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Introduction of teaching and learning strategies and teaching in the education system is a medium or a way to deliver on the goals of education students aspired. Here, although the substance of education oriented toward educational goals and objectives, but to be able to target the right goals and objectives with the necessary methods and strategies are effective, because both have values that are equally important. In ushuliyah adage says that "Al-Amr bi al-syai 'Amr biwasaa'ilihi", al-wali al-maqoshidi wasaili hukmu ". It means "command on something (which includes education) then the command is also looking for the medium (methods and strategies), and the same medium for him with what the intended legal. In a verse in the Quran also stated "And look for ways (strategies) that draw closer to Him and mean indeed on his way." (Surah Al-Maidah: 35) This paper emphasizes on the search strategy effective teaching and learning in order to foster the spiritual aspects of the diversity of students, especially students in PTAIN environment. B. Teaching and Learning Strategies (Conceptual Overview) The issue of education is simple, namely the question how to lead learners in the educational goals and objectives expected. but in the technical-operational, efforts to deliver on the goals and objectives is not easy and lightweight, requires a long process, it is necessary for the right strategy for the educational process more directly to the goal. Education and the learning process can be simply illustrated in the following chart; Figure 01: Education and Learning Process diagram above illustrates that the raw input (raw input) in this case students or learners, which are the raw materials that are given a particular learning experience in the process teaching and learning (teaching learning process) in the hope of a change in the student into outputs (output) with specific qualifications, education outcomes and then generate return values (values-feedback) is called the (outcome) and the final stage is the impact (impact) of graduates produced better educational environment and society at large. In the teaching-learning process that involved a number of factors that also function intentionally designed it and manipulated in order to support the achievement of outputs (output) desired. Besides being similarly affected a number of environmental factors, which is the input environment (environmental input). These various factors interact with each other in an effort to produce output (output) desired. In the process of teaching and learning (teaching-learning process) there is a strategy that should be planned carefully, appropriate and acceptable in order that output is expected to be truly fit for purpose. Education strategy is essentially the art of knowledge or circumvent gunakanan all factors / forces to secure the educational objectives to be achieved through planning and directing the operation according to the situation and existing field conditions, including the calculation of the obstacles in the form of physical and the non physical (such as mental, spiritual and moral good of the subject, the object and the environment). (Arifin, 1991: 58). In a simple strategy learning is how to perform teaching or designing a "street teaching", for it required teaching steps. Determination and implementation of such measures are influenced by many things, among others, the factors of educational objectives, the capability of teachers, state of the tools available and the circumstances of learners. (Tafsir, 1991:132). These factors can be generally described in the summary below: Figure 02: Factors Influencing the Learning Process The steps are simple to teach, Menurt Robert Glaser can be described as follows: Figure 03: Steps in Teaching Based on the model of teaching Glaser , then at least the teaching and learning strategies should perform the following steps: 1. Determining Instructional Objectives. In determining (instructional objectives) learning objectives should not deviate from the Competency Standards (SK) and the Basic Competency (KD), KD should not deviate from the purpose of education is to be achieved by field of study called

SK. Furthermore Competency Standards (SKL) must be consistent with the goals to be achieved by the institution called the Institutional goal (TI). Institutional goals should be aligned with national education goals (TPN) in accordance with the mandate of Law as set forth in Education Law No.. 20 of 2003, and the national education goals should be in line with the goal of universal education. The purpose of education is a universal educational goals desired by the people in general, is a good man. Objectives that must be understood by teachers include tiered objectives ranging from national educational goals, institutional goals, curricular objectives, the general purpose of learning to specific learning objectives. In general, the purpose of education in America has some of the terms, for example, aim, goal and objective. However, this term has a context which basically differ from each other. According to Kennet T. Henson in his book The Curriculum Development for Education Reform, said the aim, goal and objective has stratification differences in purpose and scope. Figure 04 below explains the definition and examples of each. Figure 04: The difference between the aim, goal and objectives) In education, there is a term aim (national education goals), which is in accordance with the mandate of the constitution in 1945 the opening paragraph four, explained that the goal of our national education is "the intellectual life of the nation. Then on goal (education institutional goals) for example, form a human person who is faithful and noble beraklak and able to master science and technology. While the objective (learning objectives) Adjusted Basic Competency (KD) eg in learning Islamic education for grades IX Chapter I of human functioning as caliph, learning goals are "students can read and understand the verses about the man and his duties as a caliph in the earth. "learning process without purpose is like a life without direction. Therefore, the purpose of education and learning as a whole must be controlled by the teacher. The goal is set based on the characteristic features of children and the direction to be achieved. Learning objectives are sejumah learning outcomes indicate that students have committed to learn, which generally covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are expected to be achieved by new students Oemar According Hamalik (2003) components of learning objectives include: (1) behavior, (2) the conditions of the test, (3) standard (size) behavior. In curriculum development models such as unit level education curriculum (SBC) adapted to the learning objectives of Competency Standards (SK) and the Basic Competency (KD) is measured through indicators of learning achievement of success. Learning behavior in SBC measured with clear indicators. For example, to explain, express and apply a concept or theory. 2. Entering Entering behavior determines behavior is a step to determine the condition and behavior of learners including general conditions as well as the readiness of their learning ability, included in this step is the initial test (pre-test). The underlying rules entering behavior is "we can not teach people who do not recognize kitak", Recognizing learners entering conducted to determine the behavior of learners, learners who, what his background, his physical and mental state, especially its readiness to accept the new teaching . All this must be known to the teacher before he began teaching and entering this activity behavior. 3. Determining Instructional Procedure. This step is considered the most important, most difficult and most complicated. teach a lot of success is determined by this section. To determine the initial educator or teacher ought to know in advance the various teaching according to the type of development that should be done. According to Bloom (1956), that there are three domains of human development, namely: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Based on the three target domains that match the types of teaching and teaching methods are used as follows: First, teaching is covered in cognitive, verbal types of teachings in the form of teaching, teaching concepts and teaching principles. These teachings each has its own sequence of verbal teaching is the teaching language teaching procedures relatively a lot. Likewise, teaching concepts and principles have been many theories about the sequence (step teaching). Second, affective development. This seems less developed part of teaching art and religion and all the

teaching that is intended as a development of the affective aspect is very difficult to explain teaching sequence. In this case is very different when compared to verbal instruction, concepts and principles, as found in the cognitive aspects. Third, psychomotor development. This form of exercise ketrampian coaching to master certain movements automatically. In a religious context this stage emphasizes the learners to be able to motivate yourself in order to move, run and adhere to the basic values of religion. 4. Performance Assessment, which determines how and techniques of evaluation. These forms of Performance Assessment as holding the final test (post-test). This test is done every finished teaching or any we finished teaching a unit of study materials. Share this: Twitter Facebook4

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