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Excel Functions: Updating Data without formulas you can use paste special to perform specialize functions. Ex.

. Put 10 in a cell, highlight a selection of cells, use paste special and select more options, then can add 10 to all of the values. More than 400 Functions total: Formulas tab > Insert function, or search from category Relative Reference A3 Mixed Reference $A3 Absolute Reference - $A$3 IF Function provide multiple answers based upon a condition (a logical test). IF Function with relational operators IF(A3>B3, Value if true, value if false) People with rating above 4 or 5 get a bonus, at 3 smaller bonus, at 1 or 2 no bonus. You can NEST Ifs to see if another condition is true if the first one is false. If(B2>3,1000,if(B2=3, 500,0)). You can have up to 64 nested Ifs in a formula. USE AND, OR, and NOT with IF to create compound logical tests if(and(D3 = Full Time, D4 >3, 1000), 0). Reason we dont put the AND between the two, is so that we dont have to keep entering AND for each of our following conditions. We can have up to 31 ands. Lookup Functions look up info from tables. Might be in different worksheets and workbooks. If table is vertically-oriented, use VLOOKUP. If Horizontal, use HLOOKUP. Two other aspects to Lookup Functions, sometimes lookup is based on finding data in a Approximate Way Like finding numbers that fall between others. Maybe trying to find someones name or SSO, by looking it up in a list. Need to take in consideration, do we need exact or approx. Excels lookup functions allow us to find data in a table thats structured vertically or horizontally. Finding Approximate Matches Any time you are using VLOOKUP for an approximate match, the data must be in ascending order. Col_index_num (3rd argument of Vlookup) means in which column of the table you are looking up from do you want to get the answers? IF YOU WANT TO COPY DOWN A COLUMN, DONT FORGET TO MAKE APPRORIATE REFERENCES ABSOLUTE. To Find exact matches in VLOOKUP, use the 4th argument (True for Apprroximate Mathc, or False for Exact Match). Use F4 to turn a reference into an absolure reference. BEWARE OF WHITESPACE, VLOOKUP TAKES THAT INTO ACCOUNT AND WILL NOT MATCH NECESSARILY FOR THAT REASON. Using TRIM() when dealing with this can help. VLOOKUP Vertical Table Lookups.

HLOOKUP - Horizontal table Lookups. Nested Lookups When you need to make dynamic parameters that usually takes static ones, consider alternative, mathematical means. For example, adding to another column to determine what column offset you need.
CHOOSE( position, value1, [value2, ... value_n] ) position is position number in the list of values to return. It must be a number between 1 and 29. Values correspond to position. There must be same number of values for given number of possible choose. Match see if a value in one list is found in another list. Match returns the position within the search array. Like 17 for B17. N/A means Not Found, not another value like in VLOOKUP. You can combine it with other functions, like CONCAT by using Ampersand to get the format of your search string exactly right. If there is more than one match, the function will only list the position of the first one it finds.

Retrieve information by location with INDEX. Gives us the ability to pull data out of a table, based on a column and row reference. Enter in the range, row ref, and column ref to get that value. Using Match and Index Together You can nest them like =Index(array, Match, Match). VLOOKUP ONLY WORKS TO FIND VALUES IN COLUMNS TO THE RIGHT OF THE ONE YOU ARE SEARCHING.

Tabulating information on a single criterion with COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF Countif performs a count based on an IF criteria. Can use a range via >=10. Must be in double quotes. SumIF sum all of the returned values based on the if condition. Arguments: range to look through, condition to look for, where to perform sum based on the found rows. Averageif average all of the returnd values based on the if condition. Use COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, and AVERAGEIFS if you need to use multiple criteria. =median will take the specified data, sort it, and come up with the middle number. =average takes mean. =Rank ranking data without sorting. =Rank(number, area to look in for values to rank against each other) =Max find the maximum value in a column =Min find the minimum value in a column. If you want to find the 2nd, 3rd, etc number in a columnyou can use these. You can use LARGE(array, k) and SMALL() respectively. K the <kth> highest in list.

CountBlank tabulate all of the blank cells within a column.

ARRAY FUNCTIONS power functions. Term array refers to a series of data in a column or a row. Dealing with data in parallel rows or parallel columns. Evaluate Array Formula with ctrl + shift + enter. Array formulas give us the capability to evaluate data across multiple rows or columns, in kind of a parallel technique. Counting unique entries in a range with an array formula - =SUM(1/(COUNTIF(all cells in range, all cells in range))) Countif finds the number of values in a range based on a specified condition. 1/x gives you the reciprocal. Combined with countif Determine Frequency Distribution with FREQUENCY Frequency() array formula, highlight all cells you want to have be constraints when executing the formula. Flipping Row/Column orientation with Transpose you can copy and paste special with transpose. Function: Transpose() will link to the data Building analysis via regression techniques with TREND and GROWTH in some of these array functions, you need to highlight the entire target area you want results to appear in first, then enter in the formula. Combining multipl;e functions in arrays Find the row number in a table of a value with MATCH(). Extract a field of data from a bale using INDEX. We can combine these two =Index(array, Match row number result, 0) Need to press ctrl + shift + enter though because match is an array formula. Text Functions: FIND Reference Functions Counta counts the number of cells in a range that are not empty.

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