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Revolutions and Nationalism

World History, March 2013

1830 More Revolutions

France overthrow one kin (Charles X), replace with Louis-Philippe supported by upper-MC bourgeoisie Belgium revolution independence from Dutch Republic Independence movement in Poland crushed by Russia Austria stop Italian independence When France sneezes, Europe gets a cold

1848 Year of Revolutions

France (again) Overthrow monarchy The Second Republic (no monarchy, all elected leaders) Constitution, universal male suffrage, 4-year President Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (Louis-Napoleon) nephew of N.B. elected
(Later calls himself Emperor Napoleon III)

Revolution Surges Through Europe

1848 Revolution in Paris set off revolutions around Europe Grievances had been piling up Middle-class liberals wanted greater political rights Workers demanded relief from miseries of Industrial Revolution Nationalists wanted independence from foreign rule

German States
38 German states Austria and Prussia the main powers Attempt at German unification constitution limited monarchy Frederick William IV of Prussia turns down the crown, ices unification for now

Austrian Empire
Nationalist movements want independence Demonstrations in major cities Gave Hungary its own legislature Czechs want independence

Revolts in Italian States

Nine states, divided among European powers Revolts, rapidly crushed by Austria, etc.

Revolts in Italian States

Revolutions of 1848 Ultimately failures

Divisions among moderate and radical revolutionaries Ethnic groups in favor of independence for themselves, not for minorities they control
Hungary wants freedom from Austria Denied freedom to Croats, Serbs, etc.

Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)

Journalist and Politician Revolutionary democrat Republican The Beating Heart of Italy

Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882)

Republican Revolutionary Military leader Red Shirt Army Guerilla fighter 1861 unifies Italy under King Victor Emmanuel II

QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

Napoleon III, Emperor of France

Re-emerging French Empire Sounded democratic Believed in personal rule and a centralized state Attempted to seize portions of Italy


Unification of Germany, 1864-1871

Otto von Bismarck (18151898) Junker Prussian Nobility Brilliant diplomat Realpolitik politics of reality, not ethics Blood and iron The Iron Chancellor (Prime Minister) 1862-1866 fought wars to unify German territory under Prussian control Fought Austria 1866

North German Confederation, 1866 German Empire, 1871

Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71

France worried about growing Prussian power Declare war 1870 Entire French army and Napoleon III captured Paris surrenders 28 JAN 1871 18 JAN 1871: Second German Empire (Reich) declared in the Palace of Versailles, Hall of Mirrors King Wilhelm I of Prussia crowned KAISER Wilhelm I of the new SECOND REICH

Britain No Revolutions! How?

1832 Parliament extends voting rights - more members of the industrial middle class Keeps British bourgeoisie connected and with a sense of shared power Social and political reforms Industrializationprosperity rising wages and standard of living for all Queen Victoria reigned 1837-1901 symbol of British pride

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