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Come out first day of every month to the largest bus/train station in your city and cooperate with fellow



You should read SEIGI’s email first. Full version in English is included in APPENDIX I.
If you are a leader / president of a nation, then you want to read section 7 WHAT YOU
DO AT THE MOMENT before other sections.

People, like SEIGI, are interested in what I think of religion. I must say I believe in math
more than religion. But, I not believe in your god doesn't make me atheist because by
probability, it must be almost certain that there is some other life forms within our
universe, that the chance of them visiting us is almost null, that there must be a creator
that bridges broken evolution between ape and man, that some people have wisdom to
guess with almost certainty what will happen in the future based on past history.
If the definition of god is creator then it is impossible for me to claim myself as atheist,
because by probability I cannot deny creator exist. Foresights are not expressed well in
words by those whom can guess the future, "man is created first then a bone is taken out
from man to make woman" probably describes woman's supporting role in the society
and not dominating role. "Evil" describes state of mind that opposes these and other
natural rules. Opposition to natural rules may sounds nice to the ear, but that always ends
in you paying the price; because natural roles are genetically related.

Since creation and throughout evolution, job of men are protection of race [ protection of
race, not just protection of women nor children ] and job of woman is to stay alive to
provide backup support. Feminism, which rises for sometime in our society, aims to
make men slave through application of “method talk” [ introduced later ]. By twisting
meaning of words like “equality” and “justice’ that do not have a clear definition in
writing [ most words like these are defined in term of itself. Go look up in a dictionary ],
people loses faith in their culture. People losing faith in their culture loses their identity
and weaken psychologically, accelerating economic crash and prevent full recovery.
Feminists since ancient times do not participate in aiding of men nor production; they
spend their time thinking how to take everything others have worked as their own.
Feminists are different from women in this respect. The subject of obtaining high position
in society and earning without hard work is attractive, explaining feminists underlying
motive, as well as why some men have joined them. Such motive needs camouflage to be
supported, under the names of “equality” and “no oppression on whatever.” Reversal of
natural roles supported by genetics prevents long term survival of the race; the nation
survives by getting immigrants to do work their people no longer want to do, or no longer
capable of doing. One example is Sweden. This nation since 30 years ago has
experienced feminism evil, and no one fought back. Now their women [ including
feminists of course ] occupied the best positions in their nation, their men must obey what
their women told them to do, unable to fight back. Besides acting like a psychological toy,
Swedish men act as impregnation device to their women. Rest of Europe has been
affected to more or less degree.

Reversal of damaged culture by feminism is difficult; because a combination of media

control and “method talk” make any opposition force appear as oppressors. Thus the



public do not speak against it [ even if public want to speak out, media channels are
already occupied ]. Politicians caring for their political life in the next election are
unwilling to fix underlying problem for the same reason and because the public has not
spoken against feminism evil. Feminism spreads fast by application of greed [ their
underlying motive ] and hatred [ effect of their camouflage making your ancestors look
like oppressors ]. You must also consider mere stopping feminists progress do not
prevent them from trying again, as long as any try ends in their progress.

“I do not mind looking like an oppressor because it is my duty to fight,” “I do not mind
dying to protect justice and defeat feminism fake equality,” are two things I thought
about, and should be the thoughts you have as well. Feminism uses little force in
disintegration of culture, obtaining sense of empowerment watching society and you
crumple under her hands. Once the society dies, you need to revive it with way more
force then the force that cause it to die. Who takes responsibilities now? Who pays the
price? To protect and prevent bloodline of our race from weakening, our only choice is to
defeat feminism.

Like you, I have hesitated. At one point I thought “revenges won't bring anything back
and maybe I can run away and live happily elsewhere because this is not my
problem”...until I finds out this is wrong. First, this is my problem because it is duty of
men to protect his race. Second, we cannot persuade women to take her duty seriously if
we cannot fulfill our own duty. Third, feminism evil has begun to spread over the globe,
where are you going to run? Knowing feminists’ goals are evil and the pathways they
took to the goal are evil, can I call myself a man if I do not do a thing?
You do not have to think this battle as revenge. Symbolically, as we fight feminists we
are also fighting against the greed and hatred within mankind and within us.

I want to think, this is mankind’s last battle. It definitely will be our biggest battle; after
all, what battle will be larger than the battle against evil within all of us. Feminism
problems won't go away if you quit or go to sleep. Feminists also advertise other global
problems to exhaust mankind emotionally, making it easier to administer brainwashing.
Even if under blame by the public, feminists can “method talk” their way out of blame by
pointing to those global problems as causes rather than results of feminism. Defeating
feminism is not our only agenda, fixing up cultural damages so mankind is able to deal
with other global problems is also important. But defeating feminism has to be step 1,
step 2 is reviving sense of justice and men’s spirit, step 3 is reviving culture. Now we are
psychologically prepared to resolve energy crisis and food shortage crisis, as well as
circumvent direct impact of global climate change. Ultimately we need to learn from
races that successfully defended its culture against feminism, and stop insisting our
western culture as the only culture in the world.

Our goal is not to let feminists have a chance in making the incident into a negotiation or
talk about issues of opinion differences to vent public anger. “Pick up your wallet where
you lost it”, is the same as “getting back your pride from those that took it.” We are not
milk sucking babies. Rather than ranting there are plenty of males but not enough men in
the world capable of taking responsibility of survival of our race, stand out and speak out



yourself [ conversely there are plenty of females but not enough women taking their
social duty, thus start of feminism ].

If you think money launderers, typically reside in position of power are to blame as well,
you will benefit by reading section 3.2 FEMINISM.




FOREWORD / SUMMARY........................................................................................................................ 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 5
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 7
DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 7
RACE .................................................................................................................................................... 7
NATION AND SOCIETY....................................................................................................................... 7
ETHICS................................................................................................................................................. 8
LAW ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
POLITICIAN AND POLITICAL PARTIES ........................................................................................... 9
MEDIA .................................................................................................................................................. 9
CULTURE........................................................................................................................................... 10
RELIGION .......................................................................................................................................... 11
FREEDOM.......................................................................................................................................... 11
EVIL.................................................................................................................................................... 12
JUSTICE ............................................................................................................................................. 12
FACTOR TWO PRIDE ....................................................................................................................... 13
MARRIAGE......................................................................................................................................... 13
JO-OU................................................................................................................................................. 14
M DOG ............................................................................................................................................... 15
2. PSYCHOLOGICAL EVIL PATTERNS.............................................................................................. 17
2.1 POISON CANDY WRAPPER PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN GROUP.................................................. 17
RIGHTS PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN ...................................................................................................... 17
PROGRESS AND CHANGE PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN....................................................................... 18
NO OPPRESSION PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN...................................................................................... 19
EQUALITY PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN ................................................................................................. 20
2.2 POSING PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN GROUP .................................................................................... 21
AS-IS PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN........................................................................................................... 21
2.3 HIDE THE SENTENCE PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN GROUP ........................................................... 22
HIDE THE SENTENCE PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN ............................................................................. 23
LABELING PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN ................................................................................................. 24
2.4 PATTERNS THAT DO NOT HAVE A GROUP YET ...................................................................... 25
JEALOUSY ALLY PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN ....................................................................................... 26
GROUP SPEAK PSYCH-EVIL PATTERN ......................................................................................... 27
2.5 METHOD TALK ............................................................................................................................... 28
3. TIMELINE OF MANKIND .................................................................................................................. 30
3.1 PREHISTORY................................................................................................................................... 30
WHAT FATHER AND MOTHER REPRESENTS ............................................................................... 32
3.2 FEMINISM........................................................................................................................................ 33
3.3 FEMINISM WEAKENS HUMAN RACE......................................................................................... 37
PAST GENERATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 43
CURRENT GENERATIONS ............................................................................................................... 44
NOW ................................................................................................................................................... 46
4. WHAT TO DO? HOW TO FIX?.......................................................................................................... 48
4.1 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................... 48
ABSOLUTE EQUALITY ..................................................................................................................... 48
ABSOLUTE JUSTICE......................................................................................................................... 48
ABSOLUTE FREEDOM ..................................................................................................................... 49



OVERALL ........................................................................................................................................... 49
4.2 SOCIETY BEHAVE LIKE A SPOON...................................................................................... 50
5. FROM HISTORY TO NATION PROFILE ........................................................................................ 53
WESTERN EUROPE .................................................................................................................................... 53
Scandinavian Nations ......................................................................................................................... 53
Germany.............................................................................................................................................. 54
Vatican ................................................................................................................................................ 54
RUSSIA ..................................................................................................................................................... 55
USA ......................................................................................................................................................... 55
MIDDLE EAST ........................................................................................................................................... 56
ASIA ......................................................................................................................................................... 57
China................................................................................................................................................... 57
North Korea ........................................................................................................................................ 58
Japan................................................................................................................................................... 58
6. UNBRAINWASH YOURSELF............................................................................................................. 60
7. WHAT YOU DO AT THE MOMENT................................................................................................. 63
8. QUOTES ................................................................................................................................................. 65
9. HOW TO CHOOSE A GIRLFRIEND................................................................................................. 66
APPENDIX I............................................................................................................................................... 68



If you have not read FOREWORD / SUMMARY, go back and read it. This section
introduces definition of terms. Other sections are not based strictly on these definitions.
Next section introduces psychological evil patterns employed by feminism since their
creation. Application of psychological evil patterns is called “method talk.” Third section
talks about genetic differences of man and woman, their duty in society and how
feminism came about. Fourth section is separate from our discussion; it is a hypothesis
that provides firm basis for a new law system. Rest of the sections gives you a sense of
how far feminism evil has creep into our world and what we should do.


No lawyer jargon rants here. Some terms appearing new to you are drawn from Japanese,
because Japan has defended itself against feminism, suffering less cultural damage.

Definition in various books claimed race to be a group of people related by a
central bloodline, this is not what I believe. Race is a group of people sharing their
identity by the same culture, and these people are willing to protect and uphold this
culture at any cost, even if that means internal bloodshed. Protection of race is not
necessary protection of women and children. The law system punishes women and
children alike had they conducted crimes.

Protection of race sometimes means war. In cases where war is conducted to protect your
race, it is justice. Most nations do not conduct wars when their race is not under direct
attack. When war happens, both nations may be trying to protect their race, and both
sides can claim themselves justice. Eventually the natural rule “strong wins over weak”


Nation is just a big society consisting of a race or part of a race. Here individual
rights come into conflict with collective rights. You need to be careful using the word
“rights” because as the next section shows, the word “rights” is actually a psychological
evil pattern. The word “rights” do not carry with it accompanied social responsibility. A
correct term to use is “social duty” because rights to do something should be necessitated
by the social duty. Social duty is a direct result of genetic differences in protection of race.
Feminism disregards social duty of women, causing unstable society. Looking at stable
societies [ those that survived thousand of years without cultural change ], you find men
took leadership roles and women took supporting roles.



When any right is not accompanied by social responsibility, we end up with a scatter sand
of individuals, not a society. Note that social duties change “its form” over time, but
should never be discarded nor traded to prevent weakening of race. Survival of race is
unrelated to the issue of population control; a society can increase its population but
have its race heading for destruction, or have its race heading for revival. A nation
with weaken race creates an unstable society, that may break into smaller nations each
with stronger race. Or maintain its status quo ending in scatter sand of individuals; with
its citizens behaving like “living zombies” because pride of race is damaged and their
identity lost.

Ethics is the basis of law and should always be the basis of any law. Ethics is an
organization system to order the natural rules resulting from genetic differences, and
ethical rules are created from the system. The goal is to ensure survival of race. Ethics
and social justice are synonyms. Religions like to embody ethics as part of its teaching.
Ethics have been passed down from generation to generation, with reason for its creation
often lost [ although the end result is always to ensure survival of race ]. Some ethical
rules sounds wrong to the ear, especially if you have lived in unstable society for a long
time; but their cause is always traceable. For example, the rule “do not product offspring
with your mother” is because genetic closeness produces offspring unlikely to survive.
Ethical rules are under direct attack today by feminism under the psychological evil
pattern group “poison candy wrapper”.

Law originally should have been a translation of ethics. But those in position of
power, like all of us, have greed. Resulting in some ethics missing in law, and some laws
have no ethical backgrounds. Most laws made in the past 60-70 years are results of
interest groups lobbying those in position of power, lobbying under the camouflage of
psychological evil pattern “progress and change.” It is notable most of these law changes
are result of feminism interest group.

During a law change due to lobbying, the general public usually does not speak out; it is
interest groups that speak out and acts. This is because underlying motive is different.
Talking in term of numbers, a new law introduces negative effects of -1 on everyone of
general public, but a positive gain of +100 on the interest group; it gives the interest
group more incentive to act. Law made through lobbying are in direct conflict with ethics,
thus interest group fear and opposes ethics.

Overtime, law system gives the general public an image that it protects those whom know
how to manipulate it, and punishes those that do not.




Unlike feminism that has successfully used “method talk” to ensure it has no
natural enemy, political parties have each other as natural enemy. Society having two or
more political parties is usually democratic. Democratic system is good for society when
the media is not under control by feminists, but bad for society when it is. In a democratic
system, politicians care about their political life and thus need money to run campaigns
and believe the media represents the public so they need to avoid provoking anger of the
media. Thus when media is under control by feminists even when knowing they are
causing cultural damage, a politician in power will not do a thing to avoid looking like an
oppressor, behaving no different than the general public yet betrayed its wishes.

What defines exceptional leadership is the foresight to forecast accurately and

prevent cultural damage that endangers a race by taking bold actions even though it
would endanger his political life. Since politicians need to care about their political life,
they enter a position of power wanting their investment back. In the current situation, this
is fatal to survival of the race, ending in a nation behaving much worse than a monarchy
having a leader with foresight.

Media is not just your typical TV programs, newspapers, advertisements, news
websites, but also pictures displayed at shops, images displayed at websites, history
books, and rumors. Media is supposed to be independent of both political and law system,
and it is suppose to be free of control by any interest groups. Media is largely unregulated,
depending entirely on the publisher to obey principles of ethics. But an interest group like
feminism can control the media by having its members hired as writers of news, knowing
the general public dare not fight back if they portray anyone fighting back as sexists or
oppressor of women. Media contents by feminists are fabricated containing method talks
to brainwash people into feminist mindset. One example is a news claiming a study done
found “women gets better job by having friends, but not men.” Psychological evil
patterns are used here. By having a study done on a biased population, feministic news
can obtain any result they want; this is also application of “As-is” psychological evil

What is important is not media controlled by feminism produce false news, what is
important is the purpose of the method talks avoiding men from grouping together to
fight feminism. All the media types listed have been changed to “new edition” by
feminists containing their method talks, under the camouflage of “progress and change”
psychological evil pattern.

Here are some media controlled by feminists:

BBC, as well as many other news channels:

BBC confirmed to be controlled by feminists, so is various other news channels. BBC is
the news company providing “Latest Headlines” under the Firefox browser.



Profile of countries and historic characters altered to make feministic countries appear
attractive, and countries not supporting feminism unattractive.

Google, as well as many other businesses:

Places words of man after woman in their career websites and flood their website with
images of women as workers [ they have started hiring women including feminists based
upon their sex, and not upon ability. They falls victim to “progress and change”
psychological evil pattern ].

Nexusmail system of University of Waterloo, Canada:

Female image used for “personal” icon in their “new editioned” nexusmail student email
system. Contributed by SEIGI.

Imprint student newspaper of University of Waterloo, Canada:

News camouflaged under “progress and change” psychological evil pattern. Contributed

Pool in Physical Activity Complex of University of Waterloo, Canada

A section of swimming time opened only to women when the pool is funded from past
and present student fees from a majority of male students. Contributed by SEIGI.

History books in North America that are “new editioned” recently, for Europe it was
versions created anywhere between 40 years ago to now.

SEIGI confirmed Baidu encyclopedia have not been “new editioned” by feminists, but
Baidu is Chinese only.

Simply, culture is the preservation and application of ethics. Preservation of ethics
usually comes in as childhood teachings, religion and so on. Culture can be damaged or
intact. Damaged culture cannot completely preserve nor apply ethics. Society can still
operate on damaged culture, but its race will weaken over time steadily until destruction
[ I will show you why in section 3.3 FEMINISM WEAKENS HUMAN RACE ].

Even SEIGI can be mistaken on what culture means. Culture is mankind’s sense of what
is right and wrong, correct and evil, ethics, spiritual understandings, and also spiritual
complexity. Culture is not tangible. There is “cultural damage” but so such thing as
“culture change.” Natural rules making up ethics do not and have not changed one bit
since creation of mankind. To give an example, building construction methods can
change from Japanese to western style, that is not cultural change nor cultural damage,
because it is about technology not about ethics. By defining what acts are shameful, what
deeds are ugly, and apply ethics to oppress them, culture that are intact prevents unethical
behaviors and ensure long term survival of race.

ENEMY OF MANKIND Page 10 of 72


Feminism claims they have rights [ “rights” psychological evil pattern ] in conducting an
eye for an eye revenge on mankind due to them “being oppressed in the past.” This is an
application of “hide the sentence” psychological evil pattern. What feminists did not
mention is that they have violated ethics in the past in similar manner to now, leading to
them being oppressed. Later in section 3.3 I will show you cultural damage is contributed
by three social cycles, two of them created by feminism and one worsen by feminism.

Similar to Law, religion should have been a translation of ethics. But it has failed
to do so in similar manner to our law system today. One classic example is racism, which
has no ethical basis. Religion used to be the law system in the past, but now it has no
ability to apply ethics, and under attack by feminism they have decreased their ability to
preserve ethics as well.

Freedom consists of two rights, freedom of choice, and freedom of press. But as
rights, they must come from social duties that require them to exist. Freedom as rights to
choose came from fulfillment of social duties that are mandatory. Choosing to enter
marriage or not, is a freedom, because marriage itself is not a social duty. But once
entered marriage, added social duties are mandatory while the contract binds. I will show
nations with high feminism attempt to deny “freedom to not enter marriage” through
taxes in the next section.

Freedom of press also came from fulfillment of mandatory social duties. Same as a
business, media / press is a group of individuals sharing a race, onto existing race of its
society. Individuals in the business are responsible for their own social duties
independent of its company. A business or a media / press company often acts financially
like an individual, thus company is treated as an individual independent of its employees
[ therefore when a company declare bankruptcy, that does not mean all its employees
must declare bankruptcy ]. Company as an additional individual is genetically unable to
do many social duties, for example, you cannot tell a company to “fight to protect race,”
[ a company cannot hold a gun ]. Therefore company does the smallest set of social
duties, namely “protection of race by upholding culture.”

Feminism having control of press lead to press companies not fulfilling its social duty by
violation of ethics and damaging culture, reporting fabricated news offensive to men, but
the rights “freedom of press” is not revoked. This ends in massive cultural damage [ you
feel as if there is a large hole being dug in your heart, constantly aching ]. Citizens start
losing pride and identity as a race, thus psychologically unprepared and unable to solve
any crisis.

Damaged culture can fix itself if the damage is small, similar to a small cut on your skin
that heals tomorrow. An interest group denied control of media cannot make changes
resulting in large negative effect on general public, nor induce fear in general public.

ENEMY OF MANKIND Page 11 of 72


Damaged culture cannot fix itself if the damage is large, similar to you cutting off an
arm; you felt strong pain for a while. Slowly the pain goes away but that doesn’t
mean your arm has grown back. You may feel pain of cultural damage slowly subdues,
but ethics have been violated by feminists with no punishment delivered, your pride
being trampled, you no longer feel as energized as you were before, people are afraid of
supporting ethics.

As mentioned in FOREWORD / SUMMARY, "Evil" describes state of mind
opposing ethics, resulting in weakening and destruction of race. To define ethics more
concretely, we need to list the natural rules that are its simplest elements.

Listed not exhaustively: survival of race, product of hard work belongs to the workers,
those who do will decide, majority rules, children carry duty not blame of parents, same
punishment / reward for same deed, strong wins over weak, wrong method of doing
things are wrong, an eye for an eye, honesty without selfishness …so on. I attempt to
order them in decreasing importance. These natural rules are later ordered into
importance and ethical principles are drawn from that. Some natural rules may sound
either nice or bad to the ear [ so are truths ].

If some of these natural rules sound bad to your ear, try to sound the reverse of these
rules. They now clearly sound bad; after all, these are the rules to ensure long term
survival of race. In “wrong method of doing things are wrong,” the word “wrong” means
violation of ethical principles. Some examples of ethical principles drawn are “taking
responsibility for what you do,” “you should be shameful for wrongdoing” and so on.

Justice is violence and oppression on evil. This is a no nonsense definition. No
matter how you care to replace the “violence” with the word “punishment” or “fixing” or
“purify” to make it sound nicer to the ear; justice is and always is, violence and
oppression on evil. Justice is devoid of compassion, it applies violence and oppression on
evil, even if those on the evil side surrenders or acts defenseless in attempt to avoid
punishment. Justice is different than “bully the weak, afraid of the strong,” because
justice has ethical basis and because justice do not care whether the opponent is weak or

Law often claims itself to be identical to justice, evident by the name “justice
system” to mean “law system.” But, law has a different definition than justice. Current
law systems are reactive rather than proactive. For example, man A conducted an
unethical behavior but because that behavior is not forbidden under current law, that
individual is not punished. After a while, new law is made to forbid this unethical
behavior. Now man B conducted same behavior again, he will be punished. There are
two problems here. First, man A is not punished violates the ethical principle “same
punishment / reward for same deed.” Second, law system is unable to keep up with new

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ways to conduct unethical acts, resulting in people losing trust in its effectiveness.
Proactive law system is entirely ethical based; any new ways to conduct unethical acts are
caught, this is performed faster than anyone can think up new way to conduct unethical


“Do not be woman’s slaves” and “Do not be afraid to sacrifice life for greater
cause” are the two prides I considered fundamental to any man. Of course, there are
many other type of prides for man that forms spirit of men, but losing any of the two
prides listed above disqualify a male from able to call himself a man.

Originally the name for these two prides is “Two factors of pride for man,” but “factor
two pride” is easier to remember. I expect a lot of feminists badmouthing on factor two
pride even when they have no theoretical basis to conduct attacks.

Feminists have one goal “slavery of man” and two conditions in which they act:
“fear for disruption of plan” and “wishful thinking.” There is nothing more “fearful”
to feminists than having their camouflaged goal displayed and denied as prides of man.

Marriage is a contract that adds social duties to both man and woman, since
marriage is voluntary, added social duties are enforced only when contract binds.
Existing social duties are not and should not change after marriage because existing
social duties ensure long term survival of race. Social duties added by marriage should
conform to ethics. Example of this is when the race is under attack, it is a man’s duty to
go to war even if he is married.

Feminists seek to change the contract of marriage by claiming man should take part or
whole of woman’s social duties. In other words, feminists claim they want to work, so
man should take care of kids and housework. Feminists call this equality. You should
realize immediately this is application of “hide the sentence” psychological evil patterns.
What feminists did not mention is that if man accepts this, then woman will not
have any social duty in society and man will end up with all the social duties. That is,
man will have to take care of kids and housework, on top of existing social duties of
providing for his family and facing possible death and casualty during war to protect the
race. No one is able to do all that, nor should anyone do that.

It is questionable why feminists voluntarily want to work when they do not have to, since
it conflicts with their social duties that are paramount. Nations in northern Europe has
undergone several feminism brainwashing such their men end up with all the social
duties. Being under pressured and unable to fight back, their men loses their factor two
pride, develops psychological eccentricity of “bully the weak, afraid of the strong.” It
should be noted their nation surrendered in less time than it takes a German solder to
walk from border to border in their nation in WWII. Feminists have applied “hide the

ENEMY OF MANKIND Page 13 of 72


sentence” psychological evil patterns in Wikipedia to make these nations appear


Rest of European nations suffered damaged culture so they lose their identity, acting as
European Union rather than individual nations whenever they discuss trade with Russia
[ or with any nation looking strong ], and as individual nation when there is something to
gain. Damaged culture deliver damaged ethics.

When facing all the social duties, especially those that belongs to women [ thus
unsuitable for men, ethically and genetically ], men will naturally crash. Women will
have no social duties, enjoying freedom without responsibility. This is the reason why
most women do not oppose feminism; it is a question of greed. Nation will exist in name
only because society break apart, ending in scatter sand of individuals. Section 3 will
compare stable society to such unstable society, giving you a sense of “order versus

Originally a Japanese terminology, jo-ou describes character of a stereotypical
feminist. By enumerating characteristics from many feminists throughout time from both
the feminist’s as well as bystanders’ perspective, Japanese avoids applying “hide the
sentence” psychological evil pattern and is able to present a very accurate depiction of a
feminist. This term has been created for quite some time, serving as preservation and
protection of ethics and social justice, by preventing would-be feminists from forming
once they learn how bystanders actually sees them. Japanese men are serious about their
social duties and will get angry at feminists introducing chaos that damages their culture.

Examples of thinking patterns of a jo-ou are:

• I am not going to thank you for what you do for me, because I deserved it.
• I am the only one in the world that is suffering, how come others are happy while
I am sad? I want all of them to be sad.
• All men should be whipped into submission under my rule.
• Men are just stupid sex pigs devoid of pride, slavery is a suitable punishment.
• You are a man aren’t you, carry my purse for me, and don’t you dare stop pushing
the baby-cart.
• Hurting man is part of love. But I don’t want to get hurt.
• I am just here to pursue my happiness, what is wrong with that?
• You are my dog. Your happiness, your freedom, your speech rights, and your
future are all mine, all mine! Only I can make you happy or sad!
• This is how you should treat men; they dare not fight back anyway.
• Men should not nit-pick. It is their honor to accept me for whom I am.
• Lick my shoes, yes! Underneath my shoe!

Typical opinion of bystanders is the same as yours:

• If I don’t do what she says she is going to get angry and spread weird rumors
about me. I hope I didn’t know her in the first place.

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• What the hell did she think she is?

• People can get hurt in love, but you should never go into love thinking of hurting
• There is no use arguing with an idiot. You can’t win.

There are even appearance characteristics and laughter characteristics of a jo-ou. But
since current feminists do not laugh in “Ho ho ho” voice, but rather “Ha ha ha” loudly,
description will need to be changed. The reason why you can’t win in arguments against
jo-ous is because they disregard ethics during argument but you hold onto ethics, putting
you always in a weaker position. To prevent themselves from being subject of retaliation
attacks, jo-ous are very assertive and often dresses attractively.

M Dog describes a man whom lost his “factor two pride” living under rule of jo-
ous, and “happily” accepting a life trading pride for humiliation. M came from SM
[ sado-masochism ], and dog describes their social status. Slave is a better term than dog
in describing these men’s social status, because besides having to do everything and
losing ability to decide [ violation of ethical principle “those who do will decide” ], they
carry all or part of social duties of women as well as their own social duties. An M Dog is
worse than a beggar because a beggar trades pride for money, but an M Dog trades pride
for humiliation.

An M Dog is chained to the jo-ou by a symbolic collar. The jo-ou controls happiness
of the M Dog by feeding him dog biscuits and caresses it to vent out the M Dog’s anger.
When the jo-ou wants to be loved, she hurts the M Dog to make him want to be caressed
so his anger is vented out. Thus the cycle continues forever, trapping the M Dog as an
emotional slave. Eventually the jo-ou learned the act with its consequence through
psychological association: hurt men to gain love.

An M Dog has given up about his factor two pride, and therefore given up on his future,
hope, and freedom. Who is at fault for creating this psychological association? Both of
them are. Worse is the fact M Dogs cannot teach his children pride nor normal social
interactions, because himself losing pride and behaving like a slave. He is unsuitable to
become a father; pride of his bloodline is broken. I would not want to be ancestor of any
M Dogs, nor should you. To display what little pride they have left, M Dogs may play
cool in front of others, but they are easily defeated by those that have a future and dream;
after all, pride of M Dogs have no real basis to back them up.

To an M Dog, other men having a dream and future excites jealousy [ also excites self
hatred ], the M Dog will keep on calling other men “sexists” wishing to reduce them to
the same state he is in. Due to feminists media control and method talk, an illusion that
“there are a lot of feminists and M Dogs around” is created, encouraging men with
weakened factor two pride to become M Dogs. Since central motive of feminism is its
unspoken “gain with hard work,” and since greedy girls tend to get men with weakened
factor two prides, genetically children becomes psychologically weaker and more greedy

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and selfish. This trait, by evolution, creates a generation that is even more
psychologically weaker and even more greedy and selfish. I am afraid the world we are in
will be populated by psychologically evil population that do not create by themselves and
constantly try to trick another to work.

Be reminded, what makes a man great or not is not his knowledge, not intelligence, not
even leadership. What makes a man great is his determination. A man without
determination to chase after his dream can only grow from a small shrimp to a big fat
shrimp, nothing more.

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Psychological evil patterns, or in short form “psych-evil pattern”, are methodologies to
win an argument or create brainwashing effect by disregarding ethical principles. A
methodology to convince others with regard to ethics is not a psych-evil pattern.
Therefore, a requirement for psych-evil pattern is that it must violate ethics, because
“evil” is opposition to ethics [ read previous section ]. Psych-evil patterns can be used
individually or collectively, some patterns can be used inside another pattern. Usage of
psych-evil patterns to achieve a goal is called “method talk,” and it is defined later.
Patterns are group into pattern group; some patterns do not have a group yet.

Ethics requires an ordering of importance of natural rules, listed not exhaustively:

survival of race, product of hard work belongs to the workers, those who do will decide,
majority rules, children carry duty not blame of parents, same punishment / reward for
same deed, strong wins over weak, wrong method of doing things are wrong, an eye for
an eye, honesty without selfishness …so on. I attempt to order them in decreasing
importance. Children carry duty from parents such as protection of achievement they
create. The word “wrong” in “wrong method of doing things are wrong” can be better
described by the word “unethical.” The wordings “without selfishness” need to be added
to the word “honesty” to avoid committing ‘hide the sentence psych-evil pattern.’

This section stands independent of other sections. Learning psych-evil pattern give you
defense when you watch media controlled by feminists or argue with feminists, because
you can detect their use of psych-evil pattern and thus their disregard for ethics and social


This is the group containing most psych-evil patterns. Patterns under this group provide a
pretty camouflage sounding nice to the ear, to hides true intention of the method talk.
The name came from the act of wrapping a poison with pretty candy wrapper;
because it look like a candy and it looks pretty, you don’t think twice before putting
it in your mouth. Pattern under this group violate various natural rules; mainly survival
of race, product of hard work belongs to the workers, those who do will decide, majority
rules, and children carry duty not blame of parents. There are a lot other psych-evil
patterns under this group than listed, because there are many terms a feminist can use for
the candy wrapper to act as camouflage.


“Rights” served as the candy wrapper, “Avoid social duty and avoid justice from
being delivered” is the poison. This pattern violates the natural rule “survival of race”
Already shown in section one, the word “rights” do not carry with it accompanied social
responsibility. A correct term to use is “social duty” because rights to do something

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should be necessitated by the social duty. Example of usage is feminists claiming “right
to work and therefore men should also take care of children and do housework.” There is
nothing wrong with the phrase “right to work.” What is wrong is the poison, “therefore
men should also take care of children and do housework.” Work is voluntary [ for
women ], but social duty is mandatory to ensure survival of race, yet feminists want to
dump part to all of their social duties as women onto men, when men already has their
social duties and have never attempted once in history dumping their social duties onto
women. Note work is voluntary for women, but not for men, since the social duty
“provide for his family” falls on men; men also has the social duties “Fight to protect
culture, ethics and race” that could possibly cost him his life, “protect pride of his race,”
and “deal with problems created by previous generations” among others.


“Progress and change” served as the candy wrapper, “cultural damage and law
change to allow unethical behavior” is the poison. This pattern attempts to violate some
or all of natural rules, most of the time it violates “product of hard work belongs to the
workers”. One example is feminists claiming “Because women in the past are in
supporting roles, so by progress and change this needs to change; now women should be
the one getting hired in companies.” Same as other patterns under the group poison candy
wrapper; there is nothing wrong with the wrapper “progress and change,” had it only
mean technological and technology technique advances. What is wrong is the poison
“now women should be the one getting hired in companies”. When businesses
unconsciously accepts [ eats the poison ], they are not only violating natural rule “strong
wins over weak” [ men are genetically stronger in carrying out their traditional social
duties than women, women are genetically stronger in carrying out their traditional social
duties than men ], but also violates current law system. The law dictate businesses should
hire based upon ability and probability of delivering contribution, not by gender nor skin
color; that is, businesses should disregard gender and skin color on each and every
applicant when making hiring decision. In other words, feminists support exactly
opposite to what the law dictates while using name of the law as the candy wrapper.

Section 3.2 FEMINISM shows feminists have been planning this feminism evil campaign
for a long time; companies have hired feminists unconsciously, who rises to status of
hiring managers during this campaign, and in terms make their company hire based upon
gender. Feminists does not equal to women. Men participated in production, women
play supporting role and thus also participated, feminists never participated in
production since their creation. They are a group of individuals with the mindset of
“How can I gain without hard work” as they are jealous of others enjoying products
of hard work. The fastest way is to method talk men into slaves, and as women take over
the nation’s wealth they as women feminists can achieve “gain with hard work”. This
violates the natural rule “product of hard work belongs to the workers.” Since it is
possible to take over products of my hard work through method talk, who want to hard
work anymore? Looking at Scandinavian countries having feminists already achieving
their campaign, women occupied best positions in the society, their men [ should I say M
Dogs ] served as slaves having products of their hard work taken away from them.

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Entrepreneur spirit has already died off, since entrepreneur spirits came from men’s
social duty “Fight to protect culture, ethics and race” that could cost him his life [ or cost
of his wealth and time for entrepreneurs ]. Immigration is, and must be used, to
compensate for this. This is examples of unstable societies. Their society is already a
scatter sand of individuals; despite everyone is alive, their race is already on a brink of
dying out.

It should be noted that product of hard work includes not just resulting wealth, but also
happiness from creating and owning the result. Because man fulfilling duty to produce
“to provide for his family” that he also earned the right to be happy over it.

This psych-evil pattern is often used in conjunction with posing psych-evil pattern group
to achieve brainwashing effects. Example is feminists argument “Time has changed,
everyone around you have changed, you must change.” Here “everyone around you have
changed” is the application of “As-is” psych-evil pattern under the group posing.


Similar to “Rights” psych-evil pattern, but uses a different candy wrapper “no
oppression.” The poison here is also “Avoid social duty and avoid justice from being
delivered.” This pattern violates the natural rule “survival of race.” By playing as “the
victim” feminists avoids their unethical methodology from being under attack, providing
camouflage, and protection to true intention of the method talk. In previous section we
see that a social duty changes its form over time, but should never be discarded or traded,
because origin of social duty came from natural rule “survival of race.” By today’s
standard, feminists often claim “they as women have been oppressed in the past due to
their past social duty”. One example is “women in the past have social duty that they
marry whom their parents decide,” this is not acceptable by today’s standard. What
feminists did not mention is social duty of men in the past are also not acceptable by
today’s standard: “a men should suicide had he conducted unethical acts so to protect
pride of his bloodline.” Who is the one under oppression now?

The previous example shows feminists using the pattern together with “hide the
sentence” psych-evil pattern group. In US, the pattern is also used in conjunction with the
psych-evil pattern “Jealousy ally.” This allows feminists to gain allies [ feminists still
hides their ultimate goal from gained allies ] by convincing would-be ally they have been
oppressed in the past too and therefore should form ally with feminists.

Unfortunately the ally, those with black color skin, feminists gained this time have really
been oppressed by racism [ oppression not justified under ethics to ensure survival of
race ] in the past, ending in their loyalty. Usage of “jealousy ally” is a desperate act
because feminists must continue hiding goal of their method talk and make sure their new
ally do not rebel by feeding it “jealousy” and threaten rebellion with possible media
badmouthing the ally. Feminists have one goal, and two conditions they act. “Fear for
disruption of plan” explains why they use “jealousy ally” against a black president.

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Men do not [ probably cannot ] use this psych-evil pattern because the act of playing as
“the victim” brings immediate question of his manhood.


This psych-evil pattern uses different candy wrapper “equality” with same poison
and same violation of the natural rule “survival of race” as “no oppression” psych-evil
pattern. Equality is not listed as a natural rule because genetic differences do not support
equality. In nature, equality is a non-existing concept; when equality is mentioned, it
actually means the natural rule “same punishment / reward for same deed.” Using word
“equality” to mean “to be treated the same” is an application of “hide the sentence’
psych-evil pattern, because feminists use it to mean “to be treated the same when
different deeds and contributions is performed” [ violation of “same punishment / reward
for same deed” ] and “enforce same ability” [ violation of “strong wins over weak” ].

Feminists uses equality psych-evil pattern to claim “because working women needs more
free time, businesses should allow women to work less but earn the same amount as
everyone whom worked normal durations” [ violation of “same punishment / reward for
same deed” ]. According to SEIGI’s information, the head of law system in Canada, a
feminist woman, has attempted to support above claim. Feminists in Scandinavian
countries also changed laws to “enforce men to take same amount of time off work when
his wife takes maternity leave, and both receive paid time off work by the government.”
The entire sentence is a very pretty candy wrapper to attract immigrants; the problem
comes as the poison. The poison itself is inside “hide the sentence” psych-evil pattern.
What sentence do they hide and what is the poison? They did not tell you that “such large
amount of money comes from taxes drawn from earnings and earnings come from
working. So we are punishing men that do not marry to produce children and we are
punishing men that work more hours.” The poison is “taking large amount of money
away as taxes from men that worked long hours but never contributes to its owner” and
“attempt to deny Freedom of Choice to refuse marriage to produce children.” I learned
one thing; feminists in Scandinavian countries are capable of making elaborate method
talk, you are in for trouble if you let them do the thinking for you.

Feminists argue that “because working women needs more free time, both men and
women should work less time to achieve same earnings” is an application of equality
psych-evil pattern “enforcing same ability” to bring about lowest common denominator,
violating natural rule “strong wins over weak.” This feministic argument is similar to a
chicken telling all other birds: "We are all birds and because I can't fly, all of you
are not allow to fly." This is clearly not how stable and strong societies are made.

It is curious why we men are constantly under feministic method talk attacks. Is it
because we do not take initiatives to attack women with method talk? How about this?
Women live 6-7 years more than men by nature, why not lobby for a law dictating
women are not allow to live longer than their partner? Isn’t that the same as feminists’

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Same as “progress and change” psych-evil pattern, feminists support exactly opposite to
what equality means while using name of equality as the candy wrapper. Any concept
defined in term of itself can be made into a candy wrapper, thus mankind need to strictly
define dictionary terms down to basic elements as what I have done in section one.


The name came from description of Jo-ous whom pose as high and mighty, but just
as a bloated balloon meet a prick; Jo-ous have nothing backing up their false pride.
Psych-evil patterns under this group achieve wanted brainwashing effects by inducing
fear in mankind. This requires certain degree of control of media, but this can be done
easily using patterns from “hide the sentence” psych-evil pattern group. Patterns from
this group violate various natural rules, mainly product of hard work belongs to the
workers, majority rules, strong wins over weak, and wrong method of doing things are
wrong. Application of psych-evil patterns under this group achieves wanted brainwashing
effects by creating an illusion that natural rules have been abided.


Usage of this pattern is to pose something as what it is not, or to create an illusion
that something exists when such thing cannot be proven to exist. The first use is
brainwashing. Feminists use this pattern to conduct brainwashing by using the media to
create an illusion that “everyone around you is feminists, and every country around your
country is feministic.” This is done by having falsified news containing outrageous
feministic information being delivered to you during a period of time. The goal [ or you
can call it the poison ] is to peer pressure you into becoming a feminist. Peer pressure is
an application of the natural rule “majority rules,” because to conform to the rule, we
want our own opinion to be the same as the majority. Peer pressure from others affects
you the same way as peer pressure from other countries to your country. But As-is psych-
evil pattern uses illusion to peer pressure you, that is, Peer pressure, but no such peer!
This violates the natural rule “majority rules” because it allows a small interest group to
masquerade as the entire population.

Brainwashing will not be very successful if you start talking to people to find out they
actually do not support feminism; therefore feminists make sure the news are
outrageously discriminative to men to create fear within mankind. Fear of discrimination
prevents men from grouping together to find out that people actually do not support
feminism. To create fear, feminists use as-is psych-evil pattern to create the illusion that
men are the weaker sex than women, violating natural rule “strong wins over weak.”
Some example of outrageous news used by feminists are “women get better job by
knowing other women, not for men,” and “women are the prouder sex, men are the lustier
sex.” Notice feminists also places clause containing the word “men” after clause
containing “women,” to make violation of “strong wins over weak” more apparent.

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The third use of this psych-evil pattern creates an imaginary issue to divert public
attention from a discussion. There is nothing wrong with diverting attention, but
achieving diversion of attention using an imaginary issue is a violation of ethical
principle “honesty” therefore wrong, the mindset that one can get away with it violating
the natural rule “wrong way of doing things are wrong.”

Feminists also uses as-is psych-evil pattern to pose something as what it is not, for
example, by claiming women are better managers than men. The illusion is “women are
better managers than men,” the poison is the intention to brainwash businesses to hire
women as managers. This is a violation of “strong wins over weak” [ because men are
stronger at their traditional social duty than women ] and “same punishment / reward for
same deed.” If merely by applying as-is psych-evil pattern allows another to jump
upward in the corporate ladder, no one will want to work from the bottom up
anymore and everyone will want to apply as-is psych-evil pattern. For example, your
culture will be damaged if someone with long nose hair applies as-is psych-evil pattern
claiming mankind with long nose hair makes better CEOs and such brainwashing is allow
to succeed. People appointed to the top of corporate ladder without experiences working
from the bottom up cannot appreciate nor understand the work done by those in the

Fear in men prevents them from solving current crisis and from involving actively in their
social duties, men will either leave the country or “huddle into a ball” in an attempt to
escape the illusion created by feminists. Together with feminists using “progress and
change” psych-evil pattern, this allows feminists to capture position of power easily now
without involving herself in contention [ but contention is suppose to be there to ensure
those in position of power do have necessary skills, and experiences / seniority deserving
the job ]. The goal feminists are aiming for is “Drive men out of their nation, take
over all the wealth they and their ancestors produced.” This violates “product of hard
work belongs to the workers.”

Other examples where as-is psych-evil pattern are used can be found in product
advertisements, product packaging and salary negotiation. In these cases, the poison is
the attempt to obtain more money or salary than what the product is worth in economic
perfect competition.


Similar to patterns under “poison candy wrapper” group, feminists use patterns from
“hide the sentence” psych-evil group to camouflage goal of their method talk by hiding
important sentences related to their goal. This allows them to create sentences with very
evil underlying idea but appears justified to the ear. Usage of this pattern allows feminists
to talk themselves as if they are victims justified of “an eye for an eye” attack on
mankind, or what they have been doing should not be stopped nor punished. Usage of
patterns under this group violates all natural rules listed.

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Usage of this pattern hide sentences that leads to the evil goal of method talk, and
expose only sentences sounding nice to the ear tricking you to accept it. This pattern
allows feminists to brainwash mankind into their mindset as well as avoiding their evil
goal from being discussed and revealed. Wide usage of this pattern by feminists on media
causes men whom do not have defenses against psych-evil pattern to puzzle on whether
they should stop feminism or not, at the same time feminists uses this chance to further
their expansion into various media. As the situation changed into their favor, feminists
issues stronger versions of ‘hide the sentence’ psych-evil pattern but their evil goal is still
“Drive men out of their nation, take over all the wealth they and their ancestors produced,
and brainwash every generation afterwards so all men become M Dogs.” For example,
feminists claim that “woman earn less in the past than man so women should take over
jobs of men. “ Feminists prepare this sentence to appear pretty to the ear, but hide the
sentence that women are working less, or work at jobs that naturally pay less in the past.”
They also hides the sentences that working conditions in the past are not acceptable by
today’s standard [ for example, working at a boiler is a high pay but life threatening job ]
that women chose to avoid them. They also hide the sentence that there are many men
whom have died on their job compare to women in the past; their dangerous job demands
high salary; feminists also ignored higher proportion of men living in worse living
conditions than women [ for example, count the number of homeless deaths by gender ].
The poison does not stops here, the sentiment that women should take over jobs of men is
another application of ‘hide the sentence psych-evil pattern’ because feminists are
suggesting job hiring decisions based on gender [ or skin color or sexual preference as an
feminists offer through ‘jealousy ally psych-evil pattern’ ] rather than ability or seniority.
This violates not just current law system but also the natural rules “product of hard work
belongs to the workers”, “majority rules”, and “strong wins over weak.”

Natural rule “an eye for an eye” is also violated because women have never been
oppressed compared to men, but feminists exploits this violation to create a sentiment
that women have been oppressed in the past and need to conduct an eye for an eye
revenge on men. Facing unethical gain without impediment, women with jo-ou
tendencies openly accepts and spread the method talk, brainwashing others and
themselves while feeling fully self-justified with no theoretical nor ethical background
whatsoever. This is a question of greed. Feminism trend induces anger in women and fear
in men. Most men are surprised by such unjustified attacks by women like their loved
ones, and many men in this generation have gotten accustomed to a comfortable life
that they forget their own social duties includes protecting the race and culture.
When mankind was created [ or evolved from whatever ], genetics of women includes
tendencies to protect whatever they have gained using any method. This means even
normally rational women, when under influenced by feminists, will resists fixing up the
culture even by trending on ethics. Feminists will apply double standards, applying ethics
when it benefits them but trend on ethics when it does not. Men whom failed their social
duties, being pampered into M Dogs will live a status of a dog, being fed dog biscuits at
the jo-ou’s mercy.

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Feminists have used this pattern extensively [ go check the media yourself ], another
example of its usage is feminists claim that “we did not ask men to protect the race or go
to war.” The hidden intention of feminist is to prevent men from fulfilling their social
duties, making them easier to pamper into an M Dog. Further, feminists do not appreciate
what their father and forefathers have done for them. SEIGI has reported that during
Remembrance Day, feminists have disgraced the marching by running in front of the
procession shouting and laughing as if they are the one whom actually went to the war.
Feminists do not appreciate the fact they are able to live a happy life now is because
men like our father and forefathers have fought and died in service. Whatever pain
feminists thought they experienced is no match for someone whom died for greater cause;
feminists is quick to point out mistakes but never knew the pains of those soldiers. Russia
has taken brave steps in stopping feminism from disgracing their soldiers; is our blood
worth less than a Russian? [ if you are a Russian you might agree but …]
I would like to see how a feminist would pray in front of graves of those that sacrificed in
the war.

I will offer two other classic examples that applies ‘hide the sentence psych-evil pattern‘.
One is jo-ou’s typical thought patterns “I am just here to pursue my happiness, what is
wrong with that?” and “I am the only one who is suffering.” Another example is a
salesman whom persuaded you to buy their product for a cheap price but mailed you an
invoice later with many other hidden charges added on top. At this point you have
enough defenses against psych-evil patterns to work through these two examples on your


We use labels on everything, what is thin, fat, good, ugly so on. Most labels are
created in conformance to the natural rule “survival of race” and other ethical principles;
because by attaching negative feeling to a label like ‘ugly’ or ‘dirty,’ survival of race as a
whole may be ensured. But, labels can be misused. Like all dictionary terms defined in
terms of itself, feminists can use these labels on someone when the action is completely
in violation of the meaning of the label. Usage of the pattern violates natural rules of
“survival of race” and “honesty without selfishness.” Similar to ‘hide the sentence psych-
evil pattern,’ using this pattern allows feminists to avoid deep discussion that may reveal
their hidden evil motive of the method talk.

‘Terrorist’ is a label long being used for someone threatening the race and culture
unethically for self gain [ whether the gain is realistic like money or imaginary ], but
feminists are using the term on men whom are trying to protect their race and culture.
The label ‘sexist’ and ‘feminist’ is another classic example of labels invented by
feminists to avoid their motive of “gain without hard work” from being under discussion.
‘Feminist’ is a label created by feminists to have the meaning ‘support of equality,’
providing camouflage to their goal as well as avoiding anyone putting their deeds under
scrutiny. Feminists also invented the label ‘sexist’ to mean ‘not supporting equality.’ The
label is applied to anyone threatening to reveal feminist’s evil goals; once the label is

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applied the public attention is diverted to the label rather than the issue at hand, avoiding
feminist’s goal from revealed as well as preventing men from getting together that could
disrupt feminism plan. With plenty of feminists grouping together pressuring men to
become M Dogs, the unethical deeds feminists supports and amount of men been
humiliated by feminism, what feminists have done have nothing related to supporting
“same punishment / reward for same deed”, but rather using ‘equality psych-evil pattern’
leading to happiness for feminists and sadness for others. The act is not honest and full of
selfishness, which is a clear violation of “honesty without selfishness.”

This box is my rant space. I leave a bit of anger in these boxes.

Woman are jealous of men because they seen to have everything. What they did not see is
that men put in incredible amount of work and pain to achieve their current status. No one
wants to risk life, wealth, or future to a great extent, even sacrifices for others, but spirit
of men makes that happen. Even as a man there are a lot of things we cannot get, but
women thinks if there is anyone having that, then she must get it, and if she don’t she
starts acting up. The world is not so easy to live in. Those that wants all but wants
neither responsibility nor hardship of any, is just pure garbage. Every time you gain
something you also take hardship, the amount you can gain is the amount of hardship you
are willing to take. That is equivalent trade.

Beware of woman whom wants both love and work but want neither responsibility nor
hardship of any; do not get in relationship with them, you would do much better living
elsewhere than getting in relationship with such garbage. I would rather die than sell out
my spirit of men. After all, in your darkest hours, only spirit of men will guide you,
not these women.

Feminists’ deeds create fears in mankind, people lost of hope for the future, leading to
further economic downfall. Business sectors thought feminism is the new trend, and
release advertisements offensive to men as well as violating the natural rule “product of
hard work belongs to the workers,” digging themselves a deeper grave to sleep in.
Survival of race is already in danger. Feminists also advertise the label ‘respect’
demanding others to be polite to them, but ‘respect’ is suppose to mean “politeness
towards those that follows ethics and oppression towards those that do not.” Respect is a
term supposed to aid ‘survival of race,’ but is being abused by feminists to violate
‘survival of race.’

Another use of labeling psych-evil pattern is for an opposition trying to camouflage their
goal by repeating an attack that could reveals their goal; the entire attack is seen as a label.
For example, by repeating sentences like “he said …” but avoid reflecting upon it in front
of public. If it is paced properly, it will cause the public to not think about the issue
seriously, successfully camouflages the underlying goal.


There are more psych-evil patterns than those listed. People can invent patterns but not

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give reasons for why these patterns violate natural rules; creating confusions in public
that can be exploited for self gain. All patterns listed here have real world usage examples
as well as clear definitions to avoid such confusion. Here are some patterns I have not put
them in a group yet, but they are also powerful psych-evil patterns that can create
massive cultural damage.


Already introduced under ‘no oppression psych-evil pattern,’ jealousy ally psych-
evil pattern allows feminists to gain ally not by persuasion with ethics, but by creating an
illusion the ally have been oppressed in the past too and therefore should form ally with
feminists. This is a desperate act by feminism because feminists must hide the goal of
their method talk from the newly gained ally, and make sure their new ally do not rebel
by brainwashing the ally they should be jealous of those that ‘oppresses them’ and
threaten rebellion by ally with possible media badmouthing the ally. The poison here is to
prevent would-be ally in position of power to disrupt feminism plan and to avoid
punishments, and to manipulate the ally with seduction of either personal gain or gain for
the group the ally belongs to. Side effects of using this pattern are more powerful than
direct application of the pattern. To use this pattern successfully, an interest group such as
feminists must have control of media surrounding the would-be ally to create an illusion
that feminist idea represents the entire population. Use of the pattern violates many
natural rules, mainly “product of hard work belongs to the workers,” “those who do will
decide” and “children carry duty not blame of parents.”

To claim you should hate the children whose parents have oppressed you due to skin
color is a violation of “children carry duty not blame of parents.” Receiving less pay
compare to a white skin color man when you have same probability of delivering same
amount of work and have conducted same amount of work, is a violation of “same
punishment / reward for same deed;” but you should seek justice against the individual
that oppresses you instead of hating everyone with white skin, not to mention feminism
that creates hatred and jealousy in you is manipulating you like an emotional toy amidst
your anger. In US, lobbying by feminists through media control enables large portion of
tax dollars flow towards feminism. Feminists creates the illusion that feminists are
victims and everyone supports feminism by embedding fabricated news in media and
sample ‘intentionally selected’ population in census, tricking the president to think
supporting feminists interests increases his supporters. This is a violation of “product of
hard work belongs to the workers,” and “those who do will decide;” because tax dollars
came from mankind participated in production, whom being oppressed by feminism
voted for a new leader to bring justice. But the leader being ‘jealousy allied’ with
feminism leads to further advances of feminism evil plan. Betrayal of mankind’s trust for
justice and hope is the side effect.

The following paragraph is contributed by SEIGI; being yellow skin color and having
Chinese ancestry gives him more persuasion power here. People can be oppressed or feel
being oppressed, we need concrete methods such as being paid less for same contribution
of work to justify claims. Chinese have been contracted to come to North America to

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build railroads for a cost much lower than a white. Blacks have been sold to North
America to serve as cheap labor as well. But, these are contracts agreed and signed in the
past and follows law in the past. Yes, law in the past do not prevent contract resulting in
lower pay when same deed is conducted, nor does the law in the past prevent human
trafficking. But these are contracts agreed, done, signed, and paid [ for Blacks, the money
goes not to the one being sold but to the one whom sold them ], so demanding
compensation using current law against past law is not ethical [ also because you cannot
guarantee current law is the most ethical because law is an incomplete translation of
ethics ]. This is not a competition for who gets oppressed more in the past so you
deserve more sympathy, you cannot ensure survival of race and society this way.
Moreover the one keep on asking for compensation came from current generation
whereas it is the past generations that have received lower pay; this is another problem of

Feminists claim they have being oppressed in the past follows same discussion under
section 2.1, that they intentionally ignore law have been oppressing men more than
women either past or current, working conditions have been worse in the past for men,
more men have died on the job, more men have faced death by poverty, sickness and so
on. Feminism also ignore it is men’s social duty to provide for his family and failure to
do so ends up in him under pressure by society, but women do not face such pressure on
or during work as long as she can take care of her social duty of taking care of housework
and children. In fact, feminists are supporting the idea that men should take part to all of
social duties of women, ending in women having no social duty, and women simply
works for personal gain. This is the reason why many women are happily
supporting feminism. To achieve the unspoken goal “gain without hard work,” feminists
are asking to be treated favorably because they are women [ such as during US election a
feminist reporter saying the sentence “you should vote for her because she is a women” ],
but at the same time, feminists are asking for equality? Besides refusing to participate in
production in the past when working conditions are bad, now they want to take over your
job when working condition improves due to your hard work. Also they are not thankful
of your father and forefather’s input and sacrifices. Feminists are demanding to be hired
in work when probability of them delivering same deed is low, and demanding same pay
when actual delivered deed is lower than deserved; feminists want a work environment
never experienced by men, that is both comfortable but also high pay to women. Business
competitiveness drops when they accept this poison, not to say hired feminists in the
business creates work environment hostile to men, lowering morale and the intention to
contribute more than others.

Jealousy ally itself is a very bad trade too. Not only is the ally seen as disposable,
accepting seductions to whatever gain, real or illusionary, weakens your factor two pride
and renders you as an emotional slave, toyed to their liking.


This pattern is applied when in a group, someone speaks out in the group, even if
the opinion is unpopular, as long as no one in the group speaks out against this opinion,

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such as this someone offering seduction of gain or threats of retaliation, this opinion will
be seemed by outsiders as the group’s sole opinion. Application of this pattern has
already shown as feminists interest group controls media, preventing anyone from
speaking out against feminism, and masquerade as the entire population. Creating peer
pressure when no such peers are present. Application of this pattern violates the natural
rule “majority rules.”

Another effect called “group effect” [ a psychology term, I hope I have it translated
correctly ] causes each feminist to feel they have not done something wrong, because
they acts as a group, sharing the guilt of messing up the economy and culture of the world.


Method talk is an application of psych-evil patterns. Method talk is not purposeless, it has
a purpose, that is “an evil goal” camouflaged under application of psych-evil patterns
[ you can call the goal an “evil goal” by ethical principle “wrong method of doing things
are wrong” ]. There are currently no laws in the western culture that punishes against
method talk, even though there are laws to punish physical violence.

Knowing psych-evil pattern give you defense but do not allow you to win arguments
against feminists, because pointing out they are using psych-evil patterns may not prevent
them from continuing using it. More importantly damages by psych-evil pattern have
already been created once they are used. Justice will have to be delivered and reversal of
damage will need to be performed [ read section 4.2 SOCIETY BEHAVE LIKE A
SPOON ] to learn how to reverse cultural damage.

There are other psych-evil patterns besides those listed, because there are many natural
rules forming ethics and a feminist can think up many ways to violate these rules. For
example, saying “Solve my issue now, because everyone has the same problem” can be
an application of as-is psych-evil pattern. Because this can be used to make someone
notice your problem as more important without clearly stating "who" exactly has the
same problem as you.

Method talk is usually a well planned brainwashing campaign and consists of a group of
psych-evil patterns applied in succession or together. Diagram 1 below illustrates basic
concept of a feminism attack cycle. Brainwashing starts with creation of crisis, such as
feminists issuing falsified news offensive to men, spread ideas to lower self-esteem of
men to weaken their factor two pride. It is better if another crisis such as global warming
or economic downturn happen alongside because negative effects can be blamed onto
another crisis. This is followed by media bombardment filled with psych-evil patterns
slowly increasing in strength and duration. Even after transforming many men into M
Dogs feminists will not stop because they have learned they can always gain happiness
by repeating the process, hence the backward arrows. Read next section for a full
discussion on Diagram 1.

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In this section we look at the entire conflict in a bigger perspective, allowing you to not
lose sight of what is important. For those in younger generations, feminism has already
achieved some of their milestones before you gained the ability to judge quality of
information; thus you may find some issues you never thought twice before supporting
are camouflages to an unethical goal. As mentioned in the Foreword / Summary section, I
am more mathematical than religious, so we will take look at those issues less from a
religious perspective.


Either mankind are created by god [ if you have a religion ] or simply evolved
[ mathematical and scientific basis ] through some catalysis, does not affect discussions
here. For people whom think mankind has evolved further due to technology advances,
that is not true. Basic needs of mankind since they appear up to now has not changed at
all, like needs for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, [ maybe ] sex and so on.
Technology only changes the form in which you obtain these needs, like from living in a
cave to now living in a house. Nor does greed generated from these needs changed as
well, but if everyone goes off doing what they like according to greed there will be no
society, because society is not a scatter sand of individuals. No one can live long term
without a society either. Maintaining the society means division of tasks according to
ability and genetic differences, like taking care of children, fighting to defend the race or
provide for the family. These tasks do not lead to basic needs but protects ways to obtain
them, and these tasks do not directly generate happiness either unlike the basic needs; so
without ethics no one will do these tasks.

Unlike western culture where Jesus and others discovered ethics, other cultures found the
same natural rules [ some by several hundred years of trial and error ] underlying ethics
and derived similar ethical principles. Stable societies thus formed and our economic and
technological advances built on top. Perhaps ethics came too easily to western cultures,
that some do not appreciate the pain it takes to derived it nor what it means to
protect. Some, like feminists, see ethics as an impediment to them achieving
happiness and seeks ways to destroy it; thus the conflict between chaos and order.
Because ethics and greed seeks to destroy each other, and greed exists in everyone from
the basic needs, you cannot get rid of greed but you can seal it temporarily; thus the
forever conflict between justice and evil. In order to ensure justice do not lose, some
cultures not only translate ethics into law but also protection of ethics into law as well.

Arriving at stable society, it is men’s duty to exert justice to protect his culture and race
and provide earnings to support his family, not women. It is woman’s duty to support
men by doing housework and taking care of children, not men. Even in non-western
cultures the same results are derived, this is because genetic difference between men and

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women is the same across all cultures. Table 1 below summarizes genetic differences by
gender leading to social duties, table 2 lists rights necessitated from social duties.

Table 1. Genetic differences and social duties

Genetic differences
1. Men are attracted to women with beauty, but definition of beauty changes to ensure survival
of race
2. Women are attracted to men able to provide stability towards her and children's living
3. Men live on average 6 years less than women
4. Women by natural instinct protect her face even during battle
5. Men are less afraid to risk their life and wealth for achievements of either real or imaginary
6. Men are prune towards anger and pride due to male hormones
7. Growth of muscle, its power and speed is on average faster on men than women
8. Women can breast feed children, not men
9. Women will protects what they have gained, like a child, using any method; unfortunately
this also mean they may use unethical methods to achieve deeds
10. Higher birthrate for male because protection of any object from 4 sides requires 4 people, 8
sides requires 8 people and so on.
Social duties
By points 3 to 7 and 10, men fights to protect race and culture
By points 5 to 7, men provides for his family [ or in preparation to do so ]
By points 1 to 4, 6 to 9, women take care of children and ensure children's survival [ or in
preparation to do so ]

It is interesting to note that definition of beauty changes to ensure survival of race. For
example, during past era when food is scarce, fat women are said to be beautiful, because
during these times fat women are more likely to have secure food sources for themselves
and their babies. Be reminded that population control is different from survival of race; a
race can survive even if there is only one citizen remaining, but that is not very desirable.
Men are less afraid to risk life but that does not mean wanting to die; death is always
mankind’s largest fear but to protect culture and race someone have to do this task. The
natural rule “product of hard work belongs to the workers” partly compensate for this.

Table 2. Social duties lead to ability to gain rights

point who social duties rights
decide where the tax dollar is going to [ for example,
1 Everyone pay tax right to vote ]
protection of race by upholding
2 Everyone ethics freedom of press, freedom of choice
Protect his belongings, pride, choose whom his
Fight to protect culture, ethics belongings goes to [ inheritance ]; society continue to
3 Men and race protect above items if he died in service.
4 Men Protect pride of race Celebrate and share national pride
Deal with problems created by
5 Men previous generations Inheritance from previous generations

Men after
6 marriage Provide for his family Wife take care of children and housework

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Women after Take care children and

7 marriage housework Husband provides for her and children

In almost all cultures, men never have given up on their social duty. As forms of the
social duty changes, some men still holds both the old form and new form of the same
social duty. One example is “fight to protect culture, ethics and race,” the social duty
dictates various rules in the past including the rule “man should not cry,” where many of
us still hold dear to this day. Feminists supports married women throwing their social
duties of “taking care of children and housework” [ table 2 point 5 ] onto men, and
compete against men [ some men will not be able to provide for his family due to this ]
for job positions towards self gain. Without impediment, feminists are supporting
discarding their social duty of “protection of race by upholding ethics,” but at the same
time want to keep their rights to speech, freedom of press and freedom of choice. Men
respects the natural rule “children carry duty not blame of parents” and are carrying
enough duties already, with some extra duties [ and wealth possibly ] inherited from his
father and ancestry; giving women less duties already and now women want to take this
one step further?

One interesting effect of feminism advances in throwing away women’s social duty of
‘protection of race’ in North America is that most women did not buy their own
American products, especially cars. This depletes their race but increase self gain.


If you have a religion this subsection is more spiritual to you, but to me it is more
statistical. Results presents in this subsection can be seeing iffy, so test it out yourself. In
general, father is a representation of “why you are here” and mother “where you came
from.” Those having a father with weak factor two pride felt a thin purpose for being in
this world. They may be intelligent beings but will have lower entrepreneur spirit and
lower acceptance to risk; most of them will live without purposes other than living, some
will continuously, and crazily search for a purpose for being born to this world.

This is because the set of social duties taken by married men provides stability and
growth for the family, and the children has in their genetics came to rely on such stability
since mankind evolved [ other genetic trait of a child include looking helpless to trigger
sympathy in predators, preventing predators from harming it ]. Psychological state and
upbringing can reflected what kind of fathers a child has, regardless of whether the child
is male or female. A strict father leads to a psychologically strong man with principles or
a kindhearted traditional / abled woman. Too much spoiling, including sparing too much
time on children by the father, lead to dependency and lack of independence of children.
Sparing no time on the kids or having no father leads to confusion of ethics, lack of life
purposes [ other than running to mama ] and children constantly feeling insecure and this
may translate into future problems with justice. A father with low pride and power
control leads to aimless children constantly searching for happiness, waiting to die.

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Relative degree of power control by the father over the mother as observed in other
mammals leads to strong contrast between feelings of what is right and wrong in children,
leading to children with strong principles. A very strong and strict father whom do not
spoil children [ the mother is freely to choose to spoil the children ], leads to children that
becomes major cornerstones of society [ many infrastructures and inventions in the world
offering you stability and growth are performed in a relatively short time frame in the
past by those that came from traditional families ]. By saying fathers who are strict, this
does not necessary mean loads of muscle but rather father with strong factor two pride,
strong principle of right and wrong, and those able to take actions when needed. Children
of such fathers are also much less selfish [ less likely to abuse their power for self benefit,
not likely to betray their friends and so on ] and have the wisdom to not blindly follow
trends [ trend is a assertion of peer pressure, unless having real scientific improvements,
submission into trend is to reduce insecure feeling ]. Even if at the beginning, men whom
have great fathers do not look particularly threatening and are not masters of anything,
they will eventually become leaders naturally.

Motherly involvements are for language and basic knowledge, and for nurturing. Despite
motherly involvements with body and brain developments, this has nothing to do with
ethical, manly, nor life purpose development (because no matter how much a woman try
to raise her kids by herself and teach them ethics, the kid will naturally reject ethics
taught that are thought to be inconvenient to their current way of life; however a father
can teach kids pride which overrides this condition). There are many prides but they are
all eventual derivations from “lack of fear to death,” which came as part of men’s social
duty “fight to protect culture, ethics and race.” This is the reason why a father with
strong factor two pride [ and other prides considered spirit of men ] can teach pride,
not the mother, because woman do not choose death over life when facing choices of
pride, especially when children are present. Children having an unwomanly mother
lead to children having social structure confusion and runs into risks of feminism evil,
which tear society apart.

The belief that wisdom increases with age is not always true because wisdom is not a
simple pattern matching between causes and results, but full understanding of the natural
rules underlying society of mankind. There are feminists that are of older age as well, but
keeping their eye on what they want to gain without regard for what happens to the rest
of society, is no different than a kid trying to kick you off the swing in the playground
because she want to use it. Jo-ou attracts M dogs because having attractive appearance
partly satisfies men with lack of self-confidence and pride into blind lust for women’s

Men that have psychologically strong fathers and kindhearted mothers grows up to
be fathers, men that have M Dog fathers and Jo-ou mothers grows up to be fodders.


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Feminists actually exists much earlier than when the word “feminism” is invented. It
starts out as a group of individuals thinking they are the only ones always suffering in the
world while others are enjoying products of hard work. That even when doing the works
themselves somehow others seemed to end up with larger, better products; that this is not
fair, they need to have revenge and justifiably take over the happiness by any mean
possible. Since men has social duty to provide for his family, men cannot stop to
participate in such discussion for long periods, and goes back to try again. Trying again
may end up in the men not joining the discussion further, because he may have succeeded
after inputting much hard work. Those individuals feeling them have been oppressed and
betrayed, establishes a common goal to “gain without hard work.” To avoid punishment
and to gain ally the word “feminism” is invented to mean equality [ especially when they
take over another’s product of hard work ]. But even after taking over others’ product of
hard work, these individuals still do not know how to produce them or how to improve
them, even if they knew they do not want to participate because they can always gain
products of hard work if they can trick others to work for them.

Feminists cannot demand another to hand over his products of hard work and give them
his job, especially when everyone is taking their social duties seriously in a stable society.
Society has ethics and laws, law can be changed but not ethics. So feminists’ first step is
to prevent law from being a complete translation of ethics, then gather ally with jealousy
ally psych-evil pattern, and change law to avoid punishment as well as achieve their
milestones. Diagram 1 is abstract because it does not explain how brainwashing and
cultural damage occurs [ unless you read section 2 already ], nor does it explains
feminism milestones in their plans. Diagram 2 shows feminism milestones by expanding
the hexagon in Diagram 1. In order to avoid men from fighting back, feminists require
control of media and have media overpowers the law system, and exploit men’s
psychological weaknesses such as:

• Men tend to protect their pride by saying “I am letting feminists do this to me,”
or dodging this issue by blaming all effects on bad economy and money
launderers without mentioning feminism nor cultural damage.
• Mankind’s tendency to forgive mistakes when there is too many violators to
• Mankind’s tendency to talk but not do.
• By advertising the idea of mother, feminists attempt to make men into mindset of
little boys, successfully avoiding them from fighting back.
• Feminists can act as victims of oppression seeking sympathy [ feminists do not
give sympathy when they conduct their milestones though ].

In Diagram 2, boxes with thicker borders indicate feminists have achieved this milestone
already. When “respect life” is mentioned, it means no one has rights to own nor destroy
a fellow mankind, because life is created by god [ if you are religious ] and does not
belong to man nor woman. Religious people tend to protect this principle highly, because
when life is not created by either side, then both sides have no rights to own nor
destroy a fellow mankind. However when milestones 1.3 and 1.5 are in progress,
milestone 1.4 can be easily achieved by feminists because now life does not belong to

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some higher entity. Right to production, owning and destroying a fellow mankind means
these people are treated as investments, lead naturally to a virtual hierarchy within
mankind that some may serve as eternal slaves. This serves feminists’ underlying
principles because by making women at top of this hierarchy they can have their revenge
as well as allowing them to gain without hard work.

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Milestone 2.1 to 2.3 have been completed by feminists, milestone 2.4 had been achieved
in Scandinavian nations and some western European nations such as Germany. In US,
milestone 1.4 is in progress. It is necessary feminists create fear in mankind by media
manipulation to avoid men from fighting back, because feminists act on “fear for
disruption of plan” and “wishful thinking”. For someone using elaborate method talk,
feminists fears their acts would escalate into bloodshed or war. Feminists’ involvement in
sports or martial arts is not a display of power but rather a display for their fear. You can
stop someone from grabbing your purse by martial art, but you cannot stop someone by
martial art if he is fighting to take back justice.

To ensure achieved milestone stays intact, feminists not only exert control over news
channel such as BBC, but also “new editioned” coupon flyers, newspapers and children’s
textbooks, besides sending out large amount of feminists to spread rumors and behave
like jo-ou in public. The purpose of presenting new editioned history book to high school
kids is because teenagers have not gained ability to distinguish quality of information
[ this ability is gained after adulthood or even later ], thus new editioned history
book as well as feministic rumors are taken as 'knowledge', without anyone judging
or questioning on its contents. To occupy media and distribute large amount of
advertisements requires a lot of money, where does these money came from? Since
feminism has underlying principles in “gain without hard work” with optional
camouflage of “equality” and other psych-evil patterns; feminists may consists of those
that uses camouflage [ causing feminism evil ], and feminists that do not use camouflage
[ instead they aim for money, money laundering techniques such as war, construction and
donation are used ]. For example, spend millions of dollar decorating his office when his
company is going bankrupt. This explains why money launderers do not mind
supporting feminism because they are of the same root, and it isn’t rare to see both of
them appearing together. Both do not take resulting cultural damage as their

This box is my rant space. I leave a bit of anger in these boxes.

There are speculations on how George W. Bush leads to spread of feminism evil. I
personally think he contracted feminism to advertise and deepen economic and global
warming crisis, as to divert public attention from money laundering and war crimes
committed when he was in office. He might not have known [ or care ] the danger of
releasing this monster called feminism. Because US have certain degree of media and
cultural control over rest of world, media control by feminism leads to its widespread.
Possibility of feminist politicians exists in both parties is there as well, but feminism
might have support originally from a political party [ that party must not care about its
people ]. Since Scandinavian nations have already succeeded several rounds of feminism
brainwashing, feminists from these nations might have participated in the planning and
coordination of feminism worldwide. Unfortunately there is law to govern physical
violence but not psychological evil [ only ethics does both ]. Feminism by use of
labeling psych-evil pattern has no natural enemy unlike political parties having
opposing party, unless we stop them. Women do not hate men but feminists do, and
when feminists are in position of power men will always get short end of the stick.

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Feminism gains ally mainly from women whom have been unlucky in the past [ or
persuaded by feminism that she is unlucky ] or men whom sympathize with these women,
by jealousy ally psych-evil pattern. Feminists exploit the fact men hold onto their social
duties more strongly than women and product of hard work appears more on men’s side
[ read section 3.1 PREHISTORY ]. That it is easy to emotionally toy with women to hate
all men. Milestone 1.1 has been achieved by feminism since 1960’s [ your father’s
generation ] and textbooks has been “new editioned” by feminism since that time. You
probably have supported “abortion rights” in the past without knowing it is a
“rights psych-evil pattern” nor it is a feminist milestone in their plan. Most women
do not know implications of milestone 2.1 that it leads to fewer job opportunities for men
[ men are generally weaker than women in competing for women’s traditional jobs ],
leading to men leaving the nation and reduction of possible future families that can be
formed. Canada has already experienced shortage of nurses because of milestone 2.1.
Feminism also attempts to preserve their status in society by advertising they are
savior of economic and global warming crisis, whereas they have no intention of
doing that themselves [ As-is psych-evil pattern ]. For example, feminism leads to
more women driving cars. While there is nothing wrong with that, more cars on the street
worsen global warming. Feminism are allow to grow not all because of politician’s faults,
political parties competing with each other naturally want their members to preserve their
political life, sometime at the expense of ignoring serious problems.

Fear, love, and hatred are strong emotions. Feminism achieved wanted brainwashing by
creating hatred in women towards men, creating fear within men and ensures some gains
goes to women as their jealousy ally. Women are concerned about marriage so gains are
related to marriage, such as Milestone 2.2 and making men into M Dogs. Feminists also
convince women that supporting feminism helping them achieve love, whereas this
is not true at all [ feminism lead to less potential families that can be established; jo-ou
attitudes are repulsive to men and only attract M Dogs ]. I will leave the most important
reason for next version of this book. Feminists’ involvement with religion is double
standards too. Feminists do not believe in god when it is convenient to them, such as
when mankind say that woman is created from man and both are created by god.
Feminists do believe in god when it is convenient to them, such as the idea that Jesus
supports monogamy rather than polygamy. Feminists generally act angry when their
goals are exposed or when things do not go their way; they are also likely to seek ally for
comfort. Besides being shameless and without sympathy, they act like wild monkeys,
having their power and anger coming from imagination and are very cooperative within


I will show in this subsection how feminism method talk creates several serious social
cycles that weakens and endangers the entire human race throughout time, by expanding
the parallelograms of Diagram 1 into Diagram 3 and 4. Both diagrams 3 and 4 are just a
review of section 2 which you should have already read. By application of psych-evil
patterns under Poison Candy Wrapper group through media control, feminists violates

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law but are not punished [ for example, to have businesses hire based upon gender or skin
color ], leading to law system being overpowered by media as displayed in Diagram 3.
Repeated application of this, creation of fabricated news and exploiting the fact current
law system is an incomplete translation of ethics leads to the public losing trust of its law

Psych-evil patterns used by feminists

Group Name Examples Violations of natural rules and other effects
Rights Right to work so men take care of children Survival of race
Progress and Product of hard work belongs to the workers
Women take over jobs of men
Strong wins over weak
Women are oppressed in feminism Survival of race
Poison Candy No Oppression perspective; women take revenge on men
Ineffective law system [ law overpowered by media ]
Wrapper with no intervention
ending in no punishment delivered
Women work less but earn same as normal
workers Same punishment / reward for same deed
Strong wins over weak
Both men and women work less
Freedom of choice
Majority rules
Create fear in mankind
Strong wins over weak
Posing As-is Everyone changed so you must change
Wrong way of doing things are wrong
Same punishment / reward for same deed
Product of hard work belongs to the workers
Majority rules
Hide the Women earn less than men in the past so Product of hard work belongs to the workers
sentence women should take revenge on men
Hide the Strong wins over weak
An eye for an eye
Feminism stands for equality and sexists are Survival of race
anyone opposing feminism
Honesty without selfishness
Using media as carrot and stick against a
Black president Product of hard work belongs to the workers
Jealousy Ally
Those described as oppressed by feminism Those who do will decide
should seek revenge
Children carry duty not blame of parents
Feminists damaging culture without feeling
Group Speak responsible Majority rules
Diagram 3. Expansion of Rhombuses in Diagram 1

Feminists are violating natural principle “wrong way of doing things are wrong” by “as-is
psych-evil pattern,” damaging ethics to achieve their happiness [ which they claim they
deserve ] but are not getting punished. By the same reason there is an increase of
crimes because there are multiple paths of achieving happiness, and unethical paths
are wide open when ethics are damaged. This is displayed in Diagram 4.

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Diagram 5.1 illustrates business related social cycles worsen by feminism. The onset of
current feminism attack requires feminists to create / advertise crisis both for
brainwashing [ Diagram 1 ] and is part of their escape plan [ Diagram 2 ]. Businesses
related to and unrelated to food raise their prices amidst the social instability ending in
Food Price Rise Cycle. This cycle eventually stops when consumption drop prevent
further price increase; this explains sudden food price increase at the onset of feminism
attack. The Weaker Business and Economy Crash Cycle shows how fear created by
housing bubble and large national debt [ money for war, money for money launderers and
feminists ] are exploited by feminism. Businesses are easily brainwashed amidst fear
for economic slowdown to hire base on gender and release advertisements to offend
loyal customers. Dropping sales and increase spending causes business to reduce
hiring, worsen already large unemployment rate leading to men with
entrepreneurship and skill to leave the nation [ most men love their homeland and are
willing to stay if culture improves; largest leave happens when Barack Obama fail to
reduce feminism after entering office ]. Dropping entrepreneurship in term increases
unemployment rate. Eventually prices for all goods will rise due to weaker business
practices. This is the reason why same goods such as water in European nations are more

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Food Price Rise Cycle

Price of rice and wheat rises

Feminism create fear in Advertisement of food
mankind by advertising / shortage due to food
creating various crisis distribution problem;
“buy local” idea on the
rise Companies importing other food
also increase price exploiting
Fear that corn being social instability for gain
used for ethanol could
lead to food shortage Consumer consumption
drops Company making other goods
unrelated to food also increase
price amidst social instability

Weaker Business and Economy Crash Cycle

Feminism induce Men with skills Large
anger in women and unemployment
towards men; entrepreneurship rate
create fear in men leave nation

advertisements / Reduce sale;
Feminists brainwash websites offensive profit drop
Fear for economic to men and loyal
businesses that
slowdown due to customers
feminism is the new
large national debt
trend that will save
and housing Businesses hire based
them from economy
bubble on gender and skin Reduce business
color and not competitiveness;
probability of delivering reduce output and
work nor actual increase spending
delivered work

Businesses pay same

amount to women
Price for goods
working less than
eventually rise for all
normal; assign women Reduce
sectors due to reduce
to high positions entreneurship
output and increase
without them working
from the bottom as

Women expects
comfortable work and
high pay

Diagram 5.1. Social cycles worsen by feminism. Business related.

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expensive, and that Europeans are more “relaxed” in work because no one wants to
contribute more than others [ Diagram 4 ]. As-is psych-evil pattern is used in
advertisement instead to allow businesses to increase prices for creative packaging.
Feminism create fear in men has another effect. Because one US bank has declared
bankruptcy, fear for feminism evil has added onto the fear that other bank may declare
bankruptcy, causing men to halt new investments and demanding cash from banks,
causing other banks to go bankrupt. Governments in various nations are increasing
public spending such as civic constructions; hoping money spent will revive
economy and comes back as taxes according to Economic Theories. Complete
revival is impossible because economic theories are created without assuming
existence of feminism evil and cultural damage.

Besides the Weaker Business and Economy Crash Cycle, Diagram 5.2 shows two other
cycles contributing to cultural damage. Color lines makes diagram easier to read; dotted
lines denote related issues. Feminism method talk creates fear and anger in mankind by
trending on ethics, in term feminists channel that fear and anger into energy for creation
of M Dogs and reproduction, furthering feminism goal, emotionally toy with mankind as
shown in “M Dog and Jo-ou Creation Cycle.” This feministic strategy creates children
not as product of love but as by-product of fear and hatred, hidden social setbacks are
illustrated in “What father and mother represents” under subsection 3.1 PREHISTORY.
Besides brainwashing children with “new editioned” feministic textbooks and media into
M Dogs and Jo-ous, feminists also see children as bargaining tools in their
advertisement that feminism increases birthrate. Feministic strategy of increasing
birthrate does not lead to stronger race but weaker race. Your father’s generation has
gone through one round of “Weaker Race Cycle” and current generation two rounds,
leading to most of us unknowingly supports feminism milestones leading to weakening of
race. Some social effects in this cycle are already illustrated in Diagram 4. The “Weaker
Race Cycle” weakens an originally strong nation without defenses against feminism, as
well as any nation sharing similar race. Effects of feminism method talk causes women to
discard their social duties, impair men’s ability to uphold their social duties, leading to a
scatter sand of individuals holding weak ethical principles and unable to judge quality of
information except doing what media tells them to do.

Impair men’s ability to uphold social duty “fight to protect culture, ethics and race”
directly contribute to reduced entrepreneurship, reduced actual ability of national
defenses as well as reduction of those willing to sacrifice himself to solve crisis in the
current generation. Newer generations holding less ethical principles constantly
questions why older generations see things so black and white, as well as why older
generations enjoy closer social bonding. Here, feminists use labeling psych-evil pattern to
portray older generation as stubborn, sexists or narrow-minded to prevent further
discussions. To avoid dissent and further population outflow, feministic nations rely on
fabricated new [ fake news and method talk already in used by feminism ] to generate
false pride to keep M Dogs in place such as our nation have the best education or best
medical system or best economy. The only way to stop “Weaker Race Cycle” can only
happen when men realizes they need to be intolerant to feminism method talk at expenses
of his popularity, and drive back feminism to uphold his social duty to protect race.

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Changes to society can be for growth or decline, for good or evil. Growth can only
happen in culturally undamaged stable societies. Governments assume problems with
feminism evil go away as new generation comes, but this is not true because of the
culturally damaging social cycles and that feminism attacks periodically. To ensure
minimum men fighting back and there is always product of hard work to be taken over,
feminism evil attack on society generally every 40 years. In this section I discuss more on
Diagram 5.1 and 5.2.

Mankind in the past not influenced by feminism demonstrates more
determinations than current generations. Once they have decided a goal, they are not lost
in their path and will persevere no matter how long it takes them to reach the goal.
Comparatively our bloodline has weakened. Mankind are not oppressed in the past,
rather they hold onto their social duties strongly to build and maintain a strong race,
believing society will pay them back for such hard work. Such act of contribution to
society is opposite to feminism’s “revenge on society” to deplete society. Looking at
history at inventions and accomplishments through your father and forefather's hard work,
some even gone out of their way leaving their families just to compete to gain that glory
and pride of success [ look at inventions of light bulb and diesel engine for examples ].
They are not afraid of being defeated, or being poor or betting their wealth and life, to
them, they will always stand up again and again until their victory. Current generations
don't have that, we constantly puzzle [ and use labels ] on why past generations possesses
strong feelings toward ethical principles, why they can form stronger interpersonal bonds
and why they feel happy even though their life span, education and entertainment
technology are not as high as now.

Our forefathers are the one that lay the foundation of our civilization, not us. It looks easy
in hindsight but building foundation from scratch without knowing its final shape is by no
mean easy, many have lost their wealth and life doing it. At their time a high school
diploma is all that takes to start work, but they are able to create thing that doesn't appear
even in university textbooks. After 2 rounds of feminism evil, mankind loses enough
momentum to contribute except for personal gain like money. Looking at
Nobel price winners today, we can no longer find men with achievements like Isaac
Newton or Albert Einstein. It isn't because “there are fewer things to discover”, that
case is the same for your grandfather’s, and forefather’s generations too. Every
generation era has its problems, like food crisis or weather change; would the next
generation be able to solve it instead of putting it off as impossible and blame it on
previous generations?

Men uninfluenced by feminism, especially men in the past generations often do not mind
conflicts when inventing and managing production of a product in a company. It is these
conflicts that drives quality of product upward or gives new inventions because we do not
want to lose. Woman sees these conflicts as signs of fighting, become afraid, and seeks to

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stop both sides unknowing that conflicts are men’s way of cooperating with each other
and only then would true equality “Strong wins over weak” be achieved. If woman gets
too much into man's world, it doesn't just mean potential lost of job for capable men, but
that hard work of competition on how to do it better got replaced by politics of who
should do which piece of work. That is not good use of resources.

In the past many men obtain high school degree and that's it, now you can get doctors
degree, maybe mankind in the future will get doctor-doctor degree. You study to the age
of 30 just to find out you got no motivation in life because there is no justice to be
expected in this world, any interest group acting up gets what they want in expense
to rest of the society. There is no ethical principles and no guarantees, you can't be sure
if you will still be hired tomorrow, you aren't sure if your wife is yours or if you are
sharing her with 10 other men, you aren't sure if your child is truly yours, you cannot
control where your tax dollar is going to be used to fund some interest groups that hurts
your interest, you've gave up caring about how big evil bully you and now spent your
time being selfish caring about yourself and bullying those weaker than you because
justice means nothing to you now.

Although our fathers and forefathers may not be taller or packed more muscles than us,
we looks up to them for men’s qualities because the worth of a man is not the amount
of iron he can pump but whether he is able to protect his culture and race when
crisis like feminism evil comes. As men we want to act tough on the outside but are
these prides backed up by real achievements or just bloated? We should not be
emotional toys of feminism. When feminism evil strikes no one was able to do anything,
even in our full earnest we knew something need to be done, are we just waiting for some
hero to appear to bury him with expectations and vent our anger on? The following
passage is brutal but true. A physical war kills and damages, houses can be rebuilt,
population can replenish, but cultural damage is unrecoverable. Living in constant shame
of being brainwashed into an M Dog, passing down feminists' selfish genes and culture
damaging social cycles, we keep on getting weaker and greedier offspring. It is like
having a never ending civil war eating all your hearts empty every time you open your
eyes in the morning.

The current two generations, those of your father’s generation and your
generation, have already gone through one or two feminism attack cycles [ read Diagram
2 ], both attack cycles are achieved through media control. We usually believed in brand
name news channels, so even by exposure subconscious brainwashing happens. You
should not rely on new generations to defeat feminism. The reason why second
feminism attack cycle was allowed to succeed is because no one stops the first cycle.
Mankind generally regards those that wins as correct, regardless whether the one winning
obeys justice or not, thus when feminism is “allowed to win” the next attack cycle is
promised to happen. On a small scale it seems some individuals have discarded their
social duties and become free, but a society is not a scatter sand of individuals. Depicting
society as a fellow mankind; if one day your hand, your leg, and your neck want to

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discard their social duties, telling you it is equality that they decide their own fate, then
you will die right on the spot. When danger comes can our society respond?

There is a myth regarding laughter spreads happiness, which is not true. What was
spread is the underlying intention behind a laugh, a word, or a sentence. Best
example is feminists’ evil laugher which has a hidden intention of stopping other people's
happiness by laughing louder than others in a laughing race. The laughter carries a tone
of hatred intention so hatred spreads. As “M Dog and Jo-ou Creation Cycle” created by
feminism continues, definition of the word “love” becomes less and less clear until at
one point it will coincide with self-serving behaviors. “Love” will become a very
common word at that point, because it helps one self justify any self-serving behavior as
an application of a new psych-evil pattern under the group “poison candy wrapper”. It is
difficult for one from high feministic country to imagine how love means originally, and
it is equally difficult for one from low feministic country to realize impacts of love had its
definition being tainted. As feminism convinced women to become more self-serving,
current generations remain powerless in defending original definition of “love,” and
simply have to become more self-serving himself to survive.

To protect what M Dogs and other’s hard work they gained, feminists are quick to
conduct labeling and as-is psych-evil patterns to put down any artwork that attempt to
reduce feminism. Feminists also describes “since babies are at the mercy of mother, man
should respect them.” They said it as if they are going to bully any baby, using them as
bargaining tools against men. What feminists claimed is unethical; even the most
dangerous criminals have a sense of “spirit of men” in not using babies as hostages.
Feminists are supporting sentiment of “afraid of the strong, bully the weak” in their
claims. It is also curious why feminists are claiming feminism increases population, when
“Food Price Rise Cycle” and “Weaker Business and Economy Crash Cycle” will make
food more scarce and goods more expensive. In Europe, in order to reduce business
expenses to get back competitiveness, most companies reduced employee salary [ salary
in Europe are generally less than the same worker in Japan and US ]. These are all very
unfavorable conditions for reproduction.

As feminism second attack cycle happens and politicians suppose to deliver justice failed,
you might have lost hope and feelings for justice, feeling like a hole has been dug in your
stomach that howls every time wind blow through you. Some of you might have
decided to waste yourself away by drug or sleep, hoping situation will improve when
you wake up, but this is just escapism. Similar to pain of losing an arm, the pain
eventually subside but that doesn’t mean the arm has grown back. “Weaker Race
Cycle” leads to media creating an illusion that new generations live a fuller life and are
more intelligent, creating a bloated pride. Justice no longer means something except as a
concept to be discussed! Justice should not be some discussion topic but something to be
enacted. So definition of right and wrong depends on if I can profit from it or not? You
will end up with a society in which nobody has shame in doing something wrong.

Some other immediate effects in North America can be seemed, such as

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• High contrast between rich and poor [ Mostly due to feminist's equality only
offering equality to themselves ].
• Increase in young couples arguing on the street and rude females [ I don't need to
explain why this happens ].
• Some males that acts tough suddenly acts meek now [ those with bully mentality
cannot recover themselves after taking a hit ].
• Increase in males pushing baby carts and increase of baby carts on the street
[ Diagram 2, Milestone 1.3 ]. Increases of M Dogs and jo-ous.
• More men with boy-liked mentality [ this doesn't just mean attachment to mother,
but of men that are unable to take responsibilities of what happens to the world,
and men that holds less principles about what is right and wrong because they felt
it doesn't matter to them ].
• More people doing sport [ not a bad phenomenon but falling into inferiority
complex from watching the movie “300 something” is a wrong reason for doing
sport, besides for heavy feministic brainwashing embedded in that movie. Maybe
they are trying to forget feminism problem by burning off the stress, not much can
be said aside from a heavy plummet in national pride ].

Originally we have a strong and culturally undamaged society, but because the
interest group feminism claiming they have been oppressed now wanting to take revenge
on society for personal gain, our culture and race steps closer and closer to destruction.
Feminists treat men as enemies and gain happiness whenever we reconcile, ending up in
feminists increasing strength of their attack. We would like to avoid war with our loved
ones, but to live defeated and dominated by feminism evil, with warmth offered at
their disposal and have your happiness and freedom taken away into a status of a
slave, is not love at all. Escapism by convincing yourself this is okay will only ends in
you later remorseful of your decision not to conduct your social duties. If it is not
because of feminism evil damaging culture I would not have to stand up, similarly SEIGI
would have live a normal life had feminism not attacked him and people he cares about.

Feminists are skilled at controlling mankind’s psychology. Using media to fabricate

offensive brainwashing material to men, reducing men’s self confidence, create fear and
direct our anger towards helping feminism. Now feminism are creating many public
instances of Jo-ou and M Dogs, and telling you rumors about women being bullied to
prevent you from fighting back as well as attempting to breakdown your factor two pride.
If we men have taken our social duty “Fight to protect culture, ethics and race”
seriously, defeating feminism evil when it strikes disregarding their labeling psych-
evil patterns, then women would not have supported feminism and discard women’s
social duties. There are women refusing to be supported and decide to go to work
because their husband cannot take care of his social duties to fight evil; men losing factor
two pride and being useless only make women insecure, turning to feminism for feeling
of security. Feminists at work give men differential treatments to satisfy their “revenge
on men.” You can count the instances you are treated badly from feminist doctors, cash

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registers… so on, and the number of times you being refused to a job by a feminist hiring

Feminists are currently telling mankind to use “feminine nouns before masculine
nouns” like “queen, king” to trick schoolchildren into feministic mindset [ “lady and
gentleman” is one successful brainwashing tactics ]. Many feministic brainwashing has
supports from M Dogs. Even if some M Dogs have sense of ethics, they still must bark
alongside their master, otherwise no dog food. Just ask your heart, do you feel you are
constantly underneath a raining cloud? Can you laugh out truly from depth of your heart?
Are you afraid? Of what? Why can’t you fight it off? Remember it is your responsibility
to protect your own factor two pride. Feminists are very afraid of men from getting into
large social groups, not only because they see men as enemy so they think we should not
enjoy social life, but because they knew if a large group of men mobilize against
feminism their plan will fail. Current feministic attack cycle have last half a year in North
America. Feminists are enjoying pride and self glory of their oppression on men; they
will act when they got greedy again. There is no opposition force; any forgiveness is
taken as “you don't have ability to fight back”. We haven't even fought once, is our
mind so weak to last only half a year? If we convince ourselves with escapism to do
nothing and allow the anger to subdue and the new generations took over, then we
live our life to death as losers and slaves, or we get together and teach feminism
who's the man.

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Feminism evil will only go away if you are intolerant to it; otherwise it is here to stay.
Besides this we also need to establish some definitions. This section is only of interest to
you if you are in position of power and are willing to sacrifice your popularity to carry
out your social duty for goodness of mankind. If you are not in position of power, read
section 6 and 7 for what you should do at the moment.

As a review of section 1, human needs are unlimited and therefore greed never has a
proper end. Since technology and brainwashing techniques grows very fast, law can no
longer keep up with such speed, furthermore lawmaking is itself unprotected against
greed in any way and has deviated from ethics overtime. There are always interest
groups refusing to contribute to society for earning, instead wanting to damage
society by “taking revenge against it” to gain others’ contribution. Current law
punishes small evil rather than big evil like feminism. It is true that religion has failed
to represent ethics in the past, in similar ways to law system of today. But it is also true
by statistics those with a religion hold onto moral principles strongly that partly shields
them from feminism method talk. Section 1 also shows basic elements of ethics that
mankind should know regardless whether he is religious or not.


This is mostly a review of section 1. Adding the word “absolute” in front of terms with
established definitions in section 1 served to repair public trust on these terms. After the
three terms are established they will be organized, and I list a checklist when enacted
reduces feminism evil.

This is just a fancy term for the natural rules “strong wins over weak,” “same
punishment / reward for same deed” and “majority rules,” listed in increasing importance.

“Absolute Justice” is the same as “Justice” as defined in section 1. The word
“Absolute” is added to denote justice is not double standard because it is now based upon
the unchangeable ethics capable of taking down large evil. To recapitulate, ethics is based
upon the natural rules listed not exhaustively: survival of race, product of hard work
belongs to the workers, those who do will decide, majority rules, children carry duty not
blame of parents, same punishment / reward for same deed, strong wins over weak,
wrong method of doing things are wrong, an eye for an eye, honesty without
selfishness …so on. I attempt to order them in decreasing importance.

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Justice is violence and oppression against evil. Since defeated evil will want to take
revenge, and avoid punishment by using method talk, fight against evil never will end,
and never should.

“Absolute Freedom” is the same as “Freedom” as defined in section 1. The word
“Absolute” is added to remind mankind freedom consists of rights that requires
fulfillment of the social duty “protection of race by upholding ethics.” Anytime this
social duty is not withheld, the corresponding rights must be withdrawn by law [ this
requires law system to align with ethics first ]. Freedom of press is a powerful tool
because simple exposure creates brainwashing effects. Those controlling media is not
limited to feminism but also politicians and other interest groups. We must ensure it is
used for good and not evil. Freedom of press and freedom of speech are different;
both concepts have no overlaps. Mankind gained freedom of speech and rights to live
since creation, and can speak his opinions; whereas freedom of press means spread of
such opinion by media, such as news channels and history books, allowing one’s opinion
to be seemed as a larger group’s opinion.

A society should be based upon the three terms, where Absolute Justice governs
over Absolute Equality and Absolute Freedom. Read Diagram 6. To carry out justice and
repair cultural damage you need to understand how society respond to cultural damage
from next subsection 4.2. After carrying out its prescription, you can follow this rough
checklist to reduce feminism evil.

1) Define any dictionary terms, especially those excites personal feelings, down to
basic elements as what I have done in section 1. This avoids disputes in other
checklist items and discourages use of psych-evil patterns under the group
“poison candy wrapper.”
2) Overhaul law system. Ensure every law aligns with ethics and ethics is used to
judge over cases when no such law exists to govern. Ensure there are laws to
enforce rights follow social duties, and common contracts such as marriage are
governed as well. Ensure there are laws to enforce lawmakers and those enacting
law to follow ethics.
2) Use new law system, now one step closer to justice, to break feminism evil
milestones shown in Diagram 2. Also use new law system to punish feminists
manipulating media, and punish those spreading rumors to create cultural damage.
Businesses conducting unethical acts also need to repay society for their
contribution to cultural damage.
2) Encourage religion to align closer to ethics. Overhaul education system to prevent
any book containing feminism method talk from being accepted. Ensure books for
education teaches newer generation danger of method talk, of mankind’s conflict
with feminism evil, and their social duties leading to rights.

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3) Most difficult part is overhauling the political system to encourage politicians

willing to sacrifice themselves to protect ethics, and to discourage politicians
seeing politics as a “show business”. This means modification to how census
collects and organizes data, how public and critics are informed of psych-evil
patterns, as well as a voting system that discourages “majority rules” from being
violated and so on.
4) Now equipped with high hope, protected ethical principles, high entrepreneurship
and willingness to try again until success, society is again capable of taking on
large crisis with fast response time, whether it is oil shortage, food shortage,
economic crash, greenhouse gases or even alien invasion [ for those movie
addicts ]. Instead of posing the problem as hopeless and impossible, we can invent,
solve, or circumvent the crisis.

Checklist items with same numbering

means they can be done at the same
time. Current society based the
Absolute Justice definition of strength as “money”
as protection of ethics
and current political system based
the definition of strength as “fame.”
The goal is to restructure society to
base less on money and more on
Absolute Freedom Absolute Equality ethics for strength, and restructure
Rights and social duties 3 natural rules
political system to base less on fame
and more on ethics for strength.
Diagram 6. What Society based upon


A simple reduction of feminism evil does not restore public trust nor does it allows
justice to be enacted leading to feminism evil being punished. This only encourages
feminism and other interest groups to “try again later.” Merely conducting the checklist
does not break the 4 social cycles displayed in Diagram 5.1 and 5.2. Enacting the
checklist does not repair cultural damage created by these social cycles nor does it revive
spirit of men [ with its most important element “factor two pride” still not revived ].
Many women still do not want to take their social duties but wants their rights intact.

The pride, future, resource, justice, and hope of a society are all consumed in feminists’
plan of gender standoff. Their ultimate goal is to make all these structures our ancestors
worked theirs, including your happiness, your freedom, your speech rights and your
future all theirs. Their anger and motive power came from imagination, now they make
their imagination the rule, and call it “the time has changed” to force you to submit into
their imagination. You can tabulate what media contents have changed and duration of
their change by feminism. To break the social cycles, to revive spirit of men and to

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prevent feminism from “trying again”, you will need to apply the same attack cycle
feminism used on society, but this time not against men but against feminism.

We know feminists use media and allied with women to damage society and betray men,
at the same time they are relying on society and men to protect them. We also know
feminists are using brainwashing method talk as their weapon to bring men down to their
knee thinking men will not dare using his fists to fight back. To prevent men fighting
back they will “label” us, but so what? Feminism has shown us only the winner has
a future, and only the winner can write history books and define what is good and
bad. They win, they are happy, you are sad. You are angry at them but they are still
happy. Feminists are very willing to damage ethics to get what they wanted, why can’t

The subject left now is not how to do it and not motivation, but for what strength and
duration should men’s attack cycle lasts? Diagram 6 represents society as a spoon with
the unbent spoon representing culturally undamaged society. After one round of
feminism attack cycle society has been “bent” downward, even after feminists
momentarily retreat financing their next attack, society will not bounce back to its
original form due to cultural damage and due to lack of protection measures for social
justice [ society with elasticity similar to a metal spoon ]. After two rounds of feminism
attack cycles, society has been “bent” much downwards, represented by the bent spoon.

Unbent spoon represent society without cultural damage Bent spoon represent society after two rounds of feminism
attack cycles
Diagram 6. Using spoon and its elasticity to illustrate society’s response to forces.

With strength of an attack cycle represented by force bending the spoon, and duration of
an attack cycle representing degrees you bent the spoon to, how do you return the spoon
to its original shape on the left? Here are some options.

a) Apply an upward force on the bent joint until spoon is straight in your hands, and
then release hold.
b) Apply an upward force on the bent joint until spoon is bent slightly upward in
your hands, and then release hold.
c) Apply an upward force on both ends of the spoon, ending in it bending more

Choice B is the correct answer. Choice A will still end in a bent spoon downwards [ go
get a metal spoon, try it out yourself ]. Choice C is similar to men venting their anger on
channels feminism planned; worsen the 4 social cycles, ending in more cultural damage.
Thus to repair cultural damage, strength of men’s attack cycle need to be fiercer than
feminism attack cycle and need to last several times the duration of feminism attack
cycle. Elasticity of society is different for different societies. Society with western culture

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requires men’s attack cycle lasting 3-5 times the duration of a feminism attack cycle to
repair cultural damage; that is 1.5-2.5 years in duration. I would support 5 times the
duration rather than less, considering society experienced 2 rounds of feminism attack
cycles spaced out in time, rather than just one attack cycle.

Time is critical in fixing up cultural damage. Representing society as a man, this is

similar to treatment of cancer. Treatment is painful, patient experiences hair loss,
nightmares and costs a lot of money and time. Zero treatment saves the hair and
money loss, but means patient weakening over time until his death. If you as a doctor
hesitate, cancer will advance to the next stage decreasing probability of successful
treatment. Fixing up cultural damage can be painful but not doing it is worse. You need
to realize fixing up cultural damage is by no mean a minimum casualty plan; if you
don’t have determination you can forget about winning. Escapism only lasts a while,
and then what? You feel down again, so you need to lie to yourself again? Who is your
enemy that put you in such miserable shape? Do you even need to think? They brought
this war first, and we will finish it. Feminists are bound to use their weapons again, it's
human nature. We will fight them, we are not here to die as slaves, and we are here to

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Due to feminism, the three social cycles ending in cultural damage: “Weaker Business
and Economy Crash Cycle,” “M Dog and Jo-ou Creation Cycle” and “Weaker Race
Cycle”, causes some nations to lose their identity and become feministic. Feminism is
also quick to use “losing a war” and decrease of mankind’s feeling of security as an
opportunity to induce feministic change. I will show you how history affects certain
nations. I try to compare a nation against itself in the past, instead of comparing a
nation with another nation. This is because feminists are unable to accept “taking the
good parts” from low feministic nation and will want to “take the bad parts” too even
though the good parts and the bad parts are unrelated. Furthermore, a lot of differences
unrelated to feminism between nations are ideologies, like capitalism versus communism,
which has no parts in our discussion as we are comparing a nation to itself in the past.
Feminists are trying to pulp any of their faults into discussions to prevent you from taking
action right away.

Western Europe

The entire Western Europe has gone through more than two undocumented feminism
attack cycles. Feminism creates the illusion technological advances is due to feminism
and not hard work of men during the World Wars. Due to “Weaker Business and
Economy Crash Cycle,” prices for the same goods are higher than North America [ for
example, a bottle of water costs one Euro ]. To compete with companies worldwide,
European companies have to lower wages; price rises are accompanied by applying “as-is
psych-evil pattern” [ for example, our company has won awards issued by us or our ally ].
Feminists argue this is because population density in some western European nations is
high. Feminists are ignoring there are nations with more favorable condition for
reproduction that have higher population density. Because of cultural damage most
western European nations lost identity of race and behave without a race; European
Union is not just an economic strategy but because their culture is gone. “Weaker Race
Cycle” causes many western Europeans to lose ethical principles and possess a more
profit-loss calculation mindset [ laws allowing use of drugs and prostitution; people
only believe in god when it benefit them; people focused on outer rather than inner
beauty; their war with China in the past where they continue to take over part of Chinese
mainland and their wealth by signing treaties of “equality” ]. Definition of love is also
tainted. Childhood stories littered with women in good image, and media creates false
pride to prevent population outflow to America. Feminists advertise image of both
genders lived happily together to cover up their faults. “M Dog and Jo-ou Creation
Cycle” causes European men to support feminism because false pride prevents them from
seeing anything better; or they are jealous of men in other nations.

Scandinavian Nations
These are nations located in Northern Europe that have become feminists’
headquarters. Besides experiencing stronger versions of cultural damage compare to

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Western Europe, feminists focused on making themselves gods and dumping all women’s
social duty onto men using media manipulation [ read Diagram 2 ]. Similar to what they
aimed for in current feminism attack cycle, feminists have occupied best position in
society without contention and continue to hire only feminists. Men are treated as second
class citizen and M Dogs in nations they worked so hard to build; men are unable to fight
back because feminists also have control on lawmaking. Currently feminists are
preventing owner of inheritance from choosing whom his inheritance goes to by making
new laws, attempting to make feminists inherit inheritances. Sweden has experienced a
large feminism attack cycle about 30 years ago where Swedish men originally proud of
their Viking history now being emotionally toyed by feminists [ Viking history is actually
nothing to be proud of, because of its sentiment “afraid of the strong, bully the weak” ].
Most of earnings deserved by men go to feminists [ such as through taxes ]. Feminists
took over infrastructure men built and occupying best position in company and
governments. After 2-3 generations, large genetic selection ended up with jo-ous
capable of devising very complex method talk. Despite media spreading pride of good
education, there is population outflow and lose of entrepreneurships by “Weaker
Business and Economy Crash Cycle.” In order to replenish loss, feminists are relying on
immigration. Men become M Dogs and with mindset of little boys, attack whomever jo-
ous ordered them to attack. Scandinavian men crashed under heavy social duties and
cannot take care of their own social duties, some developed eccentricity. These are the
nations surrendered in less time it takes for a German soldier to walk from border to
border during WWII. Feminists in other nations are drawing direct examples from these
nations trying to achieve the same “gain without hard work.”

Losing WWII and decreasing national pride presents a perfect chance for
feminists to induce change by advertising themselves as “peacekeepers.” Similar to
Scandinavian nations, “peacekeepers” actually means taking over leadership position of a
nation without doing its job, avoiding deep involvements in international affairs, and
creating false pride by media to keep citizens in place. Located geographically close to
Scandinavian nations makes spreading of feminism quicker, achievements and scientific
advancements that are the prides of German men created during WWII are now being
taken over by feminists; feminists have taken over half the best positions in society and
are trying to take over the rest similar to Scandinavian nations. Women are claiming they
own part of technological advancements and infrastructures created during WWII, even
though they refuse to take responsibility and blame of the war. This phenomenon of
taking products of hard work without taking responsibilities happens to nations
where women do not want to participate in protecting the race; seeing what men
done for them as “I deserved it” and when there is faults “blame it on men”.

Christianity attempts to protect ethics, and those believed in it are less affected by
feminism. Those believing in religion acts as a single race even though their members are
scattered throughout the world. As pointed out in section 1, religion has failed to

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represent ethics in the past causing them to lose ability to make and enact laws; however
as lawmaking has been affected by greed as society progresses, religion is still the
primary protector for most ethical principles. Vatican’s warning to feminists has ended
up in feminists ridiculing and humiliating Vatican, as displayed in the BBC news by
feminists “women are the prouder sex, men are the lustier sex” and so on.

Don’t get me wrong, there are good and ethical things happening in western and northern
Europe too, but they are not subjects of our discussion.


Originally USSR and under influence by western culture to collapse into Russia, it is a
nation with cold climate but with less problems of feminism. Winning WWII even at
large cost of its population demonstrates their spirit of men, and their willingness to take
risks, accept failures, and try again. Their women also see protecting the race as part of
their responsibility, instead of trying to dump their social duties on men. Russia president
Putin also defended Russia against feminism, despite using brutal methods comparable to
feminism itself.

I will also list problems, so you know how to spot feminists when they attempt to
comparing nations and “take only the bad parts” from Russia, instead of comparing a
nation against its former self. After USSR collapsed into Russia, large commotion
happened where groups of power took over ownership of infrastructures originally owned
by government. Citizens are shocked and decide to vote for Putin, a former KGB agent,
to retrieve former national stability and pride. Another problem is Putin has applied brutal
methods to stop spread of feminism such as allowing shooting of reporters. Feminists are
quick to blame Putin for media control, but they ignore his tactics are nowhere as evil
as feminism tactics. However, damaging rights of press is too high a price to pay to
stop feminism. I personally felt sorry for the shot reporters; they might not have been
feminists themselves and am merely being toying by feminists in helping feminism.


Differences between American and Canadian cultures are small, so our discussion for
Americans suffices for Canadians as well. As discussed in section 2 and 3, this generation
and your father’s generation has gone through two feminism attack cycles. Current
feminism attack cycle partly contributed by former US president Bush, has not been
punished by current US president Obama, leading to public losing hope and large drop in
national pride. Because feminism are not stopped, they have advanced up to milestone
1.4, and up to milestone 2.3 [ read Diagram 2 ]. In Canada, feminists have advanced even
to milestone 2.4. Canada is a nation with most of its population being immigrants caring
less on whom is their leader [ low voting percentage in election ], and it is difficult to
find anyone willing to fight against feminism unpaid. Most men are afraid speaking
out against feminism will end up in them being labeled “sexists” or “unwilling to be

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popular,” even though Americans are supposed to have “rights of speech” and “rights of
press.” Both rights are taken away as feminism spreads fear among citizens. Although US
had been damaged badly by the 4 social cycles, it is still less culturally damaged compare
to Western Europe due to strong American entrepreneurship and their belief in
Christianity. However, these two protections are starting to crumple under the second
feminism attack cycle. Canada does not have protections; feminists’ milestone 2.1 has
already resulted in past shortage of nurses after first feminism attack cycle. Many US
media sites have experienced feministic change such as Wikipedia; some sites having
dropdown lists now display “women” before “men.”

Had the war with Iraq and housing bubble happened 2 years ago without feminism attack
cycle, economic recovery would have been faster with a less culturally damaged society,
those at fault would have been caught faster, and full recovery would have been an option.
Economic slowdown, a by-product of cultural damage, might have contributed to
less greenhouse gases, but that is no reason to support cultural damage [ don’t
forget cultural damage also include “Weaker Race Cycle” and “M Dog and Jo-ou
Creation Cycle” ]. Rather than dwell on problem of greenhouse gases by reducing
economic capacity, waiting for the problem to get us, it will have been wiser to revive
culture to solve or circumvent the problem. Such spirits is much better for a nation taking
leadership position in the world.

Middle East

There are western media reports on conditions in Middle East and reports from Middle
East on conditions in America. Conflict of Christianity and Islam has been going on for
hundreds of years to now, so media in Middle East on conditions in America are not
trustworthy. It is difficult to say western media reports on conditions in Middle East are
unbiased either. There is limited trusted information so I will avoid making up facts. I
know there is media control in Middle East damaging rights of press, similar to Russia,
this is not the correct way to protect race. I also know in Middle East women should
not work, this is not correct either. Women should be able to choose work, provided she
takes care of her social duty first, same for men; if work and social duty conflicts,
social duty should take priority. For example, a guy who is doing what he wanted but
did not earn enough money to fulfill his social duty “provide for his family” need to
switch job even if he doesn’t like his new job, or if he is really good at what odd things
he is doing he should apply for government grant. Feminists are quick to advertise facts,
some believable, some not believable, on how women are treated like objects in Middle
East, but that is no reason to support feminism to make men in Europe and America
being treated like objects either. Similar to two patients in a hospital fighting over
“who is healthier,” why don’t they comparing with a healthy person?

The other trust information I have is not about feminism but about the current war. Attack
on Iraq has let US enjoy lower oil prices and American had their revenge already since
September 11 incident [ although those in Middle East are claiming that is their revenge ].
Creating more reasons to continue the war ending in large national debt is not wise, not

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to say one of the reasons is exploited by feminism, and religious reason has already
disappeared since Vatican spoke out against the war. After Iraq, mankind in Middle East
is fighting not just for their religion but also to protect race. Even when facing opponents
in high tech planes and armored trucks, and those in Middle East only have basic
equipments, knowing they can die but they still fight. One footage shows them happily
taking their social duty [ I can’t be happy if I know I am fighting armored soldiers, high
tech bomber planes and tanks with only an old gun ]. Make me wonder where did they
get their strength from? They certainly don’t do drugs because law forbids it.


There are many nations in Asia affected by feminism evil. Japan, China, and North Korea
are areas of interests.

There is media control in China, this may help in stopping spread of feminism;
however similar to Russia and Middle East, this is not the correct way to protect race
because nations damaging rights of press are no better than nations fabricating news. For
example, controlling media to only report good news to citizens is not ethical. A news
reporter reporting only the facts and do not add in personal opinions or facts of
questionable sources, is obeying social duty “protection of race by upholding ethics”
and should not have rights of press taken away. Rising into position of power in political
structure of China rely largely on length of service and seniority, which feminists detests.
This is understandable because it prevents “gain without hard work” from being achieved.
For those unwise enough to believe in feminists’ definition of equality, you should travel
to Shanghi or areas around it to “see for yourself”. Since WWII, Japan and other
European nations have invaded China. European nations have signed “Treaties of
equality” where China took reconciliation having its coastal land and wealth “rented”
away. Results of wanting peace by reconciliation soon backfired; China was attacked
again and again to sign more “Treaties of equality” to give away more land and wealth.
[ does this reminds you of feminism tactics? ]. Shanghi is the city taken over by
multiple nations where it is separated into multiple districts controlled by foreign military.
Oriental buildings and oriental ways of life are denied, and European nations build their
companies there to facilitate human trafficking and export of wealth. To China, these
foreigners drove Shanghi men into one poor district to serve as slaves, and give Shanghi
women western clothing and play with them. An internal hierarchy of classes is
established. Shanghi women see themselves playing with Europeans, with Shanghi men
serving as slaves in front of them, making Shanghi women think they stand at the top of
hierarchy with the Europeans, and Shanghi men are at the bottom of the hierarchy
deserving slavery. Even when the war has ended this sentiment of internal hierarchy

If you want to understand feminists’ definition of equality and final state of cultural
damage you need to observe Shanghi [ feminists keep on advertising for Shanghi

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anyways, so go see for yourself ]. Shanghi is a large and busy port city with many
companies having headquarters or branches there, skyscrapers are a common scene.
However all the large businesses there are foreign businesses, even major Chinese
businesses there have founders from other areas of China rather than from Shanghi.
Entire economic structure there is not local. Most Shanghi men still occupied poorest job
areas. Shanghi women are well dressed and good looking, but their treatment of Shanghi
men is none other than relationship between a Jo-ou and an M Dog [ if you thought
treatment of Blacks in America was “very” bad, this is worse ]. As if falling
entrepreneurship is not enough, going through multiple “Weaker Race Cycle” creates
enough crimes underneath the scene to keep visitors busy. To create false pride, Shanghi
men laugh at men in other part of China, such as we have better education or better
economy. SEIGI has also travelled to Shanghi before, he can tell you more.

North Korea
Perhaps the nation with strictest media control and economic control on Earth, I
don’t need to remind you media control is not the correct way to protect race. Even other
Communist nations see their economic strategy as unwise. I currently hold no trusted
media sources for North Korea, I only know they are militarized whenever they felt
threats. As this is common sense, it is puzzling why politicians still decide to provoke
North Korea even though they cannot take responsibility for a nuclear war.

This is the nation without media control but was able to defend itself against
cultural damage, setting a success story that other nations can learn from. Japanese men
and women took their social duties seriously, even though work is very competitive due
to large population density and as an average salary men life is tough, their men did not
protests to women how tough their life is [ so are men in rest of world, but feminists
always protests to men how tough women’s life is ]. During Meiji period Japan accepts
technological advances from America and Europe, but attempt to keep its culture intact.
It quickly grow to a superpower, but even at its full capacity Japan lost to US in WWII
after being dropped two atomic bombs. Losing the war means importing western culture.
There is nothing wrong with western culture, but feminism is also imported alongside.

Japan’s original culture provides protectors of social justice, which is at

constant conflict with feminists’ cultural damage. Showing losing trends in “Weaker
Race Cycle” and “Business and Economy Crash Cycle,” Japan’s original culture
now in the war against “M Dog and Jo-ou Creation Cycle” with goal to prevent
children being born as by-products of fear, hatred and anger, made a strategic
steady drop in marriage rate and birthrate [ read Diagram 5.2 ]. Comparing to high
feministic nations embracing culture damage, Japan’s falling birthrates become constant
subject of feminism attack, even though rise in feminism is supposedly the cause rather
than savior for falling birthrates. Clearly, feminists’ “carrot and stick” method did not
work on Japanese men.

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Japanese Prime Minister Aso and his ministers facing public demand to stop cultural
damage by feminists have said rude words to women comparable to feminism tactics to
men itself. There is no other way to get back at feminists peacefully other than
saying rude things about women, because feminists poses as women [ or as anything
mainstream currently ]. The sad truth is “You cannot protect your people against
cultural damage except by sacrificing your own popularity”.

If you can find a way to get back at feminists peacefully without attacking women, I will
give you an award myself.


Rant on Ideology – Capitalism versus Communism

This is not part of our discussion but still interesting. The difficulty in assigning labels “right” or
“wrong” to ideology such as capitalism versus communism is because both sides can provide supports
for their claim, and provides examples the other side is not following ethics. Discussion will end when
both sides found out they are only taking parts of ethical principles that supports their claim and
discarding principles they don’t like. Both sides ignored ethics should be broken down into natural rules
before discussion. Same can be said for conflicts between any ideologies.

Be reminded one strongest reason why men are constantly under attack by feminists
method talk is because we do not take initiatives to attack feminists with our own method
talk. After all, whenever beat with a stick by feminists, we men huddle and back off, lead
to the learned behavior through psychological association on feminists: “Whenever we
attack, we gain something; men do not attack back, we lose nothing. Let us do this more

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Hello this is SEIGI, this section is mine. I like point form because it’s simple:

• Don’t live hating yourself. Get back the justice you believe.

• Don’t fall for traps in social cycles if you already know it, you might get some
happiness, but you pay your pride doing it. Too big a cost.

• You done nothing wrong to women, you worked your life for society, but you
being hits by feminists now lowering your self-confidence. Now women are
telling you that you are the bully? If you don’t take revenge, how are you going to
take revenge for people you care if someone bully them one day?

• What is happiness? There is nothing happy being a leader. Say you have only one
water bottle full of water on a dry planet everyone shares. A long lineup behind
the bottle. Some people say they are more thirsty and wants first, some say they
want to drink more, so they do it. Seeing this, others fight them to get first.
Thinking you are leader you want to break up the fight telling everyone to lineup
drinking their share, you will offend those claiming they are more thirsty and
want to drink first or drink more. How about you want happiness? Say you are not
in charge? Why should you spare your time for people having them angry at you
when you can do other things happy to you? Let the world mess up?

Should freedom overpower order or should order overpower freedom? Shouldn’t

freedom require social duty that auto establishes order, so there is no conflicts?
< right to drink follows social duty of lining up drinking your share >. It is simple
being a follower, all you do is see the water bottle in front of lineup thinking you
want to get to it.

• If you keep on chasing love like a mad dog, you might end up with your girlfriend
don’t really love you but says you are her boyfriend. Aren’t there some issues you
need to fix up before you go for step 2?

• You want big love or small love? < no, this is not a burger shop >. What is
happiness as feminists defines it? Like owning a car, have a boy / girlfriend, eats
good food. Yes, they are truths. But how are you going to define Mother Teresa
who worked to bring happiness to other that didn’t have time to do all these things
herself? Was Mother Teresa wrong? Should she change to chase after happiness
as feminists defines it? It is difference between big love vs. small love and those
that understand.

• Live in fear, heart full of scars from feminism, you can’t even bring you to love
yourself, are you ready to love someone? To bravely solve problems?

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• If you must live your life being blamed as “selfish men” might as well prove you
don’t by risking your life, to look back happily at your achievement with a grin.
Let them know living by blaming others, even those that helps, is no fun.

• If you constantly play games of adventure or think of brave acts in your brain,
might as well do it. You might get bruises but living without regrets is something

• No matter what fun you had, when we die we want to leave something good to
remember for others. If all you leave for children are regrets by feminism such as
“my father’s generation is sexists” or “my father acts big but is a weakling in
front of feminism”?

• Yes if you fight, feminists will see you as enemy < as if they haven’t done that yet,
after posting so much ads offensive to men > and you chasing after happiness
become difficult. This added on top of already lower life expectancy than women
is worse. No one want to be Dark Knight? Act of sacrificing yourself to protect
justice you believe to the bitter end is men’s romance that you can’t expect some
people to understand.

Let me guess contents of the next edition, on the strongest reason why feminism prevents
women from finding true love. This is for the very few women reading this. Many
women want love like “men who love them to the degree beyond death.” Weird
definition, but I understand. Now have feminism take away men’s factor two pride. You
get 2 things: first, you get reactive men unable to provide you with a safe harbor. Well?
You want a slave; you get a slave. Second, you get men afraid to die to protect race. Is he
ready to love you beyond death? No. No way. Ok. Men stopped loving women by heart.
What now? Oh. Men start loving women by “face value”, can’t be helped ain’t it?
[ hmm…”face value”…< smell 10 dollar bill > ].

KIBOU wouldn’t write this long document if I hadn’t convinced him. Afterall he
originally supports “Let the world rots while I eat popcorn. Wait for all infrastructure and
people to collapse to dust, then I rebuild. I make no enemy this way. Hahaha.”
He had a tough childhood and life < I can talk about this, right? > I forgot how many
times he has attempted suicide, or his experience in picking from MacDonald garbage
cans. Yet he never claims “I’m the only one in pain. I should take revenge on society!”

There are other groups been oppressed a lot more than women. People who have gone to
jails before have trouble finding good jobs because companies check criminal records,
although they have already served their sentences. Why are they denied fresh starts?
Imagine what happens had they group together taking revenge on society? Whatever pain
feminists and other groups advertise they experienced, this pain lies a distant second to
KIBOU. If he hasn’t had his revenge, nor should any of you groups!

Ok. The comic I suggest last time is in Chinese. Here is an English version I know

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Another one is “Kyojin no Hoshi” < it means “Star of the Giants” >. Sorry. This one is in
poorly translated Chinese. Maybe you can translate it to your language.

Reading them and past media help you get your factor two pride back. They might look a
little sexists to you because we have gone through 2 feminism attack cycles, can’t be
helped. Unbrainwashing is painful, like eating a plate full of foods you hate. But hang on
there. You wanna be cured, right?
Story writer for both comics is Ikki Kajiwara, famous for writing stories < be warned,
training method like frog jump is an old training method that is not good for your health
> Kajiwara has spoken out during first feminism attack cycle and feminists try to label
him. Many men wanting to protect themselves only, put blame on him to look good.
Then first feminism attack cycle was allowed to succeed. Duh?!

Here I get my own rant box:

Feminism spread the idea that China and Middle East are less technologically advanced than us
because we have feminism. Feminism labels these countrys as “they are weakening over time”; they
are also blaming these countries for pollution and global warming. They are just linking unrelated
concepts by their imagination.

Yes, the excuses itself is true, but they are not actual reasons due to lack of feminism in these
countries. Religions have been blocking scientific advances since ancient times < check Galileo and
Christians opposing genetic research >; the West soon separate religion from law system but not for
Middle East and the East. Industrial Revolution in West lead to greenhouse gases but also advanced
weaponry, but people in the East still have religion blocking science. This is the actual reason why
people in Middle East are still using old guns and mortars. People in the East realize religion blocks
science and want to advance their science now, adding to current global warming. It is a tradeoff of
religion vs. ( science + greenhouse gas ). Feminism is not in the equation except religion advocate
ethics, which feminism want to get rid of.

When someone want to do something bad they will say whatever excuses to dress up their goal, some
excuses true, some fake, but none of them are real, none of them are actual reasons for their goal.
This always happens when they don’t have a theoretical basis to back up their excuses. They just
wanna do what they wanna do; it is up to you to see beyond their Method Talk and into their goal.

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Why are we attacked even when we have done nothing wrong to women? Why are they
attacking men therefore us? Why are feminists seeing men as objects? Why are after the
attack they said we are looking down on them as objects? Why are they treating you
differentially when finding a job or while shopping? Why are you living in fear or
wasting yourself away? Why are they disgracing our soldiers serving in the war to protect
them? Why are they describing themselves as victims even though we are the real victims?

Feminists are the first to attack you but they are the last to answer questions. Wrong ways
of doing things are wrong. They are at faults first so that gives us a lot of options. For
those complaining we are too slow to react after ½ year, why don’t you react first?
½ year is actually pretty fast reaction considers no one stopped feminists in their first
attack cycle, and considers we have gone through one feminism attack cycle already.
Remember, if you are tolerant to evil then it is here to stay. If we don’t cooperate together
then we are to be divided and conquered.

List of items for you. Records will come in handy soon.

• Stop sleeping yourself away [ or drugging yourself away ].

• Read this book. At least read section 3 TIMELINE OF MANKIND, and section 6
UNBRAINWASH YOURSELF for some defense.
• Obtain paper copy of feminists fabricated news, record down name of those
feminism writers.
• Record down names of feminists you met, and when / what terrible things they
did to you. Record down names of those using chaos created by feminism for self
benefits. They indirectly contribute to feminism. Let your children know about it.
• Boycott companies that have displayed feministic material.
• Sent complain messages to media companies that uses feministic material.
• Sent letter to your nation’s leader to let him know you hate feminism and cultural
• Reverse back what feminists did. Avoid putting feminine nouns before masculine
nouns when you talk or writes.
• Halt your “searching for love” act, and go to the largest bus / train station to meet
fellow comrades.

A list of items for you and us.

• I need someone to make searchable online database for feminists, online

database for media sites and businesses that have supported feminism.
• I need someone to make online news and media sites not controlled by
• I need someone to make a media review site that explains what kind of
psychological evil pattern they use in each of their feministic news.

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• I need translation for this book to other languages.

• I need translators for “Ashita no Joe” and “Kyojin no Hoshi” and a host site.
• I need someone to make a site teaching guys how to choose a good girl and
avoid feminist.
• Someone to lead our comrades in each nation.
• Someone willing to set up a physical location to serve as temporary
headquarter in each nation / region.
• Rest of you please distributes / torrent this document and SEIGI’s email, and
wake up your friend whom is wasting away his life. Tell him hope is here.

I am going to communicate through SEIGI. Anyone wishing to officially publish this

book should consult with SEIGI [ He has publishing rights ].

SEIGI agreed to risk his life to talk with leaders / presidents of each nation to join
us, so if you are a president of a nation then contact us or rather come to us. We
don’t want you isolated for all the blame, because we know it is not all your fault.
[ SEIGI’s schedule is in late May ].



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The goal feminists are aiming for is “Drive men out of their nation, take over all the
wealth they and their ancestors produced.”

It is curious why we men are constantly under feministic method talk attacks. Is it
because we do not take initiatives to attack women with method talk? After all,
whenever beat with a stick by feminists, we men huddle and back off, lead to the
learned behavior through psychological association on feminists: “Whenever we
attack, we gain something; men do not attack back, we lose nothing. Let us do this
more often.”

You are not Snow White. Stop lying on your bed hoping someone would come to
save you.

[ Poison candy wrapper psych-evil pattern group ] The name came from the act of
wrapping a poison with pretty candy wrapper; because it look like a candy and it
looks pretty, you don’t think twice before putting it in your mouth.

You live with people, like a wife, for number of years. You thought you understand
them, but people only show their true self in front of greed, especially in time of
crisis like this. I believe you had an eye opening experience during the past year.

I would personally choose to die than to live a life of humiliation as a loser against

Never rely on someone to get your pride back. You can only get your pride back
yourself or it is gone forever.

Protect the justice within you feels a hundred times better than poking at a woman’s

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Due to popular demand from SEIGI and others, here it is. This section is subjective and
there are no hard rules, so you are the one taking responsibility. In general I would
recommend you halt your “finding love” or “marriage” while cultural damage stays
unfixed, not only because these needs presents psychological weaknesses to be exploited
by feminists in “M Dog and Jo-ou Creation Cycle,” but also most girls’ mindset about
definition of “love” has changed. Many women claim love must be based upon feministic
definition of equality [ equality psych-evil pattern ] and you must take part to all of
woman’s social duty on top of your own social duties. For someone without principles
taking reconciliation is acceptable; however women’s definition of love has also
changed to “Every time I act selfish and angry you must reconcile.” Love becomes a
game of constant conflict!

As if you have not learned yet, avoid feminists as your choice. Feminists will not report
themselves as feminists to you or behave feministic in front of you, if they like you and
you have not married them yet [ most of them changed their attitude soon after marriage ].
The topic of “how to choose a good girlfriend” becomes “how to spot and avoid
feminists.” Here are some guidelines on how to spot feminists, some with statistics

• Those with jo-ou thinking patterns, appearance characteristics, or laughter

• Those described by mankind living close to her as feminists, or if you observes
her behaving feministic when feminism strikes during the past year
• Those educated during childhood [ age 3-12 ] in nations with high feminism
• Those using psych-evil patterns trying to pamper you into M Dogs
• Those that hates men or have experience in not trusting men
• Those with close friends whom are feminists or behave feministic

Talk to more men about your choice while they observe the girl, because spotting
feminists requires experiences and knowledge in spotting psych-evil patterns, and
because in statistics if your and others’ opinion are subjective then you need a lot of
unbiased opinions [ that means from men not women ] to reach closer to an objective
conclusion. Getting a girlfriend in high feministic nation means even if they are not
feminists they are bound to change in the next feminism attack cycle.

The rest is just points for you to ponder.

• You won’t win against women that negotiate because men cannot always “play”
as the victim using “no oppression” psych-evil pattern in order to avoid others
questioning his manhood; putting you always in a weaker position in

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• Do you want to marry a girl, who whenever said "love", only mean it for the
current few seconds? Do you want a wife whom however pretty, brings crashing
shame on yourself because she treats you like slave and call it equality? We are
not kids drooling over pretty women anymore. Think what happens 5 years from
now, 10 years from now? Do you really love your wife by heart? You are not
trembling while saying that aren’t you?

• Not all feminists speak loudly, some can be mild mannered. [ there are all types of
people. Just watch out for hidden intention when they talk ].

• Those that lived an easy life expect an easy life no matter what. Those that acted
on impulses acts on impulses no matter what.

If you choose to complain because of feminism it is difficult for you to find a good girl,
instead of joining us. Then I cannot help you.

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This is the full English version of SEIGI’s email. Parts of it were cut and pasted into this

Getting a job now as results of both cultural and economic damage is not going to be easy. I personally do
not think US will recover its economy to its former ability before the cultural damage happened even after
the election is over, afterall, building damage can be repaired in a few months but cultural damage takes
hundreds of years to repair. Cultural damage in Taiwan is still going on and does not seem to settle down.
People whom can't stand the psychological brainwashing either gives up or results in 'psychological burn-
outs', either way, their principles about what is right and wrong breaks down. My principle is "wrong way
of doing things are wrong", so it seems I'm at odds with those that conducts systematic cultural damage.

< Cultural Damage >

Most people do not understand what culture means, it means what is considered right and wrong, correct
and evil, ethics and way of life. Cultural damage is caused by feminists damaging ethics using media.
Importantly, cultural damage is performed by a small interest group that was able to masquerade itself as
if it is the entire population through media control. Psychological burnouts (or loser-psychology) make
men feel un-energized, lose hope in the future, and directly impacts already bad economy, resulting in
economic crash-down.

Effects of cultural damage seem to have originated in the US, eastward towards Asia then northward
toward Europe (Europe has gone through many cultural damage cycles already) and Canada. No matter
what they say, feminists are men-haters. Keeping the current state is impossible, because feminists knew
they can always pull down men’s bottom-line without penalty, even if one stops them they have already
gained so much to encourage them to try again.

< Feminism Evil >

Feminism has no natural enemy, unlike a political party having opposing parties.
Even if feminism tries to deny, the truth is they see man as their enemy. They pursue happiness by eating
into other's happiness; when they induce pain in others they gain a sense of empowerment and pride,
especially when they see they can play with people psychologically. They seek to deny the hard work and
respect deserved by our fathers and forefathers. They seek to take these hard works as their own, while
blaming any mistakes on our fathers and forefathers.

< Methods of Cultural Damage >

< Creation of Psychological Burnout on Public for Ease of Brainwashing >
By exhausting a person psychologically, reducing his ability to think, it is easy to brainwash him without
him fighting back. This is just basic psychology. They achieve these in many ways: laughing with hidden
intention of stopping others laugh by laughing louder and with a hatred undertone, cry out in front of the
march on Remembrance Day to act like they are the one whom went to battle, spray drink on you without
reason and laugh when you get angry, give you less change when working as cashier, give you wrong
drugs as a doctor, give you discriminative treatment as a cop and so on. They group together so it is
difficult to attack each one. They go against ethics because they knew they don’t have to take

< Media Manipulation >

Their second milestone is in media manipulation. Media control is to make every person think everyone
else is feministic, and to make a nation felt like other nations are feministic so it needs to change. No one
dares to attack them when they have the media in control. Feminists interest group makes their idea look

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like the public idea and make anyone opposing them look bad. Politicians are afraid to lose their political
life so they are afraid to solve the underlying problem. Since people knew the media is being controlled
but did not do something to stop it, they falls into a 'loser' mentality in which they just accepts everything
that is channeled into them telling themselves it wasn't too bad, unable to resist.

On the surface of the propaganda it seems none of the issues it supports are wrong, but once you sees
beneath the message an 'evil' intent lurks (for example, for a while US/Canadian media keeps on saying
that if females have friends they would have higher salary jobs but not for male....I will left what intent
lurks in these falsified media for you as an exercise). Since we normally trust media, even reading such
media subconsciously brainwashes you. A talk with my Taiwanese friends via MSN revealed media are
suggesting making men into 2nd class citizens in their own country. Effects ripples even to famous
websites like Wikipedia where past leaders’ profiles were rewritten and history details changed or erased
to make countries with high feminism appear attractive, and low feminism unattractive.

These are the media types they use: spread rumors during conversations, new, newspapers, history books,
Internet sites, business (change image into female only, change order of male/female in radio buttons).
Thus businesses are both victims (the accompanied economic damage) and criminals (posting images and
ideas to further the damage).

< Hide under Mainstream and Use Media for Politician Manipulation >
A feminist justify her argument by omitting facts. For example: “equality” instead of “equality without
justice”, “Just pursuing happiness” instead of “Just pursuing happiness by eating into other’s happiness.”
Their attack pattern is to exploit hatred in people by creating a current mainstream idea related to the
politician’s identity, this allows them to manipulate the politician and to have their idea got published
alongside and cannot be attacked.

have very accurately predicted the psychological state of man after they are defeated, ran away and try to
convince himself not to fight, and the feminists uses it to their advantage, feeding medias to avoid
revenge as well as further their next plan.

< Long History of Subtle Planning >

In order to penetrate into the media, feminism needs have its members hired as writers, furthermore to
create propaganda, a huge sum of money is needed. To create men unfriendly infrastructures, feminism
needs members in politics. To make men jobless and make women get these jobs, feminism needs
members in companies as hiring managers.

Using commotion of war, advertisement on global warming, food and energy crisis, feminism makes
people's hands full so you cannot deal with their evil scheme. Even after the tides turned, they can use
these issues to draw attentions away from themselves. Feminists knew after they destroy ethics to
trample upon mankind’s pride to further their goal, a lot of anger will be piled up in men. They know they
can draws out this anger into another channel to avoid frontal conflict, by channel the anger and distress
on sex to furthers their own agenda of 'man are just sex apes' and 'if you want more children you support
feminism'. This ends in babies produced not due to love or any positive emotions but babies produced in
people seeking comfort due to hatred, anger and other negative emotions. Your emotion is being played
with like a toy in their hand.

Psychological burn-outs are further exploited by their constant publishing about the idea “mother.” Are
they trying to turn all man into little boys? Funnily they make the worse example of mothers, abandoning
all their social responsibilities in a world where men haven’t abandoned theirs. This is a tactics to avoid
revenge by men as well as ignoring contribution from the father; clearly they are afraid to talk within the
same generation. It is weird that those men-haters suggests themselves as inheritors of inheritance, when
those inheritance are results of hundreds of years of hard work by fathers and forefathers, moreover they

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call that idea 'equality'. You should be careful if someone tries to argue with you using the word 'equality',
because it could be mean 'equality without justice'.

Now they are telling people to use “feminine nouns before masculine nouns” like “queen, king” to trick
schoolchildren into feministic mindset.

< From Past toward Future - Feminism Weakens Human Race >
Every generation has its problems, for your grandfather it was the war, for your father it was rebuilding
your country’s infrastructure. As feminisms gets stronger our man keeps on getting weaker at heart, will
our generation be able to solve our own problem ever? (Or instead passing today’s problem as

Man weakens in their hope and heart as one generation passed into another; in feminism’s brainwashing,
it is called ‘getting civilized’ (actually ethics breakdown). As a result our generation cannot understand
why our father and forefathers see things so black and white, so right and wrong without any grey-area;
we also keeps on saying there is nothing left to discover and invent like ‘transistor’ or ‘theory of relativity’.
Whereas in our father and forefather’s time, the same thing can be said: what prevents our father and
forefather from saying “there is nothing left to be discovered?”

< Effect on Society >

Feminists are hiding the damage they caused, including you out of work, behind the phrase “economic
crisis”. However, the world had seen worse economic crisis than this one yet people do not lose hope in
these past situations except now.

Effects happening in US and Canada can be readily seemed, mostly as high contrast between rich and
poor (in here I can already see homeless and Porch on the same street, mostly due to 'feminist's equality'
only offering equality to themselves), increase in young couples arguing on the street and rude females (I
don't need to explain why this happens), some males that acts tough suddenly acts meek now (those with
bully mentality cannot recover themselves after taking a hit), increase in males pushing baby carts and
increase of baby carts on the street (feminism are trying to push the idea that they as mothers created
human, ignoring the role of men/father and that they are afraid to compare within the same generation;
the thought is quite a profoundly dangerous one since people thinks creators have rights to destroy its
creation, because we do not contribute human creation to either side that fundamentally we do not own
life and respects life; if they successfully pushed their idea, this fundamental ethic will be broken), more
guys with boy-liked mentality (this doesn't just mean attachment to mother, but of guys that are unable
to take responsibilities of what happens to the world, and guys that holds less principles about what is
right and wrong because it doesn't matter to them), and more people doing sport (not a bad thing but
falling into inferiority complex from watching the movie '300 something' is a wrong reason for doing sport,
besides for heavy feministic brainwashing that was in that movie, maybe they are burning off the stress,
not much can be said aside from a heavy plummet in national pride).

< Feminist Psychology >

They get more happiness from seeing more people in pain; seeing men out of work, wasting their life
away when they feminists enjoy a job, car, housing and good life gives them a sense of empowerment.
Simply stopping them doesn't solve the problem because you have already taught them if they act up
they can get what they wanted; attracting them to try again. Since they knew media is their best weapon
that can defeat your average politicians and general public, they aren’t going to give it up.

< Back to Society >

Even if someone stopped the process midway, feminists have already gained so much it become
impossible to take it back in any formal means. Reversal is even harder when newer generations whom
have received twisted education grown to young adults. Japan has been producing a subculture that
prepares itself for culture damage since WWII, it did somewhat ok in this respect. I admire those that

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detect and speak out against feminism, like Putin of Russia or vice-chairman of China. Even without
discussion on whether issues they supports are right or wrong, when you are under pressure by outside
media, how many men are able to speak out with backbones like them? Even though in term of country
one might stand in opposition, but in term of manhood I give my respect to them.

< Back to You >

For people whom are desperate to marry anyone will do, includes taking concessions, all of them
unreasonable (if the male side still holds his social responsibility while the females are abandoning theirs
using any reason including the word 'equality'). However getting a girlfriend with a mentality that "If I act
up and try to treat you as a 2nd class citizen then you'll abide and that is equality" is a fundamental
problem, simply because once they decided that abandoning their social responsibility is 'equality' and
such idea spread to everyone, you cannot reverse nor stop the process from worsening.

You might expect your country’s leader to do this and that, but ultimately it is part of your responsibility
to put a permanent stop to feminism. You need to decide the question “Is your justice limited by media?”
We do have enough manpower to fight; just that media has induced fear in us that we are afraid to
“remember justice’ as it was.
You do know that this loser psychology sticks and affects your ability to laugh, your ability to reproduce,
your life-span, your ability to communicate as well as your intelligence. Do something also presents a
chance for you to be not just a small fry working for somebody all your life but become someone your
parents and friends never thought of being possible, follow me, if you have the determination to risk
everything you have had.

You don’t want your children to go through the same thing. You need to teach your children this as well.
There is no superhero to save anybody. Waiting only gets yourself in the end. Since feminism are willing
to trend on ethics to achieve their end, and they are very good at guessing your psychology, showing any
psychological weakness towards them gets you exploited (Especially any willingness to talk, forgive or
taking concessions).

You have choices, you can either hide in some company, do your daily job, marry or not marry you will live
a life of humiliation knewing that you lost to those feminists everytime you heard their evil laughters, by
the time you are too old and you just realized you have ran away from something you should never had,
that you have never seriously in full earnest give your life to do something great that you can look back
upon with a grin.

By now you know not to argue with a feminist. They will use twisted reasoning and unethical discussions,
trying to portray themselves as victims that have rights in hurting you or other men. Trying to make men
slaves is their ultimate goal and they will use whatever talk to "justify" that. Your responsibility is not to
have a serious conversation with them or even talk with them with a serious mindset from the beginning.

Any forgiveness is taken automatically as ‘you don't have ability to fight back’. We haven't even fought
once, is our psychology so weak to only last half a year? If we do nothing here and allow the anger to
subdue and the next generation took over, then we live our life to death as losers. It gets down to yourself;
do you want to just keep on running away? Knowing it is wrong and evil? How are you going to face your
fathers and forefathers? We cannot inherit what we can’t protect!

Group together, cooperates, laughs together, cries together, fights together and gets our pride back
together…or else becomes slaves and second class citizens in your own country your father and forefather
worked so hard to build. For pacifist, you can start by reporting and boycotting companies that openly
supports feminism.

I'm doing this because I knew if I don't do something I'll regret for the rest of my life. When women have
won using their weapons, they are joyful, we felt betrayed, we call them names, but they still feel joyful.

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Only winners have a future! Only winner can laugh out loud! You need to get back your pride yourself or it
is not coming back. Support oppression on evil.

< How to Unbrainwash Yourself >

Unbrainwashing yourself can be just as painful as getting brainwashed, you must convince yourself to
absorb the material to kick out prior brainwashing in your head. I unbrainwash myself to regain
motivation by reading past media that are anti-feministic (or in feminists’ propaganda: sexists. Don’t be
surprised, this propaganda is part of their plan as well).

Don't worry about what the media says (you knew from the feminism evil that it is all propaganda
anyways) or public opinion (or you can use this chance to count the numbers that got brainwashed by
media for entertainment), as a man with pride, you have responsibilities in changing yourself to be anti-
feministic and be able to speak out.
I found this manga helpful ( 明日的丈 ) http://mh.cngba.com/mh/839/

<< Come out first day of every month to the largest bus/train station in your city and cooperate with
fellow comrades >>

This mail is sent to every country, not just yours.

Please distribute to fellow comrades (friends, relatives, and your network…of course, by comrades I mean


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