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NOVAD School of Thought

As we begin Year 2 of #OWS, we find ourselves in a crucial point where organizing is done not in closed loop AGs {Affinity Groups} but rather in constellations of AGs.

History of #OWS in 3 Acts

Looking back, one can clearly identify three phases of the #OWS movement. The first phase or rhizome can be considered from July 13th, when the call to occupy Wall Street was issued, until the eviction day, on November 15th. This moment was a period of astoundment, encounter, and hope. Here, WE FOUND EACH OTHER, an anomic lost generation that found validity and meaning in other strangers. This epoch was brutaly terminated by the NYPD. Then, from November 15th until #S17/2012 we had the Diaspora phase or Dandelions, when many occupiers rovered out and about the country, visiting different occupations, taking a break, or simply dispersing altogether. This was a moment of hardship and introspection like Kerouacs On The Road where we first and foremost were able to know ourselves deeper and held tight to the people with whom we most resonated with. We discovered our community was independent from a park, our axis mundi was actually in the moving communa itself. Lastly, the phase where we are now at, which can be called Constellations, start theoretically on the mass convergence for our anniversary on #S17 and has a unknown duration as of yet. It is characterized by a plurality of ideological currents that know they are different, know how they rather work and with whom, have different priorities, and different degrees of influence. #Novad is one of these currents. It helped spark the occupy movement and has been present in major points of inflection, aiming to fight

corporatocracy, shedding light in key movement trends and challenging power imbalances in #occupy. After a year of hard work, dedication and experience, we gathered enough knowledge on what works and what doesnt to be able to #play as a major force in #year2 of OccupyWallStreet.

The axis where our life-forms gravitate around is: [Games, Art & Revolution].
The Novads found the activity of #play to be the preferable method for the imagining and acting-out of brave new worlds. The welcoming and celebration of play emerged along with the abanbonment of hateful obliwork for its limitations in being able to create, change & sustain reality without demanding high physical, spiritual & psychological stress. When the product of play was discovered to be bloom, expressed mainly through art, existing only in distinguishable but immeasurable forms, the groundwork was laid for disqualifying the capitalist ideologies regarding productivity & value. IN OTHER WORDS:: POST-MODERNIST CRAP. Novads tend to have something in common: the idea-becoming of Homo ludens. After a whole year of radical experimentation, our knowledge corpus consolidated on the #NOVAD {nova} + {nomad} School of Thought.

Fundamental Values Trilogy :: Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity!

In the traditional way of organizing in #OWS, AGs operate behind the scenes with little accountability. Our family is not afraid of coming out of the closet and reveals who is who on our network, what we do, feel and believe, and how to get involved if you like what you see. We believe radical transparency is crucial to a healthy democracy. As of yet, the #Novad current comprises the following AGs: OccupyHistorians An effort to write an open-sourced and open-ended history of #OWS, based on the idea of the Anarchives & Narratives. It involves lyrical, poetical, and metaphorical becomings. It experiments with the intersection between literature & political theory, giving birth to novad political literature.

Direct Action Flaneurs How movement can help the movement? Contemporary Dance & Typewriters exploding into an unexpected #bloom of committed observations. Anachronism, movement, #improv and tactile relationships.

Eu Jogo Pelo Povo - Street Capoeira This Brazilian mixture of Martial Arts & Dance is incredibly effective in teaching people how to both defend themselves and develop a sense of solidarity, malicia, and play. Occupational Art School #OAS n1; spreading the seeds {transmissions} of the #NOVAD School of Thought @BatHaus, Brooklyn. A collaboration with OccupyWithArt. It is envisioned as parts art school, food co-op, performance space, urban farm, salon and lab of techne/poeisis. A space with doors open all ways: to the community, to artists, to scientists and technicians, to writers, and via web applications to the world. It is a creative monad, one of many, completely open and reflective, malleable and congenial.

Some of the work our Revolutionary Partay is involved with: Salons Pluripotential TAZs {Temporary Autonomous Zones} where players join into a space whose rules have been temporarily subverted. the new rules favor the oozing of #poiesis. These rules can be summed up as invitations and freedom. Time in the TAZs is liberated rather than chromatic. It is generated by creativity and impulse, not by instrumentalist notions of goals, tasks, and outcomes. Its motto:: nemo nisi vinculo ligatus ingreditur. #MagicMountain was its longest embodiment. Jez3Prez Incredible anarchist Prez candidate running for the 2020 elections. A small exerpt of his bio (...) its paranormal! Its super-real! And its an opportunity to be really, really silly!. More on the platform of our candidate: jez3prez.tumblr.com and anarchist3office.wordpress.com Novad MEGAzine Publication of the revolutionary homo ludens. It manifests the spirit of the #NOVAD School of Thought. Criteria for inclusion: #chimeras. What are we looking for? The best #theory + #poiesis we can muster! How can we know if we found it or not? Easy: #astoundment. This periodical without regular periodicity is available online, in print, or any other media that expands the proposal. Rover Communa A practical experiment of a prefigurative CIVILIZATION. Networked roving communa mobilis & communa fluens working to achieve total rupture with the neoliberal state by rendering it obsolete. Hopefully establishing a collaboration with #occupyfarms and other like-minded groups. It experiments with a radical abolition of the debt-credit relationship, and tries to implement #anarconomics, an economy without money. OWS #Humanization An attempt to resist Post-Modernist mentality and its necrophilic ethos within the movement and in society at large. This effort uses play and safe spaces to re-humanize bodies that lost something along the way: what MAKES US HUMAN. Play as therapy, as healing, as the glue that bonds back together a fractured community. Lets de-commodify fun together! Anarcobotics A HackerSpace prepared to explore open source code and open hardware in order to develop systems and mechanisms usualy made by corporations.

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