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January 5f 19^2

Greetings In the r*^me of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We want to talje this time to thank you for your support of the
Newton Mexican Missions, I can^t find the woids to express how
much we appreciate your love, concern and support for Bobby.
I was talking to Laura on the phone tonight and she said that
they had a real good Christmas and that the girls were old enough
to be real excited. She wanted to thank all of you for making
it a very good Christmas.
Laura informed me that two young ladies came forward and were
baptized into Christ over the holidays.
Laura said the girls were doing fine. The parents of Ana Marie
have agreed to let Bobby and Laura adopt her and as soon as they
have the funds available, (they need $500.00), Bob and Laura will
then complete this adoption. Please remember them in your prayers
concernig this,
Bobby has been teaching, preaching and doing house to house
calling so his schedule is full to say the least, but Bobby
praises God for all these opportunities.
Laura s4id another newsletter is in print now, so you should
be receiving one soon.
Again, thank you for the support you have given Bobby and Laura,
not just financially but with your prayers also.
We pray for God*s blessings for each of you this coming year in
our Lord I
In Christian love.
Forwarding Agent,
Newton Mexican Missions
VOLUME 2 February, 1982
Coed ttiHft
from Ibfi
Bob and Laura Newton
in Cd. Juarez, Mexico
Newton Mexican Mission
P. O. Box 17219
ELPaso, TX 79917
(915) 859-7230
Christmas is long past, but the memories of our first Christmas "on the field" linger.
We worked with the children at the church in Galeana on a program which Laura wrote.
This was unlike any experience we have ever had I The same parts changed hands several
times before the program was put on. The children, as always, surprised us and did a
lovely job of telling the Christmas story! They also learned some Christmas carols which
was their favorite part!
Before Christmas each of the two churches we work with went caroling! Walking
down a bumpy road and reading a small book of carols by the light of a jiggling flashlight
may be dangerous, but it was great fun!
The children's Christmas party was a "smashing" success! That Is the poor little
donkey pinata got smashed! All the children scrambled for "dulces" (candy) and
"giobes" (balloons) with only a few casualties!
Probably the highlight of our Christmas came when we were able to minister to the
needs of a young woman with two children who attends the church In Galeana. We had
gone to call on Letlcia in her one-room home the Wednesday before Christmas. She told
us how the wind blew in through the broken door and they had no money for gas for the
stove. Earlier in the day she had to go begging for beans with about twenty cents to buy
bread so the children could eat.
We talked to her about the hope we have in Jesus for an eternal life where nothing
would be lacking. Our hearts were troubled when we thought about our own warm home
with plenty to eat. As Leti is not yet a Christian, we did not want to malce a "rice
Christian" of her. On Christmas Eve we brought her some beans and some small gifts for
the children. They were thrilled! Small as the things we brought her were, they were able
to feel the love of Christ for us.
At home our own Christmas was made brighter by packages sent from the brethren of
the Brandon church and the special financial gifts many of you sent! Christina and Ana
were as excited as any two could be with everything from the home-made manger scene
to the lights on the tree. They were delighted with all their gifts! Thank you all for
sharing with us at Christmas time!
The word of the Lord says that "the prayer of a righteous mand is powerful and
effective." (James 5:16) We know that many of you pray for us and God blesses because
of these prayers. Thank you!
Please keep praying for us. We have already mentioned some of the brethren here we
would like for you to keep In your prayers. Presently our financial need is great. This is
not to say that the Lord is not providing for us. However, there are some extra financial
needs that we are facing and we are asking that you will pray with us about them.
Because of road conditions in Mexico, gas prices, and the need we have to transport large
-groups we believe that it wouid help-our ministry to replace our '71Vega with a diesel
truck or standard van. Our second pressing need is health insurance which in this day has
become a necessity. The third prayer request is concerning our daughter. Ana, whom we
would like to adopt (the cost for an uncontested adoption is around $500.00). A
somewhat lesser but costly need to to incorporate Newton Mexican Mission so that it will
have a non-profit status.
Another thing over which we could covet your prayers is a move we would like to
tentatively (according to the Lord's will) make into Mexico. The work with which we are
involved would be greatly benefitted by having someone living among the people to be
there to meet their needs. Bob's Spanish would be improved by such a move. There are
certain problems to take into consideration. The first is that we must have some type of
legal permit to live in Mexico. Most missionaries use tourist cards. On the border, this
would not be possible. Our solution could be for Laura to go to medical school and thus
have a student visa (this would probably also work in Mexico City). The second problem
Is housing. One way that this could be taken care of is for us to build a "parsonage" on
property owned by the church. All of these problems the Lord can handle, but they do
require extra finances.
Our prayer list is long and we have only begun! As Paul said to the Thessalonians,
"Finally brothers pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be
honored, just as it was with you." (II Thessalonians 3:1)
God again has allowed us to see the birth of new members into our Christian family!
After Christmas a young woman named Socorro and her older sister Ventura confessed
the name of Jesus and were baptized. Brother Freeman had been, working with their
family for a while so the increase was doubly joyous when we were able to see the results
of the labor! Please pray for these young ladies. It is not easy to be a Christian in Mexico
where Catholic influence is strong and when one has a non-Christian husband as does
in fellowship with young people from
BOTTOM LEFT-Christie and Ana
enjoying Christmas.
In the previous nev^sletter, v/e wrote to you about a group of teenage boys with whom
Bob had begun a friendship by playing volley-ball with then^i. Several weeks ago, these
young men asked that Bob begin a Bible class with them. For the past,three or four
Saturday mornings Bob has been able to share the gospel in this way. Theseguys finally
admitted to believing in Christ and knowing what is necessary to be saved, but they are
torn between Christianity and Catholicism. The seed has been planted and we will
continue to water. Please pray that God will give the increase as the Holy Spirit works in
their hearts.
Sometime, please, drop us a line here in El Paso. We would love to hear from you! Our
address is: P.O. Box 17219, El Paso, TX 79917. As for your gifts, please make checks
payable to the 1st Christian Church, designated for the Newton Mexican Mission. Please
send these to:
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Campbell
1112 Southslde Drive
Brandon, FL 33511
Phone: (813) 689-7462
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Thank you for your prayers and for your support!
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VOLUME 2 Aprii 1982
deed ItiHi
frem Ihi
Bob and Laura Newton
in Cd. Juarez, Mexico
Newton Mexican Mission
P. O. Box 17219
ELPaso, TX 79917
(915) 859-7230
We thank our God every time we remember you. In all our prayers for ^ of you, we
always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until
now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to
completion until the day of Jesus Christ. (Newton paraphrase)
It K tremendously encouraging to know that six months have passed since we came to
work in Juarez, and God has provided for all our needs through His people. Let us give
you a heartfelt Mexican "gracias". You all, our supporters, mean a lot to us! Without
you the work could not be done!
Campaign is the term we use in Spanish for a revival. Thus, for the past two weeks we
have been campaigning!
The week preceeding Easter we Were in the Galeana church. The attendance was good,
ranging froni sixty to ninety every night. We were in charge of the children's class. Some
new families were brought into contact with the church, and some old members were
revived. Ana's gceat-grandmother Attended three or four nights with us and on Friday
stepped forward to accept Christ! Praise the Lord!
On Easter our campaign, or revival, began at the church in Revolucion. During this
week we had even greater attendance. Wednesday night the teenage daughter (Isabel) of
one of the members was baptized. Three others stepped forward to make decisions but
need more teaching. Please pray for them.
Bob and some of the young people
5rom the church have become
mountain climbers! The Saturday
before Easter they climbed up to see
the cross and tomb-iike cave on the
mountain in Galeana.
Our little dark-haired charmer. Ana
Any of you whom we have had the opportunity to meet personally have noticed that
God has blessed us with two lovely little girls, Christina Anne was bom into our family
April 29, 1979. Our little dark-haired charmer, Ana Maria, is our soon to be adopted
Ana has lived in our home since she was three weeks old because of a special
relationship we have with her natural family. Because of certain personal reasons we have
not been in a position previously to adopt her. The Lord, always perfect in His timing,
has opened the door for us to do so now! We already have begun legal procedures and
have obtained the only necessary signature. A home study and the coiurt date (May 21)
are all for which we have to wait.
Some of you have shared with us special financial ^fts for the expense of the adoption.
Thank you! Please pray with us that the remaining necessary procedures will' go
Our original plans were to come to Juarez, train with Freeman Bump, and work in the
churches here while Bob learned Spanish. Then later, as the Lord leads, we would move
on to Meiico City and become involved in new church work there. In March we had the
opportunity not only to see Mexico City but to get to know some of the missionaries
who work in the city. They were enormously encouraging! Once more we were able to
catch hold of the vision we have had about the need of that great city!
On the way to and from the missionary reunion, we also got a chance to see some of
the mission work we had always heard about and meet the people whose names were
already so familiar. The Wrights and Yamells showed Christian hospitality to the whole
group (14 of us) and allowed us to stay overnight at the orphanages. No matter how far
from home we get it's great to find we have family!
Next month we'll be moving again! After prayerful consideration we feel that it would
be best for us to make a move across the border. At first we thought it would work out
for us to "commute" from El Paso. At this point the Galeana church really needs a
minister who lives in the community in order to grow. Most of the other churches have
ministers who live in the "colonia" where the church is located.
Already we have found a house about two blocks from the church. Not only will this
move help the church, but it will also reduce our living expenses. The rent is much less,
and we won't have to waste a lot of time driving back and forth.
There are only a couple of drawbacks to living over there. One is that we won't have a
telephone:. The other is that we will need to receive all our mail at our post office box
which is here in El Paso. The address here again is: P.O. Box 17219, El Paso, Texas
With summer comes V.B.S. time and camp time. This summer will be quite full! We'll
be working in between six (6) and ten (10) Vacation Bible Schools. Most of you know
the work that goes in to making one successful V.B.S., so you can imagine how much it
will take for this many? There is also a certain amount of cost involved. In the past few
months the support we have been receiving has been adequate to meet only our personal
living expenses. This has worked out fine because we have not needed money for teaching
supplies, etc., but we would appreciate any extra help you can give us on these Vacation
Bible Schools! If you would rather send something other than monetai^ contributions,
we could use any type of craft supplies (glue, paint, scissors, construction paper, etc.),
flannelgraph, or other non-English visuals and puppets.
We are looking forward to a terrific summer serving the Lord. We want to see many
young people's lives change direction and come to know the Lord.
Sometime, please, drop us a line here in El Paso. We would love to hear from you! Our
address is; P.O. Box 17219, El Paso, TX 79917. As for your gifts, please make checks
payable to the 1st Christian Church, designated for the Newton Mexican Mission. Please
send these to:
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Campbell
1112 Southside Drive
Brandon, FL 33511
Phone: (813) 689-7462
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Thank you for your prayers and for your support!
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Missionaries to Mexico
A na Maria
November 10, 1982
iJear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We'd like to thank everyone who has faithfully supported the Newton
Mexican Mission during the year, financially and with prayers. God
has continued to bless Bobby and Laura through wonderful Christian
people who have seen the need for spreading the Gospel of our Lord in
Mexico. At times, the way has been rough financially, but God has
continued to meet their needs through the concern of churches and indi
viduals like you - Praise the Lord!
As you know
christoas time is almost HEREj
We'd like to share with you some of the needs that Bobby has shared
with us:
*Second hand clothes and good used toys

Bibles and hymnals (he suggested garage sales - may find them;
*COMfLSTE BIBLES - Have plenty of New Testaments - some people do not
have Uld Testaments and new ones are very expensive!
Bobby - size 59 pa
" 16^- shirts
Laura - size 20
Uhristie - size 4
Ana - size 4
We want to thank you again for the love and concern you have showed
for the Newtons. we pray that God blesses each of you!
in His service.
jjcmg Cj^pbell, forwarding Agent,
Wewton Mexican Mission
1112 Southside Drive
Brandon, FL. 5351
Newton Mexican Mission Address;
Mr. Bobby Newton
t.U. Box 17219
iia iaso, TX. 79917

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