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Denotative and Connotative


What you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask

Turn to a friend and Discuss with them a time when you misunderstood what someone said because of their choice of words.

Denotative Meaning

The denotative meaning of a word is its literal meaning

Denotative Meaning
-It is the definition you would find in the dictionary

Connotative Meaning
is when the word creates feelings and emotions

Two Types of Connotative Meanings

Personal Connotation
The feelings a word creates in you or any one individual

General Connotation
Is what a word means to a large group of people; a mind picture that is shared

List and Define

The two types of meanings words can have.

Here are some Examples:

Personal Connotation:
Lets use the word CAT The dictionary (Denotative Meaning) describes a cat this way: - A carnivorous mammal, domesticated as a rat catcher or pet.

However, to get the connotative meaning, it would depend on how you feel about cats.
If you like cats, the word cat may suggest: Graceful motion Affectionate playfulness Noble reserve Admirable self sufficiency If you dont like cats, the word might suggest: Stealthiness Spitefulness Coldness Haughty disdain

Choose a word
Draw a picture that shows its denotative meaning Now, draw a picture of a connotative meaning it has for you.

General Connotation:
In the olden days, the image of a bearded man was that of a proper older gentleman.

General Connotation:
But in the 1960s a bearded man came to mean:

Lets go a step further:

Take the word Hippie
In the 1960s a hippie was a young person who didnt bathe, was probably on drugs, and might be living in a commune. In the year 2006, hippie means someone who cant move on from their 1960s mentality. It is someone who is stuck in the past.

Discuss with a partner

What effect connotative meaning can have on literature. Be prepared to share your idea with the class.

General Connotation doesnt mean that everybody in the world thinks the same way about something, just that large groups of people do.

Slanted/Loaded Connotations
When many words with strong connotations appear in the same news report that report is said to be slanted or loaded. This is absolutely something you need to be aware of when watching news, or reading a news report.

Since there are many words with negative connotations, people often use a form of speech called a euphemism to try and say the same thing in a more positive or pleasant way. Instead of saying youre fired, they say were downsizing.

Other Languages
Translations from one language to another are often subject to great debate because the connotative meaning of a word can be quite different from one language to another.

In your notes
Create a vinn diagram comparing and contrasting denotative and conotative meaning.

This has been a


now here is your assignment

Connotative/Denotative Foldable
You will compare Captain Jaggery in a denotative and connotative aspect. Create a foldable and compare Captain Jaggery to himself. One side will be denotative, and the other will be connotative. This assignment will be due on Friday, Oct. 6 at the beginning of the period.

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