dinner
-staff briefing

Total: 40 hours

Charge to: March 18, March 19S April 7, April 8 and April 12
26.2004 3:30PM 9-11 COMMISSION NO. 2159 P. 2

To: Tracy Shycoff ,,
From: Tim Roemer^--
Date: 3/16/04
Re: Commission Reimbursement

Date Purpose Hours

2/6 Cong. Oversight Issues 4
- Work with staff
- Contacts on "extension
bill issue"

2/9 Cong. Oversight Issues

- Phone Calls
- Staff briefings

2/19 Commission Extension

- Phone Calls
- Hearing prep

2/23 Commission Extension

- Phone Calls
- Hill Visits

2/27 Commission Extension

- Phone Calls
- Briefings from staff

3/5 Commission Extension

- Hearing preparation
- Phone Calls

Total: 24

Charge to February 9, February 23 and March 5

Yes. DM

Original Message
From: Tracy Shycoff
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 9:34 AM
To: Dan Marcus
Subject: hours for Kerrey

Dan—Bob Kerrey sent in hours for the following:

2/28 8 hours reading at OEOB

2/29 4 hours reading at 2100 K (I can add this to 4 hours \'ve been holding from 1/25).

Do I have your approval to pay him?

Tracy J Shycoff
Deputy for Administration and Finance
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States
FEB. 20, 2 0 0 4 ' 3:10PM-3 FR 9 - ] ] COMMISSION TO 9202356312 2

February 10,2004

TO: Tracy J. Shycoff

Deputy for Administration and Finance
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States

FROM: Richard Ben-Veniste

RE: Request for Compensation

This is a request for compensation for the following dates and activities:

Date Hours Activity

January 6,2004 6.00 Conference with Dale Watson;

conference with Mike S of CIA at 9/11 office;
review materials; conference with D. Marcus.

January 12,2004 6.00 Interview Richard Clarke; review materials.

January 13,2004 6.50 Attend Interview of Bob Mueller at FBI; review

materials; conference with staff.

January 22, 2004 9.50 Attend interview DC1 Tenet at CIA;

review materials for hearing.

Total Hours 28.00

FEB. 23, 2004 2:41PM 9 - 1 1 COMMISSION NO. 1 9 1 9 P, 2

Lee H.Hamilton

December 2 7i day
December 5 Viday
December 8 1 day
December 9 Iday
December 12 Vi day
December 17 Viday
December 19 >/2 day
December 23 I day
December 29 l/2 day
January 5 1 day
January 6 Vidaj
Januarys 1 day
January 13 1 day
January 19 1 day
January 20 1 day
January 21 -22 Iday
January 23 1 day
January 26 1 day
January 27 1 day
January 28 K da^
January 29 Vi da:
January 30 '/2 da:

taxi receipts attached: Dec. 9 - Jan. 29 total $183.00

9/11 Personal Privacy

Dan Marcus
From: Dan Marcus
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 3:43 PM
To: Tracy Shycoff
Subject: RE: Hours to submit for Tim Roemer

OK; but hold last half-day per discussion.

Original Message
From: Tracy Shycoff
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 7:57 AM
To: Dan Marcus
Subject: FW: Hours to submit for Tim Roemer

For your approval.

Tracy J Shycoff
Deputy for Administration and Finance
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States

Original Message
From: Alex Sunshine [mailto:asunshine@cnponline.org]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 5:33 PM
To: Tracy Shycoff
Subject: Hours to submit for Tim Roemer


To: Tracy Shycoff

From: Tim Roemer
Date: 2/4/04
Re: Commission Reimbursement

Date Purpose Hours

January 22 Preparation for hearing 3
January 23 Meeting with staff 2
January 25 Working Dinner 3

January 29 Work on Cap. Hill 4

January 30 Work on Cap. Hill 4

February 3 Clarke Interview 8

February 2 Work on Cap. Hill 2

February 4 Phonecalls to Hill 1
February 5 Phonecalls to Hill 1

Total: 28 hours
Charge to January 25, January 30, February 3, and % day on Feb 4
FEB. 4 . 2 0 0 4 - 9 : 4 0 A M COMMISSION D. 1774 P. 3

(H '.
FEB 0 3 2004
National Commission on
February 2, Terrorist Attacks

From: Bob

To: Tracy TTShycoff

Director of Administration and Finance

el Reimbursement and per diem

Attached please fMthe requested paper work and receipts for^Vel related to my work
as commissioner. ThHoUowing is a summary:

December 26, 2003: Amtrak (roundtHp ticket

Hay Adams HoteLXZ ........................... $394-83

December 29, 2003 Amtrak (roundtp$ ticket) TS ................. $309.00

January 5, 2004 Amtrak Crolmdtrip ticket) ™

FourS^asons .............................. X- ....... $671.00

r -^

January 24,2004 / Four Seasons Hotel \$343.50

January 25, Four Seasons Hotel $34^5.0


December 26,2004 8 hours reading

December 27,2004 8 hours reading
December 29,2004 8 hours reading & meeting
January 6,2004 8 hours meeting
January 25,2004 4 hours reading & meeting
January 26,2004 8 hours hearing
January 27,2004 8 hours hearing
JAN. 16.2004 10:59AM 9-11 COMMISSION NO, 1645 P. 2

Memorandum (

Time Reimbursement

To: Tracy Shycoff

From: TimRoemer
Re: Commission Compensation
Date: January 16, 2004

Dates for reimbursement other than official commission meetings/dinners:

January 15,2004 full day to reimburse for:

January 14,2004 Berger Interview 5 hours

January 15,2004 Podesta Interview 3 hours

Total 8 hours
JAN, 14. 2004 8:40AM 9-11 COMMISSION NO. 1604 P. 2

Time Reimbursement

To: Tracy Shycoff

From: TimRoemer
Re: Commission Compensation
Date: January 13, 2004

Dates for reimbursement other than official commission meetings/dinners;

January 12, 2004 full day to reimburse for:

January 7, 2004 Albright Interview 3 hours

January 12,2004 Clarke Interview 5 hours

Total 8 hours
6. 2 0 0 4 8:04AM 9 - 1 1 COMMISSION NO. 1530 P, 2


TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: January 5,2004

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commission Meetings/Dinners

December 15. 2003 Full day of work to reimburse for:

-December 15, 2003 Cressey Interview 5 hours

-December 12,2003 Reading, meeting with staff 3 hours

December 18, 2003 Full day of work to reimburse for:

-December 18,2003 Clarke Interview 8 hours

Total: 16 hours

DEC. 8 . 2 0 0 3 1:45PK 9-11 COMMISSION NO. 1354 P. 2


TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: October 24, 2003

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commission Meetings/Dinners

October 24, 2003 Full day of work to reimburse for:

October 16, 2003 Hill visits on oversight issues

w/ Sen. Rockefeller, McCain
Lieberman and staff 4 1/2 hours

October 24, 2003 Reading at NEOB 3 y2 hours

Total 8 hours

TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: December 11, 2003

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commission Meetings/Dinners

December 9, 2003 Full day of work to reimburse for:

December 4,2003 Steinberg Interview 4 hours

December 9, 2003 Meeting with Daschle and staff 1.5 hours

December 11, 2003 Meeting with team leaders 2.5 hours

Jacobs, Scheide and Grewe

Total 8 hours

EC. 10.2003 1:03PM 9-11 COMMISSION WO. 1375 P. 2


TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: October 24,2003

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commission Meetings/Dinners

October 24, 2003 Full day of work to reimburse for;

October 16,2003 Hill visits on oversight issues

w/ Sen. Rockefeller, McCain
Lieberman and staff 4 1/2 hours

October 24, 2003 Reading at NEOB 3 l/2 hours

Total 8 hours
3iC.10.20S3 1:C3FM 9 - 1 ! COMMISSION SO. 1 3 ? 5 P, 3


TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: November 7, 2003

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commission Meetings/Dinners

November 7,2003 Full day of work to reimburse for:

November 5,2003 Reading 2 hours

November 6,2003 Reading 2 hours

November 7, 2003 meetings w/ contacts on Hill 4 hours

Total 8 hours
DEC, 10. 2 0 0 3 1:0;?M 9 - 1 1 COMMISSION NO. 1 3 7 5 P, 4


TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: December 4,2003

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commission Meetings/Dinners

December 4, 2003 Full day of work to reimburse for:

November 24,2003 Reading & meetings with staff 3 hours

November 25,2003 Meetings with contacts on hill 3 hours

December 4, 2003 Interview w/ Jim Steinberg 2 hours

Total 8 hours
DEC. 4. 2003 SSION NO. 1335 P. 3
DEC 0 4 2D03
Lee H. Hamilton
National CprnmJssiOflorr 9/11 Personal Privacy
Terrorist Attacks

September 4-5 Iday discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research

September 9 1 day testimony before Select Committee on Homeland Security
Commission dinner meeting
September 10 1 day Commission meeting, writing/research
September 18-19 Iday discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
September 23 1 day Commission meeting, meeting with families
September 25-26 1 day discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
October 1 Iday discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research rn
October 9 Vi d^ discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
October 14 1 day Commission hearing, WH briefing
October 15 1 day meeting w. Chairman Kean, WH meeting, writing/research
October 22 K da} discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
October 29 1 day discussions with staff, writing/research
November 6 1 day discussion with staff, writing/research
November 7 1 day Commission meeting, writing/research
November 13 Iday discussion with staff, writing/research
November 18 1 day discussion with staff, Chairman, writing/research
November 19 Iday Commission meeting, New Jersey
Commission dinner meeting
November 20 Iday Commission meeting, New York
November 25 1 day discussion with staff, writing/research
November 26 1 day discussion with staff, conference call w. Chairman Kean, writing
OCT. 20. 2003 1 1 : 1 9 A M 9-11 COMMISSION NO. 0995 P. 2


TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: October 20,2003

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commission Meetings/Dinners

October 10,2003 Full day of work to reimburse for:

October 7, 2003 Meetings on Capitol Hill with

Cong. Harman 2 hours
October 8, 2003 Reading Material @ NEOB 3 hours
October 10,2003 Reading Material @ NEOB 3 hours

Total 8 hours

Lee H. Hamilton 9/11 Personal Privacy

December 12-18 1 day/8 hours congressional Members and staff; 9-11 families
December 13 Commission meeting, S224 US Capitol

January 2 '/2 day/4 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
January 3 Commission meeting
January 13-16 1 day/8 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
January 20 1 day/8 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
January 21 '/2 day/4 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
January 23-24 1 day/8 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
'Jamiaiy 2(5 CuiiHlTissiun diiuiei meeting at Wilson Ceuta
January 27 Commission meeting at Wilson Center
February 5 !/2 day/4 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
February 20 '/2 day/4 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
February 26 1 day/8 hours discussions with Commissioners/ mts. w. House/Senate leadership
February 27 1 day/8 hours discussions with Commissioners/ mts. w. House/Senate leadership
February 28 '/2 day/4 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research/Sen. Collins
March 10 '/z day/4 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research
March 20 Commission meeting
March 31 Commission meeting/NY hearings
April 1 Commission meeting/NY hearings
April 10 Commission meeting
April 28 '/2 day/4 hours discussions with Commissioners, staff, writing/research

May 1 Commission meeting/9-11 families

May 21 '/2 day/4 hours discussions with Commissioners/meeting with Judge Gonzales
May 22 Commission meeting/hearing 216 Hart Senate Office Building
May 23 Commission meeting/hearing 216 Hart Senate Office Building
June 5 Commission meeting

TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: May 5, 2003

OFFICIAL Dates for Reimbursement

January 3, 2003 Commission Meeting - (Tracy, I believe you may be handling this?)

January 6, 2003 Meeting with Joint Inquiry Staff, meeting with Intelligence Committee
staff, Meetings with Members

January 14, 2003 Courtesy Meetings/Reading/Conference Calls w/ Commissioners

Conference calls with outside groups - 9/11 family groups, etc.

January 21,2003 Commission Meeting (Tracy, are you handling this as well?)
Phone calls/meetings with outside groups

January 27, 2003 Commission meeting, WWICS - (Tracy, I believe you may be handling

January 29, 2003 Courtesy Meetings on the Hill (Members and staff)
(Goss; Rockefeller; Intelligence staff, etc.)

January 31,2003 Courtesy Meetings/Briefings on the Hill, calls and meetings with 9/11
Joint Inquiry Staff

Februarys, 2003 Courtesy Meetings with Members (Roberts, Bayh, Kind, etc.)
(On the Hill)
Phone calls, conference calls, etc.

February 7, 2003 Courtesy Meetings with Members on the Hill (McCain, Harman, Holt,
Phone calls, conference calls, etc.

February 12, 2003 Commission Meeting - (Tracy, are you handling this?)

February 27, 2003 Commission Meeting - (Tracy, are you handling this?)

February 28, 2003 Meetings/ calls with the Joint Inquiry Staff
Reading/conference calls
Briefings from 9/11 family members

March 10, 2003 Conference calls, meetings on the Hill (Davis, Pelosi, etc.)
Meetings/calls with outside groups

March 20, 2003 Commission Meeting - (Tracy, did you handle this?)

March 27, 2003 Meetings/phone calls on Supplemental Appropriations - legislation

March 30, 31, April 1 New York Hearings - (Tracy, I believe this has been submitted!)

April 7, 2003 Meetings, phone calls on Supplemental Appropriations

Called Members of Congress and staff Appropriations

April 10, 2003 Commission Meeting - (Tracy, I believe this has been submitted!)

April 25, 2003 Reading Joint Inquiry Report

April 29, 2003 Meetings on Hill (Shelby)

Reading Joint Inquiry Report

May 1,2003 Commission Meeting - (Tracy, I believe this has been submitted!)

TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: May 21,2003

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commission Meetings/Dinners

May 8, 2003 Full day of work on Joint Inquiry Reading


TO: Tracy Shycoff

FROM: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
DATE: June 25, 2003

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commission Meetings/Dinners

June 20, 2003 Full day of work on Joint Inquiry Reading, phone calls and reading briefings.
;f 8

To: Tracy Shycoff

From: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation
Date: May 5,2003

OFFICIAL Dates for Reimbursement

January 3, 2003 Commission Meeting - (Tracy, I believe you may be handling this
when you do recap!)

January 6,2003 12/13/02 meeting with the Joint Inquiry staff - 2 hours
12/15/02 reading of joint inquiry papers -1 hour
12/16/02 reading documents and reports -1 hour,;
1/6/03 meeting with intelligence committee and meetings with
Members on House Side - 2-hours

January 14. 2003 12/17/02 meeting with commissioners 2-hours

12/19/02 meeting with family groups 1-hour
12/22/02 reading documents/talking to families 1-hour
12/23/02 conference call with commissioners 1 hour

1/14/03 calls to families/commissioners/ meeting on Hill - 3 hours

January 21,2003 Commission Meeting

Phone calls/meetings with outside groups

January 27,2003 Commission Meeting, WWICS

January 29, 2003 1/26/03 Commission dinner meeting - 2 hours

1/28/03 intelligence committee meeting, Congressman Moran, Kinds
And other members - 3 hours
1/29/03 courtesy meetings on Hill (members and»staff on House
Goss and Rockefeller and Intelligence staff - 3 hours

January 31,2003 Courtesy meetings and Briefings on the Hill, calls and meetings
With 9/11 Joint Inquiry Staff - full day

February 6,2003 2/5/03 courtesy meetings on Hill with Members Roberts, Bayh and
Kind - 4 hours
2/6/03 Phone calls and conference calls to members and more
meetings on House side - 4 hours
page -2-

February 7,2003 Courtesy meetings with Members on the Hill (McCain, Harman, Holt,
etc. Additional phone calls and conference calls - full day

February 12,2003 Commission Meeting (Tracy handling)

•'• '^*
February 27,2003 Commission Meeting (Tracy handling) *

February 28,2003 Meetings/calls with the Joint Inquiry Staff

Reading/conference calls
Briefings from 9/11 family members
Full Day

March 10,2003 3/5/03 Meetings with Davis, Cleland and Frank - 2 hours
3/10/03 Conference calls, meetings on Hill (Davis and Pelosi, etc.)
Meetings/calls to outside groups - 4 hours

March 20,2003 Commission Meeting (Tracy handling)

March 27,2003 Meetings on hill, phone calls on Supplemental Appropriations

Legislation - full day

March 30,31, April 1 New York Hearings (Tracy handling)

April 7,2003 Meetings, phone calls on Supplemental Appropriations

Called Members of Congress and staff on Appropriation
Full Day

April 10,2003 Commission Meeting (Tracy handling)

April 25,2003 4/22/03 Meetings at the Commission - 2 hours

4/23/03 Preuss - 2 hours
4/25/03 reading joint inquiry report - 3 hours
Full Day

April 30,2003 4/29/03 Meetings on the Hill with Shelby, etc.

Reading of Joint Inquiry Report - 4 hours
4/3003 Commission Dinner 2 hours
Full Day

May 1,2003 Commission Meeting (Tracy handling)


TO: Tracy Shycoff

FR: Commissioner Tim Roemer
RE: Commission Compensation

DATE: May 21,2003

Dates for Reimbursement

Other than Official Commissioner Meetings/Dinners

May 8,2003 Full day of work on Joint Inquiry Reading

AUG. 8 . 2 0 0 3 8114AM 9-11 COMMISSION NO. 0438 P. 2

Lee H. Hamilton

/ 2003
I June 17 Vaday Commission office, phone calls, writing/research
/ June 25 1 day Brookings, GAO
f June 26 1 day Commission meeting
July 8 1 day Commission meeting, meeting with Judge Gonzales, Press conference,
afternoon White House meeting
July 9 1 day Commission hearing
•'fJuly 12-17 1 day CNN interview, meeting at 2100 K St, meeting w. Kean, Gonzales
> July 23-24 1 day CSIS lunch for commissioners; writing/research; 9-11 family members
July 30 Vi day research/writing; meeting with Phil, Chris, Ernest May
July 31 1 day Commission meeting


9/11 Personal Privacy

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