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Stages of Meditation and Reiki

Group Organizer
Montreal, QC

I've been asked by many friends to clarify the connection between Reiki and Meditation.

First of all, let's agree on what is meditation and what are the stages of meditation.

It is widely known among true yogis that there are five stages of meditation:

A basic prerequisite for meditating is to sit still. Without sitting still one can

never control the mind.Some people struggle with sitting still for many reasons as

living a very agitated busy live. However, sitting still for a period of time

enables the body to be perfecty relaxed which in turn enables the mind to enter the

1s stage of meditation.

stage 1. Relaxation. It is time to relax the body and remind yourself that you are

going to focus on your meditation and nothing else. You want to let go of any

tension and stress. Do a few breathing exercises to let go of any stress you may
have as 3deep breaths in/out from the mouth.

stage 2. Observation of Thoughts. The next stage is to observe your thoughts as

they come and go. You don't expect to stop them straight away, but, you want to

gradually detach yourself from them. By observing your thoughts you realise that

thoughts are external to you, so it is easier to let go of them. You realise many

thoughts come into the mind, but, you have the power to accept or reject them.

stage 3. Dharana. This is concentration or intent. When you concentrate you focus

on only one object at a time. It may be a candle, flower or mandala. But, in pure

dharana all your awareness and energy is focused on this object. Stray thoughts

cannot enter our mind, but, they get blocked out by the power of your


stage 4. Dhyana. This is contemplation. It is the state of meditation where your

mind is still. Thoughts do not come to bother you. You have entered into a pure

meditative consciousness and you are able to hold yourself in this fixed state of

mind thus separating maya from reality to help attain the ultimate goal of
moksha.In this state you well feel a sense of peace, oneness and expansion.

stage 5. Samadhi. In samadhi you are completely absorbed in your meditation. You

have become so absorbed to an extent that you will lose sense of self and the

external world. Your consciousness will be flooded with infinite peace, light and

delight. Upon development of samadhi, one's mind becomes purified of poison, calm,

tranquil, and luminous.(There is also 4stages within samadhi)

Moreover, the difference between Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi (the three together

constituting Samyama) is that in the former, the object of meditation, the

meditator, and the act of meditation itself remain separate. That is, the meditator

or the meditator's meta-awareness is conscious of meditating (that is, is conscious

of the act of meditation) on an object, and of his or her own self, which is

concentrating on the object. In the subsequent stage of Dharana, as the meditator

becomes more advanced, consciousness of the act of meditation disappears, and only

the consciousness of being/existing and the object of concentration exist (in the

How do we connect Meditation to Reiki?

Well a prerequisite for a Reiki practitioner or a Master is Centering and Grounding*. A true

requirement for centering and grounding is to stay still, be calm in mind, focus and visualize

etc. So meditation is a basic initial step in activating Reiki and having it effective. Then

Reiki does the job all by itself and for a centered/grounded master, it reflects upon him/her

advanced stages of meditation. According to my experience in meditation and Reiki, I can simply

say that Reiki puts meditation into action... you play while meditating for a purpose that you

intent... within the ocean of pure silence and consciousness you bubble life force energy

to any direction (as in distant Reiki)... This is truly what happened when I took advanced courses

in meditation like "Siddha program"... In that program you actually invoke sutras and in Reiki you

invoke the life force energy.... (to be continued)

* Centering / Grounding are also a requirement for a true successful distant healing aside from Reiki
Meditation techniques
Multihealing /Guerison center. 4990 rue de Salaberry , H4J 2P1
Montreal Quebec, Canada www.multihealing.com

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