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"The Thesis project is of major importance to the education of an architect.

Students have to define their interests and their questions about architecture through the definition of a theme, a site and eventually a program. These projects are not always or necessarily meant to be problem solving proposals, but rather the place where critical issues can be made explicit and tested. What unifies the Thesis projects is that they are all based on philosophical and conceptual values and beliefs, and in that respect it is the hope of a teacher that this will be an experience that will inspire the students for a search that will last a lifetime." Diana Agrest, the Cooper Union
Types of Thesis Projects The Architectural Thesis may take numerous forms. The Architecture Program at SPSU has identified several possible categories of a Thesis project; listed below they are intended to provide the student and faculty with a general sampling of potential categories. Other options may be considered by the faculty.

Programmatic Concerns- Study of program and programmatic concerns including hybrid programs and new functional types. Socio-Cultural - investigations that originate in contemporary social or cultural observations and /or problematic (such as homelessness, racial or class divisions . . . etc.) that should be probed for their architectural implications and seen in a rigorously researched historical context. Historical- investigations that originate in historical analysis and study of architecture or issues and concerns related to it. Tectonic/ Design Build- investigations that explore the implications of spatial, structural, technical, system or material selection and development on architectural expression, qualities, spatial arrangements and/or detailing. Contextual Response- explorations that begin with a given site and its specific conditions that may be used to provoke productive spatial, programmatic or conceptual thinking in architecture and its related fields. This might include urban, suburban or ecological sensitive ones. It may encompass much larger spatial systems, as well as extra-spatial phenomena such as socio-cultural, historical, geological and ecological attributes. Typological- Critical investigations into a given building type, its history and its potential transformations. Narrative Works- (literary or pre-existing text or work) - takes as its starting point a pre-existing literary or artistic work which serves as the basis of both analysis and architectural exploration. Multi-disciplinary Investigations- examines the relationship between architecture and other fields. Examples may include architecture and its relationship to philosophy, art, film, music etc. Preservation/adaptive reuse- investigations that begin with an existing structure and propose critical and technical explorations for their adaptation or preservation. Theoretical- begins with the examination and/or questioning of an architectural text, conception of space (Empathy, Isotropic etc.) diagrams, drawings, or architectural representation, in general.

The Architecture Program at SPSU regards Sustainability as implied in all categories. Issues concerning the environment and sustainability are part of architectural practice.

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