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Yarn: New England Knitters Shetland, 100 % wool. H2315/11 D L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9

EBONY Tundra Cornsilk Gold

H2315/12 Tundra Lime Grass Seagreen Woodsmoke Bermuda Blue Cornflower Iris Hyacinth

H2315/13 Oatmeal Camel Sandalwood Topaz Poppy Melon Gold Straw Brass

Knitting Procedure


The tam is worked sideways in short rows - in 8-10 repeats. When finished it is sewed together. The photographed tam is worked using 2 colors. Row 10: D - Sl 1, k3, p4, k16, p24. Turn. Row 11: L - As for row 3. Row 12: L - K6, p14, k21. Turn. Row 13: D - As for row 5. Row 14: D - Sl 1, k3, p6, k14, p21. Turn. Row 15: L - As for row 3. Row 16: L - K8, p12, k18. Turn. Row 17: D - As for row 5. Row 18: D - Sl 1, k3, p8, k12, p18. Turn. Row 19: L - As for row 3. Row 20: L - K10, p10, k15. Turn. Row 21: D - As for row 5. Row 22: D - Sl 1, k3, p10, k10, p15. Turn. Row 23: L - As for row 3. Row 24: L - K12, p8, k12. Row 25: D - As for row 5. Row 26: D - Sl 1, k3, p12, k8, p12. Turn. Row 27: L - As for row 3. Row 28: L - K14, p6, k9. Turn. Row 29: D - As for row 5. Row 30: D - Sl 1, k3, p14, k6, p9. Turn. Row 31: L - As for row 3. Row 32: L - K16, p4, k6. Turn. Row 33: D - As for row 5. Row 34: D - Sl 1, k3, p16, k4, p6. Row 35: L - As for row 3. Row 36: L - K18, p2, k3. Turn. Row 37: D - As for row 5. Row 38: D - Sl 1, k3, p18, k2, p3. Turn. Break the yarn. Row 39: L - As for row 3. Row 40: L - K to last st, p1. Row 41: D - Sl 1, k4, break L and change to D, and work the rest of row as for row 5. Row 42: D - Sl 1, k3 + k20, p30. Rep row 3-42 6 or more times, according to the circumference desired for the cap. Last row should be row 40.

Melon Poppy Red Chianti Magenta Plum

The colors from the Rainbow Jacket is listed above. Use the possible leftovers from the jacket in 2 or more contrasting colors. You will need 25-30 grams of the Dark yarn (D) and 25 grams of the Light colored yarn (L1, L2 etc.). Size: You can knit it as wide as you like

Metric: Straight needles 3 mm (US2 or 3). Furthermore you will need a Locking Stitch Marker and a soft ring marker (or thread).

24 sts and 46 rows = 10 x 10 cm on ndls 3 mm.

With D and needles 3 mm CO 54 sts. Row 1 (RS): D - Knit to the last st, p1. Row 2 (WS): D - Sl 1 (slip 1 kwise), k3 + k20, p30, now place the ndl in the left hand and K-CO 5 new sts with L, using the last D-st as a start-st (= 59 sts). Row 3: L - K until 4 sts rem. Turn and Yo (make a yarnover). Row 4: L - K2, p18, place a marker and let it stay on the same place on the ndl upwards, k27. Turn. Row 5: D (hold L behind the work, now carry D over (on top of) L and do not tighten it, when jumping 3 sts) - K to yo, k2tog (Yo + next st), k2, p1. Row 6: D - Sl 1, k3, p2, k18, p27. Turn. Row 7: L - First hold D behind the work and carry L over (on top of) D and tighten D - As for row 3. Row 8: L - K4, p16, k24. Turn. Row 9: D - As for row 5. 1

Join the edges by grafting or BO and sew together.

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