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By-Laws of the

Northern Fairfield County Reagan Club

Article I – Duties of Officers

I. President -
A. Shall preside at all meetings.
B. Shall ensure that the Club meets Fairfield County Republican Party recognition
C. Shall appoint a Club Representative to the Fairfield County Republican Party who
does not sit on the Party’s Executive Committee.
D. Shall seek volunteers for Chairs for each of the following Committees: Political
Education, Fundraising, and Programming.
i. In the absence of volunteers or in the case of multiple volunteers, the
President, in consultation with the club officers, shall make appointments
for the committee Chair positions.
E. Shall generally supervise the development of the Club and its programs.

II. Vice President -

A. Shall perform the duties of the President, in his absence.

III. Secretary -
A. Shall keep an accurate list of club members.
B. Shall keep minutes of each meeting, including attendance.
C. Shall keep a record of all Club correspondence.
D. Shall maintain the Club’s website.

IV. Treasurer -
A. Shall file a Declaration of Treasurer form with the Board of Elections.
B. Shall be the custodian of all Club funds.
C. Shall keep a record of receipts and expenditures of the Club.
D. Shall ensure that the Club is in compliance with all campaign finance laws.

Article II – Duties of the Executive Board

I. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the transaction of any business of the Club
between regular meetings.

Article III – Meetings

I. The regular meetings of the Club shall be on the 4th Tuesday night of the following
months: January, March, May, July, September, and November. Additionally, political
education events and fundraising events may be held outside of the regular meeting
II. Special meetings of this Club shall be called by the President or upon a three-quarters
(3/4) vote by the members of the Executive Board. Only those matters on the agenda in
the notice of the special meeting shall be considered and voted upon.

III. The secretary shall notify every member of the Club concerning the time and place of all
meetings of the Club five (5) days prior to the meeting.
a. Email and posting on the Club’s website shall suffice for notification for all
regular meetings.
b. Written notification must be provided for all special meetings. The notification
shall include:
i. Who called the special meeting.
ii. The date, time, and location of the meeting.
iii. A detailed agenda for the special meeting.

Article IV – Elections

I. The Executive Board will appoint a three person Nominating Committee each election
year. The members of the Nominating Committee will be announced at the September
meeting. At the November meeting, the Nominating Committee will make its report in
writing to the Club, presenting at least one nominee for each office. After the committee
report, nominations may be received from the floor.

II. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for election. In the event that any ballot
cast does not show a majority for any nominee for an office, there shall be further ballots,
with the nominee having the lowest vote total being dropped from the second and any
succeeding ballots until a nominee shall have received a majority of all the votes cast.

III. All contested elections shall be held using a secret ballot. Uncontested elections may be
held using a voice vote.

Article V – Quorum

I. Any vote taken under the by-laws or constitution of this club must be at a meeting where
the quorum requirements are satisfied. A quorum shall exist only when the following
requirements are met: at least three members of the Executive Board are present and at
least twenty-five percent (25%) of voting members are present.

Article VII – Amendments

I. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership.

II. The text of any such amendments shall be mailed to all members in writing at least two
(2) weeks prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be voted on. Any
amendment shall be effective from the point of passage, unless otherwise provided for in
the amendment.

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