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ISL WEEK 1 ELT METHODOLOGY Question 1 Write down in 25 words or less a definition of language.

. Language is a tool to communicate with other person, it can be use through oral, writing and also body gestures.

Question 2 Reflect on your own language (BM / BI) learning experience First 3 years Pre-school years School years

First 3 years When we was a baby we will started babbling, like ba,ba,ba,ba, ma,ma,ma,ma. We will start to speak the first word between 10-15 months. The first words includes the words people ( papa, mama), toys, food, greeting items etc. For example, ball might mean, thats a ball or I want that ball. At age 18 until 24 months, we may begin to utter two word sentences. For examples, more milik, Mama walk? or All gone. At age of 3, we started to talk more like, Bibi hungry, more milk. Pre-school years During pre-school years, we gradually become more sensitive to the sounds of spoken words. We begin to understand the complex sentences. For example, Juju and Joey are going riding with Daddy. We also will always asking question, Where are you going, daddy?. School years During school years, we had developed our vocabulary and grammar. We use more language that the actions. We begin to develop the reading skills. Our languages are increase.

Question 3 In your experience, as an English learner: i. Are there personal characteristics that make you more successful than another learner? Good language learners make their own opportunities for practicing the language inside and outside of the classroom. Good language learners learn to make intelligent guesses. Good language learners learn to live with uncertainty by focusing on the meaning of what they can understand, by not getting flustered, and by continuing to talk or listen without necessarily understanding every word.


Which characteristics seem to you most likely to be associated with success in L2 acquisition? Successful language learners make errors work for them and not against them. Successful language learners find their own way and take charge of their learning. They determine the methods that are best for them as individual learners. They learn from others and experiment with different methods. Successful language learners use mnemonics and other memory strategies to recall what they are learning.


Share your opinion with your group members. Find 3 most important and 3 least important learner characteristics.

3 Most Important Learner Characteristics Has Self-Confidence All good language learners are self-confident when using all four language skills. This self-confidence has been obtained from the encouragement of others, taking risks, and from scaffolding or the support given by teachers or target language friends. With self-confidence, motivation, and constant practice, most people can be successful in learning a second language. Acquisition of a foreign language will then be of extreme benefit, because it will open doors to new ideas and acquaintances with new people in new countries and cultures.

Attend to Meaning, Not Just Grammar A good language learner realizes that a second language can't be learned by only memorizing grammar rules from a book. Language is primarily intended to communicate meaning and not only be grammatically correct. For this reason. a good learner pays more attention to the meaning he or she is trying to get across rather than producing a sentence which is completely grammatically correct. Willing to Make And Learn From Mistakes If a language learner is uninhibited, he or she will be willing to make mistakes and learn from mistakes. Just as in learning your native language, you learn a second language by trial and error. When I was living in Taiwan and learning Taiwanese in the 1970s, I once went to an outdoor market to look for papaya. I remember clearly asking one of the fruit vendors whether he had any "bakgui." Upon hearing this, he was somewhat startled and surprised that I was asking for a ghost. It turns out that "gui" in Taiwanese means ghost. I should have said "bakgoe" which is the correct word. This was a learning experience and I never made a mistake again when asking for papaya in Taiwanese.

3 Least Important Learner Characteristics Uninhibited A good language learner is uninhibited. He or she is not afraid to speak and initiate a conversation with a teacher or a stranger. Consequently, the learner will have more opportunities to practice, because most people naturally will not start a conversation with a stranger. Even if a person is apprehensive about starting a conversation, it is to their advantage to practice speaking with other people as much as possible. Use linguistic knowledge Including knowledge of their first language, in learning a second language. Learn chunks of language Learn chunks of language as wholes and formalized routines to help them perform beyond their competence. For example, they may learn idioms, proverbs, or other phrases knowing what the whole phrase means without necessarily understanding each individual part.

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