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,14 hoR


Zv Mexico
Vol. II

Ho, I

Jan-gaiy, 1953
Box 286

r>TOG.ciIiijS f


Yes, Ifergans in MexicoJ- In this new year we hope to

gain entrance into Hexieo to spread the gospel. As roDst of you know a person cannot go into Mexico as a preach
er or roissionaiy, hut one can go into the country as a tourist for six months at a time* IJaring these "six months, mission -work can he successfully carried on,
iiany denominational missionaries have "been there for as nany as thirty years in this manner. If denominations

are doing it,

v/hat is

stopping us

from spreading New

need to get

-busy and

at -every

opportunity we have?
seed of New Testament

The denominational churches are decades ahead of us. V/e

plant the

Christianity in virgin "territory

so that young men and

v/omen can become interested in iDeii^ trained as preach ers and workers to their own people,
We plan to neke a tour of one month with G-loria Jewell and Jean Cunningham of "IfflXICiJ:! 'MISSIONS SSRVICE" into the interior of Mexico. This trip will serve

mainly these two purposes:

1. He. plan to visit as many

missionary groiups as possible to find out how they are able to stay in Mexico and the. best method of approach to the people. 2 The other is to find a central work ing point in which to locate and work from. Then we will enter.Mexico as tourists and lead in evangelistic
work there.

For services in Ifexico we need a Coleroan gas lan-<


The article on piristmas will explain v/hy.

. rar'-^-.'^JT?";

'cmSTfiAS IN IffiXICO" '

A fe\7 day-s "before Christmas, G-erald Bowlin, Mrs. Walden, Hiss "lireles, and I left "Kogales to visit the
Churches of Christ in Western Ifexico and distribute about one ton of used clothing and a half ton of toys

and treats of candy, fruit, and nuts. Oar first stop was the railroad tovm of Benjamin Kill# . V7e expected-

some 50 kids

and "before vie had'finished

with the dis

tribution of gifts to the regular Bible School attend ants, about 100 children had assembled.
The next afternoon we v/ent to a little hut in a sub

urb called-San Benito. Here'we .expected about. kO child-;

ren and- almost 150- came -from nowhere. How pleased' we '
'.vere and so grateful- that there were-so many. . e. -V7ent
from there to another suburb where a native evangelist wants to start a new work. Here nearly 25O children

had gathered from every bush, -hole, and hut. Our gift sup-oly v^as'lbw, so we had the children form lines and

started passing out

v/hat was left.

Not all receiveda

gift, and'some that did got

only broken things that we

would throw away , but they'were so pleased v/ith, them.

That evening we went back to San Benito for evening worship which had been arrajiged by the student minister.

?Iore used clothing was'distributed to families who were

not -oresent that afternoon. In the little one-room hut,

about 200 people were gathered for the service^ Less than a year ago about 35 ^ good crowd. Hov/ thrill ing it was to see so many people waiting to hear the

gospel message, in a hut with only a dirt floor,

windows, and only a
the room,


kerosene lantern and lamp to light trip.' -My only regret is" that I
I feel, that mach

V{hat a


can't make it at least tv^ice a month.

can be done, to. establish many^ mor^ churches''.in W.etem

need your prayers and continued support to

stay on the field, . Pray for the

won to Him .who died for us,
... -0-. -0-

work that many may be

that His kingdom,, may : be


Smilio Hernandez, the native evangelist mentioned in "Christmas in Mexico" ,raakes and sells cactus and squash candy in order to supDort his family while he pre^aches'
the (jOSTDel-





Mew One:

.. -.

' ' Box 286, Hogales, Arizona "

-0~ -0-o-c

.. ' " ^


. '.$ 25,02
IC.OC 10,00

":vv;^r-cs- "V- :

Balance on hand, December 1, 1952 General fund,

Julian Baby fund.- . . Typev/riter fund . .. . -.'

,v .. . . . . .

Sclv^d i n Deceinber ... . '

.Total $ 45.02 .
. ,.

G-eneral fund.
Living-link: . .

4l.0p' .

191 ^0

Disbursed _ V" -

$232,00 . . , Total

$2^2.00 $27J.02






Balance on haiid, December 3I > 195^

$210,^0 $ 66,52

The financial report is one in skeleton form. 7<e feel this type report ' sufficient as each contributor'
has received acknowledgernent for each contribution. Inyone, wishing to have a more detailed account may have one by contacting us . soiSTHiHa Sometime ago we asked a fev/ of our fri'ends -to aid us

in purchasing a bench saw. Thanks to those v;ho r aade this a reality. As Gene is the carpenter for the mis sion gro-up here it is helping greatly in speed and ac curacy. Certainly the saving in labor bills has 'al ready more than paid for this piece of equipment,
-0-.. -0-0-

W3 If^ED

1. Your praters on oxir behalf.

2. The remaining $10C per month LIVING--LIiTK.. 3. Funds to purchase our most needed equipir^nt


IS ft. housetrailer. Due to passport lav/s and duties this is the only way to take across the needed equip- raent. It will also provide the needed home v/herever v;e v;ork, and make possible sanitation for the children.


our Christmas such a lovly one.

-. 17e received


We wish to express our thanks to all of you who made/



and gifts

from our friends.

'Je ^00

want to thank everyone who sent gifts children. I*ra sure if you could see

for the Uexican those "beys and

girls hug their

toys and watch their eyes

light -up as

we did, it would many times repay your thoughtf-ulness. Again we say thank you for remembering all of us oh the
Ifexican mission field.
o," -o-0-


Los Mnos in Spanish means "the children".

we speak . of childron -weasualiy

Ind when
hard to be

think of - Danny

Kathy. How fast'they growi Kathy"tries so "bigger than she "really is. She is hardly

big enough

One day she to sit on a chair and reach the table. decided she wouldn't eat unless she could s i t at the

table like, the big folks.

That's our Kathy!

Danny is learning the Spanish language slowly. There

are a lot of Mexican boys and girls that play aro-umd our T)lace so that gives him more practive eveiy day. Danny gave some of his toys to the diildren spoken:

about in the article "Christmas in Hexico". Vhen the children took them, loved and hu.^:ged them as our Danny had, we knev; that they would have as many if not more

'happy hours with the toys than Danny had.- ''He hope and pray that our children can give something more someday
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. T?e pray that the people vail accept and love their lord as they loved the toys
that they received. Eugene Morgan Box 2S6 ^ogales, Arizona . . .

F\or enc e/Doug



F0RI5 35U7 Related




Vol. II ' April. May. 1953

No. m



Box 286



A few days ago we visited a Catholic mission and as I.looked upon the things thore, I realized how thankful I was that I am not chained by Catholicism. Let me give you a glimpse of what I sav; there and perhaps you will see in a small way what Christianity in its true sense
means to you.

As we entered the doors of the

old Catholic church,

we- noticed to our right a life-size statue of Christ on the cross. The blood-matted hair seemed real eno^h to think there was actually a human body hanging from the

wooden cross.
the worshippers


little attention

was given by

to this statue.

As we walked down the

aisle, we were appalled at the

beautiful altar and-the

back'^ound. The wall was covered with gold carvings and in the center directly in front of the gold engrav ings was a life-size statue of a priest dressed in typ
ical robes of the church.

When we arrived at the

to either side. To the

front pews we noticed a wing

left there were hundreds of the

small candles
the table.of

burning, as
candles was

a symbol

of prayer.


a life-size coffin with

image of Christ in it. The face of the image was scarr ed and smeared with blood. People came past and offered whatever they had and placed it on or near the coffin. As we watched,one Indian lady offered flowers and while she offered them, she smothered the face of the image
with kisses and tears. This made our hearts ache with


Yesterday as I was doing the dishes a familiar knock

was heard at the door and Gene called, "Pase", v;hich in

Spanish means "come in". Rodr.igo and Ghelo had just

come across the Xine to visit us. Soon Gene and Rodrigo

were busy.talking over plans for the . new work in Ghihuahua and Chelo was helping me with the dishes.

As we all worked together, I began to wonder how much we .really loved these people. I wondered if ue
were missionaries merely because we were commanded to save soiils. I remembered the rich young ruler who came to Jesus and asked what to do to inherit eternal life# He had kept the commandments from his youth up-.-^-zhy
had he gone away sad? Paul's letter to the
Corinthians then came to my

mind. He says,"though I speak with the tongues of men

and angels, and have not iove*, I am become as sound

ing brass..and though I have all faith, so that I could

remove all mountains, and have not 'love*, I am nothing,.
'Love' suffereth long and is kind...beareth all things.
*Love' never faileth".

When we had finished dishes and were all in the front

room of our house, I-sat watching those two young Mex ican people as they were working, planning and praying
that souls might bo saved for Christ. The joy and en thusiasm in their eyes revealed the answer to wy ques tion. Rodrigo and Chelo are just one example of many
other Mexican Christians who have accepted God's pro

mise,"Seek ye first His kingdom, and his righteousness,

and all these things shall be added unto you." They are servants of God because they love the soul of man

enough to trust completely in God's promises, and as we

saw the lisht of Christian love glowing in their eyes

and hearts, v;e knew we loved these people.

Yes, with a Iovg that beareth all things and a love

that never faileth.,.for God is love...we work together

that many may be won to Christ and His kingdom.

! i J !! ! ! FLASH ! i !! !! 1

]>^r. and llrs. Alexandrio Julian, liexican minister of the Church of Christ in Nogales, Sonera, announce the arrival* of a baby boy. He was born April 27, and was names Pedro (Peter). Our prayers are with this young
couple and new baby.


Balance on hand, March 1, 1953

General fund Deficit

^ " 5.38

Julian Baby Fund

Received in Ilarch and April Living-Link
Trailer Fund



^^3^6. GO
15.00 20.00

Typewriter Fund

Total $539,50


Disbursed in March and April Living-Link Typewriter Office Supplies Postage




Julian Baby Supplies

Native workers





April 30, 1953, Balance on hand (General Fund .^^11,79)

$ 26.79

(Trailer Fund
Thanks toi

Janosville, Wis.; Union

Mission Group,

City (Ky) Christian Church; Royal Oak, Mich, Group of Missionary Endeavors; Ladies Aid, Corinth, Ky; Ktrs. R. Norris, Richmond, Ky; V. Phoenix, Ariz; Sunny Slope, Ariz; River Park, Ind., Church of Christ; Phebe Ruth Circle,Rockford, 111, for, all the clothing, quilts,food
etc. which have been sent during these two months.


Since our resignation from Ilexican Bible Seminary we

have studied the jnap of Ilexico to find the most needed During

spot to take the Gospel.

After much prayer, we believe

the Lord has led us. to the field in Chihuahua,

the next few. weeks we will be speaking in California and be.ready to move to El Paso, Texas about the middle of June,We plan to be in Chihuahua soon after this date to begin the establishment of mission churches in and around the area of the capitol city.


No doubt you have been wondering what and where Chi

huahua is. It is both a city and state. Mexico is made up of states much like our own United States. Chihuahua is the largest of the states and borders New Mexico and part of Texas.The shaded portion of the map above shows

the state while the


circle shows the city,


this state

v/as chosen when we found no New Testament vrork here.

paganism (cont.) sorrow for these people,

far right of the church. There was a statue of

so v;e tiirned

away to seo the

^^ary beautifully clad in queenly apparel. Looking upon the image of Mary I re alized Kiary was being glorified for bringin?? Christ into the world, but Christ was dead. The whole atmos phere was that of a funeral all was filled with sor row, "dismay and no hope. How a church that proclaims, after a fashion, Christianity, can be so unchristian is
something only Satan could be responsible for I Truly our task in Mexico is a-great one,' How much

we need to sacrifice and work to give these people hope that Christ came into the world not to die, but to die
and rise again that we might have eternal life. Our

very actions

and motives

must bo one

that the people

can see Christ in us and trust us that we can tell them

the story of the risen Christ. Pray with us, will be done, but thine be done."

"Not my



hof^GANS rj^gfTii JesuQ

In hniCO
Vol. II
June, July. 1953

i\5 T
No. IV

As I looked at the last bulletin, I counted over in my mind all the things that have happened since our last
bulletin came out.
has sustained us.

These "past two months have been any

thing but encouraging,

but we know

the strength of God

May 15-Gene contacted dysentery and was quite sick. May 23-Gene left on a short- speaking trip to California. June l-Gene returned from Calif, with very pleasing re~

June 2-Chelo, our native worker, was given a complete physical examination and it was found she had a small tumor which would develope into cancer if
not removed,

June 9-Gene had several penicillin shots to break up in fection from complications which had settled in . his back from dysentery. June IS^West Phoenix, Ariz., Church of Christ had a wed ding shower for Chelo. . Jione Li-Gene spoke at evening services df the Christian
Church at Phoenix,

June 15~Chelo received word that her mother was very ill

and possibly not

expected to livetoday^s mail

brings us word that her mother is again worse,so the wedding plans for Rodrigo and Chelo mil be changes,
June 16-Chelo went home to be with her mother. The Mor

gans began packing to move to El Paso, Texas. June 22-We were moved, and a little settled for a couple


page 5)




Marshall, 111. then to Wise, and Tarapico, 111,_ Therej

decided to do mission work and go back to school an

Five years ago Gene built an old box trailer to move . our things from Cincinnati in. From there, it vent to
Gene did an overhaul job on it and built it so it could be made into a camp trailer. We still used it when we

other year.

Then we moved our things to Arizona, and I

think most of you remember the heartaches we had on that trip. However, Old Faithful is still.with us. We moved our things fi^om Kogales to El Faso, but now have our things stored in an 8 x 10 building, and. we are making an attempt to live in the trailer. We feel the
trailer is not worth putting new repairs on it, as the understructure is too bad to try to do anything with.

Let me give you an example of a day of living in Old

Faithful. At 6:00 o'clock we wake up with the Texas

(105 in the shade)

sun streaming down on the trailer

while we are already streaming with sweat. At 7:30 we have breakfast out-side on Danny and Kathy's baby-tenda table which is about 2 ft, square with five people eat

ing from it.Vfe eat in the sun or whatever shade we can find. It is too warm to eat cooked meals (we have to
cook in the little store-house because we haven't a

place fixed

in the trailer)

so we eat

sandwiches and

drink 3.emonade or cool-aid most of the time. In the afternoon we 'siesta' for it is too hot to do anything else. Toward evening when the sun goes down we can re

Every night for almost -a week it has rained or attempted.to rain. That is the discouraging part, for we would wake up to find water leaking in on all four sides
and the middle. Water would drip and soak Danny and

Kathy as well as their beds, needless to say how wet we

and our bed would get. We used everyavailable towel to soak up the water and prayed it would stop soon. Every time v;e see a cloud, we hope it won't rain,, yet v;e keep hoping for relief from the heat. This is our problem and we are praying you can help
us, V/e have needed a place to live, and a housetrailer is the most economical. Needless to say, there are far

more' advantages - by taking a housetrailer into Mexico,

.when we come back home for supplies, we can take things across like used clothes, DVBS materials, etc., wiiich

(cont, on page 5)


, "


Mr, & Mrs. Eugene Morgan 3411 Rivera St, El Paso, Texas

All of our first and secoM class mail will be


to this address and will be forwarded to us when we are

in the states, and also vzhen we are in Mexico, As soon

as we can find what Motor Freight Company will send

used clothing and boxes from the East "Charity Ship ments" we will-send you the name of the company. In the
Send all boxes to the above address,

West, Western Truck Lines v/Ul take "Charity Shipments'/ . ,

" ' '

We want to thank all of our friends who have helped us with extra contributions the past two months. With

the extra expense -of sickness, sending Chelo home to be with her mother, and moving to El,Paso we certainly ap preciate all your prayers and interest. We become very

discoirraged when our plans seem to be going:so slowly. Patience, I believe, is the hardest lesson to learn.
V/e are praying 'for great things in this work, and we know that if all of you are as faithful in the futiire

as you ha.ve been in the past,

things fpr the Lord in Mexico,

we can accomplish great


Gloria Jewell and -Jean Cunningham of fffiX^CAN MISSIONS SERVICE will soon have the Daily Vacation Bible School

course "Jesus,the Son of God" printed, Marian has pre pared the lessons, while Chelo has written the stories - in Spanish. We received a large carton of crayons from a church in California, which will be a great delight
for the children to use in their DVBS lessons,

^ '
in our next issue.


We hope to liave a very interesting bulletin for you
We will have an account, of the wed

ding of Rodrigo and Chelo,

as well as the start of the

work in the state of Chihuahua,

VJe hope you have enjoyed our news bulletins so far,

but feel they will be much more interesting when we are
in the heart of the Mexican people, learning their cus

toms and ways. Write to us and tell us if you enjoy them, and suggest other things you might ,like to hear,,

Balance on hand. May 1, 1953

General Fund Trailer Fund 11.79 15.00

26.79 $
Received in May and June Living-Link
General Fund


4.59.00 512.58
10.00 20.00 10.00

Typewriter Fund
Ifetive Workers Childrens Medicine

$1011.53 toll.5a
Total 1038.37

Disbursed in May and June

Postage Printing
Native Workers

f 399.58
21.90 33.00

Travel (Inc. moving to El Paso)


Typewriter (final payment)

Trailer repairs


Station Vlagon & Repairs

Balance on hand, June 30, 1953



May we say thanks also to Mrs, V, C. Hanlin; Clinton (Iowa) Church of Christ; Lavina Wiecker; Amy Spindler; David Warner; Janesville,Wis, Church of Christ; Merrill-

ville (Ind) Church of Christ;

W. Phoenix (Ariz) Chtirch

of Christ; K.J,U. Class, Tarapico, 111.; and Mrs, J, C. Worcross, for the crayons, new clothing, used clothing, medicine, and household supplies which they have sent.
Some have asked about our living-link support because

there are times when it is very low (ex. April 175),

At various times the Union City (Kjf) Church sends their check either a little early or a little late making two
checks come in one month and none the following month. We are thankful for all who have helped make the past

two months very good, without it we could not have paid

the bills. The expense has been great in that I travel ed for a short speaking trip, we also moved to SI Paso, Our books are kept in full detail and we invite you to ask questions or ask for a detailed report at any
time. Yours for-a Christian Mexico,


Cont. from page 2

- we coiild not ordinarily take across the line. We woiild have.sanitary conditions for the children, which is im
portant in Mexico, until we can work out better arrange

We found an excellent buy here in El Paso and becai\so we felt that we needed it immediately, we financed o^lr car so we could buy the trailer. The trailer cost

f.1095.00 and is 16 ft, long which will suit our needs in Mexico for a long time. We do feel this is the best way to carry the Gospel into Mexico until we know and are
more familiar with the country.

We plan to make the payments from our living-link so

-as not to interfere with money sent in specifically for missions. However, if you would like to"help us in this

particular way,

so that we can pay

Eugene Morgan 3A11 Rivera St, El Paso, Texas

the mortgage on the

car as soon as possible, designate your donations speci

fically for the trailer, and send all correspondence to;

One little sin brings many more

It pushes through the half-closed door

of careless minds and hearts; The host of other sins come, too.

They find the door and scramble throiigh.

Then trouble quickly starts.
DIARY--Gorit, from page 1

of weeks in 151,Paso, making arrangements to' go into Mex


We have been making plans

to go to Chihuahua and to

the v/edding of our native couple which was to be July 19 in Durango, Mexico,but today we received word from Chelo
that her mother is much worse apain and the wedding would

be postponed for a while, at least. We had hoped that they could return, as soon as the.^'' were married this month, to begin the new work with evangelistic meetings
and DVBS in Chihuahua. With these changes in plans, we will make the short trip through the states right av;ay,

.in hopes of raising support for our native workers, and --to increase our own living-link. We have been on the for a year with little over half of oiir support,


Dear Boys and Girls, I remember a lot of my little friends,


those in


so I am. writing about

some of the,

things which have happened to us,

dark skin and hair.

^^en we

first came

out here both Kathy and I were very white and the little Mexican boys and girls looked very strange, \d.th such,
We couldn't understand what
thought we were

were saying because they spoke in Spanish,but all child ren play the sarae in any language, I guess.
The little Mexican children

strange too,
white hail^.

and were really fascinated by Kathy*s

they were bo fascinated they Vept'

In fact,

touching and funny little

Soon the

feeling her hair. Soon Moraaia, discovered bugs in her hair.,.I "believo she called
were gone, I think I am glad

them' lice. My, such a time as Kathy had then!!! Momma

really scrubbed her hair in kerosene for days afterward..
funny bugs
hair isn't as v/hite as Kathy's is.

We like all the sandy dirt, sunshine, and fresh air. I think Mother gets a little discouraged at all the dirt
we find to get into, but Mother says as long as we are happy and healthy^ she is thankful. It looks like it might ra4a3-sa"I had betfer: bring my -

toys in.

We hope you are all gelT ' and'we pray-that God


watches over all of- you,

Your little missi^^nies, -'

Danng" and 'Katfiv

too I

We like

our new trailer home.

Now we

can.be at -

home every place we go.

Eugene Morgan 3411 Rivera St, El Paso, Texas

I think Momm and Daddy .liie it




<^^V </


and Chelo were

In I^EVco
Vol. n August. September 1953


married August 2, at Chelo's home near Durango,Mexico and

spent their honeymoon in Monterrey, They attended the
Christian convention in Sal-

tillo and if fimds permit they will be in Chihiiahiia soon We hope and pray for their sa.fe keeping and that
we vdll be able to continue

supporting them. As yet we are only able to give them


^10,00 a week.

Perhaps some

church or individual

find it in their hearts to supply a regular amount each

month for them. Their rent, utilities and food costs will have to be met when they arrive in Chihuahua. This can be done if churches or groups would send $5. per month. Help these young people who are preaching the Gospel of Christ to their Ovm people.

Christmas gifts for the Mexican field

should not be

sent later than Nov. 15th.

Gene ^d.11 make a trip to El

the boxes of used cloth

Paso with our trailer to load

ing and toys during the week of December 6th. This willl

give us time

to package and

sort out the gifts, candy

and clothing for the individual families and children.

Toys and clothes, new or used,' c->^ayons, color books. (cont. page 3)


Recently we received a letter from Bro# Naroisco Herrera, minister at the church

i V I

Christ Monterrey, ho would like in very much to Mex, work stating in the new
field of Chihuahua. Bro. Herrera studied

at Colegio Biblico and has been


the church at^ Monterrey since 194-9

Certainly the call of God was laid upon

his heart when he heard of the new work

in Chihuahua. He is giving up a church which can support he and his wife if it

Bro. Herrera be God's will for him to "come over into

>tacedonia and help us". We cannot promise him any support at the present time, but we know the fer

vent, earnest prayers of a righteous man availeth much. We ask that you pray with us that some church might provide the
funds to make it possible for Bro, Herrera to come to us soon. We know the experience and knowledge of his own people far exceeds what we know or could learn in several years.

Pray and work for this help which is badly needed.

September 1953

Dear Boys and Girls, There have been so mar^

people who said they

liked our

last letter to you that we decided we will write again. As it is getting close to Christmas, we would like to tell you how the boys and girls have Christmas in Mexico.
A few weeks before Christmas the children get very busy

making clay or paper




represent Mary,

Joseph, baby Jesus, the shepherds, angels and ^^dsemen.

they fix beautiful scenes
house to admire the scenes. Spanish.


and everyone goes to each others

are called "portals" in

The day of the "feliz navidad" or Merry Christinas

is made of clay and looks like a bird, clown is covered with bright colored paper and

is a

gayla occasion. They play games and the most Important part of the day is when everyone tries to break the"pifiata." This
or eoiimal. It is filled with

candy, nuts and fruit. The "pinata" hangs from the ceiling and each person is blindfolded and takes a turn with a stick to try to hit and break it so all the candy, nuts, and fruit
scatters all over. Then there is a scramble for everyone to

gather their share.

The one who breaks the "pifiata" is the

hero or heroine of the day.

How would you like to have a Christmas in Mexico? Perhaps

you could pretend you are in Mexico and do these things too*
We pray that you have a very happy Christmas this year.
Your little missionaries, Danny and Kathy Morgan


l-Jhile we were on ovir speaking trip this 'Sinnmer, we were invited to one dear lady's home for dinner# While we were
there she said she wanted to do something for us and gave us a contribution# Realizing her circumstances in that she lives on an old age pension we told her she could not do as

much as she had already been doing# She replied, "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver, and I want to do this." Nothing more was said and when we left to get into the

car we found the contribution was a sum of $25., almost half

of what she receives a month.

Certainly this is sacrificial giving and Cfod has blessed her# Our prayer is that we are v/orthy stewards of God's money and that we do His will# This deed has been an exainple

to us, is it an example to you? How much have you been doing for 3'cur Lord? Could the Lord coll you a chcerful giver if you gave almost half of your living to Him?
Glfts-~cont# from page 1

tablets, pencils, soap, toothpaste and brushes can be used# Needles, thread, seconds of material and feed sacks,plain or
colored vrould be greatly appreciated#

Pray for these people

as you send the gifts to tbein that

as they accept these gifts Trom yoa they may also accept the

One True Gift, their Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.


.##The Morgans will be in Chihuahua by the end of October, We have enjoyed our visits with our Cliristian friends here in the states, and were glad for the opportunities to attend
the wonderful missionary rallies and conventions. for your continued prayers in the days to come# We ask

#Mrs, Kary Walden will spend some time in Mexico this \d.nter obtaining first band knov/ledge for her work in Christian Journalism, We are looking fon-fard to seeing her again after these long months of separation# ,,,We pray that Jean Cunningham and Gloria Jewell of >iEXICAN
f-iISSIOKS SERVICE will soon be able to obtain a housetrailer

to live


Their v/ork is badly


We ask that


pray for them.

,,#Bro# Bill leavens Jr., a student at Minnesota Bible Col lege, will represent the Mexican work in the Minnesota area
while he is attending school this year. He will have slides of Mexico and a MexicaJi display# Those who ;/ould like to

hear of the work in that area can contact Bro, Leavens c/o Kinnesota Bible College, 1507 University Ave# S.K,, Minnea
Our mail should now be addressed to us at Box 3507, El Paso, Texas, All Christ mas packages and boxes shou^.d be sent to this address#

polis, Minn, ,#,Our address has boon changed again.


Bcdance on hand^ Jiily

General Fund Trailer Fund Childrens Medicine


$ 00.00

25.00 ft 25.00

Received in July .and August Living-Link

General Fund Trailer Fund Recorder Fund


50.C0 8.OP

$76A.05 $76^.05
Total 789.05

Disbursed in July and August Living-Link

Postage and Box Rent Printing
Native V/orkers Travel

21.60 8.00 100.50 190.55

Trailer and Repairs


Medicine and Doctor . (d&s.)

Recorder & Tape '

p890 83 v890 83"


August 31, 1953 GenerSr"Fund

sent during these two months. EUGENE MORGAN

- Deficit -


Thanks to: River Park'-Ghurch of Chri'3t, So. Bend, Ind.and Mrs Lois T^arsh for the boxes of used clothing
Box 3507

7-PM I



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In nC'XiCo
Vol. II October. November Decembor 1953
Dear Christian Friends,

No. VI

I want to write a letter to you this time about our experiences on the way to the field, and what we found
when we arrived here.

As most of you know we were in the Middle East for a short speaking trip, and I wish to say at this time we had a wonderful fellowship with all of you we had the opportunity to visit. Such fellowship makes it possible for the missionaries to go back to their fields with
the knowledge that there are many faithful ones who are
concerned for the work of the Lord the world over.

VJe arrived at El Paso from Illinois Nov. 4, Waiting for us was a telegram from our native workers saying
they had a house which was available to rent with a

yard for

the trailer.

So we unloaded

some things and

reloaded other things for our trip to Chihuahua, The next morning we finished packing, got our papers
from the consulate and at ten o'clock started across

the line,

^'he inspection officials were very liberal

as they did not search anything in the car or trailer,,

.just examined the license of both car and trailer. We felt very fortunate as wc had heard that sometimes it takes most of the day to go through the inspection sta

Before leaving Juarez, the Mexican city across the line from El Paso, Gene got a tankful of gas and we
started on our way. Realizing you can't get gas any where along the road, he stopped at a station about a

third of

the way there.

This happened

to be the last

place along the road we could get gas before we got to Chihuahua, and the boy who filled the tank did not fill

it full.


miles from

Chihuahua at'-about

9;30 at night the gas tank began to register empty.


had visions we would have to stop on the highway with the housetrailer while Gene walked for gas. ..There is
no place' off the road except sand which*ypu sink.to the hubs in, and for miles and miles there is no sign of

.The car kept going,


and we -began

to feel

better when we at last saw the lights of Chihuahua in .the. distance...they looked so near I We drove 5 miles,
10-milesj and at 15 miles we thought surely this coTild not go-' on much further, few more miles brought us to

the city limits

tion and

of Chihuahua and . there was a gas sta

We arrived in Chihuahua at

a trailer park.

10:30 Thursday night, and-how thankful we were that we

could stop and rest for the
that evening.

night with no more worries

The next mor'ning Gene located Rodrigo and Chelo and they began to search for houses to rent. After two days they found one suitable for our purpose. Everyone's property in Mexiico is walled to prevent anyone from


and of course the place we found had-a

wall. irst there had to be a wall built to separate the landlady's chicken yard from the one which we use for the trailer. Then a place large enough to get the
trailer through the outside wall had to be taken out

and a big gate put up. A door was put from our yard into the patio of the house, Vfe-believe it is very nice and are anxious to get settled now. The second Sunday afternoon 'we were here we drove out the highway which goes to Durango, About five miles

south of Chihuahua there was a huge mine.

Built arourui

the factory was a typical Mexican pueblito. To the northeast we could see another village so drove over a ccwboy trail until we got there. This village was named Ccncordia and very beautiful. Down the main street was a canal with huge towering trees and small adobe homes
were on each side of the double street. It looked much

like a boulevard through a small country town. The canal is where the townspeople get their drinking
water and. the women wash their clothes.

From there

we drove

about twenty



along a rich

fertile valley

until we

came to another

(cont, on P.5)

Wculdn't i t be wonderful i f cur "New Little Mission

ary" wculd have promise of living-link support when he arrives into this bright sunshiny world? He hopes to arrive in the tforgan household about Christmas, He is

asking that f?250O be designated for him so he can stay

in Mexicc with his Maimna, Five groups pledging
very happy.

Daddy, Brother and Sister, per month or a church .that

wculd pledge |25 woiild make our "New l ittle Missionary"

Another article which will be greatly needed is a home pasteurizer. All milk in Mexico must be boiled before it can be used. Baby, Danny and Kati^ all say it would help I'femTia so much. Write to us if any of
these requests can be fulfilled.


Today we received word from our native evangelist, Rodrigo Castillo, that after much calling about fifty
people including adults and children attended the first services in the neighborhood where we have rented the hcuse in Chihuahua. We are truly grateful for this and know that with such results a new congregation will soon be established. Ask God^s blessing upon this new work so that it will grow and glorify our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ,


^'V.^ore Thanlcsgiving. On that day we pooled our resources

.^^ogether with Gloria and Jean
..vice and had a day of true
:only thankful for

We were able to come back

to El Paso

a few days be~

cf Mexican Missions Serthanksgiving. We were not

able to share with

the food we were

-^-^each ether,

but thankful we had the fellowship-of

^ 'Christian friends and missionaries who are also carrying the Word to those lost and dying in sin south of the border. Truly God has blessed us, "For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might

through the thanksgiving

'Of God". .II Cor. A:15.

of many redotand

to the glory


New that the work in Chihuahua is getting luider way* and we are establishing new churches, we feel it is important to write about the work Mrs. Walden will do
while she is with us. We feel her work is invaluable

to us as

well as to her

work in Spanish

Bible School


Mrs. Walden will be able to play her accordian in the evangelistic services, illustrate flarmel-graph lessons and conduct Bible Schools. There will be oppor. ttmity for her to teach music and visual education to native evangelists who can go out -into many of the small villages where we yrould not have the time our

selves to go. These things are important in establish ing new congregations. We ask you to pray that she will be able to be with us as soon as possible. She-will need funds to move to Chihuahua., Please help her to go forth for her Lcrd more effectively by sending funds designated for her today.

S. B. S. P.
Perhaps while
wondered what

reading the

above article
is in



Mrs. Waldenwork

Spanish Bible

School Publications. Here are a few excerpts from a letter written by Mexican Missions Service which should help explain her importance with them. "Her first effort, the Spanish version of the "I Am's of Jesus", has to date drawn requests for 2000 copies, and has been or will be used by ALL of tho independent
missions in this field*

. Mrs. Walden has in preparation now the DVBS course, "Peter and the Keys",for which we have advance requests

from this field, and also from Chile,

We of Mexican Missions

V/e have also re

ceived requests for the Uniform lesson series, and she has already begun research in this matter.
Service consider Mrs. Walden

absolutely necessary, since we cannot spare time from the actual printing and assembly of books, etc,,- for the research and preparation of materials in this in
valuable phase bf service."


town,^ All along this gravel road, it\was h-uim!iing with activity. The farmers were bringing'^ in their harvests on small burro carts which looked as though they cculd
hardly carry the driver let alone th^ir loads. The town we arrived at was larger tha-n Goncordia for it had a very pretty "plaza" and a good-sized Catholic church. The streets, however, were dirt and I believe the car

v/e were in was the only one in town.- Only strangers

and passersby have cars. Everyone who lives there rides
horseback or burro..

How we wished we' could have begun that very day to hold services with and for those people._ With more visits to these small villages, people will soon become
accui'toiocd to us and we can gain their confidence, Ihon we can begin to tell them why we are here. We like this new field very much and f6el that soon many will- hear His name, and accept Him as 'their Sav-iour, _ ; .

In Christian service. Gene, Marian, Danny, & Kathy


Now that ire are in Mexico, all first class mail can
be sent to '6\xc address in Mexico, Calle Ojinaga #3902

Chihuahua, ^hi., Mexico

^ packages and boxes MOST be sent to our El Paso
> address which is still;

Box 3507, El Paso, Texas

We, the Morgan family and our native workers, want to thank, all of you who have had part in sending such


It will help give many boys and girls a very happy bless all of you during the holiday season and bring
you Joy and gladness.
The Morgans , " Rodrigo and Chelo Castillo ' - - -5-

lovely Christmas boxes and-other things to the mission.

Christmas who would otherwise not. have any. May God

JVyiV5 OA D I 'rierry Christmas,


Balance on hand, Sept, 1, 1953

General Fuim3s Deficit

101.78 -1101.78
571.00 792.62

Received in Sept, Oct, Hov,

General Fund Bible Fund


5.00 ZD.00

1418.62 U/J.S.62 $1316.84-

Disbursed in Sept, Oct, Nov.

Native Workers

'I 475.67

Trailer (designated)


Rent (mission station & storage)

Medicine (Ghelo)


Recorder tape & repair

Labor & Material for mission station 29.29

Postage & Phone

Travel ^


Display space, furnishings

Publicity & office supplies Bibles, Song books, etc,
Heater (designated) Childrens (Mexican) clothing Hotel Room (designated)

40.58 18.82
5.00 27,00 7.00
S1315.34 S1315.-84

Balance on hand Nov. 31,1953 (Bibles)


Thanks to: All the Churches, Groups, and individuals who have so tirelessly worked that we might have so many

wonderful gifts for the Christmas

These indeed will be

services in Mexico,
gifts by.those

greatly treasured

who are so much less fortunate than we.

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