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Various treatments and medications are prescribed for pulmonary edema; among them are oxygen, morphine, diuretic

and various intravenous medications. Oxygen Therapy is administered in concentration adequate to relieve hypoxemia and dyspnea. Usually, a face mask or non-rebreathing mask is initially used. If respiratory failure is severe and persists despite, optimal management, endothraceal positive a respiratory that is effective in reducing venous return, decreasing venous movement from the pulmonary capillaries to the alveoli, and improving oxygenation. Oxygenation is monitored with pulse oxymetry and by measurement of arterial blood gases. Diuretic promotes the excretion of sodium and water by the kidneys. Furusimide for example, is administered intravenously to produce a rapid diuretic effect. Furusimide also causes vasodilatation and pooling of blood in peripheral blood. Dobutamine is an intravenous medication to patients with significant left ventricular dysfunction. A catecholamine, dobutamine stimulates the beta-adrenargic receptors. A medication that protects the anti-ventricular node (AV node), such as digitalis, a beta-blocker, or a calcium channel blocker, may be indicated before dobutamine therapy is initiated to prevent increase ventricular response rate.milrinone is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor that delays the release of calcium from intracellular reservoir and prevents the uptake of extracellular calcium by the cells. Milrinone is administered intravenously usually to patients who have not responded to other therapies. It is not usually used to treat patient with renal failure. Digitalis, the most common prescribed form of digitalis for patient with heart failure is digoxin (lanoxin). The medication increases the force of myocardial contraction and slow conduction through the AV node. It improves contractility, increasing left ventricular output. The medication also enchants dieresis, which removes fluid and relieves edema. The effects of a given dose of medication depend on the state of myocardium, electrolyte and fluid balance renal and hepatic function. Calcium Channel Blockers, such as veraphamile (calan, isoptin, verelan), nefedipine and diltiazem (cardizem, dilacor, tiazac), are contraindicated in patient with systolic dysfunction, although they nmay be used in patient with diastolic dysfunction. They may be use to improve symptoms, especially in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyophatic, although they have no effect on mortality. Nitroglycerin is frequently given to people who suffer from coronary artery blood flow. The decrease work performed by the heart reduces the amount of oxygen required by the cardiac muscle. Consequently, the heart no longer suffers from a lack of oxygen, and angina pectoris does not develop. Artificial Pacemaker is an instrument placed beneath the skin that is equipped with an electron that exceeds to the heart. It provides an electrical stimulus to the heart at a set frequency.

It is used in patient by whom the natural pacemaker of the heart does not produce a heart rate high enough to sustain normal physical activity. It is likely that rapid development of electronic for artificial pacemakers will suffer increase the degree to which the pacemaker can regulate the heart. Heart transplant is possible when immune characteristics of a donor and a recipient are closely matched. The heart of a recently decreased donor is transplanted to the recipient, and the diseased heart of a recipient is removed. People who have received heart transplant must remains on drugs that suppress their immune responses for the rest of their lives. Unless they do so, their immune system rejects the transplanted heart. Conventional Treatment Radioisotope studies are useful in spotting inadequate blood flow in and around the heart. Echocardiography is another non-invasive technique which is useful in evaluating the heart performance. Newer techniques for studying heart function without invasive tomography (petscanning), and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Intermitted Claudication involves pain in muscle to which the blood supply has been restricted due to atherosclerosis. The pain occurs with exercise, and subsided with a couple of minutes once the exercising is stopped. Conventional medical therapy includes an emphasis on daily walks, weigth reduction and total avoidance of smoking. Alternative Treatment Diet and lifestyle changes are perhaps the most important tools in the natural treatment of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Dean Ornish has developed a comprehensive program which effectively reverses the atherosclerosis in relatively short time. Dr. Ornishs program focuses on stress management, development of greater intimacy, increased social contract and diet devoid of animal product that is very low in fats and cholesterol, and a program of moderate exercise. The overcoming of smoking and other vises are also a key component in the program. Scientific evaluation of this program have shown the participants who follow the programs for just 24 days reduced their chest-pain by over 90%, improved their exercise capacity by 55%, and reduced their cholesterol level by 21%. Patient who followed the program for a year reduced their coronary artery blockage by significant amount and also reported a much improved sense of well-being.

Definition of Terms Oxygenation- the process by which concentrations of oxygen increase within a tissue Cardiovascular disease- refers to any disease that affects the cardiovascular system, principally cardiac disease, vascular diseases of the brain and kidney, and peripheral arterial disease. Pulmonary edema- is fluid accumulation in the air spaces and parenchyma of the lungs. It leads to impaired gas exchange and may cause respiratory failure. Dobutamine- is a sympathomimetic drug used in the treatment of heart failure and cardiogenic shock. Venous return-is the rate of blood flow back to the heart. It normally limits cardiac output. Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure- sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronicmedical condition in which the blood pressure in thearteries is elevated. Chronic stress- is the response to emotional pressure suffered for a prolonged period over which an individual perceives he or she has no control. It involves an endocrine system response in which occurs a release of corticosteroids. If this continues for a long time, it can cause damage to an individual's physical and mental health. Heart Failure- occurs when the heart is unable to provide sufficient pump action to maintain blood flow to meet the needs of the body. Atrioventricular node (AV node) - is a part of the electrical control system of the heart that coordinates the top of the heart. It electrically connects atria and ventricular chambers. Milrinone- commonly known and marketed as the drug Primacor, is a medication used in patients suffering from heart failure. It also works to vasodilate vessels which helps alleviate increased pressures (afterload) on the heart, thus improving its pumping action. Digitalis- is also used for drug preparations that contain cardiac glycosides, particularly one called digoxin, extracted from various plants of this genus. Nitroglycerin (NG)- is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid most commonly produced by treating glycerol with white fuming nitric acid under conditions appropriate to the formation of the nitric acid ester. Diastolic dysfunction- refers to an abnormality in the heart's (''i.e.'', left ventricle's) filling during diastole. Diastole- is the period of time when the heart refills with blood after systole (contraction).

Artificial Pacemakers- A small battery-operated device that helps the heart beat in a regular rhythm. Pharmacology- is "the science of drugs including their origin, composition, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic use, and toxicology." Pharmacologic therapy- is medical care that involves the use of medications, either alone or in combination with other types of therapy. Heart Transplant- is a surgical transplant procedure performed on patients with end-stage heart failure or severe coronary artery disease.

Related Literature CARMELA G. LAPENA, GMA News August 16, 2012 12:17am In the Philippines, about 30 percent of all the deaths are caused by heart and vascular disease, according to Philippine Society of Hypertension President Dr. Dante Morales. Citing the National Nutrition and Health Survey (NNHeS II) conducted in 2008, Morales said one in every four Filipino adults (25.7 percent) has hypertension, which he explained as "a blood pressure reading equal to or higher than 140/90 millimeter mercury (mmHg)." "Hypertension is really up there. It's one of the bigger problems in the Philippines," he said. In 2008, some 41,000 deaths were due to hypertension or hypertensive complications. Hypertension increases the risk for stroke, heart failure, and renal failure, Morales said. "The higher the blood pressure, the greater the problem, and the more complications can happen," he said at the launch. According to Morales, controlling blood pressure is imperative in reducing cardiovascular risks. He said several benefits can be derived out of controlling blood pressure, including lowering the risk of a stroke by 30-35 percent, and heart failure by more than 50 percent.

UTV LIVE NEWS, 07 May 2013 The British Heart Foundation said that progress in scientific research has helped reduce fatalities to less than 2,000 in 2011. In 2011, 1,900 people died from coronary heart disease, 1,100 men and 800 women, compared to more than 4,900 deaths in 1981.

Even though heart attack deaths are decreasing, there is little evidence that is also true of heart failure- an estimated 23,000 people are living with the condition in the region. The most recent audit shows as many as 70% of heart failure cases are caused by coronary heart disease. Three quarters of people with severe heart failure will not live beyond five years, according to the charity. Heart failure occurs when so much heart muscle is damaged by the heart attack that the heart can't pump blood around the body as well as it should.

London, UK (PRWEB UK) 15 April 2013 According to WHO, community-based programmes, have contributed to a reduction in raised blood pressure and strokes in Japan. Japanese public health experts have attributed the success of the programmes to a variety of factors, including the introduction of universal health care in 1961, the expansion of health services for older people in 1982, and governmentintroduced community-based noncommunicable disease programmes. Professor Hiroyasu Iso, of the Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, explained, Our studies show that regular health check-ups and health guidance from nurses and physicians in the community have been key to fighting hypertension and stroke. In particular, people at high risk and people over 40 are benefiting from the free, community-wide screening and health education. With this in mind, Yourwellness Magazine investigated how high blood pressure and other factors can lead to coronary heart disease (CHD). Their article explained how the build-up of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries around the heart (coronary arteries) usually cause CHD, and that these fatty deposits, or atheroma, are made up of cholesterol and other waste substances.

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