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18 - July 2013- Shabaan 1434 H

A publication of The Urdu Speaking Union

And Allah has full power and control over his Affairs, but most of men know not. [Quran 12:21] Surely, it is by His grace alone that today I am among the HSC laureates 2012. No matter how many times I thank Allah, the Most Exalted, for all the honour, favours, and blessings He has bestowed upon me, it will simply be never enough. Hard work pays. However, my dedication to my studies would have been in vain had it not been for the support of my parents, my elder brother, relatives, friends and most importantly my teachers. Neither can I forget all my Muslim brothers and sisters who constantly pray for the wellbeing of our community. I might not be a language student, but I have always found Urdu a fascinating and captivating language. I have a special corner for Urdu since long, which is why I studied it till O' level. I probably developed a strong liking for this refined language due to its rich vocabulary and politeness, finding its roots in languages namely Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Sanskrit! The sweetness of this language and its poetical beauty is what makes it unique. Personally, I believe that there is no other language so romantic where one can express one's feelings so gracefully... Nevertheless, my choice of career did not allow me to further my studies in Urdu. I now intend to study law after which, I have the sincere wish to work for the welfare of the community and the country. The Muslim Ladies Council is among the best NGO's which has done quite much to serve the society, catering for all age groups. Hence I joined the organisation, wishing, Insha Allah, to put my knowledge and resources at the disposal of the needy. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has said, Every believer who consoles his brother in distress will be dressed by Allah in an apparel of honour on the Day of Resurrection. May Allah help us to achieve success in both worlds!
Haajrah B Rohom


Pg 2


Interview with H.E. Major General (Rtd) Ulfat Hussain, High Commissioner of Pakistan Pg 4




July 2013 - Shabaan 1434 H

In the context of the 10th Annual Prize Giving Ceremony of Urdu Speaking Union and the launching of the web-site
H.E. the President of the Republic:Urdu like the other ancestral languages are the most precious gifts brought up here by our ancestors from India.
After commending the Urdu Speaking Union and the National Urdu Institute for their unflinching efforts in propagating Urdu, the President of the Republic H.E. Mr Rajkeswur Purryag, G.C.S.K, G.O.S.K quoted the following words of a famous philosopher:Language is the roadmap of culture. To lay emphasis on this statement, he said that the person without the knowledge of culture is like a tree without roof. Urdu like the other ancestral languages, is the most precious gift brought by our ancestors from India. They did not carry material wealth. Due to their fervour and devotion, they withstood colonial rule and jealously guarded their precious heritage. They were greatly inspired by the Sacred Books and they had to a great extent been able to transmit the ancestral and cultural heritage to the next generations. He then quoted the father of the Nation, Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam who at a meeting of the Select Committee said that one might spend all the time in studying other languages, they can only preserve their own identity while learning the ancestral language. The President of the Republic requested the students to follow this message of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam. It made it clear that he is fully convinced that languages are great pillars to our culture. According to him, our culture and language have stood the test of time and diversity is the source of our strength. He ended with the following inspiring words: We are all supposed to be staunch defenders of our languages. We all love Urdu and the other languages. The Acting Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Rashid Beebeejaun, G.C.S.K, F.R.C.P, went back to the years 1930 to 1945 at a time when there was no great development in the teaching of Urdu. He then named two promoters of Urdu: Messrs Ahmed Abdulla and Goolhamid Beegun. He was greatly applauded when he said that he is now satisfied with Urdu Speaking Union who is giving full justice to its mission of propagating Urdu in different ways. Thanks to the support of the Pakistan High Commission, Urdu will be further propagated with the materialization of the Urdu House. To promote a language depends on how we can make it reach the people, such was the statement of the Minister of Arts and Culture, Hon. Mookhesswur Choonee. 'Our ancestors have made it living and we are pushing it forward', he added. Formerly, the teaching of Urdu was limited to Madrassah and now it has reached tertiary level. It is an undeniable fact that the Mauritian Government, the High Commissions of India and Pakistan continue extending their support to make Urdu a living language. The Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation is in its side promoting Urdu and the other ancestral languages through the different channels. The Urdu Speaking Union and the National Urdu Institute have been doing a colossal work in promoting Urdu language and culture as well. He thus appealed to the parents to avail the opportunity to make their children take keen interest in Urdu.. The High Commissioner of Pakistan, H.E. Major General (Rtd) Ulfat Hussain commended the task Urdu Speaking Union has been doing for the progress of Urdu. He then informed that the journey started in 1722 with the arrival of Indian emigrants. However, the formal Urdu education started in 1855 with the arrival of Khawaz Ali Bakhash in Mauritius. He referred to the contribution of Hakeem Abdul Rasheed Nawab, Abdul Wahab Foondun, Prof.Azeem ul Haq Junaidi and Goolhamid Beegun, without forgetting Shehzad A. Ahmed, who is now the lead today. He paid homage to the former Vice President of the Republic, Abdul Raouf Bundhun who had tried to convince Pakistani government for the construction of an Urdu House here. The High Commissioner of Pakistan is working on the project and hoped that progress would be achieved after his visit to Pakistan in June. He acknowledged the good will of Mauritian government for allocating a piece of land for this same project. He expressed his appreciation towards the Mauritian authorities for the promotion of ancestral languages. He is convinced that Mauritius government is the only one in the world, doing so much for the preservation of regional languages. According to the representative of the High Commission of India, Mr Mimansak, Urdu is the official language in five regions of the Great Peninsula and is taught in nearly all universities. Culturally, the language keeps on progressing since the time of Amir Khusroo till to-day, to mention one name Javed Akhtar. Urdu facilitates national integration and it has become a mirror for the people through communicative means of media, including films and literatures. He assured the audience that India will continue supporting the language for its further propagation and progress. In his welcoming speech, the Chairperson of USU, Shehzad A. Ahmed stated that since the creation of the USU in 2003 which coincided with the 2nd World Urdu Conference, much has been achieved for the propagation of Urdu. On this auspicious occasion, he added, a web site would be launched as a gateway to the world of Urdu, conceived in both Urdu and English so that it could be accessible to those who might not be familiar with the language of Iqbal and Ghalib. The website comprises all important aspects of USU in terms of its past, present and future activities, on line dictionaries Urdu to Urdu, Urdu to English and Urdu to French, an e-learning programme to learn Urdu from scratch, test papers for students of NUI, issues of Sada--Urdu newspapers, Urdu dramas and programmes from three channels. There is also a strong possibility to relay live programmes from any part of the world. He extended his thanks to NCPUL of India and the National Language Authority of Pakistan and to their Director General, Dr Khwaja Mohd Ekramuddin along with Mr Ahmad Anwar for the invaluable assistance in putting this website together. It is a matter of great satisfaction, he added, that there has been an increase in the number of students showing interest for Urdu. 3000 students are studying Urdu at the secondary in 64 colleges out of 69. 116 candidates took part for HSC exams with 100% of passes. At SC level a percentage of 93.2% was obtained from 450 students. 2000 students took part for CPE exams with a success of 68.8%. Some 600 students took part in the various stages of exams conducted by NUI, with an average passes of 85.8. 29 students are taking B.A (Hons) Urdu and 15 on a part-time basis. 7 students are pursing the PGCE. The intervener did not fail to lay emphasis on the support of the Ministry of Arts and Culture, the High Commissions of India and Pakistan for the cause of Urdu at academic, literary and cultural levels. Mention was made to Aqeedat k Phool, a naat competition jointly organized by MBC and Urdu Speaking Union on regular basis. This year, this competition is opened to participants aged as from 15 years. On the occasion of Mehraj Shareef celebrated on the 6th of June, the renowned Naatkhwan Nisar Ahmed Marfani was in Mauritius on the invitation of the USU. The cultural programme comprised a ghazal, a story telling, and a patriotic poem written by Dr Swabir Goodur, O.S.K, interpreted by Munirah Jaffarbeg, Zahiyya Goodur and Abdullah Abdool Latiff respectively. Before proceeding to distribution of prizes to the best students of Urdu and winners of various competitions in the same language, the web-site was launched by the President of the Republic and the Acting Prime Minister. It is worth noting that Mr Farook Bauccha was awarded the Imteaz-eUrdu Award this year for his contribution to the promotion and propagation of Urdu in Formal Education. A galaxy of personalities were present, including the Lord Mayor of Port-Louis, Mr Aslam Hossenally, the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Hon. Shakeel Mohamed, the former Vice President of the Republic, Mr Raouf Bundhun, the Hon. Reza Uteem and Adil Meeah, members of the National Assembly and the spouses of the President of the Republic, Mrs Puryagg; the Acting Prime Minister, Mrs Khatjan Beebeejaun; the High Commissioner of Pakistan, Mrs Ulfat Hussain amongst others. Mr Anwar Dustmahomed, Miss Abeenaaz Janally and Miss Soomehra Auckburally were the Master of Ceremony. Mariam Goodur

July 2013 - Shabaan 1434 H


En dbut de sicle, l'on assistait l'vnement qui consistait accueillir ces pionniers-voyageurs qui embarquaient Bombay, souvent en famille, pour s'aventurer, par voie maritime, dans les embarcations de fortune qu'taient les bateaux BI (pour British India) dans des conditions on ne peut plus hasardeuses. Ceux-ci avaient pour dsignations SS Amra ou Karanja, mais on s'y rfrait plutt par l'appellation 'bateaukhalasi'. Le voyage s'arrtant Mombasa, les passagers pouvaient, pour changer le fusil d'paule, passer la compagnie Messageries Maritimes de Marseille tout en y bnficiant de conditions moins inconfortables, en tout cas plus scurises. Car la compagnie franaise disposait d'authentiques navires vapeur, les paquebots, ce qui faisaient du voyage presqu'une croisire. Ils avaient pour noms : le Jean-Laborde, le Ferdinand de Lesseps (du nom de l'ingnieur de Suez), entre autres. Les escales comprenaient ici : Dar-es-Salam, Moroni, Tamatave, Pointe des Galets, Port Louis, jusqu'au Cap en Afrique australe. Tout au long de l'itinraire, les passagers avaient le loisir de descendre visiter les lieux et, ventuellement, le choix d'y rester, l'encouragement des homologues dits 'apran-wala' aidant. L'oiseau tant pour la branche, il arrivait que des familles entires se dispersaient pour se fixer diffrents points, qui Port-Louis, qui Saint-Denis, par exemple. D'autres prfraient refaire le voyage en sens inverse pour regagner le pays d'origine, surtout s'il y a la famille qui attend. C'est ainsi que l'un de ces voyageurs, missionnaire par vocation, dbarquait chez nous un certain dcembre 1928 pour un premier contact. Nous avons nomm Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui. L'impact fut tel qu'en peu de temps fut constitue une socit qu'on dsignera sous l'appellation 'Halqa-Qadria Ishat'. Aussitt aprs, l'on verra la mise sur pied de l'hospice Currimjee Jeewanjee, connu comme le Couvent Rue Saint-Georges, ou 'Bwakhana'. Dix ans aprs sa premire visite et sjour Port-Louis, le maulana nous reviendra pour instaurer chez nous un 'Muslim Unity Board', tre constitu de reprsentants de nos diverses socits, toutes sectes ou obdiences confondues. Ce fut, simultanment, le lancement de l'institution dite Waq'f et, par la mme occasion, celle du mouvement dit Youth Brigade, prcurseur du Muslim Scout destin aux jeunes. Auparavant, un '3' mai (1939), Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui allait faire date en inaugurant la premire clbration, sur grande chelle, du Yaum-un Nabi. D'autant historique que l'vnement, tenu au Taher Bagh, Champ de Mars, fut marqu par la prsence du gouverneur colonial qu'tait sir Bede Clifford. Autre fait marquant : la foule qui s'tait masse la gare Victoria pour accueillir l'minent visiteur. Submerg par ladite foule, l'un des membres du comit de rception, nommment Yakoob Ramjan, devait succomber sous la pression. Celui-l mme qui sera inhum QuatreBornes (Sodnac), dans l'enceinte de la mosque qui allait porter son nom. En 1949, Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui allait effectuer sa cinquime et dernire visite chez nous. Au fil des annes, ce sera celles du successeur Maulana Shah Ahmad Noorani Siddiqui, pour prendre la relve, en attendant l'arrive du petit-fils Maulana Anas, de la ligne Siddiqui. SH.Abdool Rassool


Hereunder the guidelines that can lead us to material and spiritual bliss and present pitfalls that can make us go astray. We should, therefore, inculcate the virtues in us and discard the bad qualities that lead to our downfall.

3 3 3 3 3 3

things that man gets only once in a life: things that make brothers at daggers dawn: things that need privacy: things that are not sinful to remember: things that make man abusive: things that divert man from destination:


3 3 3

things that are loved by everybody: WIFE, CHILDREN AND WEALTH things that can't be stolen from you: TALENT, KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM things that don't return back:


3 3

persons that are always aggrieved: SUSPICIOUS, LAZY AND JEALOUS persons that are prisoners of their habit:


3 persons that are recognisable in trial:

Imran Beedassy

High Commissioner of Pakistan

July 2013 - Shabaan 1434 H

Interview with H.E Major General (Rtd) Ulfat Hussain,

Could you introduce yourself to our readers? I am Major General (Rtd) and my name is Ulfat Hussain. I have had a long career in the army with 40 years service. I did many logistic staff courses from Pakistan Army, including the National Defense course. With regards to my qualifications, I hold a Master's degree in Strategic Studies from the National Defense University of Pakistan, which is a Premier Educational Institution. During my service, I have been awarded Sitarah--Imtiaz, a great honour and then Hilal--Imtiaz, the greatest honour that a Major-General can get. I am married and father of four children, two daughters and two sons. The eldest daughter is a doctor; she is married to a civil engineer and they are in Dubai for the last eight years. My son is a civil engineer, married to a doctor, and they are in Saudi Arabia for the last four years. He is working in a mega project on the expansion of the Jeddah Airport. One of my daughters, who is holder of a Master's degree in Business Administration, is working along with her husband in UK Embassy, Islamabad. My youngest son is going to get married in July this year. He is following my footsteps and is captain in Pakistan Army. What are your expectations as New High Commissioner of Pakistan? Pakistan and Mauritius have cultural relationship, and as we are aware that nearly all Mauritians originate from the combined areas of Indian Sub-Continent. We have thus racial root and are basically same people. As far as the friendly ties are concerned, Pakistan established diplomatic relations right from the time the island got its independence in 1968. We have so many things to share and I'll seize the best opportunity to extend my co-operation for the benefit of both nations. I am looking forward to that cooperation and let us hope that it will be fruitful. I may reassure you that I'll make sincere efforts to come up to the required expectations, in the sense that I'll work for both countries. I believe in a win-win situation so that both countries may go further ahead. Mauritius is a gateway to Africa because of its strategic location, better situated than Dubai and Singapore. Mauritius has a very bright future to become a hub of activities and a gateway to Africa. I am very positive in terms of the great scope of prosperity for Mauritius. Would you like to spell out your priorities? Pakistan and Mauritius have more than a dozen of signed Memorandums of Understanding. My first priority would be to remove the dust from those files, with a view to activating the said Memorandums of Understanding. They have to be implemented for the benefit of both countries. If I can move those Memorandums of Understanding, it will be a great achievement and I am very positive in this respect. I have already had the opportunity of meeting many top people at Government level and even at community level and they have responded positively. I have also been in close contact with H.E., the Mauritian Ambassador in Pakistan, Mr Rachad Daureeawoo, before coming here. Last Sunday, we had a sitting here at the Embassy as he was back in Mauritius for holidays. Following that meeting, we had three working sessions to get things move. When, according to you, the establishment of the Urdu House will be realized? With regards to Urdu House, I have gone through a comprehensive report. I am trying to use my contact and I have talked to the Lord Mayor, Mr Aslam Hossenally. Let us wait and see. What are the areas of economic cooperation between Pakistan and Mauritius? There are lots of scopes which have unfortunately remained unexploited. Pakistan has great potentialities for provision of food stuff, engineering equipments, machineries and various technical aspects. We have good technical institutions to train Mauritians; either they can go there or the technicians may come here. Could the concept of a direct air line between Pakistan and Mauritius be realized? This is another area which has remained unexploited. Mauritian people know much about Pakistan whereas Pakistani people are not so well acquainted with Mauritius, One of the reasons being the absence of a direct flight between the two countries. In the absence of a direct air line, it causes problems in terms of time consuming and costing. There is already a Memorandum of Understanding between Pakistan and Mauritius for a direct flight. Unfortunately, it has not yet been implemented. Let me share with you that the person who is at the helm of affairs in PIA is a friend of mine, which friendship went back to the year 1973. We joined the army together and have been together for about forty-two years. Before I joined the diplomatic mission here, the question of a direct flight between Pakistan and Mauritius was raised. I have suggested to him that if there is no scope for an exclusive direct flight for the time being, in the meantime there could be a transit here. It will be a means for Pakistani to become aware of Mauritius and exchange of visits will increase. Pakistan keeps on offering scholarships to Mauritian students for further studies. Formerly, your government used to offer scholarships for short-terms courses, namely journalism, banking amongst others. Can we expect the same facilities again? The doors are still open; I have observed that opportunities are here, but very little time is spared for persons to apply. Same for scholarship in medical field. By the time it is advertised here, the session has already started in Pakistan. There is a gap of five or six months, so it is difficult for Mauritian students to cope once the semester has already started. I have spoken with the Minister of Education on this matter. Latest example, we got the offer from Pakistan, we forwarded it to the Ministry of Education. Unfortunately, it could not be processed as time was short. We are trying to get things right, with the involvement of Pakistan institutions, Ministry of Education and Mr Rashad Daureeawoo, the Mauritian Ambassador in Pakistan. Another issue is our education system and yours starts at a different time. Mauritius starts in January and Pakistan in June and the students lose six months. So far as short term courses are concerned, you may be assured that facilities are still here, nothing has been deleted in our programme. In fact, we try to increase and not decrease facilities. The young generation is showing more and more interest in the recital of Naat Shareef. It would have been a good initiative if arrangements could be made at your end for provision of a Naat Khwan from Pakistan for a training session of one or two months on a yearly basis here with a view to training our youth in the recital of Naat Shareef. Is there any possibility for such a project? I'll try to contact the Ministry of Culture. We shall also seek the support of the Chairperson of Urdu Speaking Union, Mr Shehzad A. Ahmed.
'Sada--Urdu is a trilingual quarterly, a significant initiative of Urdu Speaking Union; we need your support for international news. Can we have a favourable response in this respect? I can ask someone to do the needful and I'll work on it. Thanks to the intervention of the Director-General, Mr Danjay Callikan, who personally went to Pakistan for negotiation of Urdu programmes, there has been good response from PTv. We are now having good Urdu programmes which are shown on Channel 16. Is there further scope in this field? Before my arrival, I talked to GEO News and PTv people who have promised to send maximum programmes. I'll meet the Director of MBC as well. I have got some cds from Pakistan and have given them to my commercial secretary for preview. If it is worth giving, we'll hand them over to the DirectorGeneral of the MBC so that they can be aired. As soon I have something in hand, I'll take contact with the MBC.

July 2013 - Shabaan 1434 H


21st April marks the death commemoration of Dr Muhammad Iqbal, the great philosopher/poet. A brief comment on him, with your favourite verses. Iqbal is not only renowned for his excellent poetry in Urdu and Persian. He is also well acclaimed for his prose, for e.g Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam, one amongst his masterpieces. He has been publishing many articles from Oxford. He was also a great politician. It was Iqbal who gave the idea for the creation of Pakistan and for then bringing Qaid--Azam back from England for this mission. He was a great visionary and knew who could provide the right type of leadership to the people. He had futuristic approach and was an enlightened person. He was a great social worker and had great awareness of the needs of the Ummah. We cannot say whether he was a better poet, philosopher, sufi or a better politician. He was indeed excellent in all fields. My favourite verses are related to his concept of Khudi: Khudi ko kar buland itna k har taqdeer se pehl Khuda band s khud puch bata tri raza kia hai. Then the concept of Shaheen. Shikwa and Jawaab--Shikwa are worth mentioning. All are relevant in their places. He has shared a lot to the generations. Even the new generation, irrespective of caste, creed and religion has a great admiration for him. Anybody can benefit from his writings. Apart from undertaking educational, cultural and commercial ventures, it is worth mentioning that Pakistan has been of great help in the health sector, with the frequent visits of a delegation of prominent ophthalmologists. Do we have further hope in this sector? Before coming to Mauritius, I was in touch with Dr Wajid Ali Khan. As you are aware, he will be coming soon with his team It is a fact that diabetic diseases and cardiovascular problems keep on increasing here, I am looking forward for the nursing staff, not generalized nurses but specialized ones in various fields. Let me share with you that hopefully we'll have a medical college here and the necessary procedures with the Government of Mauritius, the Doha University and Refined National University of Pakistan are in an advanced stage. We are working very closely on this project. The representatives concerned were here; they met the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister. A dental clinic is also envisaged and these are the two areas which are going to be established this year. In addition to the two major projects, other events in the health sector will take place. We are proposing to have an International Conference, with the participation of reputed specialists from all over the world who will highlight on important topics pertaining to health, including cardiovascular disease. The conference will go in consonance with the famous saying: prevention is better than cure. It will be beneficial to the medical staff of Mauritius. It is understood that the doors of Pakistan Universities continue to remain open for specialization in the health sector. Scholarships are also available in Pakistan Medical Institutions. Your message to our readers? I would say that peace and unity are primordial to bring progress and prosperity.
Interviewed by Mrs Marium Goodur

Ramadhan is Here!!
One night I heard a knock on my door; Who can it be, I wasn't quite sure. I open the door and am filled with glee; The visitor ahead is no stranger to me. I welcome the guest with utmost delight; For I know it has come to give me respite. An air of happiness fills the space; My home now seems, a better place! Have you any clue who this visitor could be? Yes! It's Ramadhan, the month of mercy. The pious and righteous can't await its arrival; Others seem to greet it, with waves of denial. For Allah(SWT) we fast from dawn to dusk; For Him our breath is the fragrance of musk. Those who pray and fast with zest; Are aware of the rewards of this month manifest. Throughout this month we weep and repent; Now is the time to strongly lament. And those who shun this sacred month; on the Day of Reckoning will face the brunt. In the last ten nights, hides the Night of Decree; Allah(SWT) then awaits for his slaves to plea. The angels descend with Gabriel(AS) in the lead; To check on the steadfast and record every deed. A feeling of grief now fills my heart; As the month of Ramadhan will soon depart. So lets make a start and worship Him alone; Now that the worth of this month is known.


July 2013 - Shabaan 1434 H


Muslim Ladies Council in collaboration with Municipal Council of Port Louis offered a reception in honour of the new High Commissioner of Pakistan in Mauritius, H.E. Major General (Rtd) Ulfat Hussain and Mrs Ulfat on 18th April 2013 at the Council Room of Municipality of Port Louis. A galaxy of distinguished guests were present namely: The Lord Mayor of Port Louis, Mr Aslam Hossenally; Mrs Puryag, spouse of the President of the Republic; Mrs Khatijan Beebeejaun, spouse of the then ag. Prime Minister of Mauritius; Mr A.R. Bundhun, former Vice-President of the Republic; Hon. Mrs Kalyani Juggoo, Private Parliamentary Secretary; Hon. Pratibah Bholah, Private Parliamentary Secretary; H.E.Mr Ulfat Hussain and Mrs Ulfat; Mr Saleem Khan, Head of Chancery and Mrs Saleem; Mr Shehzad A.Ahmed, chairperson of Urdu Speaking Union, Mr Gorah Beebeejaun, Director Mauritius Musuem Council and Mrs Beebeejaun; Mr Agah Saeed Ahmed, Commercial Secretary, Pakistan Embassy and Mrs Saeed, Mr Rafick Santally, President Muslim Youth Federation, amongst others. The President of Muslim Ladies Council, Mariam Goodur welcomed in eloquent terms the new High Commissioner of Pakistan, Mr Ulfat Hussain and Mrs Ulfat. She spoke on his distinguished personality, his qualifications and his long and fruitful career in the army. she also informed the audience that Mauritius happens to be the first posting of Mr Ulfat Hussain as High Commissioner and of the many projects which the diplomat will take care for further cementing the friendly and diplomatic ties between Mauritius and Pakistan. Mr Ulfat Hussain was greatly applauded by the audience in terms of a warm welcome. On the same occasion a cultural programme was organised, comprising speeches and kalaam--Iqbal. The main orators were: the Lord Mayor, the former Vice-President of the Republic, the new High Commissioner of Pakistan and Mrs Saleem. Iqbals characteristic and his prose and poetry were highlighted by all orators. His concept of khudi was illustrated in details, with reference to his often-quoted verses: Khudi ko kar buland itna k har taqdeer s pehl Khuda band s khud puch bata teri raza kia hai (raise thyself so high that before accomplishing your fate Almighty Himself will Ask His servant what is thy will) Iqbals message on mans constant effort was brought to light which goes in consonance with the strife of the eagle, especially when Iqbal asked man to continue exploring like the majestic bird: tu Shaheen hai parwaaz hai kaam tra tr saamn aasmaan aur bhi hein (thou art eagle, thy business is to soar in the empyrean; thou hast other skies in which thou canst range as well) Every angle of Allamahs great characteristic as a poet, philosopher, sufi, visionary, lawyer, politician, thinker, amongst others was fully illustrated. Iqbals reflexion on womens right was not neglected. He went so far as likening womanhood as prophethood. The poet was fully convinced that womans rights are humans rights. Hon. PPS Kalyani Juggoo recited some beautiful verses on Iqbal, followed by Kalaam--Iqbal from Yasmine Dhonye, Abdullah Abdul Latiff and Aleena Saleem. The event also included a prize giving ceremony in honour of the laureates of Urdu, Arabic and Islamic Studies: Shabneez Curmoula, Zahirah Kurmally and Soumayya Bibi Mosafeer. Shields, cash prizes and gifts were offered to them by Muslim Ladies Council and presidents of affiliated associations to the council. A shield was also offered to Mansoorah Issany, honorary president of Muslim ladies Council, who was elevated to rank of Member of Star and Key of Indian Ocean, M.S.K. Hon. PPS Kalyani was presented with a shield as the first lady to be appointed as Secretary General of Labour Party. Dr Swabir Goodur, O.S.K. was the Master of Ceremony. Mariam Goodur Le Rappel Az-Zik'r innam tunzira manit'taba az-Zikra Tu avertiras seulement celui qui suit le Rappel wa khashiy ar'Rahmaana bil ' Ghayb Et qui craint le Tout-Misricordieux par l'Invisible - Sorah Ya-Sn (Chp.XXXVI): Aaat Gyra Et pour nous rappeler: maints monts et merveilles que Nature nous invitent contempler les cimes qui rejoignent le bleu azur, l'arc-enciel qui s'y dessine; le disque solaire qui lance ses premiers rayons l'horizon; l'aube qui s'annonce; l'hibernale sur les bouquets des bosquets, les papillons diurnes qui y virvoltent; les abeilles qui bulinent; le bruissement des feuilles; le ptillement des fruits et des fleurs; le ruissellement du ru; le bourdonnement des flots; le frissonnement de la brise, prlude ce que pourrait tre le paradis promis, rappel au retour au Crateur Suprme vers qui tout revient ilayHi rdji'on'. Rappel l'au-del, d'o nous venons tous et o tous, riches ou pauvres, faibles ou puissants, autant que nous sommes, de la moindre crature la plus gigantesque, doivent tous retourner. Rappel et prire pour un retour propice qui plaide en notre faveur, selon la prophtie: fabas'shir'hu Maghfiratinw (tu leur annonceras le Pardon) wa Adjrin' karom (et une Rcompense fructueuse). En un mot, le bonheur parfait dans le repos ternel. N'est-ce pas le rve de tout un chacun, consciemment ou inconsciemment? N'est-ce pas le but vers lequel nous devons tous oeuvrer? Et de quoi disposons-nous pour ce faire, sinon travers le rappel constant de notre infirmit vis-vis l'Infini? N'est-ce pas cela le Rappel de Dieu ZikrulLh par le biais de Ses Bienfaits? Et n'est-ce pas cela qui nous pousse au repentir, la prire, au pardon et la compassion? N'est-ce pas la voie prendre, pour peu que nous ralisions qu'elle est sens unique? uas-swaaffti swafa: et par les rangs faz- Zaadjirti zadjia: qui repoussent fort faz-taaliyti Zikra: qui rcitent le Rappel Chp. XXXVII (Swaafaat) : Aat 1,2,3 in huwa ill Zikrullil ' aalamn: ceci n'est qu'un Rappel aux mondes liman' shaamikum ayyastaqm: pour celui d'entre vous qui veuille suivre la vraie Voie. Soratat-Takwr(LXXXI) : Aaat 27,28

SH.Abdool Rassool

July 2013 - Shabaan 1434 H



La foi n'est fconde et sincre que dans la mesure o elle se concrtise par des actes mritoires; et le terme Swliht qui revient frquemment dans le Saint Qur'aan Madjd pour dsigner l'ensemble des oeuvres de charit que l'homme doit d'accomplir pour tmoigner de sa pit, se montrer fier de lui-mme, utile ses semblables, agrable la Volont Divine, digne de sa vocation et mission sur terre: probit, fidlit aux engagements pris; dpenses supportes en faveur des siens, des ncessiteux, des handicaps; dfense des faibles; opposition au mal et l'injustice; encouragement vers le bien; visite aux malades; participation aux convois funbres, aux fondations charitables, aux travaux scientifiques, aux oeuvres durables, utiles; enseignement et propagation des connaissances acquises. Toutefois, ces oeuvres n'ont de valeur que si elles sont inspires par la foi et la bonne volont; si elles partent d'une bonne intention (Niyyat) Chp. IV: Vts120,121; Chp. XLVII: Vt 33. Prends le droit chemin (SXI :112), et une fois ta dcision prise, remets-t-en Dieu (S.III: 159); celui qui s'en remet Dieu, Dieu lui Suffit (S. LXV : 3). La foi se manifeste dans certaines dispositions de l'me, dans certains sentiments; dans le comportement normale; dans sa vie quotidienne; dans la patience au milieu des preuves ( Chp.2:Vt.155; Chp21:Vt.35), dans le respect de la Vrit (Chp.2:Vt 42), la pudeur, la pit, le dsintressement dans les sacrifices auxquels l'on consent, la bonne intention dans tout ce qu'on entreprend, les bons conseils prodigus ceux qui en ont besoin, la considration pour les animaux et les plantes, pour les biens et les droits d'autrui. Si la profession de foi (Shahdah) est la condition (shart) du Imaan, l'accomplissement des oeuvres mritoires en est le perfectionnement. Car, Islaam est parole et action. Nous abordons alors la seconde condition du Salut tel qu'exprim dans la pratique du bien as'Swlihah. Selon un Had de Abou Hurayra, il est dit ceci: entreront au paradis les gens dont les coeurs sont comme ceux des oiseaux. Et dans un autre, rapport par Muslim: on ne peut se rfugier en Dieu, ni tre sauv de Dieu, en dehors de Dieu.
Sheik M. Abdool-Rassool


Knowledge is the legacy of the Prophets, wealth id the inheritance of the Pharaohs. Therefore, knowledge is better than wealth. You are guard to your wealth, but knowledge guards you. So knowledge is better. A man of wealth has many enemies while man of knowledge has many friends. Hence knowledge is better. Knowledge is better because it increase with distribution, while wealth decreases by the act. Knowledge is better because a learned man is apt to be generous while a wealthy person is apt to miserly. Knowledge is better because it cannot be stolen while wealth can be stolen. Knowledge is better because time cannot harm knowledge. But wealth rusts in course of time and years. Knowledge is better because it is boundless while wealth is limited and you can keep account of it. Knowledge is better because it illuminates the mind while wealth is apt to blacken it. Knowledge is better because knowledge induced the humanity in our Nabi (SAW) so say to Allah: We worship You as we are Your servants. While wealth engendered in Pharaoh and Nimrod the vanity which made them claim Godhood.
Imran Beedassy

Editor-in-Chief Dustmahomed Anwar
Members Abdool Rassool, Sheik Dawood Goodur, Mariam Goodur, Swabir Hossenbaccus, Raffick Meeajun, Said

The National Urdu Institute Examinations Board under the aegis of Jamia Urdu, Aligarh is holding its examinations as from 10th December this year. Candidates willing to appear for these examinations are requested to enroll themselves by filling the respective forms. DATE : 6th July to 3rd August 2013

TIME & VENUE: (1) Monday- Friday (15 hr - 17hr) & S a t u r d a y s (9hr- 15hr) at the National Urdu Institute, Plaine Verte, Port Louis; or (2) Monday- Friday (9hr-16hr) at the Urdu Speaking Union, 12,Osman Avenue, Quatre Bornes. Fees are as follows: Qabl-e-Ibtedai : Rs 600 Ibtedai : Rs 700 Adeeb : Rs 800 Adeeb Mahir : Rs 1000 Adeeb Kamil (1st Year) : Rs 1200 Adeeb Kamil (2nd Year): Rs 800

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