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Excerpt from POET IN EXILE

In Exile No More
Ricardo Saul “Crazy Moose” LaRosa

I was in exile far from humanity; far from happiness,

I was condemned to live alone; to die unloved,

My only sin was that I believed in Hope; in Dreams; in Love,

And I believed that one day I would be loved; so in love,

I spent thousands of days in torment; alone,

My heart pleaded for death; sweet, sweet death,

I wished to live no longer; in solitude; in a living Hell,

I had finally given up in me; but not in Love; nor you; wherever you may be,

Then: one day I looked up in the distant heavens; afar; near Andromeda,

A flickering of lights; tantalizing my soul’s desires; whispering my name,

It seemed to glow brighter; closer to me; as though it knew my sorrows,

As midnight passed this wondrous creature beamed brighter; closer; towards me,

Hope reigns, again; my heart desires to live, again; to love, again; as you approached nearer,

Is that starship heading my way; I wondered in sadness,

I knelt, my head bowed, with palms reaching; touching; embracing the Heavens: I prayed:

Great Spirit of the Universe; do not forget this lonely soul; abandoned,

In the farthest corner of the galaxy; where Life is no more; where Death dwells,


© 2009 Ricardo Saul LaRosa

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE
I cried; I yelled: Forgive me! If I believed in Love; too soon; too fervently,

I have only longed for what is rightfully mine; no more; no less,

I take full responsibility for my fall from grace; my rebellion; my sin,

But not; nor ever; for believing in Love; for believing in Dreams that can come true; for me,

Like a furious hurricane from the seas; you invaded my world,

You swept all my tears aside; you loved me as I am; for who I am; unequivocally,

With all my insecurities; all my fears; all my faults; you made no judgments,

Nor did you ask for much; only to be loved as I longed to be loved; passionately,

My love; my love; o’ sweet, sweetness of love; heartbroken no more; for you live in me,

When I am with you; time ceases; my world is at peace; at last; and in love,

I am in love with the one who loves me too; I am in a magical trance with you; lovingly,

Never have I; nor ever shall I; love you; as I love today; tomorrow; forevermore…

This love; our love; shall flourish beyond eternity; the known universe; and in my heart,

A heart that has only known suffering; pain; abandonment; Death; a living Hell; no more,

Since you have come into my world; exploding; bewitching; enchanting my soul; our love,

I am in love because of you; your love; your very being; my life made whole; again!

I am in exile no more;

This poet comes home to your embrace,

Back to Earth, our wonderful world,


© 2009 Ricardo Saul LaRosa
Excerpt from POET IN EXILE

An eternity of Hope reigns in my life; again;

In exile no more;

No more;

No more;

And in love forevermore…

© 2009 Ricardo Saul LaRosa

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