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January, February/March
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Hi! Greetings to you in the name of Jesus, our blessed Saviour. May His love be with you as you seek Him and His will. Well, Christmas and New Year's have come and gone since our last newsletter. Our Bible class is continuing and we are happy with the way it is progressing. This
is one of the most unusual classes I've






universities on the island are located within a mile or so of each other, and a

third college is also nearby. It is also in

this area that we have a Home Bible

study. More about that later. Anyway, we are seriously considering moving back, the Lord willing. Please remember our students in your prayers. We hope to be starting new classes as soon as the
second semester starts in March. Those of you who saw our

ever had. Not one of my students is a Christian! Most are Buddhists, some don't believe in anything, and one is a Catholic. Even though the class is small (averaging 7 to 11) we are encouraged by their response. They seem to listen very attentively as I teach from the Bible. They have never heard these teachings before. They have heard of Christians and may even have friends who are Christians, but have never heard what Jesus teaches. I tried to get a second class started, but have not had too much success with it (no one showd up for it at
all!). This area does not seem to be as
fruitful as the area we lived in before. In


program while we were in the States and

those who kept up with our newsletters previous to returning to the States on furlough, will remember us relating to

you our experiences with Mei Hwa and

her family. I had the wonderful privilege of baptizing her and her immediate family into Christ over a period of several months. In January we started holding a Bible study in their home each Sunday evening. We are encouraged by this meeting also. God is a work in this family. Not only are the members of this family attending, but they are also en couraging their friends and relatives to








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Joe Chen helping Sam with his Chinese.

come. I am inspired by the simple but neverending faith that Mei Hwa has. I have seen her embarrassed by having invited guests leave after supper on Sunday evening because they did not want to stay for the meeting. To those of you who know what it means to a Chinese to "lose face", you, you'll know what
real faith it takes to continue to live for

Answeres To Prayer

1. Home Bible study started in Tsay


2. God's help in readjusting to Taiwan

Prayer Requests
1. Bible Class students a. Joe Chen

1) College student, Senior

2) A Christian 3) My co-worker b. Lily Lee

Jesus despite these setbacks. Please pray for Bro. Twau and the whole family as they seek to provide a "light" to those in darkness in their community! Before I close, I would like to say just one thing about our finances. At the present time, our monthly support is at a level that is satisfactory for our needs.

1) Neighbor lady, 2 children

2) Grade school teacher

But we are over $1,000 in debtwe need to get this paid off as sooon as possible so
that we will have no further trouble with

our bank. If you are in a position to help us through this particular crisis and feel led of the Spirit to do so, we would ap preciate your help very much! Thank

3) No religion (but burned idol money at New Years) c. John Wang 1) High school student, freshman 2) Family owns the little grocery store around the corner 3) A Buddhist (entire family) 2. Lord's will concerning our moving
back to our old area for work.

3. Blessing and growth (Spiritual and

numerical) at the Tsau Home Bible study.

May God give you wisdom and love as you live each day for Him as if it were your last! Jesus is coming againSoon! Are you ready? Are your loved ones? Are your friends? May God help you as you live for Him there. We're praying for you. We're praying for you. Love in Jesus, Sam, Virginia, Shane, Misty, Tad

4. $1,000 in offerings to get out of debt

Tad (left) and Misty on Misty's new trlke

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Permit No. 69



Rolla, Mo. 65401

Ozark Bible College Library

1111 N. Main


Joplin, Missouri





MAY. 1975




Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, Hi! Greetings to you in the name of the One who loves and gives graciously to those who love and obey Him. Praise the Lord! God has helped us to find a perfect spot to carry on His work among the students here in Taipei. After looking for a house for almost a month, the Lord opened up the way for us to find our new home. We found a 3 bedroom, first floor apartment with a basement, right next to Taiwan Normal University (a minute's walk from where we lived last
term). The rent of most of the houses we

over $100), loaned us some furniture which we didn'thave, and we only have to pay our rent one month at a time now
instead of 3 months in advance. The

basement is large enough for storage space, our office, and a place to teach our English Bible classes (we had to move
the office 4 different times in 6 months because of unforseen unfavorable con

ditions). This will save a lot of time, gasoline (at$1.20 a gallon), and wear and tear on the old motorcycle (and Sam,
too!). Three weeks before we found our new

looked at were about $210 a month, 6 to 12 months in advance, and a deposit of from $500 to $2,000 required before moving in. We were thinking maybe the Lord had other plans when this apartment opened up for $155 a month and $500 deposit. We found it the first day it became available, before the previous people were even
able to move out. It also came with a

apartment and moved in, we put up

in 2 places advertising English classes

and asked those interested to return a

post card, which we made available to them. We had over 50 responses to those advertisements! Also, 2 of our former
students found out we were back and said

they wanted to resume studying and had

6 more friends who would also like to

telephone! We were especially happy about this, because it costs $400 to get a phone here. The landlord also left an electric water heater, (which saved us

study, bringing the total to over 60 prospects for our classes. Praise the

Lord! That's the best response we have

ever had in trying to recruit students for our classes in the past!
We moved in on March 27, and on April 8 we began our classes. I am teaching 8

classes right now. The first week we had 47 students; 43 new ones, 4 previous ones.
We look for more students to sign up in the near future. We are really excited

about the response we've had in the students signing up for class and in their
attendance so far. Please pray that I will be able to present Jesus to them in such a way that the Holy Spirit, through His Word, might touch them. Pray also that the students might open their hearts and minds to Jesus and His teachings. We will be including some of them in our newsletter each month. If you are really concerned, and would like the name and background of one of our students so that you can pray more fully for him or her and become a prayer partner with us,

(God's Word) up, we continue to win the battle. But sometimes we get weary and discouraged. We need some "Aarons" and "Hurs" to hold us up in prayer. We need your prayers. Please write us and let us know you are praying. Praise the Lord. "Let us hold on firmly to the hope we profess, because we can trust God to keep his promise. Let us be concerned with one another, to help one another to show love and do good. Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another, all the more since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming near."
(Hebrews 10:23-25)

Must go for now. We love you all and pray for you. May God's blessing be upon you as you live for Him each day.
Love in Jesus,

Sam, Virginia, Shane, Misty, Tad

please write us here in Taiwan and we'll

send you the material. I know that sometimes when we ask for

prayer, because we ask so often, it

becomes commonplace and you may have a tendency to skip over them. We

hope you don't. Sometimes we feel like Moses, when the children of Israel were camped at Rephidim, on their way from Egypt to the Promised Land. The
Amalekites came and attacked them. Joshua and an army of men went out to

fight against them. Moses, along with

Aaron and Hur climbed to the top of a hill. Moses, held up the staff of the Lord, and
-'V? era

as long as he held it up, Israel had the advantage. When he lowered his hand,
the enemy had the advantage. When Moses' arms got heavy, Aaron and Hur held up his hands until the battle was over,and God's people had won. (Exodus 17:8-13). We are fighting a battle with the
"Prince of Taiwan" (Satan) and his

Sam carrying dirt "Chinese Style" for a flower


forces. As long as we hold the Staff of Life

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Sam. the Skiles and some of the young people

from the Taipei church who helped at a "work

day" at the Orphanage.

Misty getting ready to go to bed.

Answered Prayer

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1. A new home and office in a college area 2.43 students for English Bible classes4 prevous students returning to study more 3. God's continued help in readjusting to

4. God's continued providing physical and spiritual needs. Prayer Requests

1. Bible Class students



a. Gary Tsuformer student, not a


b. David Sungformer student, not a


c. Christy Tsaupresent student, a


2. Republic of Chinaon the loss of President Chiang-Kaie-Shekhe was a believer in Jesus, gave testimony to his people in his will that he lived as best he could according to the Bible pray that this testimony will be received by many here and that they
will turn to Christ.

3. Financial support (prices here rose 60 percent during the year we were gone to the Statesvery difficult to adjust

4. Pray God to raise up prayer partners

there in the States for the work here

5. Pray God to raise up workers here to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
(Matthew 9:35-38)

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Tad after eating chocolate cake.


President Chiang Kai-shek's Will

"Ever since I entered school I have

followed the revolutionary ideals of Dr.

Sun Yat-sen. There has not been a

single moment that I have strayed

away from my Christian faith and Dr.

Sun's ideals. There wasn't a day that I

had not devoted myself to the cause of the struggle to eliminate obstacles in the path of realization of the Three

Principles of the People for the sake of building a democratic and con
stitutional nation . .

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus,

Religious Beliefs of Chinese on Taiwan

Religion Percentage

Hi! Greetings to you in precious name of our Jesus,

and move, and are.

the our

blessed Savior and Redeemer. Praise

Buddhist and Taoist Catholic

90-95 % 2%

and glory to the One in whom we live,

First of all, we want to thank all of



you who have been praying for us this past month. If you will remember, we
asked in our last newsletter for prayer

partners. No one wrote and told us that they were praying. But we know that some of you are being very faithful in your praying even though you haven't
written us. We can tell because of the

Quite a difference, isn't there? College students have their minds open, and are not so susseptible to tradition as older people are. They are continually searching for and trying new things. But even these students, after graduation and being on the job
for awhile drift back to traditions and

spiritual results in our own lives and in the opportunities that are slowly
beginning to open up.

We are really happy with the way our English Bible classes are going right now. The response has been great! Below are a few statistics concerning our classes and students: Registration81 Students
Present Enrollment60 students

teachings of their childhood if they find that the things they experimented with in college do not satisfy, if these things have no practical value in their lives.
What a wonderful opportunity to present Jesus to these wandering and searching minds. Because once a
student "tastes'* the sweetness of our Jesus and the wonderful life that is in

Attendance, 1st month51 students

Religious Beliefs of Our Students Religion No. Students Percentage Protestants 8 13.5%
Catholic Buddhist 3 8 5 % 13.5%

Him, he is not likely to return to the "old ways". Praise the Lord for His wonderful goodness! Praise the Lord for the presence of the Holy Spirit who constantly gives us comfort and

strength and guidance in this world

that is so blinded by Satan! My brother or sister, take one of these young people whose names are listed in the prayer list to your heart! Pray for them every day. Write us for more information of your "child in the faith" or potential "child in the faith".
Satan has a tremendous hold on these

No Belief


68 %

Really eye-opening, isn't it? This has just confirmed what we learned on
our first term here. Most students in

the colleges here lose whatever faith they have after a year or so of college. The students here are taught evolution and many soon lose any faith they have, regardless of what kind of religion it is. Below is a chart on the
beliefs of the Chinese people here in Taiwan according to government

figures. Compare it to the chart on our

students' beliefs:

people, steeped in idol and ancestor worship and in unbelief. These students have begun to open their minds to search for the truth. But they will not be open long, just a few short years. Then they will return to the "old ways" or they will become entrenched in materialism (also a form of idolatryCol. 3:5). Please help us to
reach them with the truthJesus

Christ. If you are really concerned

about the work of God here, if you really care that these young people will come to know Jesus, PRAY your heart out every day for them. God will listen. "Then Jesus told them, 'Truly, if you have faith, and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this Mount of Olives, Move over into the ocean and it wiir. You can get anythinganything you ask for in prayerif you believe." (Matt. 21:21, 22) Living Bible. I pray regularly for my students. Will you pray with me? "I (Jesus) also tell you tiiisif two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask for, my Father in heaven will do it for you." (Matt. 18:19). May the Lord bless you all is our

Answered Prayer

1. Some students are becoming in

terested in the Bible.

2. As a result of the late President

Chiang Kai-shek's testimony in his will, the Chinese are beginning to look at Christianity much more favorably
Praise the Lord!

3. Philip Liu, once a co-worker and fine Christian, strayed away from Christ,
but has returned! Praise Jesus! Prayer Requests
1. Bible Class Students

a. Ruby Syau, no religion

b. Aileen Su, Christian c. Leider Tswei, no religion

d. Sherman Jwang, no religion e. Jane Syau, Christian

2. Pray that those students who have

become interested in Chrisianity may

Love in Jesus,

Sam, Virginia, Shane, Misty, Tad

grow in their understanding of who

Jesus is.

3. Pray that God will raise up workers who will be faithful to Him. 4. Pray that God wfll increase our
financial support each month.

5. Pray for our home Bible study in the

Tsau home. We started out with an

average of 6-7 the first few weeks, but

Financial Situation since Returning
to Taiwan in September 1974

has dwindled to two each week and the last three weeks we have not met

because they have had other business.


October November December



1,450 640.57 1,450 1,034.64 1,450 1,287.97** January, 1975 1,450 1,047.62 February 1,450 1,395.45 March 1,450 1,212.08 April 1,450 1,104.78 May 1,450 994.00* Includes special offering by First Christian in Holla, Mo. Monthly need will increase by $50 ($1,500) in September when Shane enters First grade.



PAID Permit Ne. 69 Non-Profit


Orga nization

OzQrk Bible College Library

1111 N. Main

Rolls. Mo. 6S401


Joplin, Missouri









October 1975



One of Sam's English Bible Classes, studying English conversation and the Gospel of John.




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baseball on



Margaret has just been baptized. From left: Susan Liu, Margaret Fan, and Sam.

League T-ball team.


Tad smiles while finishing up supper.

Shane and Bemo kids

waiting for the bus to go to school.

Sam and Ted singing at Mountain Village

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Youth meeting at a mountain village church near Lo Tung, where the Home of God's Love orphanage
is located.

Shane talking to coach. "I'm on. Now what do I do?" Philip is on second

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

love them through us and that they will

respond to His love. Below is a list of the
schools which our students attend:

Hi! May God's Spirit fill your hearts as you labor for Him.
It has been a full summer. I started

by attending the graduation exercises of

four of out" students from Tam Kiang College; Francisco Tsai, Steven Wu, Clement Wu, and Robert Shen. It was a
mucK different service from ones I have

Taiwan Normal University

Taiwan National University

Tam Kiang College College of Chinese Culture Soo Chow University Taipei Technical School Chung Hsin University (Taichung) Fu Ren University (Catholic) Shih Chien College Ming Chuan College Taipei Business College Four years ago, Virginie and Susan liu were on a bus and a woman began
talking to them in English. She wanted to

seen in the States. Only a representative group from each department actually
received their diplomas from the president of the college at the service.
The rest of them received theirs later in

an informal gathering. So I didn't get to see our students actually receive their

diploma, which was




During April, Shane joined a Little League team (T-baU, 6-8 yr. olds). For two months they practiced 2 or 3 times a
week. Then they started their 2-month season. He really enjoyed playing and Mommy and Daddy sure enjoyed wat ching him play, too (along with Misty and Tad). Shane started playing short right
field and then became 2nd baseman when

know if Virginia could teach her daughter English. So they invited her daughter to
come to our English Bible classes. To

make a long story short, Margaret Fan was born again in Jesus on September 7
at camp (more about camp in the next

the regular 2nd baseman returned to the


issue). Praise the Lord! When Margaret first came to us, she was not belligerent toward the gospel, but was very sarcastic
in her questions about God and the Bible. But her attitude slowly changed. For 2 years we had no English Bible classes, but during this time Susan continued to correspond with her and prayed for her every day. When we returned to this area 6 months ago, Margaret again began attending our classes. But this time she
came with a different attitude. For now

We began our English Bible classes (summer classes) the first of July. We
had four classes which met twice a week for 6 weeks. Here are a few statistics

concerning these summer classes:

Pre-registration, 47 students Total enrollment, 79 students

Attendance (avg. per wk), 76 students Average per class, 9.5 students

she believed in





Many of oiu* students just come and go. Some are curious, some interested in learning English, some interested in searching for the truth (Praise the Lord!). We are beginning to establish meaningful relationships with several of our students. Please pray that Jesus will

believing that Jesus was His Son. It was with happy hearts that Susan and I baptized Margaret in the Pacific Ocean. Glory to God! May He give us patience
and love as we work with our students.

Must go for now. We are praying for

you all. Love in Jesus,

Sam, Virginia, Shane, Misty, Tad

Answered Prayers
1. Margaret Fan became a Christian after 4 years of teaching and praying. Glory to God! 2. Even though finances are low, the Lord continues to supply our needs.


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Prayer Requests
1. Bible class students

a. Francisco Tsaie, an unbeliever, from the Pescadores, graduate of Tam Kiang.

b. Edward Tsai, an un believer, from Kaosyiung, graduate of Taiwan Normal University, now an assistant
teacher there.

c. Betsy Yu, an unbeliever,

from Kaosyiung, a Senior at Taiwan Normal University.






believer, from Taiwan, a graduate student at Taiwan Normal University.

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2. Pray that God will continue to meet our spiritual

and physical needs.

lip! I

3. Pray that God will give us a patient and loving

heart as we work with our students.

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